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Zimbabwe and Namibia will kill scores
of elephants to feed people facing drought

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Posted By: Hazymac, 9/18/2024 9:28:19 AM

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe and Namibia have announced plans to slaughter hundreds of wild elephants and other animals to feed hunger-stricken residents amid severe drought conditions in the southern African countries. Zimbabwe said Monday it would allow the killing of 200 elephants so that their meat can be distributed among needy communities, while in Namibia the killing of more than 700 wild animals — including 83 elephants — is under way as part of a plan announced three weeks ago. Tinashe Farawo, a spokesman for the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, said permits would be issued in needy communities to hunt elephants

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Troutgreen 9/18/2024 9:50:05 AM (No. 1797842)
Wow. Makes me glad we got Haitians instead of these guys.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snakeoil 9/18/2024 10:19:34 AM (No. 1797861)
Many of the world's zoos would love to have elephants. What a waste.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NorthernDog 9/18/2024 10:32:51 AM (No. 1797874)
Most of those wild animals do Not taste good - at least I've heard. Chickens are easy enough to raise. You'd think they could raise enough to feed most everyone.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Kate318 9/18/2024 10:40:44 AM (No. 1797880)
So much for environmentalism.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 9/18/2024 10:46:52 AM (No. 1797889)
And then when the elephants are gone, what do you eat?
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 9/18/2024 10:47:16 AM (No. 1797890)
Before you get all sad, you need to know that elephants are over populated in many preserves and parks, where they cause huge damage while feeding. I have seen areas where elephants have grazed thru and they rip out ll the smaller trees to eat the preferred tender roots. Where they feed looks like a bulldozer ran amok. They destroy their own habitat,and the habitat for other animals. I saw this in person, talked with park rangers about it. Of course, the Animal Planet propagandists never show this aspect of habitat destruction. The 'save the animals' money collectors get rich on kind hearted but misinformed folks. When I was in Kruger Park, they had 8,000+ elephants and figured that the habitat would support 4,000. They couldn't get permission to cull due to pressure from foreign animal advocates, so the elephants were steadily destroying the park. Most of what is "known" about African wildlife from TV is not true, but designed to get money for the people running these organizations.
31 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 9/18/2024 10:52:55 AM (No. 1797897)
Not true #2, can't give them away. I asked when in South Africa. Need to get rid of 4,000 elephants......and most zoos have all they need, maybe 10 or 20 could find homes in zoos. What about the other 3,980?? Those who have never been to the place rarely understand the truth. No easy answers.
17 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: voxpopuli 9/18/2024 11:01:42 AM (No. 1797905)
OH.. BOO HOO.. should we just send pallets of $$ over so they don't have to do it..
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: HPmatt 9/18/2024 11:08:39 AM (No. 1797913)
They should challenge animal NGOs to put their money where their Ads are, and ‘sponsor’ each elephant for $250k in shipped in food
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: PChristopher 9/18/2024 11:09:53 AM (No. 1797916)
I'd rather have the elephants migrating here than the idiots and criminals we got!
25 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/18/2024 11:13:46 AM (No. 1797918)
#6 is absolutely correct. Although the African elephant isn't common everywhere it used it be, in some places like Namibia and Zimbabwe, elephant populations are tens of thousands--maybe five times above what the local fauna will tolerate. They need culling before they leave nothing behind. If you think feral hogs are a problem here (and they are), imagine how bad hog damage would be if the hogs weighed over 10,000# apiece. Because it's the largest land animal, the elephant can be potentially the most dangerous of all. If a rogue elephant, as much as 13.8 feet high at the shoulder and 18,000#, with attitude, catches a person out in the open, it's all over quickly. The hippopotamus, capable of biting a human in half, kills several hundred people per year, more than the Nile crocodile, more than the black mamba, but the elephant with intent is hardest to stop. One elephant carcass can feed multiple villages. I've read that the muscle around the tusk is the tenderest meat of all. Hippo carcasses go a long way as well. One will feed many. Recently, I saw a video of an archer with a compound bow killing an adult cow elephant, quartering away, with one arrow. Cape buffalo and hippo have also been taken by archer. Pretty amazing what a bow and arrow will do. When culling trouble elephants by firearm, the least caliber allowed is .375 H&H, which is a fairly condiderable gun. .600 Nitro Express would probably be better. Hard cast bullets penetrate deeply into the brain. Don't miss or you're going to be flat, as in two dimensional
