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Michigan Imam: We Muslims Will Yet ‘Slaughter’
the Jews ‘Like Sheep’

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Posted By: OhioNick, 3/22/2024 3:31:03 AM

Muslims will yet “slaughter” the Jews “like sheep” when the opportunity arises, according to a Michigan Islamic cleric who appealed to Allah. [SNIP] “Don’t worry, don’t worry, Jewish man,” he said. “One day will come, and we will slaughter you like a sheep and the stone and the tree will work… undercover for us, [saying:] ‘Hey Muslim, come, there is somebody hiding here, get up and kill him.’” The Sheikh was apparently referencing a grisly passage in the Islamic text, known as the Hadith.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 3/22/2024 5:18:35 AM (No. 1682748)
Prototypical of the garbage human beings who've been infected with the DISEASE known as Islam!
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Trigger2 3/22/2024 5:37:25 AM (No. 1682759)
THIS is why no Islamist should be allowed into the USA.
64 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: anniebc 3/22/2024 6:19:23 AM (No. 1682793)
God versus Allah. When does dizzy potato head call out Muslims, his "constituents," and demand that they stand down? Right. Never. He has to go above and beyond to get their votes. They're saying they won't vote for him, but they will.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Californian 3/22/2024 6:24:05 AM (No. 1682800)
Please start in DC and Sacramento. After that, we'll stomp you out.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 3/22/2024 7:03:04 AM (No. 1682829)
Another rats nest that needs to be cleaned out
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rinktum 3/22/2024 7:31:07 AM (No. 1682855)
Put these people on a leaky boat and send them across the Pacific. Why do we tolerate this kind of hate? They have no reason to be in this country since they hate everything about it except the parts they can easily manipulate. How many times are we going to be absolute fools when it comes to these radical Muslims? They are not here because of freedom. They are here to war against The Great Satan and we are stupidly allowing them room to act. Sometimes I am amazed the country has lasted this long. However I admit it took a fatal turn when democrats embraced communism after WWII. McCarthy is not looking so crazy now. We have been infiltrated by anti-God communists and it appears they are winning.
24 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: billa57 3/22/2024 7:38:32 AM (No. 1682862)
Democrat voters,
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Highlander 3/22/2024 7:44:52 AM (No. 1682868)
This country is already unrecognizable to me. None of this cultural crap would have been possible fifty years ago. I thank God it’s only a matter of time before I leave this sorry world. I regret my children and their children will have to deal with whatever horrors may come their way. May God preserve them!
21 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Rumblehog 3/22/2024 7:46:06 AM (No. 1682872)
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 3/22/2024 7:54:58 AM (No. 1682880)
We are familiar with what many muslims do with sheep and "slaughter" is not on the list.
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: rikkitikki 3/22/2024 8:07:52 AM (No. 1682890)
Islam is not just a mental disorder or a's a demonic infestation. It's the only religion that advocates for genocide.
18 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 3/22/2024 8:24:35 AM (No. 1682915)
Don't worry, muzzie man - - Chuck Schumer has your back.
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: marbles 3/22/2024 8:26:47 AM (No. 1682922)
Based on their track record..............when they say they're going to kill you, believe them.
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 3/22/2024 8:38:31 AM (No. 1682928)
We as a country, rightly cherish freedom of religion. However, if these idiots start acting on their insanity, they should be stringently held accountable for their actions. If they assault with weapons and it can be shown their "church" stores such weapons, the individuals AND the "church" should be held to MAXIMUM accountability, no holds barred. If enough members of a "religion" act as a violent gang, their actions condemn themselves and their "church". If the "Iman" incites violence, their religion should be no shield if violence occurs. With actions taken, Law supersedes religion and the accountability should be to the highest level because the religion violates the tolerance granted to peaceful religious activities. Of course Muslims won't understand this because THEY see their religion as paramount and tightly woven into their governments. They have many atrocities tolerated in their countries because of religious acceptance of practices that break modern civil behaviors. The treatment of women is only one such example. But they are not in an Islamic country, they are in the US and our tolerance of their unreasoning hatred should be at a minimum and constrained to their religious practices.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: hershey 3/22/2024 8:43:48 AM (No. 1682933)
They all need to be deported, in masse...
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: philsner 3/22/2024 8:44:05 AM (No. 1682934)
While claiming the Jews are committing genocide in "Palestine". Good luck with that. You will need it.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Italiano 3/22/2024 8:46:04 AM (No. 1682938)
We won't do what obviously needs to be done. With extreme prejudice, across the board. But the day is soon coming when we'll wish that we had.
15 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: VietVet68 3/22/2024 9:27:11 AM (No. 1682981)
Sounds like a nice guy...and his thinking is pretty much in line with that of most democrat voters.
