GOP Ohio Sen Candidate Bernie Moreno Mocks
Gun Owners: 'Do You Really Need 100 Bullets?'
PJ Media,
Paula Bolyard
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
3/4/2024 8:25:08 PM
Bernie Moreno, who is running in the hotly contested Republican primary for the Ohio Senate seat currently held by radical Democrat Sherrod Brown, claims to be pro-Second Amendment. It says it right there on his website, where he claims he will "Vigorously defend our constitutional rights, especially the Second Amendment." How, then, to explain him mocking gun owners and calling for universal background checks in a 2019 podcast?
Moreno, who former President Trump has endorsed, joined Michael Hudak on his podcast "Fortify Your Data," the conversation veered toward political issues. Moreno was the first to bring up guns.
"On the gun debate, we can't say this is how many magazines
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/4/2024 8:30:57 PM (No. 1670574)
It is not up to you to question how many bullets I need.
49 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/4/2024 8:36:32 PM (No. 1670575)
None of your business, Moreno, how many bullets I choose to keep on hand.
41 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
PostAway 3/4/2024 8:36:57 PM (No. 1670576)
Why not try something new? Let’s all try minding our own business. It is none of Bernie’s or Joe’s or Kamala’s or anyone else’s business how many firearms or bullets anyone owns.
43 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
chagrined 3/4/2024 8:39:48 PM (No. 1670580)
This is the problem with "Republican" candidates. They're really not Republicans to begin with. What makes it worse is President Trump endorsed this clown. Idk if anyone better was available or not, all I know is we keep ending up with these lemons, and it's costing us the country! Maybe President Trump should have a full time staff to vet these people, but this guy won't do at all!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 3/4/2024 8:46:22 PM (No. 1670583)
What’s he trying to do? Trying to position himself as some sort of “common sense” gun control advocate to pick up a few votes? Guns that hold a hundred “bullets”. Not many of those at least in private hands. Once the ferals have robbed out the big blue cities of everything, they will move to smaller towns. They will not like the “welcome” that they will receive once they lose the protection of the Soros’ DAs. Everyone I know has a lot more than a hundred rounds on hand. Unless we elect DJT and turn things around, we are looking at a lawless, apocalyptic future. All we can do is be prepared.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
chumley 3/4/2024 8:51:16 PM (No. 1670585)
Great. Another fake civil rights advocate to muddy the water. You can usually spot them on sites like this when they start with "I support gun rights but..."
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
sanspeur 3/4/2024 8:53:33 PM (No. 1670587)
yes and lookin ’ for more ..
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/4/2024 9:01:50 PM (No. 1670595)
Communist economic systems are ran based on need. That's what they claim.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 3/4/2024 9:02:38 PM (No. 1670596)
In Iraq and Iran, our trained shooters spent 250000 rounds per insurgent killed.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Lala 3/4/2024 9:07:44 PM (No. 1670601)
Wasn’t sure who to vote for. This helps narrow it down to the other 2 guys. Thanks.
15 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 3/4/2024 9:09:31 PM (No. 1670602)
A hundred. Whatever amount that I need to feel safe, Bernie. Whatever amount the clip will hold for each of my weapons. It's not rocket science, it's the science of keeping self family and property safe from barbarians.
13 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 3/4/2024 9:22:23 PM (No. 1670607)
The primary is in two weeks. Never Moreno!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Hazymac 3/4/2024 9:27:25 PM (No. 1670608)
In an interview after the deadly April 11, 1986 firefight in Miami between two militarily trained bank robbers (and murderers) and eight FBI agents in which the agents were outgunned by one Ruger Mini-14 in .223 Remington, the agents were asked how much ammunition one should carry. "As much as you can," was the answer. (The agents ran out of ammo in most of their guns.) In a bad enough situation, being well-armed applies to non-law enforcement people as well, who might need a lot of ammo to hold off multiple attackers. One never knows what one might face. The natural right of self-defense might come down to you. What will you do?
16 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
SALady 3/4/2024 9:39:04 PM (No. 1670611)
The beautiful thing about a Constitutional right is that you don't need a reason to practice it!!!!! It's something that you have because you are a citizen of this great republic!!!!
I think I'm going to go buy 1,000 rounds of 5.56 tomorrow. I'm going to start calling that exact purchase a "Moreno"!!!
17 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Birddog 3/4/2024 10:05:39 PM (No. 1670615)
obviously he was never a "Gun guy" nor did he spend much time around them, he was only looking at the issue from a distance...a similar distance as he had from "Politics".
Now, 5 years later, he has it all right up front and center, and has to look deeper than just an offhand "attitude", and contemplate actual "Policy".
He ran for the other senate seat in 2022...Trump endorsed JD Vance instead. This time trump met with Vance and others, then met with Moreno and La Rose. Picked Moreno.(Partly because of his Hispanic roots, Cleveland powerbase, and possible campaign usefulness) Either would be alright with me,
though I may end up making my mind up in the booth.(LaRose could be our next Governor instead...Moreno doesn't have the chops for that, unlike the senate, it is a "better be ready day one" Job)
Also paramount is getting rid of Marcy, now that JR has dropped out(again, apparently) Merrin is "MY Guy". Though that may be an issue because lots of early votes have already been cast, and JR's name will still be on the ballots.
No ifs or buts...ANYONE is better than Sharrod Brown, and Marcy Kaptur..
