‘Narrative Collapse’: British Media
Finally Appear to Be Questioning Biden’s
U.S. Election Legitimacy
Trending Politics,
Kyle Becker
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
9/29/2021 3:52:31 AM
“So Trump was right.” Thus begins a broadside in the Sunday Times that amounts to a clarion call for the world: America’s president came to power in an election that was “rigged.”“The American public is slowly waking up to the fact that they are being led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit,” Rob Liddle writes. “Donald Trump is back in the lead in the opinion polls. Imagine how awful a president must be if people would rather that sack of meat with mittens were back in charge.”“Soon the public will wake up to something even more unpleasant and sinister: that the last presidential election was a fraud,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 9/29/2021 3:57:25 AM (No. 929729)
If they really investigate, and print it, it could be pretty interesting. And run the US Enemedia entirely out of business.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/29/2021 5:21:44 AM (No. 929747)
How dare Rob Liddle insult an American president like that.
BTW, liddle guy, how did you make your billions?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/29/2021 6:08:45 AM (No. 929752)
Well, British msm, let's see what you got. But, don't just "appear" to be questioning biden the cheater's election legitimacy. Get into it bigly. There's a reason why "F*** Joe Biden" is everywhere now.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
DW626 9/29/2021 6:39:25 AM (No. 929777)
Anyone think they’ll read anything remotely like this in any American newspaper?
Yeah…me either.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Sully 9/29/2021 6:41:35 AM (No. 929782)
The article is great but the piece he summarizes has nothing to do w/the forensic audits. The article being summarized covers only the Time piece from 8 months ago. "Fortified" election.
Peace around the world is ensured by one thing: a strong United States. When that stabilizing force becomes a drunken giant, the free countries of the world begin to freak out.
Welcome to the freakout stage of the US's capitulation to the chicoms. May we sober up before it is complete.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/29/2021 6:54:00 AM (No. 929792)
FTA: “ Imagine how awful a president must be if people would rather that sack of meat with mittens were back in charge.” I almost opted out at that point but I wanted to see where he was going. He did go there, but he didn’t get it completely right. However, I am glad he said something and he appears confident that the election was rigged. Not by democrats but by media and big tech. He Lao inferred that Covid was a factor, but never drew the obvious conclusion that the corrupt democrats cheated. Nevertheless, It was good to see this article in print from a source outside the country. The author is clearly no fan of President Trump. He calls him a bore which is probably what he would call any American. The British elites still feel the sting of our rejection so they put on a pretentious superiority when confronted by our audacity to choose freedom.
It will be interesting to see if this gets any traction. I doubt it will. The only thing more arrogant than a snooty Brit is our media and tech overlords. Time will tell if they will take the bait to respond. Not holding my breath on that, but I can’t help but hope that the evidence of the Arizona audit along with the complete and total disaster of the Biden regime especially on the foreign front may result in the overseas media being the equivalent of the young lad shouting, ‘the King has no clothes!’
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Kitty Myers 9/29/2021 6:55:55 AM (No. 929793)
Kyle Becker wrote: “And yet surely they must see it, no matter how appalling Trump seemed to them (and indeed, quite often, to me)."
You found Trump appalling? Really? The most pro-freedom, pro-life, anti-war president the US has ever had, and you found him appalling? If America goes down the drain, as Biden & his cohorts in crime are attempting to do, then there is no place left on earth to go. Trump has the guts and intelligence to stop the destruction of our country because he loves America, and the current administration hates our country and its people.
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Another sissy that was offended by mean tweets.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
BarryNo 9/29/2021 7:23:19 AM (No. 929813)
I have to sadly shake my head. Do these dundering ignoramouses think We the People are that stupid? They led the charge in the coup, the fraud, and the narrative, and We the People will neither forget or forgive. Now that they see the writing on the wall, they are nervously trying to distance themselves and avoid the consequences of their treason.
So many liberal criminals, caught in the act, commit suicide rather than be brought to book for their sins. My advice to these loonies in government, industry, religion, media, entertainment and academia is...
...start considering it, and save We the People the cost of your trials and executions.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
msjena 9/29/2021 7:46:18 AM (No. 929828)
Biden--"an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit." Gotta love the Brits.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/29/2021 8:02:00 AM (No. 929835)
Welcome aboard, brothers from other mothers (prolly all the same father) but to insult the POTUS, you'll have to stand in line behind the rest of us. Take a number, take a seat.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
homefry 9/29/2021 8:05:37 AM (No. 929836)
Well DUH! Where'd you park your squad car, Sherlock?
