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Melinda Gates slams Bill for continuing
to meet with 'evil' Jeffrey Epstein after
she had nightmares about him and suggests
he had MULTIPLE affairs throughout their
27-year marriage

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 3/3/2022 1:13:44 PM

Melinda Gates trashed her ex-husband Bill for his questionable friendship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and revealed that he continued to meet with him despite her having 'nightmares' about him. In her first interview since her divorce from the billionaire last year, Melinda told CBS Mornings that she insisted on meeting Epstein back in 2011 because she wanted to see 'who this man was'. (snip) I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door. 'He was abhorrent, evil personified. I had nightmares about it afterwards. That's why my heart breaks for these young women. That's how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful.'  CORRECTION

*Source corrected.  Location must be included.  Failure to observe site rules will cause posts to be deleted.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Gordon Freeman 3/3/2022 1:20:34 PM (No. 1088751)
Well that's what a lot of super wealthy people do. They spend their money and use their power for various deviant activities. While the rest of us try to make some money and hopefully plan for retirement.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: downnout 3/3/2022 1:26:05 PM (No. 1088762)
Yes, but you stayed with him. The poor me act is not going to work.
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rinktum 3/3/2022 1:26:28 PM (No. 1088763)
Oh my, Melinda is spillin’ the tea! I am not surprised though. Many wealthy men believe they are entitled to whatever they want. If the truth ever comes out about Epstein and what went on in his perverted sex dens all around the world, there are going to be many well known men and women who are going to have some ‘splainin’ to do. Predators are everywhere even in the upper of the upper crust.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: voxpopuli 3/3/2022 1:28:31 PM (No. 1088769)
what a pathetic creature.. help the NEEDY for once in your miserable life.. the taxpayers!!
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 3/3/2022 1:33:44 PM (No. 1088774)
Throughout her marriage, Melinda knew Bill was a rounder. Melinda knew all about Epstein too, but did and said nothing. Melinda Gates is money hungry trash. For 27 years we were stuck with her self-righteous condescension and her promotion of worthless causes. Melinda justifies all the evil she witnessed because she and Bill served the “greater good.”
33 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: jinx 3/3/2022 1:36:11 PM (No. 1088776)
Bill Gates was not the only Bill who was friends with Epstein. Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson were two. Then there were the others: George Stephonopolis, Katie Curic, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea, Prince Andrew, etc. The list goes on. They knew but didn't care; they let him wine and dine them anyway. Perverts all!
30 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: SALady 3/3/2022 1:43:14 PM (No. 1088780)
Oh no, a rich nerdy guy took advantage of his wealth and power to get sexual gratification with lots of women?!?!?!?!? I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!!! Actually, no I'm not. On top of being a rich nerdy guy, and is also a hard-cord lie-beral, so he clearly had no morals or ethics either. The women who he had affairs with knew what they were doing, and did it for the $$$$$. The only exception would be his "dealings" with Epstein. If any of those were under-age girls or non-consensual, he should rot in prison being on the receiving end of non-consensual sex the rest of this miserable life. But, for actual affairs with consenting women, scummy and immoral, but she can't possibly say she was married to him that long and didn't know he was scummy and immoral!!!
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: stablemoney 3/3/2022 1:47:26 PM (No. 1088785)
Warren Buffet spent his lifetime making a hundred billion, only to give it away to the Bill Gates Foundation to spend on killing us all with "vaccines", and destroying our schools with CORE and CRP. Mr. Buffet, you made the biggest mistake that ruined every investment you ever made, and it is irreversible, as you have transferred title to the foundation. I wonder if Becky will ask you about that on CNBC.
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 3/3/2022 2:01:24 PM (No. 1088799)
These people are so self-absorbed - - so narcissistic - - so shallow - - and so B-O-R-I-N-G!
18 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Speedy2 3/3/2022 2:04:25 PM (No. 1088807)
Money breeds contempt
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: GustoGrabber 3/3/2022 2:24:12 PM (No. 1088827)
If John Kerry doesn't get lucky at the Feinstein funeral, he'll be by later to call on Melinda with a box of See's chocolates.
