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Former VP Pence establishes
'Advancing American Freedom'
to combat 'radical left'

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 4/8/2021 1:19:06 AM

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday launched Advancing American Freedom, an advocacy group with the mission of promoting and defending policy achievements of the Trump administration. Mr. Pence joins a growing list of Trump alumni who have returned to the political trenches leading advocacy groups tasked with preserving the legacy of their former boss and fighting President Biden and the rise of the “radical left.” “Advancing American Freedom plans to build on the success of the last four years by promoting traditional conservative values and promoting the successful policies of the Trump administration,” Mr. Pence said. “Conservatives will not stand idly by


A bit late for that now, Mr. Pence.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: SALady 4/8/2021 1:24:33 AM (No. 748014)
Way too little, and way too late!!!! You had your chance, and you proved what a swamp creature you were by stabbing your boss in the back!!! There is a reason the symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant -- because elephants never forget backstabbing turncoats!!!!
143 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: paleoconserv43 4/8/2021 1:29:20 AM (No. 748016)
So we hear from Mr. Sominex.
61 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: GoodDeal 4/8/2021 1:34:22 AM (No. 748017)
You had your chance and blew it big time. You could have been a bold brave hero in history instead you are Judas Pence. I’m going to do everything I can to defeat you. If Mitch and Rove are backing you that’s all we need to know. You are a traitorous deep state vile venomous loathsome swamp creature.
137 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 4/8/2021 1:36:14 AM (No. 748018)
He is trying to 'rehabilitate' himself after stabbing Trump and all his supporters in the back. There was enough evidence to delay certification, but he sided with the Democrats.
124 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NotaBene 4/8/2021 2:26:54 AM (No. 748039)
I am tired of Constitucional Conservative Benedict Pence who betrayed US and gave the election to communist thieves. Not a loyal man, hope the 4 million of Simon and Schuster (CCP) profit him as much as the 30 pieces of silver of Judas. America First by is our only way forward. The GOPee plays for the Globalist side. Just like John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Comey Berrett. I stand with Good President Trump the Great.
120 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 4/8/2021 2:34:51 AM (No. 748044)
OK. Still don't support this guy.
79 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: PChristopher 4/8/2021 3:09:00 AM (No. 748059)
It's a pity that you didn't stand up for your boss when it mattered.
107 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DCGIRL 4/8/2021 4:34:53 AM (No. 748069)
Please Mr. Pence, just go away. We don't care what you are establishing. We just don't want to hear from you again. SERIOUSLY!!! What you did to the 80+ Million Trump voters on January 6, was a disgrace and you will NEVER be forgiven.
118 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: BillW. 4/8/2021 4:51:28 AM (No. 748074)
Got lost, Pence. In 2020, American Patriots voted for the best President in the last 100 years, except a vindictive, treasonous scheme led to President Donald J. Trump's defeat. Trump is right, of course: "They stole the 2020 election." This is no conspiracy (facts are called "conspiracies" only when you disagree with them); there is direct evidence and eyewitness accounts. The election was stolen by vote fraud by One-World Marxist Communist democrats, and chicanery at the polls in five battleground states fixed the results. The intelligence is clear: The Chi-Coms bought the surrealistic Joe Biden and intend to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily, and technologically. Everyone knows it, even the Leftist press and their brownshirt "woke" enforcers, hence the propagation of the term "The Big Lie," straight from Goebbels. You really can't make this stuff up. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying, deceived, or in on it.
90 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 4/8/2021 5:16:09 AM (No. 748076)
Thanks, Judas.
53 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: judy 4/8/2021 5:24:47 AM (No. 748077)
Pence will have a few supporters...Romney, the Bushs, Krystol, Flake, Rove...
71 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: 5 handicap 4/8/2021 5:39:39 AM (No. 748083)
FTA "Mr. Pence said. “Conservatives will not stand idly by"..... How the hell would he know what Conservatives will or will not do?
72 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: daisey 4/8/2021 6:06:37 AM (No. 748093)
I don’t care what you do Mr Pence, you’ll never get my vote. Ever. You had a great opportunity back in January, and you blew it big time. Think electors. You and Nikki Haley should get together. You have a lot in common.
79 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Rinktum 4/8/2021 6:09:29 AM (No. 748095)