I knew the morning after that they had robbed us, having gone to bed with the count stopped and Trump comfortably ahead, only to wake up with it reversed.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bpl40 9/29/2021 8:18:04 AM (No. 929845)
You mean they are beginning to admit what they have known all along. Our "Fake News" will always be in denial.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
NamVet70 9/29/2021 8:31:39 AM (No. 929854)
The American public has known that Biden is the Pretender to the Office from the night of the stolen election. The MSM touts biased polls just to give cover to their pretense that the socialist movement that now encompasses what used to be the Democrat party has some legitimacy with the people. The election theft method is not an "either or". The fact that the media propagandized for the left and supported hoaxes while the deep state obstructed a legitimate president for four years doesn't mean they didn't violate election laws and cheat in order to put the demented cheater in the office. Now that the scam is beginning to collapse as states begin to investigate the election fraud, they are pushing this narrative so they can ride out the duration of the stolen term.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Trapper 9/29/2021 8:54:46 AM (No. 929878)
Trump won. The virus was created in the Wuhan lab. Some things you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/29/2021 9:07:13 AM (No. 929899)
This limey dipwad found Trump 'appalling'? Trump the man who fought back is appalling to this sheep dip as he said like most Americans to him. Apparently this British jerkweed thinks much of his elitism with statements like that. What this Liddle man just wrote we already knew about it and so does President Trump our 'boorish' leader as this girly man reflects on it.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
LadyHen 9/29/2021 9:12:15 AM (No. 929908)
No #7, Kyle was QUOTING Rob Liddle of the Brit paper the Sunday Times there. Rob Liddle is a liberal Brit reporter. He hates Trump but at least he sees that Grandpa Oatmeal for Brains Biden is a serious threat to the whole Western world and that he was "installed" by our corporate elite class.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/29/2021 9:16:48 AM (No. 929915)
Yes: The Democrats cheated but it didn't happen at a few states by people who just had the same idea at the same time.
It was a production. It came from the top of the party/.
It was an organized event, and those involved should be charged with Treason.
51 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 9/29/2021 9:26:00 AM (No. 929935)
It sickens me every time I hear some Brit or other arrogant European demean America. The citizens of the United States of America saved their asses three times just in the 20th century. Our honored dead, allow this puke to spout his anti-American screeds in a country with rotten food, people with rotten teeth and so little money that their museums and historical sites look like crap. At least when we were there.
That said, this moron wouldn't go the entire way. He knows, as do others, that the 2020 election was not just stolen by voter suppression and manipulation of information to the masses. It was also stolen by manipulation of computer codes and access along with many other criminal fraudulent voting techniques. Again all arranged, supported and completed by the global deep state to rid the world of a man that threatens to lead a strong and growing populist movement not only in the USA but across the globe. This cannot be allowed to happen.
My hope is that the Biden disaster is so much worse, and is happening so much faster, than this global cabal expected, that little by little the grotesque steal that has taken place in the US, will start to be noticed, not just by MAGA "neanderthals" but people who are now awakening to the danger that Biden/Harris, democrats and yes socialism represent to everyday people around the globe. Even the Brits know, if their asses need to be bailed out yet again, from either China or savage terrorists now armed with the most sophisticated weaponry on the planet, they desperately need a strong America to continue to protect them. Maybe this is God's plan all along. We can only pray.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 9/29/2021 9:33:37 AM (No. 929946)
I'm with poster #6, that sentence stood out to me also. What the heck does he mean by... 'That sack of meat with mittens?' Does that phrase have some sort of meaning in England?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 9/29/2021 9:45:21 AM (No. 929962)
I never understood why people complained about the "mean tweets" from Donald Trump. In most cases, his "mean tweets" were responses to insults flung at him. He didn't start them but he did finish them. So now people are saying he is crass etc.
In actuality, the Democrat party uses the "blue fist" as their symbol. Let me point to true meanness - the fist. The Democrat party uses intimidation and that is what is unpleasant and sinister.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
downnout 9/29/2021 9:54:28 AM (No. 929978)
Who is this Rob Liddle character?