19 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Mr C 3/3/2022 2:37:27 PM (No. 1088843)
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Schnapps 3/3/2022 3:00:21 PM (No. 1088866)
Melinda put up with Bill for 27 years and came away with a cool $72 billion. That's $2.6 billion per year! Now she's thrown herself into the fight for gender equality. Something Clintonesque about all of this.
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: BarryNo 3/3/2022 3:05:44 PM (No. 1088872)
And likely multiple 'affairs' with essentially enslaved underaged girls. Is he going to jail for this? Will he get Epsteined?
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: padiva 3/3/2022 3:08:45 PM (No. 1088875)
She almost graduated from the Hillary Clinton School of 'Stand By Your Man no matter how much he cheats on You.'
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: TexaTucky 3/3/2022 3:16:36 PM (No. 1088884)
The one where the pencil-necked dork got rich and started buying the pink hats he could never get with his charm.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 3/3/2022 4:31:10 PM (No. 1088939)
Melinda and Bill were meant for each other - both liberal crackpots.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 3/3/2022 4:38:51 PM (No. 1088955)
So, Billy Boy is a perv, too. In additon to wanting to depopulate the planet he likes diddling little girls. What a waste of skin.
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 3/3/2022 5:46:38 PM (No. 1089031)
Melinda's much vaunted "career" was less than 10 years on the MS payroll (most of that time as Bill's girlfriend). She got her MBA in 1987, started working at Microsoft and dating Bill in 1987. She married him in 1994, knowing full well that he had played around on her the whole time they were dating. Two years after she married Bill, she left Microsoft, had three children, and spent the rest of her married life riding on Bill's coattails while he spent his money on leftist causes. The only thing that gets this woman an audience is Bill's money. Excuse me if I'm not impressed with her revelations. She knew what he was before she walked down the aisle with him.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Faithfully 3/3/2022 7:22:46 PM (No. 1089155)
Having affairs is one creepy, dishonest thing. Trafficking teens and keeping them hostage is on another level of demonic.
7 people like this.

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Most Recent Articles posted by "Beardo"
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Most Recent Articles posted by Beardo"
Christian Student Sues Florida School,
Alleges He Was Mocked By Students And
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Posted by Beardo 3/4/2022 11:50:22 AM Post Reply
A Florida student has sued his school over what he alleges is religious discrimination by his teachers and fellow classmates. Nicholas Ortiz, a freshman at Miami’s Mater Academy has filed a lawsuit claiming he “was discriminated and retaliated against by his high school … because he is a Christian,” according to the complaint. Ortiz said he regularly brings his bible to school to read, which he alleges has made him a target for “disparaging comments” from other students, as well as school staff and administrators. The complaint also outlines what it calls false and defamatory statements that circulated among students claiming Ortiz was planning a school shooting.
Supreme Court reimposes death penalty
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Posted by Beardo 3/4/2022 11:32:26 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court on Friday reimposed the death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, undoing a federal appeals court ruling that had dropped the sentence. In a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Clarence Thomas, the majority of justices rejected the defense's claims that a judge presiding over Tsarnaev’s 2015 trial improperly barred the questioning of prospective jurors and was wrong to exclude evidence of a different crime two years prior to the bombing. "Dzohkhar Tsarnaev committed heinous crimes,” Thomas wrote for the majority. “The Sixth Amendment nonetheless guaranteed him a fair trial before an impartial jury. He received one."
Harvey Weinstein caught smuggling a box
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Posted by Beardo 3/4/2022 11:27:34 AM Post Reply
Harvey Weinstein was reprimanded in prison after being caught with a contraband box of Milk Duds. LA County jail guards found and confiscated the candy on Nov. 10, 2021, after the disgraced movie producer, 69, had a face-to-face meeting with one (of) his attorneys, Shawn Burkley, Variety reported Thursday. Weinstein’s counsel was subsequently informed that their legal binders and laptop bags would have to be searched from then on.
Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine 28 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/4/2022 9:23:26 AM Post Reply
If you have been monitoring the coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, it is amply clear that a narrative is being pushed. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is being compared to Winston Churchill during World War II; he is leading his people during perilous times to become an inspiring figure. He refused a safe passage offer from the U.S. with the quip: “I need ammunition, not a ride”. He streams videos from the deserted streets of Ukraine and posts photos with his cabinet. Photos of Zelenskyy surface in military gear on the battlefront. To sum it up, Zelensky is being portrayed as Churchill, Rambo and social media influencers all rolled into one.