I thought I was among the very few who did not like Pence. His actions spoke volumes in January. I cannot imagine if I called myself a patriot that I would not do everything in my power to prevent exactly what is happening now. The country is being destroyed by democrat radicalism of every kind. It is not just in the political world either. Every aspect of our lives is being politicized because it is the easiest way to control and divide us. Now, Pence wants to preserve President Trump’s policies? Please. Pence wants to be elected. However, he does not have the strength, moral fortitude, or courage to old that office. Furthermore, I don’t believe he even has the right political philosophy. If he had, we could have, at least, had the opportunity to prevent the democrats from stealing what they could not win. So, no, Pence will not ever get my support. When he stood by and did nothing, that sealed his fate for me. Now, I am wondering just how really loyal he was all along. Maybe he was the mole in the White House that made life so difficult for President Trump. It really doesn’t even matter. January 6th was an opportunity for him to stand up and he caved. Would sending those electors back to those states that were so janky have been so terrible? There were massive anomalies that could not be explained by other than fraud and tampering. He chose to ignore them. Now, he should be happy to live with his decision. There is no way he can come back from such an act of cowardice and betrayal. The American people will not forget it.
96 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Gruntmedic 4/8/2021 6:11:56 AM (No. 748097)
Go away you screwed the pouch.
38 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 4/8/2021 6:51:23 AM (No. 748106)
You should have stood when you were called.
65 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: govlawyer 4/8/2021 7:08:38 AM (No. 748112)
You sat when it was time to stand. I'd hate to think of how you would have reacted if you were in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 and Franklin told you that it was your turn to sign the Declaration.
58 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 4/8/2021 7:19:07 AM (No. 748114)
Pence is a tea-drinking version of John Boener. Go away.
55 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: downnout 4/8/2021 7:34:10 AM (No. 748125)
Another PAC disguised as an advocacy group designed to provide money for the next political campaign.
44 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: F15 Gork 4/8/2021 7:36:38 AM (No. 748128)
Another Think Tank? That’ll work.
35 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: bpl40 4/8/2021 7:38:03 AM (No. 748129)
The first step should have been taken on pulled a John Roberts. Too little too late.
19 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: stablemoney 4/8/2021 8:21:33 AM (No. 748170)
When it mattered, Pence chose to put the left in power, rather than standing up to their theft of office. No delays, no review of the election counts, just surrender. That established a communist dictatorship in this country. I don't see how Pence has done anything to advance American freedom, except set up a fund raiser for Pence.
41 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: MamaX3 4/8/2021 8:22:52 AM (No. 748172)
Pence has a lot to confess and repent. He screwed Michael Flynn, and as far as I know has never apologized to him. Some Christian, aren't you? Hid like a little girl on January 6th, that says more about you than words. By not standing up to the Left, and always letting Trump take the heat, who would ever trust you to lead them anywhere? Save us the time and trouble putting up with your cowardice and go pound sand.
50 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: udanja99 4/8/2021 8:29:12 AM (No. 748175)
His complete lack of self awareness is on display when he uses the words “will not stand idly by” when that is exactly what he did on January 6. He apparently, like the demonrats, believes that voters are ignorant idiots who weren’t capable of seeing what he did and who he is. Now he’s trying to ride the coattails of the man he betrayed. I can barely think of anything lower. I never trusted him after he caved to the LGBT crowd on the freedom of religion bill while governor of Indiana. Seems I was right.
46 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Strike3 4/8/2021 8:29:19 AM (No. 748176)
Pence's career is over. He's like the military officer who hides behind a barricade and says "go get 'em boys!" while pointing his swagger stick in the general direction of the enemy.
37 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: udanja99 4/8/2021 8:29:51 AM (No. 748179)
Forgot to add....I really hope that someone shows him this thread of comments.
43 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 4/8/2021 8:39:04 AM (No. 748198)
Pence, just one minor detail. How about promote free and fair presidential elections and promote a thorough comprehensive investigation of the Great Election Fraud of November 2020? Lindell did his part. Now you do yours.
37 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 4/8/2021 8:40:57 AM (No. 748202)
I have trouble understanding how he could be this tone deaf or delusional. Pence is done! Only the swamp will support him, and apparently they are the ones he is listening to. If the republican party gets behind Pence, they might have found a way to be even less relevant than they are now.
33 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: MickTurn 4/8/2021 8:42:06 AM (No. 748205)
Well Pencie boy, if YOU had done your JOB and not certified election results from CROOKED FRAUD riddled states we wouldn't be in this mess now would we?
39 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Timber Queen 4/8/2021 8:52:44 AM (No. 748220)
Aptly named man. A pence is about all he is worth.
29 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Laotzu 4/8/2021 8:55:57 AM (No. 748224)
