Biden campaign reveals NEW secret weapon
they think can help them beat Trump in
2024: Top aides unveil the 'force to be
reckoned with' as Joe struggles in the polls
Daily Mail (UK),
Charlie Spiering
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
4/10/2024 6:11:50 PM
President Joe Biden's reelection campaign on Wednesday unleashed a new organizing weapon in their arsenal, in an effort to rally LGBTQ+ support for their campaign.
Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez described LGBTQ+ voters as a secret weapon for the upcoming election.
'LGBTQ+ voters are a force to be reckoned with,' she said in a statement to the Advocate. 'They were critical to our victory in 2020, and they will be critical to winning again this November.' The campaign drafted new messaging to appeal to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer voters, urging them to unite behind the 'Out for Biden-Harris' program.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 4/10/2024 6:15:46 PM (No. 1696822)
Yay! Mentally disturbed people for Biden-Harris!
23 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 4/10/2024 6:16:37 PM (No. 1696823)
The Demented Fuhrer.......Sure, that's what is being talked about across the kitchen tables in America. LOL.
13 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Safari Man 4/10/2024 6:28:10 PM (No. 1696830)
Come one come all, step right up for the greatest freak show on earth! You won’t believe your eyes!
16 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
bighambone 4/10/2024 6:32:47 PM (No. 1696833)
Since when as Trump taken any action adverse to LGBTQ+ communities or individuals?
14 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 4/10/2024 6:36:43 PM (No. 1696838)
The alphabet community for Joey Baby. Commercialize that thought JB, do it, please. Advertise real life Hunger Games, JB. Do it, please.
8 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Cindiana 4/10/2024 6:40:08 PM (No. 1696843)
Is there any reliable information on the percentage of likely voters in this group?
11 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
WI Cynic 4/10/2024 6:40:16 PM (No. 1696844)
Maybe they meant "farce to be reckoned with".
16 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Northcross 4/10/2024 6:59:42 PM (No. 1696853)
OK, we now have the Democrat constituency firmly established: Perverts, Welfare Cheats, Illegal Aliens, Antisemites, Infanticide Cheerleaders, Student Loan Grifters, Drug Addicts, Satanists, Communists, and Dead People. Who knows? That might just be a majority.
19 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 4/10/2024 7:12:38 PM (No. 1696859)
The problem for dems is that their voters are a coalition of very different types of people and those factions are often in strong disagreement with other factions. So, for Biden to highlight LGBTQ+, that is not going to resonate across all dem voters. It may shore up LGBTQ+ votes but truthfully, that block is not going to find a home with Republicans. It's not that Republicans have anything against LGBTQ+, but more that Republicans don't think they deserve special treatment or strange legal support.
The hard Left triggered nutty monetary and environmental policies but many dems don't think those policies were wise.
Arabs in the dem party hate Israel but Jews have been strong supporters of dems. In trying to navigate between the two, dems have alienated both sides.
So dems are playing whack-a-mole, popping up something to win votes and then having to retract it when they get a negative response from other dem voters. All in all there is no unified safe ground for dems to plant their flag. It's pretty funny to see the dems flailing around to find (or make up) an issue they can win on.
Also to note, since the media has sacrificed their credibility, they cannot help generate support for dem memes.
9 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 4/10/2024 7:20:56 PM (No. 1696864)
The LGBTQ community is real big into social media influencing. Joe needs someone to lead the lemmings in society. Watch the internet explode with pro Joe Biden messages. The LGBTQ community already supports Biden, they are well organized, and they have money. Joe also needs people to stuff the ballot boxes too.
4 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 4/10/2024 7:22:52 PM (No. 1696866)
They do seem to have top priority for employment in the Biden Clown Show. As they used to say about groups of comedians, "there isn't a straight man in the bunch." If this is the face that Biden wants to present to the world, go for it. We can form our own country and Washington DC will not be included or California, Oregon and the other Washington.