Melinda Gates slams Bill for continuing
to meet with 'evil' Jeffrey Epstein after
she had nightmares about him and suggests
he had MULTIPLE affairs throughout their
27-year marriage
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/3/2022 1:13:44 PM Post Reply
Melinda Gates trashed her ex-husband Bill for his questionable friendship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and revealed that he continued to meet with him despite her having 'nightmares' about him. In her first interview since her divorce from the billionaire last year, Melinda told CBS Mornings that she insisted on meeting Epstein back in 2011 because she wanted to see 'who this man was'. (snip) I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door. 'He was abhorrent, evil personified. I had nightmares about it afterwards. That's why my heart breaks for these young women. That's how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful.'  CORRECTION
Top Russian general is killed by Ukrainian
sniper as Kyiv claims 9,000 of Putin's
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13 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/3/2022 12:23:27 PM Post Reply
A top Russian general has been killed amid bitter fighting in Ukraine in what represents a major blow to the Russian invasion. Major General Andrey Sukhovetsky, who was the deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army of Russia's Central Military District, died yesterday as Ukrainian defence forces repelled the Russian offensive. His death has not yet been officially confirmed by Russia's Ministry of Defence, but was announced on social media by his colleague Sergey Chipilyov and was widely reported by several Russian and Ukrainian news outlets.
As Russia Wages War, US Army Trains Officers
on Gender Identity
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/3/2022 9:16:05 AM Post Reply
While Russia wages a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Army is putting its soldiers through training on gender pronouns and coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery, according to an official military presentation on the subject obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The mandatory presentation, "Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria," was given to officers earlier this month along with instructions for them to train their subordinates on the material.
Hounds chased a Yellowstone National Park
mountain lion into a tree. Then Montana
Gov. Greg Gianforte shot it.
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/3/2022 9:06:26 AM Post Reply
GARDINER, Mont.— On public land north of Yellowstone National Park late last year, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) shot and killed a mountain lion that was being monitored by National Park Service staff, after hunting dogs had chased it up a tree. The mountain lion hunt, which has not been previously reported, occurred on Dec. 28 on a swath of U.S. Forest Service land southwest of Emigrant, Mont., according to residents familiar with the episode who spoke on the condition of anonymity to preserve relationships in the community.
Welcome To March: Article Claims “Womxn”
Is “Transphobic”, Represents “Historical Transmisogyny”
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/3/2022 7:51:39 AM Post Reply
It’s hard to keep up with what we’re allowed to think, say, and do. What’s a woman? If we are supposed to believe all women, but sex and gender are merely social constructs, do we have to believe everyone? If women have rights, why do unborn women not? If women are oppressed, why do male athletes keep turning into them? If the patriarchy is real and evil, why do women want to join it? If you’re a willing participant in the patriarchy, as opposed to someone who just happened into it, does that make you worse? If you’re a transgender male, do you hate yourself for being in the patriarchy?
You Can’t Make History Unless You’re Born 3 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/2/2022 7:11:28 PM Post Reply
“Seven million women died last year because they didn’t have access to abortion.” This was the absurd claim by a pro-abortion activist testifying in opposition to Nebraska’s Legislative Bill (LB) 933, the Human Life Protection Act. (snip) I was conceived in rape but adopted in love. I grew up in a diverse family of fifteen, where ten of us were adopted. Many of us were rescued from the violence of abortion. We’re white, black, mixed, Native American, Vietnamese, abled and disabled. Despite the horrific circumstances most of us came from, none of us would’ve been better off dead. We were all better off loved.
China 'asked Putin to delay invasion of
Ukraine until after Winter Olympics'
2 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/2/2022 6:04:26 PM Post Reply
China asked Vladimir Putin to delay any invasion of Ukraine until after the Winter Olympics in Beijing, according to a Western intelligence report. It suggests officials in China may have had some indication of Mr Putin's plans before he went ahead. Beijing denied the assertion as "baseless speculation" and an "attempt to smear China". A Western official told the New York Times the report did not make clear if it was Putin and Xi Jinping who discussed the matter, or some of their officials. The Olympic closing ceremony took place on Feb 20. On the following day Putin recognised two breakaway areas in Ukraine and sent troops in to help separatists.