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/18/2024 11:27:40 AM (No. 1797930) (Point blank shot on a huge elephant, Botswana) In Kenyan national parks, where wildlife is protected, poachers are shot on sight. When riding across the fields of grass in our VW microbuses the front passenger seat was occupied by a park ranger with a scoped rifle. That rifle was intended not for our protection, but for the protection of commonly poached animals. The rifle was for certain types of people who fall under the rubric of poacher. We all approved. Africans should protect their rich natural heritage.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: WWIIDaughter 9/18/2024 11:32:42 AM (No. 1797935)
At one point, buffalo/bison in the U.S. had been hunted to near-extinction. Now they are being raised on private property by people who love the land and animals too. There are millions of them and we can buy the meat at grocery stores. If we could get the money-grubbing NGOs and their cry-baby supporters out of the process, we could have more, safer elephants. African tribesmen raising elephants for profit would absolutely guard their herds from poachers, fertile and young elephants would be safe and reproducing, elephants would be culled for meat and to keep the environment and other animals secure. Instead of being a totem for the virtue-signaling elites and "endangered" (and "endangering"), elephants would prosper. This-of course-will never happen as long as there is money to be made and cat-ladies to wring their hands and write checks.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: moebellini3 9/18/2024 11:41:14 AM (No. 1797944)
And every time you see an animal documentary the elephants are down to their last herd and barely surviving. Now they are over populated. Same thing with Lions. Same people same lies.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: jalo1951 9/18/2024 11:56:21 AM (No. 1797957)
Guess there are not enough crickets to go around.
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 9/18/2024 12:12:28 PM (No. 1797968)
Africans utilizing local resources-what's wrong with that? Youtube is full of vegan protestors here in the US trying to block access to farms /slaughterhouses here because they don't want the rest of us to enjoy meat because animals have feelings. Let's ship these pearl-clutching do-gooders to Zimbabwe and Namibia to protest-and watch what the locals will do & say to them.
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/18/2024 1:22:26 PM (No. 1797996)
Does population pressure reduce their fertility?
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: LadyHen 9/18/2024 1:24:07 PM (No. 1797997)
Elephants are not in an danger of going extinct. There is a huge elephant over population problem in most of Africa. Stop believing what the envirowackos and Hollywood tell you. Hunters and farmers are a better source of facts. And as for zoos wanting elephants, the US has so many unwanted elephants, we have an elephant sanctuary here in TN. Unwanted circus and zoo elephants come here to live out many times their rather long lives. And the sanctuary is just that, not a zoo. People can watch from webcams, that is all. Elephants are EXPENSIVE to keep as you can imagine, just like big cats. Hence why you can't give them away. There are just so few places for them to go. And as for raising chickens for meat, do you have ANY clue how much feed meat chickens require? The most feed efficient meat hybrids consume on average .6 to 1 lb feed (made up of most grain but also legume or fish meals, vitamins and minerals) per 1 lbs of dressed carcass weight. I know this because I raise chickens and ducks for meat and eggs. We produce ALL our on fowl meat and eggs and produce for others as well. Modern broilers are eating machines and live a short 8-10 weeks. Even more moderate growth chickens like Freedom Rangers or Sasso chickens which might make it to 14 weeks still consume a lot of grain to gain the muscle mass that becomes meat. True, your egg or dual purpose breed yard bird will forage a lot but don't plan on getting anything past a 2 lbs carcass on most of your roosters, and that will be tough as shoe leather by the time he is big enough to eat, hence Coq au vin. So if these nations are in a drought, where might they get the grain to feed the chickens or pigs or other omnivorous livestock? Importing is expensive. Better to eat your own over populated game animals. I bet one elephant will feed a lot of people.
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: LadyHen 9/18/2024 1:26:30 PM (No. 1797999)
Edit: "The most feed efficient meat hybrids consume on average .6 to 1 lb feed (made up of most grain but also legume or fish meals, vitamins and minerals) per 1 lbs of dressed carcass weight. " should be "The most feed efficient meat hybrids consume on average .6 to 1 lb feed per day (made up of most grain but also legume or fish meals, vitamins and minerals) per 1 lbs of final dressed carcass weight.
1 person likes this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/18/2024 1:28:41 PM (No. 1798000)
The area is under drought. Have to wonder how well these animals were faring in those conditions. Were they going to die anyway?
