USA Today,
Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy
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7/29/2024 6:44:56 AM
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President Joe Biden called for major changes to the Supreme Court on Monday, including a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for presidents, impose term limits for justices and stipulate an enforceable code of ethicst.
In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Biden said "no one is above the law."
“Not the president of the United States,” he wrote. “Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one.”
In July, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents cannot be prosecuted for "official acts" during their time in office. The court's ruling stemmed from a case concerning former President Donald Trump.
USA Today,
Rachel Barber Cy Neff
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7/28/2024 9:10:26 AM
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When Vice President Kamala Harris became the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination following President Joe Biden’s dramatic exit from the race on Sunday, the next question was: Who will she select as her running mate? A Harris campaign official told USA TODAY on Thursday that the Vice President is searching for a running mate who has “shared values of fighting for the middle class, protecting democracy and freedoms, treating people with respect and dignity, and creating an America where everyone gets a fair shot,” as she prepares to square off against the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump and
Conservative Treehouse,
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Posted by
7/28/2024 4:01:55 PM
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In popular lingo young people simply say, “that tracks.” It’s a quick way of saying, new information makes sense with pre-existing information.
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersch writes on his substack [SEE HERE], an article outlying how his sources in Washington DC and the White House have confirmed to him that former President Barack Obama was the impetus to push Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential race.Seymour Hersh says President Obama was “deeply involved” with the alleged coup and called Joe Biden after his “incident” in Las Vegas, which, from all outward appearances, looks like a major slip and fall – with a significant hit to the head.
Front Page Magazine,
Daneil Greenfield
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7/29/2024 3:41:09 PM
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The “public servants” in Washington D.C. act like our masters. And it’s an open secret that not only are many members of Congress horrible bosses, the more ‘officially oppressed’ Congressmembers (and some of the most socialist ones like Sen. Bernie Sanders) are the absolutely worst and nastiest bosses.
[SNIP] Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.
As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”
Daily Mail,
Jon Michael Raasch
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Posted by
7/29/2024 3:56:09 PM
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Squad leader AOC sounded off on Donald Trump and running mate J.D. Vance's 'SUPER weird' political platform, saying they're trying to attract sexually frustrated voters. [SNIP] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's assault on Trump and Vance supporters was accompanied by a flurry of insults at the Republican presidential ticket, calling the GOP pair 'creepy' and 'abnormal.'
'Being obsessed with repressing women is goofy,' AOC posted on X in response to a post from former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. 'Trying to watch what LGBTQ+ people do all the time is abnormal.'
Btreitbart Sportss,
Dylan Gwinn
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7/28/2024 3:43:11 PM
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Despite a furious backlash that is still going well into its third day, the spokesperson for the Paris Olympic Committee believes that their LGBT and drag queen-inspired opening ceremony performance achieved its goal of “community tolerance.”
Anne Descamps, an official with the committee, told reporters on Sunday that their performance hit its intended mark.“Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance,” Descamps told reporters, according to Reuters.“We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.”
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
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7/29/2024 4:43:00 PM
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What kind of president would Kamala Harris be if she were in office and another 9/11 struck?
According to reporter Seymour Hersh, probably a pretty surprised one.
She doesn't read her daily presidential intelligence briefings, because, well, that's "homework." Kamala doesn't do homework, as previous reports have noted.
Kamala would be the nominee if she could perform, and here was Obama's concern:
"One possible drawback, I was told, was Harris’s sometime disdain for the work of the US Intelligence Community. She is known not to be especially interested in the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence..."
Breitbart Clips,
Pam Key
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Posted by
7/28/2024 5:20:33 PM
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Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that as president, Kamala Harris will work with Congress to “create a pathway to citizenship.”
Anchor Jake Tapper said, “President Biden charged Vice President Harris with addressing the root causes of mass migration at the border by going to those Central American countries. She’s consistently defended his handling of the border crisis. I don’t need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden-Harris administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. So aren’t democrats doubling down on one of your party’s biggest vulnerabilities?”
New York Post,
Isabel Kean
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Posted by
7/29/2024 9:09:39 AM
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President Biden formally unveiled his planned overhaul of the Supreme Court on Monday — with a clear eye on limiting the powers of former President Donald Trump should he succeed him.
The commander-in-chief took the unusual step of unveiling his major planned policy steps in a newspaper op-ed, with the Washington Post helpfully telling readers: “The writer is president of the United States.”
The president laid out three main changes to the court — which he said is “mired in a crisis of ethics” — including term limits and a binding code of conduct.
Breitbart Sports,
Warner Todd Huston
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Posted by
7/28/2024 10:20:31 PM
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After the exercise in debauchery seen in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, the Associated Press raced to praise the transgender-infused program.
The AP was agog over the program created by gay French artist Thomas Jolly.Aside from the scores of obviously gay dancers, the large number of transgenders, and the dance scene suggesting a bisexual three-some sex encounter, Jolly was also condemned for a gross parody of the famed “Last Supper” painting that depicts the last time Jesus Christ met with his disciples.
Breitbart Clips,
Ian Hanchett
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7/28/2024 6:14:28 AM
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On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) praised President Joe Biden as someone who “has put together the most progressive agenda and accomplishments of any president in modern history.”
While discussing his lack of a formal endorsement of 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris and what commitments he wants from her, Sanders said, “I’m going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump, clearly the most dangerous president in our history, somebody who doesn’t believe in democracy, the right of women to control their own bodies. We don’t talk about it enough, this guy thinks climate change is a hoax,
Glenn Beaton
Original Article
Posted by
Big Bopper
7/29/2024 12:27:11 AM
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Twenty-six years ago, a young man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and strung up on a Wyoming barbed wire fence to die. The beating and murder were because Shepard was gay.
The perps were quickly found, tried for murder, convicted, and sentenced to prison. They’re still there.
It was a good news story about bad news and was widely reported. But it wasn’t true.
It has since been shown that Shepard and one of the perps were in the drug business together. Shepard was due to receive a $10,000 shipment of meth. The perp himself was gay and had been in a gay relationship with Shepard.