Iran says Hamas ready to release hostages
if Israel stops airstrikes as at least
199 now known taken
New York Post,
Isabel Keane
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
10/16/2023 10:49:37 AM
Iran’s Foreign Ministry claimed Monday that Hamas was ready to release its hostages if Israel ceases its airstrikes along the Gaza Strip — as the number known to have been taken by the terrorist group rose to at least 199.
Hamas officials are “ready” to release hostages, but doing so would be “impossible” under Israeli airstrikes in the region, Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanaani relayed at a news conference in Tehran.
The terror group “stated that they are ready to take necessary measures to release the citizens and civilians held by resistant groups, but their point was that such measures require preparations that are impossible under daily bombardment by the Zionists
Reply 1 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/16/2023 10:58:23 AM (No. 1578521)
Don't do it, Israel. You're winning; don't stop now. Finish the job!
53 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
MOBeef4u 10/16/2023 10:58:50 AM (No. 1578522)
So the game is to wreak havoc and murder in Israel, grab some hostages and go back home then trade the hostages for no retribution. If it were I the answer would be not just no, hell no! Or get the hostages back then finish the cleanup job. Ideal has a right to exist and if this is what it will take to make that happen then so be it.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
jalo1951 10/16/2023 11:00:12 AM (No. 1578524)
Yes, this is a conundrum. I assume the bombing must be freaking them out and the fact that Israel will invade. This is their ace in the hole. But I also know Hamas will regroup, reload their ammo and will do this again. I know this is easy for me to say. I am not there, my family and friends are not counted among the hostages. But "take it to the mattresses". Eviscerate your enemy. Hamas will never stop as long as they have Iran and other crazies helping them. As long as there are two Hamas members they will be plotting.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
MOBeef4u 10/16/2023 11:00:33 AM (No. 1578525)
Israel not “ideal”. Curse you spellcheck. Where’s the edit button?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
daisey 10/16/2023 11:04:00 AM (No. 1578530)
Do not trust them, Israel! These people are evil and
cannot be believed.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 10/16/2023 11:10:25 AM (No. 1578536)
That's why Hamas took hostages. To stop Israel from accomplishing Hamas's destruction. This little game has been played and very effective inn the past. One wonders if Israel will take the bait yet again.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
MMC 10/16/2023 11:10:51 AM (No. 1578537)
And the hostages all have their heads attached- no harm?
Israel will handle the situation- hopefully with more Daisy bunker Buster..
14 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
TrueBlueWfan 10/16/2023 11:11:18 AM (No. 1578538)
I think those hostages are long dead, quite sadly. I tnink we would be seeing hostage videos if they were alive.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
czechlist 10/16/2023 11:17:50 AM (No. 1578542)
The bidet's dogs keep attacking the innocents charged with protecting him and his family. Yet the bidet keeps the dogs and sees that they are well fed.
Eliminate the dogs, Israel. I feel for the puppies but they will eventually grow into bad dogs.
15 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 10/16/2023 11:18:06 AM (No. 1578544)
"negotiating in bad faith means entering bargaining with no intention of reaching an agreement. In other words, this is the process of “false negotiation,” whereby a person enters bargaining under false pretenses."
Enough. Nothing "negotiated" with them (Hamas OR Iran) can be trusted. Hamas doesn't even care for its own "people". They will eagerly kill the Israeli hostages. Hamas cannot be left extant.
How about this deal, for every Israeli hostage killed, 10,000 Palestinians will be killed. For every day delay, 1000 bombs will fall on Gaza.
Rescue the hostages if possible. Mourn then with the death of Hamas if necessary.
19 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 10/16/2023 11:18:37 AM (No. 1578545)
A sure sign that the bombing is wreaking real havoc on the Hamas butchers. As others have posted, they just want a breathing spell to re-group so they can start a new murderous rampage.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
snakeoil 10/16/2023 11:23:39 AM (No. 1578549)
Israel is attempting to kill a snake by cutting off the tail. Won't bring a lasting solution. Go for the head. And the head for Middle East terrorism is Iran. Take out the Mullahs. Find the descendent of The Shah. Put him/her on the throne of Iran.
25 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 10/16/2023 11:24:43 AM (No. 1578551)
Pause the bombing, get the hostages back, resume the bombing.