Remember, Man, Thou Art Dust 8 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/2/2022 11:19:46 AM Post Reply
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent for Catholics around the world. On this day, priests smear ashes on millions of foreheads while uttering some version of the words, "Remember, man, thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return." Perhaps this year the ritual should be reversed, with the faithful lining up to administer ashes to priests and bishops until their white surplices are covered with an unmistakable reminder of their own mortality.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
'You would be doing your country and the
world a great service': Sen. Lindsey Graham
calls on a 'Brutus of Russia' to carry
out a Julius Caesar-style assassination
of Putin prompting furious response from
Moscow envoy
46 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/4/2022 9:48:31 AM Post Reply
Senator Lindsey Graham has called for 'somebody in Russia' to assassinate their president Vladimir Putin. The Republican Senator invoked a Julius Caesar-style assassination of the Kremlin strongman—currently leading an invasion of Ukraine—during an appearance on Fox News' Hannity show and in a series of incendiary tweets on Thursday. 'Is there a Brutus in Russia? he asked. 'Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?' he tweeted, referencing the army officer who attempted to kill Adolf Hitler. 'The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.(Snip)Graham's call for Putin to be assassinated drew a stern rebuke from Russia
Kremlin says Lindsey Graham is a drunk
who's 'lost his mind' for calling for
Putin's assassination: Senator doubles
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Vlad should be hunted like Al Capone
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/4/2022 2:08:17 PM Post Reply
Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov pounced on Sen. Lindsey Graham's comment calling for someone to take out Russian Vladimir Putin—questioning his sanity and suggesting he was drunk. The slap from Putin's mouthpiece came after Graham Tweeted Thursday night that it was time for a 'Brutus' to emerge amid Putin throwing Russia's forces into a bloody invasion of Ukraine—a comment that U.S. commentators immediately warned could fuel Russian propaganda. 'Unfortunately, in such an extremely tense atmosphere, there is a hysterical escalation of Russophobia,' Peskov responded. 'These days, not everyone manages to maintain sobriety, I would even say sanity, and many lose their mind,' he added.
Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine 28 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/4/2022 9:23:26 AM Post Reply
If you have been monitoring the coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, it is amply clear that a narrative is being pushed. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is being compared to Winston Churchill during World War II; he is leading his people during perilous times to become an inspiring figure. He refused a safe passage offer from the U.S. with the quip: “I need ammunition, not a ride”. He streams videos from the deserted streets of Ukraine and posts photos with his cabinet. Photos of Zelenskyy surface in military gear on the battlefront. To sum it up, Zelensky is being portrayed as Churchill, Rambo and social media influencers all rolled into one.
White House Deploys Jill Biden to Reboot
Joe Biden’s Image
27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/4/2022 7:59:05 AM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden joined President Joe Biden on Wednesday for a trip out of Washington, DC, taking the stage for an unusually defensive speech about her husband. The First Lady began her speech recalling Inauguration Day when she watched Joe Biden take the oath of office just a year ago. “In that moment, he was the man I fell in love with so many years ago,” she recalled, joining her husband to address a small crowd in Superior, Wisconsin. The president reacted visibly with surprise to her comment, prompting the crowd to burst into laughter, interrupting the first lady’s speech. “I guess I don’t tell him enough,” she replied after Biden
Biden blames Jan. 6 for Putin’s invasion
and other whoppers of the Ukraine war
23 replies
Posted by Imright 3/4/2022 3:01:36 AM Post Reply
Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusionsThis claim:“Vladimir Putin was counting on being able to split up the United States. Look, how would you feel if you saw crowds storm and break down the doors of the British Parliament and kill five cops, injure 145 — or the German Bundestag or the Italian Parliament?”— President Biden, March 2 -We say: We’ve seen plenty of bad takes on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but this one from the ostensible leader of the free world might be the most preposterous. The Russian strongman, who started grabbing Ukrainian territory in 2014, decided to attack again because of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot?
