Ex-UVA student can sue school
after asking questions during
a panel got him expelled: judge
New York Post,
Gabrielle Fonrouge
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
4/8/2021 5:36:42 PM
A former University of Virginia medical student can proceed with a lawsuit against the school over his expulsion—which stemmed from questions he asked about the nuance of microaggressions during a panel discussion that led to him being branded a threat, a federal judge has ruled. Kieran Bhattacharya sued the prestigious state university for violating his First Amendment rights and a judge denied the school’s attempt to have it tossed last week, court records show.(Snip) During a question-and-answer portion of the panel, Bhattacharya sought clarification on the definition of microaggression, asking the presenter, assistant dean Beverly Cowell Adams, if only marginalized groups
Reply 1 - Posted by:
john56 4/8/2021 5:51:19 PM (No. 748791)
FTA “All but one of the claims in this case have been dismissed,” the spokesperson continued.
Yeah, I guess that First Amendment "Freedom of Speech" thing can be a minor nuisance to the ruling class.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Newtsche 4/8/2021 6:19:28 PM (No. 748812)
Insufferable academic masturbation, all the more shameful because it's in a public arena.
Elites my arse.
9 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 4/8/2021 6:20:47 PM (No. 748813)
Point is, no one brooks any dissent, which far from being a microaggression, is a major aggression. To them.
I personally happen to like many white people, even some black people, which latter don't seem to want to be MY friend. But hey, chacun a son gout.
Bhattacharya was polite and making a reasonable inquiry, hope he wins.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
padiva 4/8/2021 6:28:18 PM (No. 748821)
Can a victim's fantasy be a microaggression?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
SkeezerMcGee 4/8/2021 6:43:20 PM (No. 748835)
I hope he is gets $millions!
It's astonishing that Kieran was EXPELLED from medical school because of what should be an extremely trivial matter. It's hard to believe these sorts of things are happening in the United States of America!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Highlander 4/8/2021 7:30:07 PM (No. 748876)
A bunch of Orwellian snowflakes in administration can’t handle a give-and-take discussion. How was he disrespectful? Just by putting their pet theories of micro aggressions on the burner? The liberal left created a host of other terminology such as critical race theory, systemic racism, rape culture, and yada, yada, yada, just to pigeonhole their opponents and shut down arguments.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Finally50 4/8/2021 7:43:03 PM (No. 748886)
I attended business school at Columbia University in the late 1980's. While I was there my grandfather passed away. I informed the professor of my organizational behavior class, a Hispanic woman, that I would be missing one Friday afternoon class so that I could be with my family and attend the funeral. She didn't take kindly to that, telling me that I was a misogynist and that I wouldn't have even thought of missing the class if my professor would have been a man. I went to the funeral anyway. She included a note with my final grade telling me that she thought I would benefit greatly if I got some counseling!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
jasmine 4/8/2021 8:58:05 PM (No. 748929)
Why did the university have a panel discussion about "microaggressions" without providing a clear definition of what the word means at the outset?
If microaggressions are harming "marginalized groups" how will intentionally keeping the definition "non-specific" lead to anyone learning how to recognize and avoid such faulty thinking? Maybe the lack of clarity on "microaggressions" is useful in the same way the left has used words like "racist" and "racism" to smear people who merely disagree with them.
The hostile, vengeful treatment of this student was inexcusable. Glad to know he will get his day in court.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Omen55 4/8/2021 11:24:36 PM (No. 748991)
Now it's their $$$ that's on the line.
No quarter must be given only dollars!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
snakeoil 4/8/2021 11:32:26 PM (No. 748996)
We will take your tuition money, charge you excessively for board, parking, etc. You will listen to us and not talk back. After gouging you for years we will give you a degree. If you rock the boat you will be shown the door and Hit the Road Jack and Don't You Come Back No More No More.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
MickTurn 4/9/2021 8:31:15 AM (No. 749211)
ANY Institution of learning that Indoctrinates students in any way should be totally shut down, it's endowments confiscated and all the Marxists be taken out and ...you know the rest!
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A student was expelled from school after quite reasonably questioning the Dean of Color, during a Learn to Hate White People seminar, why only "marginalized groups" (meaning anyone other a WHITE person, which are officially despised in the USA) can be victims of microaggressions.