3 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Birddog 9/18/2024 1:36:09 PM (No. 1798005)
Pssst..."You wyte peebles need to mind your own biznuss, stop telling any African what to do with a frik'n elephant." Ya, know though...elephants once roamed american areas, maybeeeee...."Re-introducing them, like wolves. to American National Parks would be a gooood Idea?"-Kamala Harris(new campaign policy)
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Reply 22 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 9/18/2024 2:26:49 PM (No. 1798028)
Cape Town to Cairo, Africa is a hot mess. How much of the starvation is a consequence of goobermint policies?
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Luandir 9/18/2024 2:37:20 PM (No. 1798035)
Simple people living in harmony with Nature.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: red1066 9/18/2024 4:51:48 PM (No. 1798091)
Great. Feed people who can't feed themselves, so they have the energy to produce more people who can't feed themselves.
0 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: felixcat 9/18/2024 10:28:18 PM (No. 1798259)
Blame a drought on the poor farming practices of black Zimbabwe "War Veterans' who destroyed the white owned and productive farms one the guidance of Mugabe. So kill the elephants because these ignorant Zimbabwe war veterans don't know anything about farming. BTW - DVC -what country have you not visited and therefore cannot opine on?
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: mifla 9/19/2024 5:03:00 AM (No. 1798343)
This region used to be the breadbasket for Africa, then the bad guys took over and chased out all the farmers who knew what they were doing.
1 person likes this.

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CBS News Internal Scandal Explodes With
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Posted by Hazymac 10/10/2024 3:13:41 PM Post Reply
One of the most damning media scandals in recent memory is currently playing out at CBS News, and I'm not even talking about "60 Minutes" chopping up Kamala Harris' answers to protect her. This specific issue surrounds a recent interview done with race grifter and alleged antisemite Ta-Nehisi Coates. Like several others in his "field," Coates has made a lucrative living in academia and elsewhere peddling racial grievance and viciously attacking white people. He was even tapped by Marvel Comics to write "Black Panther" for several years, a job he failed miserably at for obvious reasons. With anti-white racism usually comes antisemitism, and Coates is no exception.
9 Things the Left Hates About Trump -
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Posted by Hazymac 9/25/2024 8:29:43 PM Post Reply
So, recently, I drafted a piece questioning why anyone would vote for Kamala Harris. In the spirit of fair play, I thought I would do something similar for Donald Trump. But let's call this one "Reasons to Hate Trump." (Or "Reasons the Left Hates Trump — and Why They Miss the Mark.") 1. He's Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable. It's kind of hard to deny this. He is obnoxious, and he is crude. He tells NATO allies to their faces that they aren't writing enough checks and haven't been for some time. He also tells the Washington Press Corps that they are biased, unfair, and a bunch of Democratic Party
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Posted by Hazymac 9/24/2024 8:24:30 AM Post Reply
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Leon Panetta Calls the Hezbollah 'Pager'
Attack 'Terrorism' - My Advice to Panetta:
Shut Up
25 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/24/2024 7:44:21 AM Post Reply
"Zero Dark Thirty" was a pretty solid movie. I liked it because the producers and director didn’t sugarcoat the way that CIA operatives treated terrorists. Terrorists deserved their fate. The composite protagonist “Maya” was a CIA analyst who worked tirelessly to bring justice down on Osama Bin Laden — AKA a bullet to the brain. After Maya had fingered where Bin Laden was, she met with Leon Panetta, the then-head of the CIA. Panetta was portrayed by James Gandolfini. I don’t object to artistic license when actors portray real people, but Gandolfini was a big man: 6’1” and intimidating. He looked intimidating just standing still. Panetta,
Taylor Swift fans turn on pop icon after
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Posted by Hazymac 9/20/2024 12:58:42 PM Post Reply
Taylor Swift's reputation may have never been worse, at least with Republicans, new polling finds after the megastar endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. The exclusive poll conducted by J.L. Partners shows the full extent of the global superstars bad blood with the GOP after weighing in on the 2024 race earlier this month. It found Swift has become a victim of polarization with 57 percent of Republicans holding a negative view of the 34-year-old global superstar while 71 percent of Democrats have a positive view of the 'The Tortured Poets Department' singer. Among Independents, 50 percent have a favorable or somewhat favorable view of the singer
They Mean to Incite Violence 7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/19/2024 7:32:38 AM Post Reply
