Exclisive: Urgent warning in Colorado
as Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua 'arms
itself' to take on gangs already in Aurora
Daily Mail (UK),
MaryAnn Martinez
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
9/13/2024 3:50:11 PM
Terrifying footage obtained by DailyMail.com shows a shooting in one of the Colorado apartments controlled by Venezuelan super gang Tren de Aragua - as law enforcement officials warn about a coming gang war.
The July 28 clip recorded on the cell phone of a resident shows two people fighting in the courtyard of the Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora - one of three rental properties under gangster rule.
As the courtyard brawl played out, other residents watching the commotion ducked and screamed when shots rang out.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
3XALADY 9/13/2024 4:00:41 PM (No. 1795189)
This is disgusting on every front. And probably coming to a neighborhood soon near you. I don't know how anyone is getting anyone to sign up to be an LEO any more.
12 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 9/13/2024 4:04:19 PM (No. 1795194)
From the article: "In July, the federal government designated Tren de Aragua as a transnational criminal organization or TCO, putting them in the level as the the baddest Mexican drug cartels and terrorist organizations in the world."
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro "Monster" Mayorkas, Kamala "OpenBorderCzar" Harris and the Demented Fuhrer(heading to Delaware)
11 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Catherine 9/13/2024 4:11:52 PM (No. 1795196)
Coming soon during the voting process. They didn't import over 20 million illegals, mostly military aged men, for nothing.
17 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Dreadnought 9/13/2024 4:34:36 PM (No. 1795201)
The gang is the subject of a major front page article in today's Wall Street Journal. These guys routinely dismember their victims. The level of focused violence in South America has shocked Chile and other affected nations. That level of violence is being experienced in New York City. They will attack anyone. The Biden/Harris administration brought them here.
19 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
voxpopuli 9/13/2024 4:41:18 PM (No. 1795203)
there are 100,000 somalis running Mogadapolis now..
not ALL gang members, but if only 10%.. it is a lot
10 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
rytwng 9/13/2024 4:43:24 PM (No. 1795205)
Hopefully they will kill off each other.
8 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/13/2024 4:51:28 PM (No. 1795213)
So, Peoples' Republic of Denver/Aurora, what's the plan now? Just let it spread elsewhere into the Peoples' Republic, to other cities in Colorado, and other cities in other states for the time being?
10 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
nwcudagal 9/13/2024 5:01:50 PM (No. 1795220)
I live in an agricultural area with an abundance of Hispanic farm laborers. We already have gangs in some communities. I wonder how this will all shake out.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 9/13/2024 5:05:33 PM (No. 1795223)
Stand back and let them kill each other. Win-win.
8 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/13/2024 7:32:36 PM (No. 1795271)
Let them shoot it out and arrest and deport the winners.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
downnout 9/13/2024 8:45:49 PM (No. 1795304)
Where in blazes are police officers? Why are the city and county officials allowing this?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
danu 9/13/2024 9:34:14 PM (No. 1795319)
ours are under the bed...
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/13/2024 9:34:44 PM (No. 1795320)
I remember Aurora as it was back in the mid 1960’s when I was stationed at the US Army Fitzsimons General Hospital. If you were to stand early in the morning at the South Gate of Fitzsimons bordering East Colfax Avenue and looked to the East all you would see were tumble weeds. The West Gate was along Montview Boulevard, and all around the area was very peaceful. The residential areas of Aurora East of the hospital had a large population of old veterans. Clearly the old veterans are no longer alive and the area population has changed in include violent Venezuelan street gangs, consisting of illegal aliens in accordance with the immigration laws who have been allowed into the USA by the Biden-Harris Administration. Get ready as the same could easily happen to your community if Harris is elected President in November.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Socio 9/13/2024 9:45:55 PM (No. 1795326)
They are highly organized and becoming heavily armed, deporting them is going to be a lethal endeavor.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
mifla 9/14/2024 7:12:33 AM (No. 1795458)
Have at it guys, put on a show for all the liberals (including the state governor) who say that this is a story made up by the MAGA crowd. The bloodier the carnage, the better the media coverage.
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