3 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Bogasso 4/10/2024 7:26:03 PM (No. 1696868)
Are the numbers there in that crowd? I expect him to appeal to the “Death to America” bunch as in Dearborn, whose numbers are growing. “Elect me and I’ll kill America, alright!” For once he wouldn’t be lying.
7 people like this.
That LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ crowd is a tiny minority, something they don't want you to know. A tiny leftist minority within that tiny minority is LOUD and OBNOXIOUS. Vegetable panders to a .000000000000000insignificant segment of our population.
6 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
chagrined 4/10/2024 7:31:29 PM (No. 1696872)
NEW Secret Weapon just like the OLD Secret Weapon. . .CHEAT! Nothing to see here.
4 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Californian 4/10/2024 7:47:42 PM (No. 1696886)
Silly noise.
99% of them were already voting for Joe. There are no new votes available to be mined from that crowd.
6 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
JimBob 4/10/2024 8:01:02 PM (No. 1696895)
Ay yes.... appeal to the Perverts.
It worked SO WELL for Bud Light.
The Democ'RAT'S REAL advantage is control of the digital online voting machinery, which allows them to modify the vote numbers however they want at every point in the vote count chain of custody.
As Eric Coomer, VP for technology at Dominion Voting Systems is infamously reported to have said:
"Trump won't win. I made [effing]
3 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
JimBob 4/10/2024 8:02:08 PM (No. 1696897)
...SURE of that!
(fat finger hit 'Submit' too soon!)
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
downnout 4/10/2024 8:26:33 PM (No. 1696912)
I know it is trite but can people please stop yammering about their sexual orientation?
4 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Venturer 4/10/2024 8:32:00 PM (No. 1696918)
The question is: Are there enough mentally ill, and sick perverts to elect Joe Biden in 2024.
5 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Kate318 4/10/2024 8:46:49 PM (No. 1696933)
Does it have to do with truckloads of ballots being delivered to swing states in the middle of the night?
2 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Encore 4/10/2024 8:59:09 PM (No. 1696941)
Dems ‘secret weapon’. I’d have guessed a faster, higher capacity printer.
4 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
chance_232 4/10/2024 10:18:28 PM (No. 1696973)
Sigh........... The LGBT community is as diverse as any. He can count on the majority in all the blue areas. Out in the rural areas, we tend to be far more conservative or libertarian.
Biden has done nothing, nor should he for the gay community. On the other hand, he's really pushed for the trans community. In effect, normalizing a mental condition and frankly irritating a whole lot of the gay community.
2 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
PChristopher 4/11/2024 1:05:03 AM (No. 1697006)
This presumption of LGBEtc as their 'secret weapon' assumes that all theses people either don't buy gas or groceries, or they are economically suicidal that they would vote for FJB!
2 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 4/11/2024 1:59:21 AM (No. 1697015)
I wonder if this too will backfire? Are 'normal' homosexuals who just want to live their lives comfortably and quietly getting as sick of politically pandering perverts as 'regular' people are?
2 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
mifla 4/11/2024 4:50:25 AM (No. 1697047)
This looks like an effort to rally the youth vote, especially the ones p*ssed off that they are still on the hook for their student loans.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Trigger2 4/11/2024 5:02:09 AM (No. 1697054)
How many alphabet mentally challened people can possibly be out there?
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
broken01 4/11/2024 8:03:56 AM (No. 1697124)
That's just what I was thinking #21.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
privateer 4/11/2024 10:39:42 AM (No. 1697216)
As Schmoe shuffles toward the Veg-O-Matic of History, we will be bombarded with an endless stream of ludicrous attempts to prop him up ---physically and appearance wise---by those for whom truth and ethics are entirely absent.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
MickTurn 4/11/2024 11:02:44 AM (No. 1697247)
Their plan is to get the Perverts to vote for Joey? One would think they already will. This is a BLAST of Flatulence in a Political Hurricane!
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