1. He did nothing about the COVID fraud coming down the pike. He had a vested interest in election integrity as the natural successor to an eight year Trump presidency. He wasted his time and did nothing. 2. Where was he during Russia Gate? I don't seem to remember one objection to the politicization of our national intelligence infrastructure. 3. Sat back and let the Democrats and the media frame the entire January 6 narrative to their liking, while a Veteran was assassinated without a word spoke. Coward.
27 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: rocket-j-squirrel 4/8/2021 9:05:11 AM (No. 748240)
Note to Pence: Al Gore has done the globular warning thingy. You might want to learn to code.
21 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Strike3 4/8/2021 9:20:53 AM (No. 748268)
Pence and the Republicans can do what they like to keep themselves amused. They will be doing it without my money or my vote.
18 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: red1066 4/8/2021 9:22:18 AM (No. 748271)
Pence is going to combat the radical left. The established left will remain in control of D.C.
9 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: gone2pot 4/8/2021 9:23:27 AM (No. 748272)
What everyone else said. Can't say it any better.
19 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: qr4j 4/8/2021 9:39:29 AM (No. 748296)
Nice man. Doesn't trip my trigger as far as a candidate for POTUS is concerned. Just being nice doesn't cut it in a world where a Democrat Party would set a forest on fire to kill Bambi and his mum if they thought either of them had ever voted for a Republican OR questioned Dr. Fauci.
15 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: TrueBlueWfan 4/8/2021 9:50:54 AM (No. 748309)
Nope, fuggedaboutit, Mike. I blame you for being the trigger on Jan. 6th. When I heard you were going to certify those votes from the contested states, I blew a gasket and I was nowhere near the Capitol. Imagine being there. I cannot blame any of those nonviolent trespassers into the "People's House" that day. Those people in there were supposed to REPRESENT us, not lock us out. The election of 2020 was STOLEN!! And I will never stop believing it or saying it.
26 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: Periwinkel 4/8/2021 10:06:48 AM (No. 748330)
Mike Pence and John Roberts two weenies for the ages!
26 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: MDConservative 4/8/2021 10:29:21 AM (No. 748358)
No "Pence Foundation"?
8 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: Zigrid 4/8/2021 10:35:34 AM (No. 748367)
Great post #1... right on!!... WE are the elephants who never forget....pence is a pathic figure of a man... a man with no courage to do the right thing...he can cozy up to the swamp till the cows come home... he lost his credibility with US...
15 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: rsgonner 4/8/2021 11:22:55 AM (No. 748416)
Tragically, Pence has lost all credibility. Perilous times allow some people to rise to greatness just as they allow others to sink into irrelevance. Goodbye Mr. Pence.
15 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: 3XALADY 4/8/2021 12:01:32 PM (No. 748466)
Amen to all posts. I guess Pence doesn't realize there are 80 million honked off voters out here.
14 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: RedWhite&Blue2 4/8/2021 1:07:15 PM (No. 748538)
The rats on the left always speak with forked tongue They lie and become such hypocrites And now we have our own forked-tongue rat in this Pence guy who “sat idly by” while his partner was getting attacked by Democrats and did NOTHING to help any of us and now pretends to be a new leader???? You smiling clown hypocrite liar! Go to Hades! Veterans for Trump 2016 2020 2024 We all KNOW Trump is rightful President!
13 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: Casper27 4/8/2021 1:16:45 PM (No. 748553)
cliches cliches cliches. You had two electoral votes from several states, you could have chosen either, you didn't Please leave America out of your vocabulary, you Biden female dog.
8 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: pensom2 4/8/2021 1:24:02 PM (No. 748562)
Like all rino's, all he gives us is words. Endless words. Trump was a leader who gave us actions to prove his words. Judas Pence gave us cowering, snowflake inaction that proves his words are lies.
11 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: Geoman 4/8/2021 1:54:20 PM (No. 748604)
44 Replies and it is unanimous that Pence is not trusted or supported here but no one seems to question what Trump saw in Pence for his running mate in 2016 and why he chose to retain him on the ticket for the 2020 re-election. Once elected, the VP doesn't serve at the leisure of the president. Pence, a Washington insider, didn't suddenly change his spots on January 6, 2021. Given Sessions, Barr, Mattis, Kelly, Priebus, Wray and other low speed-high drag, cabinet-level political appointments, I'll trust my own judgment on future candidates for my Congressional representative, senator, and governor. While I'll vote for Trump if he runs in 2024, I'm not depending on him to tell me for whom I should vote and I sincerely hope and expect that he'll choose a better transition team if he gets another opportunity to flesh out an administration.
3 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: dolphin 4/8/2021 3:27:18 PM (No. 748689)
4 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Rumblehog 4/8/2021 3:57:43 PM (No. 748707)
So "Race" (, you yearn for higher office? Save you breath and money. Will you run under the "Traitors To Trump" umbrella?
3 people like this.