Biden draws the worst viewing figures
for a President's first State of the Union
in 30 years: Just 38 million Americans
tuned in compared with 45.5M for Trump
and 48M for Obama
20 replies
Posted by Imright 3/4/2022 2:39:44 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden had the lowest viewership for his State of the Union than any of his four predecessors first addresses with less than 40 million tuning in, according to Nielsen ratings. In a tracking of the 16 networks that aired live coverage of the address on Tuesday evening, 38,197,000 individuals were watching from 27,408,000 different households in the U.S. The figures from Biden's speech come amid an ongoing war in Ukraine and increasingly dire approval rating numbers for the president and Democratic lawmakers going into the 2022 midterm elections.
“Didn’t Have Time”: Psaki’s Horrific
Reason Why Joe Didn’t Honor Fallen Heroes
18 replies
Posted by Imright 3/4/2022 3:05:46 AM Post Reply
You might have noticed something missing from Joe Biden’s state of the union address on the 2nd of March, particularly during the Afghanistan portion of it.During that portion of his speech, Biden took the time to speak about burn pits in Iraq (an important issue, though not one that he necessarily had to bring up) and his son Beau, saying:And our troops in Iraq have faced — and Afghanistan — have faced many dangers. One being stationed at bases, breathing in toxic smoke from burn pits. (Applause.) Many of you have been there. I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times.
Biden hops off stage to meet Gretchen
Carlson’s children. The jokes write themselves.
17 replies
Posted by Imright 3/4/2022 1:44:57 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden raised eyebrows with a seemingly unplanned interaction with children after signing a bill protecting the rights of victims of sexual harassment. More specifically, it was the children of ex-Fox News host Gretchen Carlson. The former network host, who sued the late chairman and CEO of Fox News, Roger Ailes for sexual harassment, was on hand for the signing ceremony Thursday. On social media, she noted the moment that Biden handed her the pen after he signed into law the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act. (Tweet)
The great weasel-word gaslight: Jan. 6
commission finds nothing on Trump
17 replies
Posted by PageTurner 3/4/2022 9:32:00 AM Post Reply
Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 commission is starting to look stupid. Like the clown's outfit that tried to pin impeachment articles on President Trump over utterly nothing, as well as the grotesque fabulists of the Steele dossier who invented and peddled outright lies to manipulate U.S. law enforcement into taking action against Trump, there's no there there, zero substance, and as the truth gets out, they once again look like an awfully sorry bunch. They've been trying for years to "prove" that Trump is guilty of something, and this current Jan. 6 effort is once again demonstrating their capacity for pratfalls. Here are two breathy headlines that ran
Poll: Just 35 Percent of Voters Approve
of Joe Biden After SOTU Address
16 replies
Posted by Imright 3/4/2022 1:48:04 PM Post Reply
Just 35 percent of voters approve of President Biden following his State of the Union address, a Thursday Civiqs poll found. Biden’s slumping approval rating is weighed down by independent voters. Overall, only 24 percent of independents approved of Biden, while 64 percent disapproved. Broken down by race, just 40 percent of independent black voters supported Biden. Twenty-four percent of white independents approved, and 21 percent of independent Hispanics approved of Biden. In every state in the nation, Biden’s approval rating is negative among independents. Only 20 percent of independents in California, 30 percent in Vermont, and 21 percent in New York approved of Biden.
Say, has anyone heard from Anthony Fauci lately? 15 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 3/4/2022 5:01:38 PM Post Reply
Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning. Up until a couple of weeks ago, Fauci appeared to be very busy indeed.
Has the Joe Biden Comeback Started? 14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2022 11:19:34 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has had one of the most disastrous first years of a presidential term in US history. Yeah, Abraham Lincoln had the Civil War and George W. Bush had 9/11, but there’s a difference between events being forced on a president and a president causing events. Biden managed to completely screw up the response to COVID despite being handed vaccines upon taking office. More people ended up dying on his watch than under the Trump administration. Then there are the foreign policy boondoggles, from Afghanistan to what’s currently happening with Russia. But if that wasn’t bad enough, Biden also turned the border into a humanitarian disaster.
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