Former Special Forces Officer Warns of
Color Revolution Tactics Used Against
Epoch Times,
GQ Pan
Joshua Philipp
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
12/11/2020 12:00:12 PM
Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by President Donald Trump’s opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.
“A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change,” the officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times. “What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that’s using a color revolution to affect regime change.”
The 2019 Transition Integrity Project, according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this year’s presidential election were “transparently orchestrated” by “Marxist elements within the Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments.”
“It may not have fallen out just as they
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Daisymay 12/11/2020 12:32:26 PM (No. 629040)
Wow! Scary stuff!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
davew 12/11/2020 12:33:57 PM (No. 629042)
Students of history have to admire the ingenuity of power mad despots even if they weep for its cost on ordinary citizens. Reading the fall of the Roman Republic and its decent into violence and calamity (see Caligula, et al) I am struck by the similarities to our own time. In the end the only government in Rome was determined by who had the most thugs that could kill their opponents quicker than they could kill you. Once the rule of law goes civility and private property are quick to follow.
The genius of the current color revolution architects is the patience they showed over decades to install their disciples in the legal system. This has resulted in the current checkmate move where all us Trump supporters are now hanging onto the SCOTUS to save us from the impending catastrophe . Unfortunately the SCOTUS will most likely either refuse the case or refer it to a lower court for a basic reason. They are not triers of fact only of law. Unless a lower court has reviewed the facts in a case the SCOTUS can't opine on the law behind it. Since the lower court judges in the contested states are all part of the steal and have blocked anyone from establishing a fact basis in a timely manner were are caught in a classic Catch 22 trap. The only Constitutional way to a Trump victory after this will be challenges in the Congress on January 6, 2021 when they meet to accept the electoral college vote. Given the lack of courage we've seen so far I'm not putting any money on this outcome.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
ramona 12/11/2020 12:48:55 PM (No. 629047)
Here is what worries me. Some of us (many of us) are as well-informed as we can be. We understand the implications of what we are reading here. However, what do our congress critters, administration officials (like Wm. Barr), Supreme Court Justices etc etc. know about the dark background to stories such as this?
And for our "normal" Democratic voting friends and acquaintances, this information is just tin-foil hat or worse.
Can someone assure me that the President's top advisors truly understand what is going on?
Ramona (the Pest)
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
qr4j 12/11/2020 12:54:05 PM (No. 629052)
Please read to the end of my short paragraph. On the face of it, the claims made in this article sound as kooky as the day is long in the middle of summer in Alaska! And they would be in normal times. These are not normal times. The claims are, at the very least, worth considering and tucking away for future reference.
Up is down. Down is up. The grass is green. The sky is blue. The Mississippi River is flowing toward Canada instead of the Gulf of Mexico. Nothing is aright.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/11/2020 1:17:50 PM (No. 629076)
In the countries where these tactics have worked there is always an uneducated, unarmed populace. They may have tried it here but that doesn't mean there was any success in any of it. They cheated in the election and they got caught. They burned and looted in select areas but that's because the police were not allowed to use their weapons. They have done some damage through lockdowns but more citizens are challenging the legality of those lockdowns, the seriousness of the Bat Flu and the authority of their mayors and governors. There is an armed guerilla force out here and to their dismay, they are on Trump's side. Trump's only unwise move was in appointing his young inexperienced familly members as advisers but I believe those were token posts only. A success in a venture like this depends upon loyalty and respect for the law and the government, which no longer exists.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Paintman 12/11/2020 1:32:28 PM (No. 629085)
Hello fellow posters and I just wanted to give my two cents on this issue. I am the proverbial tin hat wearing guy. I am one of the moderators of a very big paranormal forum.
We are not living in ordinary times and the Democrats seem to have pushed the envelope of fraud to the point where everybody sees it. They got sloppy at the end and maybe they're going to get caught and maybe they're not. But it is right in front of our noses.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
starboard 12/11/2020 2:05:51 PM (No. 629110)
I agree with # 6 about the Dem's tendency to get sloppy. They assume their media division will defend them against the truth. Even though they play dirty, we are a new version of what we once were and we have the number of bodies on our side.
We are almost at the tipping point.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
MDConservative 12/11/2020 2:10:35 PM (No. 629111)
“The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking the efficacy of the Constitution.”
I'm waiting to see how the grand show in SCOTUS plays out. If Chief Justice Earl Warren Roberts (and/or Kavenaugh) supports a 5-4 denial of certiorari to Texas, et al, then the game is effectively over. The UNIPARTY wins ad infinitum.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jacksin5 12/11/2020 2:11:48 PM (No. 629112)
Here's the problem. We are a Nation of Laws. Most citizens respect and follow the letter of the law, even if we don't personally agree with it. I agree with many that an insurrection is under way, but it's a large leap for many to contemplate, forget carry out, an armed resistance to the illegal takeover now under way.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 12/11/2020 4:09:39 PM (No. 629182)
I saw the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, which was a long running protest against election fraud in that country. From what I saw, this 'revolution' was actually "the good guys" (to the extent that there actually were any good guys in Ukraine politics at that time) trying to oppose the Russian-installed bad guy. This Russian-installed Ukrainian president was stopped by the protests and the Ukrainain supreme court, and a new election was run, and the "good guy" Yushchenko won that time. In 2010, the election was the opposite result and the Russian-supported candidate Yanukovych was elected. But a few years later, there was a huge protest in their capital (Kiev) in their Independence Square (just outside of my normal hotel). I was not in Ukraine at the time, having left a few months earlier, but I corresponded with friends, and they supported the crowds controlling the Maidan (Independence Square) for months. Finally, things came to a head when Russian snipers (according to friends in Ukraine) started killing people in the Maidan. There was a real pushback, and the snipers, and President Yanukovych and his evil minions bailed out, making it safely to Russia. They used the lobby of my hotel for a morgue and first aid station, I am informed that the floors ran red with blood.
In any case.....I have no doubt that corruption in elections, as seen in Ukraine, and likely other countries, is a REAL thing, including in our last election. I suspect that CIA and other groups within the government worked to defraud the people on our recent election. Will we be willing to take over the Mall in DC, or surround the Capitol building until something is done? I think the Ukrainians were very brave. And of course, not long after, Putin sent troops to take over all of eastern Ukraine by force.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
red1066 12/11/2020 6:43:30 PM (No. 629270)
There are no Marxists in the demoslut party because there's nothing democratic about them. Just call them the communist party and be done with it.
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