14 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Marzipan4 3/22/2024 9:51:05 AM (No. 1683000)
I wonder if these comments qualify as “hate speech”? Oh, wait, it’s against Israel and they are “white European's” I guess they are open game? Where is the king of hearts?
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/22/2024 10:36:03 AM (No. 1683046)
Clearly Hate Speech, where are the HATE Speech Police on this one LEFTISTS!
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: cor-vet 3/22/2024 10:52:17 AM (No. 1683074)
It beginning to look like we'll be playing cowboys and muzzslimes soon!
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: JonR 3/22/2024 12:30:22 PM (No. 1683146)
I will say this about the Muslims, they say what they mean, and mean what they say! The western nations on the other hand stick their head in the sand and pretend they don’t hear the dire consequences of Muslim invasion! You would’ve thought this nation would’ve learned its lesson after 911 but no.That is definitely not the case! Now we foolishly elect these people into Congress, open our borders to the world, and give foreign aid to our enemies! This country no longer has the political will to survive.
2 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: formerNYer 3/22/2024 12:34:58 PM (No. 1683155)
How quaint, the religion of peace
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 3/22/2024 1:21:03 PM (No. 1683184)
“You Muslims” may end up fed to the hogs.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: FormerDem 3/22/2024 2:07:41 PM (No. 1683212)
Almighty God, please remember yur love that never ends, and your promises to Israel, and here we say to you that we will not be able to understand your fidelity if you don't take care of Israel. They are trying so hard to be the light of the world as you told them to. They are so little. They are there because people hate them because you love them. Their brothers are jealous of them because their sacifices were received. Lord in the name of your fidelity, your eternal love, your promises, their efforts, and in love of all their forebears, please protect Israel. Some miracles would be very fun but basically just do not let any of these curses happen to them.
1 person likes this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Foghorn 3/22/2024 3:36:24 PM (No. 1683271)
Michigan has the largest Islamic population in the country. The police must ask the Imam of the community if they can go into the area. This in itself is snubbing its Islamic nose at the American Constitution and creating a nation within America. This should be stopped and can be through American laws.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: DVC 3/22/2024 5:00:54 PM (No. 1683351)
When a whole bunch of people tell you thousands of times, for century after century, that they intend to kill or enslave you, and they DO IT again and again, perhaps the right response is to erase that group, like we do rabid dogs.
3 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: question_complexity 3/23/2024 11:56:45 AM (No. 1683975)
Good thing he didn't misgender anyone. Then he'd be in real trouble!
1 person likes this.

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Michigan Imam: We Muslims Will Yet ‘Slaughter’
the Jews ‘Like Sheep’
28 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/22/2024 3:31:03 AM Post Reply
Muslims will yet “slaughter” the Jews “like sheep” when the opportunity arises, according to a Michigan Islamic cleric who appealed to Allah. [SNIP] “Don’t worry, don’t worry, Jewish man,” he said. “One day will come, and we will slaughter you like a sheep and the stone and the tree will work… undercover for us, [saying:] ‘Hey Muslim, come, there is somebody hiding here, get up and kill him.’” The Sheikh was apparently referencing a grisly passage in the Islamic text, known as the Hadith.
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Posted by OhioNick 3/21/2024 10:46:13 PM Post Reply
It was 1973 in Jerusalem. I was 21 years old walking through the Arab section of the Old City. I was sporting a massive afro and wearing an army jacket with the name “Elder” above the pocket, a gift from my little brother who was serving. I heard footsteps, so I stopped, turned around, and saw about 10 smiling kids following me. I kept walking until I heard louder footsteps. I stopped, turned around, and saw maybe 20 kids following me. I kept walking until I heard even more footsteps. Now there were 50 kids. So, I stopped, turned around, and smiled, and they surrounded me.
Washington woman launches $350,000 case
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locker room
7 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/21/2024 2:39:40 PM Post Reply
An elderly woman has launched a $350,000 case against her Washington city and its YMCA for banning her from a swimming pool after she objected to a trans woman using its women's locker room. Julie Jaman, 82, says Port Townsend and its Olympic Peninsula YMCA defamed her and unlawfully banned her from the center and seeks compensation for 'emotional distress' from the incident in July 2022. Her lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon, a GOP official who heads the Center for American Liberty, this week sent the city and its YMCA a 259-page complaint, urging them to pay up and apologize or face a lawsuit.