Sharrod has around $6.6 Million in the bank, the two repubs about $800g's each.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
mc squared 3/4/2024 10:48:52 PM (No. 1670634)
Ordinarily his statement should doom him in most states. Brown or the bullet counter: what an awful choice.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
chumley 3/4/2024 10:51:13 PM (No. 1670637)
My daily carry gun is a snub nosed 5 shot .357 and two speed loaders. That was my choice to make based on my judgement, experience and best guess. Other people might make a different choice based on those same criteria. Its nobody else's business what kind of gun someone chooses.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 3/4/2024 11:18:25 PM (No. 1670646)
No, We need ten thousand.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
GrandmaP 3/4/2024 11:54:02 PM (No. 1670663)
I live in Ohio. I’m watching closely. TV ads say he’s endorsed by Trump. Really?wait and see.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 3/5/2024 12:31:43 AM (No. 1670677)
I certainly do if I'm drunk when confronted and can't hit my targets!
3 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Harlowe 3/5/2024 12:37:19 AM (No. 1670681)
#10,#12,#19~ The three Ohio Primary Republican senate candidates hoping to unseat Sherrod Brown are Matt Dolan, Frank LaRose and Bernie Moreno. Both Matt Dolan and Bernie Moreno have had negative news articles about them posted March 4, 2024 (see below). As of this writing, current Secretary of State Frank LaRose has not been the subject of negative news reporting; at the age of 44, his credentials are impressive.
The Second Amendment is treasured by a vast majority of American citizens so the exasperation with Bernie Moreno’s faux pas is understood and shared; however, there is no perfection in any mortal so it becomes necessary at times to consider options and make difficult decisions that may require setting aside emotion and look toward accomplishing the goal—in this instance, unseating Sherrod Brown (D) who has held a seat in the United States Senate since 2007.
Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Matt Dolan Backs ‘Racism as a Public Health Crisis’
Breitbart | 03/04/2024 | SEAN MORAN
Ohio Senate Republican Candidate Matt Dolan Promised to Pass Police Reform in ‘Memory of George Floyd
Breitbart | 03/04/2024 | SEAN MORAN
GOP Ohio Sen Candidate Bernie Moreno Mocks Gun Owners: 'Do You Really Need 100 Bullets?'
PJ Media | 03/04/24 | PAULA BOLYARD
“Emotion is the enemy of rational thought.” (Anonymous)
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Rinktum 3/5/2024 2:56:38 AM (No. 1670698)
I don’t much like any of the candidates for senate in Ohio. Why can’t we get any good people to run? I will, however, vote for a Republican because anyone would be better than Sherrod Brown. He has been a disaster.
6 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 3/5/2024 3:52:00 AM (No. 1670721)
Not really since I stay proficient. A 30 round or 15 round double stack magazine works fine too. Would actually prefer an old school M-60 with 750 round assault packs.
3 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
BarryNo 3/5/2024 5:24:52 AM (No. 1670739)
Each and every American should HAVE THOUSANDS of rounds, for training and in the event of an emergency.
4 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
5 handicap 3/5/2024 5:41:12 AM (No. 1670743)
FTA: "Do You Really Need 100 Bullets?" No...Thousands!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
mifla 3/5/2024 6:50:08 AM (No. 1670758)
Gonna need at least 535.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 3/5/2024 6:51:10 AM (No. 1670760)
Who are you to say “what I really need,” Sparky?
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
JackBurton 3/5/2024 6:55:44 AM (No. 1670763)
What next? I have a Black and Decker portable organizer that has maybe a thousand screws in it. Different sizes, types. I never need all of them at once but then, I'm not sure which I'll need until confronted with a job. Don't get me started on hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers.
And.. guns are different. If you don't practice, you become like some of these cops that will fire fifteen times and not hit a felon. And you need ammo for practice.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
hershey 3/5/2024 6:59:02 AM (No. 1670765)
It surprises me that Trump actually endorsed this slimeball...and there is a current ad showing this doofus up for what he really stands for..and it ain't the Second Amendment...he also sided with Obama...that dooms him as far as I'm concerned...
0 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/5/2024 7:25:17 AM (No. 1670777)
No, Bernie, we need more than 100. Try we need as much as we want. Stay in Ohio; you're not needed in Washington.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
hisself 3/5/2024 7:56:05 AM (No. 1670800)
Does the GOP really need Bernie Sanders, oops, I mean Moreno??
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
downnout 3/5/2024 8:30:31 AM (No. 1670820)
Well, Mr. Moreno, if I have a gun and want to learn to use it safely and properly, I need to practice….a LOT. Have you ever tried to buy six bullets at a time??
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
DVC 3/5/2024 12:15:23 PM (No. 1671016)
OK, did this person actually say this? And in what context?
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
Harlowe 3/5/2024 1:52:03 PM (No. 1671087)
For Ohio’s 2014 Primary Election voters who may be Second Amendment fence-sitters regarding Matt Dolan, Frank LaRose and Bernie Moreno, suggest reviewing the links provided below to provide a clarity that may be helpful in deciding which candidate is worthy of your vote. › wp-content › uploads › 2024 › 01 › For-Immediate-Release-debate4.pdf
Debate Fact Check: Moreno and Dolan'S Anti-gun Record › stories › 655077512-gun-rights-advocate-cites-larose-s-commitment-to-second-amendment-it-made-it-very-easy-for-me-to-support-frank
Gun rights advocate cites LaRose's commitment to Second Amendment: 'It ... › wp-content › uploads › 2024 › 02 › For-Immediate-Release-2.5.24.pdf
Buckeye Firearms Association Endorses Larose for U.s. Senate › bfa-pac-endorses-frank-larose-us-senate
BFA PAC Endorses Frank LaRose for U.S. Senate
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787
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How's the weekend going to be, Bernie? Dance to that funky music.