Day of Remembrance kicks off events marking
4th anniversary of George Floyd's death
KMSP-TV [Minneapolis, MN],
Maury Glover
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
5/25/2024 8:27:20 AM
MINNEAPOLIS - When George Floyd died at the hands of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Memorial Day in 2020, his death prompted protests and calls for change. Now, four years later, his memory is still a cause for people to take action. "We can never forget. We can never stop talking about George Floyd. We can never unsee what we saw in 2020," said Leslie E. Redmond, Executive Director of the nonprofit Win Back. Win Back organized its first annual Day Of Remembrance for George Floyd Friday. It started with an interfaith prayer service at city hall and continued
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Californian 5/25/2024 8:37:54 AM (No. 1724469)
Drug addict died of overdose.
Queue up the riots and lies.
53 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
jar 5/25/2024 8:44:47 AM (No. 1724471)
Can't wait for the upcoming Hollywood movie about the life of Saint George Floyd. Everything you ever wanted to know about the martydom of Mr. Floyd.
20 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
hershey 5/25/2024 8:47:30 AM (No. 1724475)
Oh give me a freaking break!!! One less criminal sucking taxpayer money....
27 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
PChristopher 5/25/2024 9:01:04 AM (No. 1724483)
I'm going to celebrate by doing absolutely nothing to honor his memory. All I can hear is Al Sharpton yammering on about how he was calling fo his mama. It's enough to make you hurl.
21 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
janjan 5/25/2024 9:06:30 AM (No. 1724490)
George Floyd was an addled drug addict who went to prison 8 times. He pulled a gun on a pregnant woman. He died of a drug overdose that stopped his heart and the cop was blamed. Now he’s an icon for black liberals.
37 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
aasilver 5/25/2024 9:20:49 AM (No. 1724506)
Time for Biden to proclaim a National day of remembrance and install a statue of Floyd in the rotunda in the capital building in Washington.
12 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Quigley 5/25/2024 9:23:19 AM (No. 1724510)
Dim High Priests hope to raise LOTS of money on the anniversary of floyd's crucifixion and ascent into mythology; and also get laid.
10 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
philsner 5/25/2024 9:31:42 AM (No. 1724526)
Right up there with Kwanza.
17 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
FJB 5/25/2024 9:44:07 AM (No. 1724540)
Rename the new bridge in Baltimore after him--the very least those Demofools can do.
9 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
udanja99 5/25/2024 9:46:36 AM (No. 1724542)
The first sentence is a lie. Why bother reading any further?
17 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
MrDeplorable 5/25/2024 9:52:05 AM (No. 1724548)
Here’s to George
On this day we remember George Floyd
Be of good cheer, my friends, not annoyed
Let it always remind us
He’s safely behind us
Out of sight like a big hemorrhoid
11 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
JackBurton 5/25/2024 9:54:01 AM (No. 1724551)
Ah, Mr. Floyd.
The only person in 2020 who tested positive for Covid but died of something else.
14 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Namma 5/25/2024 10:05:28 AM (No. 1724562)
This is a day that I am reminded of how a good policeman was doing his job and protecting law abiding citizens from a felon, committing yet another crime. For doing what was right the cop was falsely accused and now sits in prison hoping to be safe from those that want to kill him. The policeman did NOT put his knee to the neck of the criminal. The knee was on the shoulder. I am also reminded of how crooked out judicial system is, and how people will lie, cheat and support criminals for money. But on this week end, I am reminded of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice, for their country, and honest American citizens who obey the laws of God and man.
23 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Italiano 5/25/2024 10:11:26 AM (No. 1724566)
Imagine wanting to commemorate that POS. No thanks.
13 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
rytwng 5/25/2024 10:23:37 AM (No. 1724578)
One less Democrat thug.
9 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 5/25/2024 10:30:38 AM (No. 1724586)
Is that the same saint who threatened to shoot a pregnant woman to kill her baby? THAT saint?
13 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
snapper451 5/25/2024 10:35:01 AM (No. 1724600)
Not murdered, no matter what demented president yelled in GA last weekend.
11 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 5/25/2024 10:50:33 AM (No. 1724615)
That would be George Floyd's SUICIDE by drug overdose.
13 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
daisey 5/25/2024 11:13:25 AM (No. 1724634)
By all means, celebrate and druggie and a criminal. More insanity. And it method used to detain him was approved and in the police manual. It was removed for the trial. Derek Chauvin followed police procedure but paid the price because of
BLM and. George Floyd’s ethnicity.
8 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
earlybird 5/25/2024 11:24:05 AM (No. 1724646)
He died at his own hand of a simultaneous use of a number of hard drugs, including enough fentanyl alone to kill him, and also an anal shot of heroin. His heart finally gave out.
7 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
NessunDorma 5/25/2024 11:54:58 AM (No. 1724672)
George Floyd did not "die at the hands" of Derek Chauvin.
"I like to say COVID-19 shut the world down and George Floyd opened it back up."
George Floyd did not "open the world back up." The authorities acquiesced to a separate set of privileges for the people who in his name gathered in large numbers to march, demonstrate, riot, burn and destroy. While the rest of us were prohibited from honoring our deceased loved ones with traditional funeral rites, George Floyd "mourners" were permitted to hold several large, ostentatious ceremonies to keen over his death.
If anything, the ballyhoo that was permitted to attend George Floyd's death drove home the reality that the restrictions imposed upon us under penalty of law in the name of Covid were a bunch of bs.
6 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Ruhn 5/25/2024 12:04:58 PM (No. 1724677)
Meanwhile, Derek Chauvin is behind bars in order to placate a mob.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Strike3 5/25/2024 1:45:58 PM (No. 1724747)
A lot of stirred-up garbage to celebrate a dumb criminal's suicide.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Strike3 5/25/2024 1:48:00 PM (No. 1724749)
I know that you are joking #6 but the odds of this happening are very good. Joe really needs the black vote.
2 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
vinegrower 5/25/2024 4:11:24 PM (No. 1724845)
I am so tired of hearing about this thug. He was drug addict criminal, why are we celebrating his miserable life?
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Jiobaobubai 5/25/2024 6:28:39 PM (No. 1724878)
I remembered floyd when I whipped my backside this morning after a mighty dump. And there he was.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Jiobaobubai 5/25/2024 6:29:57 PM (No. 1724880)
Correction: "wiped."
0 people like this.
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