21 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/16/2023 11:26:56 AM (No. 1578555)
Bibi, strongly suggest you make good on eradicating hamas first except let six of them remain alive for the time being. Then negotiate with the hamas six for the release of the hostages - alive. In exchange, the remaining six will be allowed to live.
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
reefdiver 10/16/2023 11:35:06 AM (No. 1578566)
Israel should agree, but only as an exchange of hostages along with all of the leaders of Hamas turned over to the IDF.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
2assume 10/16/2023 11:39:14 AM (No. 1578571)
We have only their word on
1) number of hostages
2)that hostages will be released
And we all know what a trusted and honorable country Iran is.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
leonardo 10/16/2023 11:43:35 AM (No. 1578579)
Once Israel stops, Iran will know that there will be a next time. And a next time, and a next time. Each “next time” will be a worse atrocity which Israel will be EXPECTED to absorb “for peace.”
16 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/16/2023 11:45:31 AM (No. 1578581)
You know you're winning when...
Keep bombing EVERY building, home, and hut in the Gaza strip and leave the rubble for generations.
17 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
formerNYer 10/16/2023 11:54:12 AM (No. 1578586)
Tell them to release the hostages and MAYBE we'll stop the bombing.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
jimincalif 10/16/2023 11:54:15 AM (No. 1578587)
Well if Iran says it, it must be true - NOT! The good news, I’m sure the Israelis understand this, the bad news, Brandon, the US left, the UN, and other globalist nitwits know better but willfully choose to believe it anyway.
9 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/16/2023 12:01:04 PM (No. 1578591)
Give them 2 days, PERIOD, if they don't release 100% of the hostages, take the EVIL OUT!
6 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2023 12:08:48 PM (No. 1578600)
Don't believe them. Or, stop, get the hostages back, and then start up again.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 10/16/2023 12:11:20 PM (No. 1578605)
Those hostages are already dead. Bring it on, Israel. Wipe them all out,
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Gordon Mills 10/16/2023 12:12:47 PM (No. 1578607)
Trust no one, not even your Poppa
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
PChristopher 10/16/2023 12:15:12 PM (No. 1578612)
Hmm...sounds like they know that Israel is REALLY ticked off!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
BluesClues 10/16/2023 12:29:27 PM (No. 1578624)
This is as expected. My answer would be, "We'll stop bombing when you bring back the 1000 you've already killed". "What? You can't do that? Yeah, we can't stop either".
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
watashiyo 10/16/2023 12:29:56 PM (No. 1578625)
Keep bombing and killing until a complete declaration of surrender from the Hamas. And when they all come out, kill every single one of them. Let the world know, that terrorism will not be tolerated especially against Israel and the rest of the civilized world will follow their example.
5 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
Daisymay 10/16/2023 12:44:38 PM (No. 1578636)
Israel should agree to this. Then after they get the Hostages back, bomb the hell out Hamas and Iran until nothing is left but Rubble!
5 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
BarryNo 10/16/2023 12:51:52 PM (No. 1578638)
By international law hamas Must protect the hostages.
Israel should ignore Iran. You can't trust them. Nor can you trust Hamas. Continue the air strikes. Obliterate them, then turn to Iran. Israel should do everything they can to eliminate the mullahs and the Iranian Guard to the last man.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/16/2023 12:52:42 PM (No. 1578639)
Sure, Iran wants Israel to stop bombing Hamas in Gaza and to not attack Hamas in Gaza with ground troops. If Israel did what Iran wants them to do, forget about launching a ground attack into Gaza that Biden also said on the 60 Minutes TV program that would be an Israeli mistake, Israel would essentially be allowing the Hamas Islamist terrorist organization to build back up until they decide to attack Israel in a bigger and more deadly terrorist operation in the years ahead, just as they did many times in the past. Israel of course should carry on in all manner to destroy Hamas completely, if Israel does not initiate such a ground attack into Gaza, you can bet that Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrat Hamas supporters in the USA put covert pressure on Israel to stop and planned ground attack into Gaza.
Looking ahead watch for Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats attempt to allow massive numbers of Gaza Islamist Palestinians to gain entry to the USA as refugees, along with Biden attempting to send as many billions of US taxpayers money to Gaza for “humanitarian” purposes and to rebuild all the war damage that the Israelis inflicted on Gaza and the Gaza Islamist Palestinians who voted Hamas into political power there in the first places. What will the wimpy Congressional Republicans do, probably give a nod to unlimited numbers of Gaza Islamist Palestinians being allowed to enter the USA as refugees and appropriate whatever billions of dollars that Biden demands?