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Posted by OhioNick 3/21/2024 2:30:18 PM Post Reply
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Missouri teen charged with bashing Kaylee
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19 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/21/2024 2:27:23 PM Post Reply
The family of the teenage girl charged with violently assaulting Kaylee Gain says that she is the real victim who was 'harassed and bullied' before the viral incident – and are raising $150k for her legal defense, can reveal. [SNIP] The girl's family says she 'deserves amnesty and a chance at forgiveness', adding that her 'fair trial hearing is being swayed'. The girl has been charged with felony assault and is being held by St Louis Family Court, with a hearing expected in early April.
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Posted by Imright 3/26/2024 6:21:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 3/26/2024 12:48:46 PM Post Reply
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Old Joe Biden Says He Took Train Across
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“Many Times” – That’s Odd, Considering
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Posted by Imright 3/26/2024 4:11:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden told reporters on Tuesday that he hade taken the TRAIN over the Francis Scott Key Bridge “many times.” Joe Biden: “About 1:30 a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge which I’ve been over many, many times commuting from the state of Delaware either by train or by car.” That’s odd, considering their is no rail line on the bridge. The bridge was built for automobiles and trucks. Via Brick Suit and Midnight Rider. (X Video)
Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse live
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23 replies
Posted by konocti95 3/26/2024 8:47:04 AM Post Reply
The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed early Tuesday after being hit by a container ship — sending cars plunging into the water in what was quickly declared a mass-casualty event. [Snip] The container ship that crashed into a vital Maryland bridge early Tuesday "lost control" as it was leaving port and warned state officials of a possible collision, security officials said in an unclassified report.
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 3/26/2024 9:18:05 AM Post Reply
Baltimore officials are racing to save up to 20 people who plunged into the Patapsco River after a Singaporean-flagged cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge at 1.30am. Governor Wes Moore declared a state of emergency Tuesday morning following the catastrophic collision that occurred at 1.30am. The ship - the Singaporean-flagged Dali - was 20 minutes into its journey when it slammed into a support column on the bridge.
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21 replies
Posted by Imright 3/26/2024 4:39:38 PM Post Reply
Early this morning, the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD, collapsed after a cargo ship collided with a support column, causing the bridge to collapse. The Francis Scott Key Bridge is a significant commuter route carrying the Baltimore Beltway I-695 over the Patapsco River at the southern end of the Baltimore Harbor. There are no official reports on casualties yet; however, there are unconfirmed cars in the water and reports of several construction workers unaccounted for. As of just before 5 a.m. EDT, rescue crews have not pulled anyone out of the water. A road crew was fixing potholes on the bridge at the time. Two people were rescued
Paul Krugman is angry at farmers 21 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/26/2024 9:59:27 AM Post Reply
Former Enron advisor and current New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is angry at farmers. What’s earned his wrath is that they vote for Donald Trump. He says they vote for Trump because they’re afflicted with “white rural rage.” Let’s examine the components of Krugman’s catchy phrase “white rural rage.” As for rural, it is certainly true that Trump does better in rural areas than in, say, downtown Chicago or Baltimore. Then again, everybody does better – wherever they are – than they would in the toilets of downtown Chicago or Baltimore.
Taliban vow to start stoning women to
death in public for adultery in Afghanistan,
as supreme leader blasts the West's support
for women's rights
20 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 3/26/2024 11:23:46 AM Post Reply
The Taliban will soon start stoning women to death in public, the radical group's Supreme Leader announced as he declared war against Western democracy. Addressing Western officials in a voice message broadcast on state TV Saturday, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada called the Western human rights defenders 'representatives of the devil'. 'You say it's a violation of women's rights when we stone them to death. But we will soon implement the punishment for adultery,' he told the West in his harshest comments since taking over Afghanistan in 2021. We will flog women in public. We will stone them to death in public,'
Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack
in the U.S.? Because It's Coming.
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/26/2024 7:55:52 AM Post Reply
What’s coming is as plain as day. Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are. One hundred sixty-nine people on the FBI’s terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught. Four jihadis just murdered at least 137 people in Moscow. They held the same beliefs as the Hamas jihadis who murdered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7.
Why the Russians Cut Off a Moscow Bombing
Suspect’s Ear and Made Him Eat It
20 replies
Posted by FlyRight 3/26/2024 5:59:42 AM Post Reply
Last Friday, terrorists attacked Moscow’s “Crocus City Hall” music venue, killing over a hundred people. My condolences to their families. Within a day, leaked footage showed a suspect getting his ear cut off and being made to eat it. Additional footage showed a suspect in great pain with electrical equipment attached to his genitals. It was the type of gruesome footage from which we tend to turn away. We form our private opinions and don’t discuss them. I fear the silence allows some observers to regard this as extreme but effective justice. Perhaps people will tell themselves the word that has justified centuries of Russia’s self-inflicted tyranny: “order.”
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