‘Woke’ James Bond novel slammed for
having conservative ‘anti-trans’ villain
New York Post,
Alexander Hall
Original Article
Posted By: Beardo,
9/13/2023 12:38:47 PM
Multiple conservative critics condemned a recent James Bond novel for vilifying former President Trump and other conservative politicians in a story about a dastardly international plot against King Charles III. (snip) “Bond was struck by something. It was a long while since he’d been at any kind of function that was almost exclusively full of men. It felt strange. There was not even a pretense at diversity here,” the book wrote, later noting Aethelstan “hadn’t been the least bit concerned about ensuring that half of the people he’d hired to carry out his coup should be women, non-White, or disabled.”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 9/13/2023 12:46:48 PM (No. 1555313)
Now being sane, believing in reality and hard facts makes you a Bond villian.
And the REAL Bond villains like Klaus Schwab and George Soros walk free, sewing mayhem and death across the planet, with the real world James Bond's working on the wrong side of the fight.
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Isn’t Bond a heterosexual male fantasy?
Did they fail marketing 101?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
JoElla Bee 9/13/2023 1:06:18 PM (No. 1555328)
Conservatives seem to do an awful lot of Slamming in the headlines by many headline writers these days.
How about - “New James Bond novel portrays Bond as Woke and slams conservatives as ‘anti-trans’ villains”?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
La Dotta 9/13/2023 1:09:48 PM (No. 1555330)
It's what's wrong with all media these days. Bond died when Ian Fleming died. Any attempt to extend the life of the brand is merely that. No longer interested in capturing an era. Only looking to capitalize on it.
And yes, #2, they also apparently failed marketing 101.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Newtsche 9/13/2023 1:16:41 PM (No. 1555336)
Such brave and fresh thinking, downright fierce, er, fierth.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 9/13/2023 1:31:54 PM (No. 1555347)
“ Bond was struck by something. It was a long while since he’d been at any kind of function that was almost exclusively full of men. It felt strange. There was not even a pretense at diversity here.”
This is pure, unintentional comedy. Think “Springtime for Hitler.”
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
JunkYardDog 9/13/2023 1:36:10 PM (No. 1555351)
That book is going straight to the remainder pile, right next to SPARE.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
FJB 9/13/2023 1:49:21 PM (No. 1555356)
So pleased with themselves for introducing perversions like this to our culture, Traitors Pansy Obama and criminal pedo Joe Biden must return to the primary objective of their sick regime: The destruction of America.
The trouble is that large chunks of our population go along with it or are simply not paying attention. MAGA
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 9/13/2023 2:06:24 PM (No. 1555372)
Yes, I know that it should have been sowing, not sewing.....same pronunciation, different spellings and meanings. Haste makes waste.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 9/13/2023 3:37:23 PM (No. 1555436)
I'm with #6. I was laughing while reading the excerpts from the novel. It could have been a SNL skit from the original cast, mocking the wokesters of today. The "author" hit every broiler plate phrase from the Left's playbook. It almost makes me want to buy the book, just for the comedic value. I haven't had a good laugh in a long time!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/13/2023 3:57:32 PM (No. 1555450)
Everybody's got AIDS AIDS AIDS everybody's got AIDS.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
BarryNo 9/13/2023 4:46:15 PM (No. 1555480)
I haven't paid attention to James Bond for decades. He was an assassin, pure and simple. Fleming romanticized the shady underworld such activity thrived in, and put a nice face on it. I liked the early movies better than the books, as entertainment, but somewhere in the middle of Roger Moore's tenure I lost interest. It became farcical. Now that it's gone woke, you'd have to pay me six figures to watch and review it... And the studios probably wouldn't like my assessment.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 9/13/2023 5:04:57 PM (No. 1555500)
No more martinis, he drinks Bud Lite now.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
formerNYer 9/13/2023 5:06:26 PM (No. 1555501)
Another movie headed for the bomb pile that will lose millions. Was Disney involved?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
dragon 9/13/2023 6:55:12 PM (No. 1555549)
Just another attack on conservative, Christian, white men--in life or in novels or in movies. Some of the most "censored" books on Amazon are the Duncan Hunter series where the protagonist is an unapoligetically flag waving conservative and the supervillians he tracks down and eliminates are gay predators or pedophiles or child traffickers or Muslim terrorists and all are defeated spectacularily. These books should be made into movies. We have to ignore these sexual disorder activists who debase legacy conservative book and movie characters just to make headlines. There aren't many new authors willing to reject the left's narrative for fear of alienating readers. Those that do are rewarded with book sales and many more positive book reviews than the left's drive by screeds.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
NamVet70 9/13/2023 9:26:33 PM (No. 1555618)
This doesn't sound like Ian Fleming's James Bond.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 9/14/2023 12:43:07 PM (No. 1555958)
I must be the only person in the world who hasn't seen a Bond movie or read a Bond book. I've just never had any interest in them.
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