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
red1066 9/29/2021 9:57:43 AM (No. 929982)
Donald Trump was a businessman. He thought like a businessman, and acted like a businessman. It was exactly what this country needed and needs. If the euroweenies didn't like him because he wasn't politically polite, tough dung. Get over it. Trump's personality was developed dealing with tough and shady businesses and unions, and he made billions doing it. That's what's called leadership.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Zigrid 9/29/2021 10:23:58 AM (No. 930012)
I wonder what the illegal staffers running the Oval Office have to say about this....looks like President Trump is going to be given the true count and the world is watching...biden/obama must be worried...the truth will surface...
18 people like this.
Totally bogus headline. Article talks only about information management" by tech companies (not right but not illegal) and draws the conclusion based only on recent polls that show Trump is more popular. Nothing about suspicious ballots delivered in the middle of the night after counting had been suspended, mail-in ballots with no postmarks or folds, rigged software in voting machines, observers denied access to the polls, or any of the other fraudulent activity that took place last November.
14 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
MDConservative 9/29/2021 10:35:15 AM (No. 930027)
The cabal is the UNIPARTY. That " shadowy cabal that included giant corporations, big tech giants, and powerful labor unions" was more than those Dem components. It took six states with Republican legislatures to flip to Biden, and they happened miraculously, all of them. And despite immediate claims of corruption, with statistical anomalies identified, all six of those legislatures certified Biden electors with no further adieu. Of course, we know Republicans wouldn't do anything wrong...and then we have the NeverTrump wing that clearly allied with the liberal side to dump Trump.
Proven fraud will not overturn this election. The legislatures had their opportunity to act, and failed before certifying Biden electors. Congress had its chance to challenge slates, and collapsed that notion even before the Capitol invasion. The electors' vote for Biden was accepted, as per the Constitution. The UNIPARTY won...again.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Kate318 9/29/2021 10:35:20 AM (No. 930028)
I hardly think that a guy from a country that elected Boris Johnson has any standing to call our president “a sack of meat with mittens.”
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
NotaBene 9/29/2021 11:07:01 AM (No. 930065)
The election was stolen from US by a Luciferian plot of New World Order Illuminati. These forces will not allow free elections again, having seen how easy it was to get US to acquiesce. In California Nancy´s nephew recently signed a law making universal mail-in ballots permanent.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Dino Sayer 9/29/2021 11:32:03 AM (No. 930090)
When we the American people allow a president to be elected by photocopiers, what do we expect?
The vote audits must continue so there is a record of this criminal conspiracy. The phone trace evidence of 274 bad actors stuffing the ballot collections should lead to investigation a d prosecution. This wasn’t a random event that occurred in all the critical states. This was a planned corruption and theft of the election at the national level. Did Pelosi do this? Did Schiff and Schumer help? How about real impeachment trials of these three traitors?
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
starboard 9/29/2021 11:37:19 AM (No. 930095)
Enjoyed all the Republican senators questioning yesterday, especially Josh Howley and Marsha Blackburn. Both were fearless and took no prisoners.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
hershey 9/29/2021 12:00:43 PM (No. 930116)
'sack of meat with mittens'??? You freaking British wanker...Trump what the best President we had in many presidential cycles....led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit,..at least you got something right...
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
4Justice 9/29/2021 12:41:37 PM (No. 930149)
Folks, you gotta understand that a lot of people who found Trump "appalling" never really listened to him nor did they see any of the truth of his Presidency. Those people only watched and heard the 24/7 propaganda smear campaign that the media, entertainment industry, university professors, Democrats, RINOs and all the other tyrannical, globalist radical manipulators have been waging for the last 5 years. I am not excusing those indoctrinated lemmings, but it is understandable how people can be willingly conditioned to believe anything. It takes a lot to undo years of brainwashing, you know. The good thing is that lately more and more people are waking up because they are seeing for themselves that things are not necessarily what they seemed to be.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Kitty Myers 9/29/2021 12:49:00 PM (No. 930159)
#17 Thank you! I didn't catch that. My apologies to Kyle Becker.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
scottj 9/29/2021 7:26:42 PM (No. 930474)
Notice it's the British media and not the American media. The American media is corrupt and will try and hide the democrat corruption.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
ronniethek 9/29/2021 7:27:29 PM (No. 930477)
IMHO the Dems perfected the steal in 2016. They sto!e 2012 as well. The magic negro (LA TIMES TERM NOT MINE) was a fraud and probably didn't win re-election either. Part of why he got away with it was because he ran against a complete milquetoast twit.
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