Democrats and corporate media keep getting away with it. What they’re getting away with is inciting violence -- against Donald Trump, first and foremost. Two assassination attempts didn’t happen in a void. Trump didn’t provoke Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Routh to try to kill him, despite Lester Holt’s spin. Holt’s broadside is predictable: project blame -- in this case, blame the victim. Democrats and their media watercarriers refuse to accept responsibility for wrongs, even when the proof is hiding in plain sight. Wrote Buck Sexton, via X, September 16: Problem the Democrats have run into – again -- is they cannot say “this person is as bad as Hitler"
Zimbabwe and Namibia will kill scores
of elephants to feed people facing drought
26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/18/2024 9:28:19 AM Post Reply
HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe and Namibia have announced plans to slaughter hundreds of wild elephants and other animals to feed hunger-stricken residents amid severe drought conditions in the southern African countries. Zimbabwe said Monday it would allow the killing of 200 elephants so that their meat can be distributed among needy communities, while in Namibia the killing of more than 700 wild animals — including 83 elephants — is under way as part of a plan announced three weeks ago. Tinashe Farawo, a spokesman for the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, said permits would be issued in needy communities to hunt elephants
Here's How Rashida Tlaib Responded to
Hezbollah Terrorists Being Blown Up by Pagers
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/18/2024 7:56:56 AM Post Reply
As Katie covered earlier on Tuesday, thousands of Hezbollah terrorists were seriously injured when their pagers exploded. The reactions have come pouring in over social media, as Sam J at our sister site of Twitchy covered. One person who isn't too thrilled, though, is Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a member of the anti-Israel Squad. Tlaib herself has been particularly relentless in propagating anti-Israel falsehoods in the past and has even been censured by Congress as a result. In a quoted repost from Al-Jazeera English's Ali Harb, Tlaib referred to the explosion as "Disgusting." Harb was taking issue with a joke from Ron Kampeas, the Washington Bureau Chief
Age of Rage: 26 Million Americans Believe
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Posted by Hazymac 9/17/2024 3:48:55 PM Post Reply
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'Doom Pixie' Greta Thunberg Wins Antisemite
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Posted by Hazymac 9/16/2024 10:34:27 AM Post Reply
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An Unserious Debate in Which Trump got
the Strongest Play
8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/15/2024 8:45:38 AM Post Reply
If life were more serious, we’d be paying attention to the administration and the UK’s latest efforts to start World War III which strikes me as the best overriding reason to vote for Trump. "There is no other way to interpret it: Washington and its client NATO members are declaring war on Russia. That is the direct meaning of the forthcoming visit of Zelensky to Washington where the parties will agree on targets inside Russia. To say this is an insane, reckless move is understatement. This is the most dangerous step possible for the US and NATO and it will lead to World War III. Don't believe any garbage "justifying"
Chris Wallace: As 'Famous Gangster Actor,'
Robert De Niro Has Street Cred to Call
Trump a 'Gangster'
34 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/14/2024 8:26:21 AM Post Reply
Along with Hollywood "Meathead" Rob Reiner, La La Land's Robert De Niro is undoubtedly one of the most Trump-loathing people on the planet. The venom spewed by these two leftists against the former president is so toxic that the unintended humor is off the charts. Toss Chris Wallace, former host of "Fox News Sunday," now a CNN simp, into the mix, and it doesn't get any better. Such was the case on Friday when Wallace trotted onto the set of "CNN News Central" to pimp his latest episode of HBO Max's "Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?" with De Niro. In both shows, Wallace fawned over TDS-riddled De Niro
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/9/2024 11:09:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2024 11:31:41 PM Post Reply
What are they hiding? The Georgia State Election Board it working overtime in an attempt to investigate the controversial 2020 election and to clean up the future elections in the state. However, officials in Fulton County continue to refuse to work with State Election Board. But that may soon change. The Georgia State Election Board voted 3-2 to subpoena ALL of the election records from Fulton County during the 2020 election. This will not turn out well for Fulton County.
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2024 11:00:18 PM Post Reply
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Hezbollah begging for mercy proves Israel
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Posted by OhioNick 10/10/2024 4:43:06 AM Post Reply
Lebanese terror outfit Hezbollah has changed its tune: After spending weeks trumpeting an apocalyptic end for Israel, the cadre of bloodthirsty cowards is begging the Jewish state to let up. “We support the political efforts led by [Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih] Berri under the banner of achieving a cease-fire,” whined Hezbollah deputy leader Naim Qassem — for the first time not conditioning a truce on an end to the war in Gaza. Turns out bravely attacking your enemies with uncanny precision and skill, rather than begging them for peace, is effective as a military strategy. Who knew?