Reply 49 - Posted by: Lucky5 4/8/2021 4:00:47 PM (No. 748710)
A totally useless man.
4 people like this.

Reply 50 - Posted by: dman 4/8/2021 4:46:12 PM (No. 748744)
What Saint Mike did to Ted Cruz, he has done to the rest of us. "Christian" notwithstanding: he is an opportunist.
4 people like this.

Reply 51 - Posted by: 6ironejd 4/8/2021 5:26:40 PM (No. 748778)
You missed your chance to apply the ounce of prevention. What makes you think anyone will take your pound of cure seriously? I won't. And judging by the responses on this page, I don't think many others will either.
7 people like this.

Reply 52 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 4/8/2021 6:57:52 PM (No. 748856)
Don't waste your time, money or baited breath, Mike.
3 people like this.

Reply 53 - Posted by: happywarrior 4/8/2021 8:08:17 PM (No. 748903)
I truly believe he's been the leaker and was working against PDT from day one. He can sod right off!
2 people like this.

Reply 54 - Posted by: pmcclure 4/8/2021 9:14:40 PM (No. 748935)
He is just another posturing phony.
2 people like this.

Reply 55 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 4/9/2021 12:17:42 AM (No. 749013)
Too bad. He didn't Advance American Freedom before, don't trust him now.
1 person likes this.