Just a couple of weeks ago Biden agreed to make available over six billion dollars to Iran once they released five Iranian-USA duel citizens or nationals who the Biden crew calls Americans. Clearly Hamas took that Biden-Hamas ransom deal into consideration before they captured what amounts to a yet undetermined number of Israeli-USA duel citizens or nationals who were living on Kibbutzes in Southern Israel as hostages, for no doubt a future ransom in the many billions of dollars to be paid by Biden and the USA taxpayers.
7 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/16/2023 1:15:49 PM (No. 1578658)
Stop the bombing until you get the hostages back, then go back and finish the job completely and as viciously as you can. Since Muslims can lie to non believers, turn abouts fair play!
7 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/16/2023 1:18:56 PM (No. 1578661)
You can never negotiate with blackmailers - and that's what the hostages are for. I never ends.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
red1066 10/16/2023 2:18:06 PM (No. 1578694)
I thought Iran wasn't connected to Hamas.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
learner 10/16/2023 2:21:10 PM (No. 1578696)
Yeah, No!
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2023 2:35:19 PM (No. 1578711)
In the past, Israeli security forces operated on the assumption that hostages "were already dead" to a high degree of certainty, and that with bold, unremitting counterforce, occasionally a few of the hostages might be "brought back to life".
Harsh, but very realistic, and they have saved MANY. In case you don't know, Bibi Netanyahu's brother lead the daring and effective hostage rescue mission into Entebbe, decades ago. All the hostages were saved, but the assault team leader was killed in the gunfight. Bibi Netanyahu knows a LOT about rescuing hostages and the costs to be incurred.
7 people like this.
Reply 36 - Posted by:
Trapper 10/16/2023 2:47:58 PM (No. 1578721)
No pause and no discussions until after the Red Cross has had access to every single hostage, has reported back on their condiditon, and Hamas has committed to keep them in good condition.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
zoidberg 10/16/2023 2:58:22 PM (No. 1578727)
How do you say "Nuts!" in Farsi?
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
Yuban 10/16/2023 3:07:04 PM (No. 1578732)
Sounds like blackmail to me.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
Msquared112 10/16/2023 3:24:51 PM (No. 1578754)
If you stop attacking, the hostages will not be released. Israel should tell Hama that if THEY release the hostages, shelling will stop. (Crossing their fingers behind their backs, Israel should get the hostages back, then turn Gaza to glass.
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Reply 40 - Posted by:
FLCracker 10/16/2023 3:46:08 PM (No. 1578765)
This is essentially blackmail; only difference is the currency for payment.
And as we all know, blackmailers are never bought off for good. 199 for how many more in the future?
It is a horrible, despicable decision that has to be made, the one the military calls "acceptable losses." No sane person can make this decision without heart-rending agony and permanent damage to one's psyche.
The Allies in WW2 couldn't understand why the Jewish leadership was begging them to destroy Auschwitz - the number of prisoners in the camp versus the continuing number that would killed as long as Auschwitz still stood. Acceptable losses.
At Entebbe, 100 Israelis commandos and 103 mostly Israelis hostages. 3 hostages and 1 commando (the commander) were killed. Acceptable losses.
Sophie's Choice.
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 10/16/2023 6:15:34 PM (No. 1578832)
If Hamas were the innocent party they claim to be, then why did they take any civilian hostages in the first place?
crickets...all i hear is crickets...
The hostages were lost the minute they were taken by the bloodthirsty, genocidal maniacs. The best that can be done for them is to insure it never happens again.
Bomb Hamas, their tunnels, and every complicit ally back to the stone age, and then go door to door to root out any who survive.
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
or gate 10/16/2023 8:27:49 PM (No. 1578918)
Then next month they will do the same thing.
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
FilAm 10/16/2023 9:57:42 PM (No. 1578979)
The big problem with “rescuing hostages” even in the best scenario, for every rescue an unknown number of ground forces becomes a casualty, killed or wounded. Remember Entebbe … Bibii’s brother died during the rescue .
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
mifla 10/17/2023 3:50:45 AM (No. 1579106)
Terrorists attack Israel, take hostages.
Terrorists scream for a cease fire, The UN and world media agrees.
Terrorist say they will release hostages in exchange for a cease fire.
Israel pressured into a cease fire.
Terrorists attack Israel, take hostages.
Repeat as needed.
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