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2024 2:11:59 PM Post Reply
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Biden Takes a Blowtorch to Obama in New Book 25 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/9/2024 6:29:39 AM Post Reply
Bob Woodward has a new book, War, about the inner dynamics of the Biden White House, some of which you probably guessed to be true in the long four years we’ve suffered under this man. It paints a picture that’s become familiar: an angry old man, not in control, and holding seething resentment toward pretty much everyone, including Barack Obama. It captures the baffling arrogance of Mr. Biden, who has never done anything remotely significant to earn such a demeanor.
Millions of Christians not planning to
vote this November, could shape election: Study
25 replies
Posted by mseegal 10/9/2024 12:23:23 AM Post Reply
Millions of Christians in the United States indicated in a study released on Monday that they are not likely to vote in the upcoming election this November, signaling a potential problem for the Republican Party. Just over half of interviewees (51%) in a Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University study, who identified as "people of faith," responded that they are likely to vote in the presidential election between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Carville: ‘I’m Scared to Death’
About the Election, Harris Needs to Be
‘Much More Aggressive’
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/10/2024 12:29:42 AM Post Reply
Democratic strategist James Carville said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he was “scared to death” about the election and that the Harris-Walz campaign needed to be “much more aggressive.” Carville said, “The only thing I feel is the election is coming November 5, and I’m scared to death.” Host Ari Melber asked, “You’re not in a reflective mood?” Carville said, “I’m not in a particularly reflective mood right now. I’m very concerned.” Melber said, “What does Harris need to do with the month left?” Carville said, “She doesn’t have a month left. We’ve got 26 days. Today is gone, and you are going to lose another four in a hurricane. Just subtract that.
Wow – 60 Minutes Edits Kamala Harris
Interview to Remove Her Jibberish and
Completely Change Answers to Questions
23 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/9/2024 11:27:30 AM Post Reply
I was initially wondering why it took CBS 60-Minutes over 36 hours to upload the full interview to their YouTube account. Now things make sense. CBS 60-Minutes not only edited the interview, but they also completely erased parts of the interview and structurally moved answers to questions in an intentional effort to assist the Harris campaign. In essence, CBS completely changed the interview. CBS didn’t just shape or modify the interview; they literally moved answers to questions.
Kamala Harris takes a sip of Miller High
Life with Stephen Colbert during ‘Late
Show’ appearance
22 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/9/2024 6:10:42 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris cracked open a can of Miller High Life on Tuesday, and took one sip, during an appearance on CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” “When you first became the nominee and named Tim Walz as your vice president nominee people were calling it the vibe election. The vibes were all good,” late-night host Stephen Colbert told Harris, referring to the enthusiasm for the new Democratic nominee after President Biden dropped out of the race. “But elections, I think, are won on vibes,” Colbert continued, in a clip released his show. “Because one of the old saws is I –
Anderson Cooper drilled in face by flying
debris during live on-air Hurricane Milton
report: ‘That wasn’t good’
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/10/2024 9:14:55 AM Post Reply
CNN host Anderson Cooper experienced the the storm’s wrath firsthand. Cooper was drilled in the face with flying debris as he gave a live report in the midst of the powerful winds brought on by Hurricane Milton Wednesday night. Cooper, posted near the Manatee River, attempted to explain how the storm impacted the water when he was met with Milton’s wrath, 30 minutes after the storm made landfall on Florida’s west-central coast. (Photo) “You could see it in the light there, (the wind) is just whipping off the Manatee River. It’s coming in from the northeast and the water is really starting to pour over,” Cooper said.
Democrats, 26 Days from Election Day,
Begin to Panic over Harris’s Electability
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2024 2:39:04 PM Post Reply
Democrats, who were once optimistic about the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris, are now feeling extremely nervous about the party’s decision to push President Joe Biden to step aside. Harris won exactly zero Democrat primary votes before her coronation and held one of the lowest approval ratings as a vice president in U.S. history. Only after the establishment media began writing about Harris in a positive way did her standing among the electorate appear to rise.Everything is deadlocked and the composition of the electorate is unknowable, and there are so many things that are unprecedented,” said Jamal Simmons, a Democrat strategist who served as Harris’s communications director until last year.
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