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the Supreme Court
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/9/2021 12:02:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is set to issue an executive order on Friday forming a bipartisan commission that will perform a 180-day study of potential changes to the Supreme Court, including court packing and setting term limits for justices. “The Commission’s purpose is to provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform, including an appraisal of the merits and legality of particular reform proposals,” the White House said in a statement. “The topics it will examine include the genesis of the reform debate; the Court’s role in the Constitutional system
Dem Rep. Plays The Victim, Says Capitol
Mayhem Was Like Pearl Harbor
31 replies
Posted by Imright 4/9/2021 11:23:14 AM Post Reply
Democrats are not only still bringing up the Jan. 6 chaos at the U.S. Capitol, now some are acting as if it was comparable to one of the worst attacks against America.During an off-the-rails interview on CNN, Tennessee Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen claimed that the Jan. 6 Capitol mayhem was comparable to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, where over 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed and the country was dragged into World War II.“January 6th is a day like that,” Cohen said. “It’s a day that should be remembered in America because our democracy was at stake. It was under attack as much as Pearl Harbor was
BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten
in Flint, Michigan Over Delayed Stimulus
Checks (VIDEO)
31 replies
Posted by dst4life 4/9/2021 9:41:54 AM Post Reply
This was horrible. A female postal service worker was brutally beaten in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan by several women over delayed stimulus checks. The women are filmed pummeling the woman and pulling her hair. Police say the woman is in good condition and an arrest was made in the beating. According to the video, the white female is a USPS postal worker and she is attacked by multiple African American women regarding “stimulus money”:
Harvard Medical School doctors advocate
race-based discrimination to favor
minorities, calling it ‘medical restitution’
31 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/9/2021 7:41:15 AM Post Reply
Ruling class members are starting to state out loud the heretofore tacit punitive anti-White discrimination they seek in order to atone for ‘structural racism. Two professors at Harvard Medical School, Drs. Bram Wispelwey and Michelle Morse, have published an open call for racial discrimination in the delivery of medical services in the name of remedying “structural racism.” (snip) They want open discrimination against Whites (and maybe Asians) in order to favor Blacks and what they call “Latinx” (a patronizing label favored by progressives but shunned by most Hispanics). (snip) " a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service."
San Francisco Hemorrhaging Residents
To Texas And Florida: Study
31 replies
Posted by Imright 4/8/2021 11:56:53 PM Post Reply
The liberal city of San Francisco, California, is losing residents at a record pace, many of whom are migrating to states such as Texas and Florida, according to a recent study. San Francisco has lost more residents between 2019 and 2020 than any other major U.S. city, according to data compiled by the commercial realty firm CBRE Group and reported by Business Insider. The study discovered that the number of those fleeing San Francisco to Texas spiked 32.1%, and those making the trek to Florida skyrocketed by 46.2%.
Will Spiraling Border Crisis
Destroy Biden’s Presidency?
30 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 4/8/2021 8:44:45 AM Post Reply
It’s not three months into a four-year term, but Joe Biden’s presidency is already heading for the rocks. Surging waves of immigrants have overwhelmed the U.S.’ southern border. With public anger growing, Biden now has been forced to tacitly recognize President Donald Trump’s border success. Just this week, Biden let it be known he’s considering restarting Trump’s border wall construction — just to “fill in” parts of it, his administration says. Right. In fact, it’s desperation because the Biden-Democrat open border policy has been an epic disaster, one that could result in huge Democratic losses in 2022 and a lame-duck presidency
Joe Biden: ‘No Amendment to the Constitution
Is Absolute’
28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/8/2021 6:47:48 PM Post Reply
On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced new executive actions on gun control, trying to limit “ghost guns” and to make it easier for people to flag their own family members who shouldn’t be allowed to purchase firearms. In announcing his gun restrictions, Biden specifically addressed the Second Amendment. While Biden insisted that none of his gun control measures impinged on the Second Amendment, he also insisted that “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” “Nothing, nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment. They’re phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake for what we’re talking about,” he argued. Then came the key statement:
Will Harry and Meghan come back to
the UK after Prince Philip's death?
Couple's bombshell Oprah interview
aired while he was in hospital
26 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 4/9/2021 9:09:29 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry is preparing to return to the UK for the first time since leaving Royal duties after the death of Prince Philip - but questions remain over whether Meghan will join him. Harry's grandfather's death comes weeks after they gave an interview to Oprah alleging racism in the Royal Family which aired while Philip was in hospital. The Sussexes, who faced calls to postpone the interview because Philip was unwell, accused an unnamed royal, not the Queen nor the duke, of raising concerns about how dark their son Archie's skin tone would be before he was born.
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