South Dakota governor, a potential Trump
running mate, writes in new book about
killing her dog
Associated Press,
Original Article
Posted By: voxpopuli,
4/27/2024 6:00:04 PM
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem — a potential running mate for presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump — is getting attention again. This time, it’s for a new book where she writes about killing an unruly dog, and a smelly goat, too.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
K620 4/27/2024 6:07:45 PM (No. 1707341)
Bummer; I like(d) her. If that’s true, she’s dead to me.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 4/27/2024 6:16:48 PM (No. 1707343)
Sometimes these things are necessary. Whiny, stupid city folks have no idea.
35 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
john56 4/27/2024 6:17:44 PM (No. 1707345)
Well, since I'm a dog person, I'm not crazy about what happened to the dog.
But then, I've had friends put down dogs that killed other animals and bit people. Now, since she's a farm girl, they might do it a little differently than us city folks.
24 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
NHChemist 4/27/2024 6:20:45 PM (No. 1707347)
We have a retired Greyhound. She is an alpha female and marks her territory just as a male dog does. She acts like a fox, pouncing on prey, killing the neighbor's chickens one after the other without eating the first killed. She is death on all rodents, having killed squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks and rabbits that venture into our fenced yard. We cannot let her free, but we still love her as a pet. Our previous Greyhound was attacked by a pitbull taken in by a family that adopts pitbulls with behavior problems. Aggressive dogs need to be under their owner's control at all times, and if you are unable to control a dog off leash (ie hunting) then that dog needs to be put down. Biden's dogs and the Secret Service are an example of this.
19 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 4/27/2024 6:41:51 PM (No. 1707352)
They could have rehomed the dog. There was no need for this.
Story I read said she had also killed a goat because it was mean. Goats can be rehomed too.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
franq 4/27/2024 6:43:09 PM (No. 1707353)
Oh the humanity.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Birddog 4/27/2024 6:44:35 PM (No. 1707354)
It was a bird dog...that wouldn't work birds. "That dog won't hunt"
Living in a rural isn't as if you can just run downtown and trade it in for another.
German wirehair pointers are notoriously hard to train..and frankly ugly dogs, not good candidates to pawn off as a pet to someone.
She'd have been better off choosing a decent setter/pointer from a known breeder/trainer's blood line. Or buying a "Broke dog"
Apparently her follow up dog was /is a Visla, again an esoteric breed.
Either kind from a decent bloodline is likely at least a $1000 dog, and wouldn't have been put down lightly.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 4/27/2024 6:52:34 PM (No. 1707356)
AP management published this spineless “by staff” hit piece. The AP has no integrity and no credibility.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jasonB 4/27/2024 6:53:02 PM (No. 1707357)
Yeah, things work different on farms.
You are a potential VP candidate in this day and age AND, you are stupid enough to put this in your book.
You are NOT a smart person. Go away.
24 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 4/27/2024 6:55:23 PM (No. 1707358)
There are city mice and there are country mice. Different cultures, lifestyles, values. Noem's mistake is writing about it and likely not addressing the gap of viewpoints that would have at least run interference for the flack she's now receiving. She left herself open to defending from a point of weakness. Did she forget about dopey Romney's escapade with his dog on the roof of his car?
10 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 4/27/2024 6:58:57 PM (No. 1707360)
I have never had to kill a dog, but I know of dogs that other people had that truly needed killing. We had a neighbor when I was in the 3r-6th grade that had a German short haired pointer that had bitten pretty much all the kids in the neighborhood at one time or another, and mostly the bites weren't real bad because we were adept at climbing trees when we saw that this damned dog had gotten out again.
One time it came into our yard and was in the process of killing our beagle when my mother hit the dog with a handy branch, and it backed off. My father got as mad as I have ever seen him, grabbed his target .38 revolver and started following the dog, as it had decided that maybe heading home was a good idea.
The mother of the family that owned the dog, named "Troubles" by the family, was driving out to find the dog in her station wagon when the dog came back, and she opened the door and it jumped in, just as my very angry father showed up, gun in hand. She understood exactly what was going on.
My father informed her that "Your dog has been chewing on all the kids in the neighborhood, and now tried to kill MY dog in MY yard. If he ever comes on my property again, he'll be dead. You had better keep him on your property"
This was in rural Virginia in the late 50s. The dog never got out again, they got a bigger, stronger chain....he had figured out how to break the original chain by running full speed to the end. This jerked him in the air and he would lay still recovering for a few seconds before heading after us kids playing in the next yard. We saw him do this several times.
I love dogs, I have had dogs for pets for years, but some dogs are not good.
15 people like this.
#10 - Re the field day had with Romney's dog tale. Yes, file this one in the "what were you thinking?" folder. Perhaps Trump has already informed her that she's not on the list.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
MaMe2 4/27/2024 7:24:50 PM (No. 1707366)
At least she didn't each the dog like a previous POTUS
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
snakeoil 4/27/2024 7:28:14 PM (No. 1707367)
Hussein the Horrible ate dogs. The pictures of him with dog tails coming out of his mouth and nether regions were destroyed by the Left. I didn't personally kill the only dog I owned. But I agreed with the vet that it was time for her to go. Nothing lives forever. This is a non issue.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
samoasam 4/27/2024 8:21:00 PM (No. 1707375)
Heartless!! She’s done. Trump got lucky here!! Suddenly, she makes Kamala competitive!!! Ba bye, sweetheart!
4 people like this.
Yeah, and when I was seven and watched "Old Yeller", I cried when the dog with rabies had to be put down ... but sometimes, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
In the 67 intervening years, I, like Kristi, have had to do some things that weren't pleasant, but were necessary.
I think she included that in her book because it shows that she will not shy away from doing the unpleasant but necessary things.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Krause 4/27/2024 8:27:56 PM (No. 1707378)
Democrat press digging up dirt on republicans. Ho hum.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 4/27/2024 8:31:36 PM (No. 1707380)
I guess I'd have to read the context. We grew up with Great Danes and German shepherds and a dog whose lineage was Cape Cod Dog, and in my married life, we have had 5 shepherds, one right now. Anyway, we've never had an incidence of aggression on human or animal, although they were all protectors by nature, as Socrates said, friendly to friends, guardians against enemies.
I am forever thankful for this.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
SkyKing1222 4/27/2024 8:36:14 PM (No. 1707382)
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Rama41 4/27/2024 8:47:47 PM (No. 1707389)
Article for AP's morgue on potential VP candidates. Playing can-you-top-this with Romney's dog-on-the-roof story.
2 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
HicoKid 4/27/2024 9:05:40 PM (No. 1707392)
I've been a Giant Schauzer dad for 40 years and the owner of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I've paid thousands for chemo therapy and blood transfusions on the hope that they could live a little longer. I'm a good shot, but I could never, ever dream of shooting one of my dogs like that. If it came down to it, they'd be put down by a vet as humanely as possible. Shooting a dog or killing a goat because he butts and smells bad is nothing to brag about. It's the sign of a true yahoo, with no compasion or conscience. And to show how screwed up I am, I love my dogs a hell of a lot more than most people.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Max Bear 4/27/2024 9:46:23 PM (No. 1707414)
I love dogs, I hate the idea that you would have to 'put one down', and yet I understand it's necessary in some cases. I think the bigger issue here is the judgment used in putting this in her book-at least as described in the article. I'll trust Trump on this one.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
hershey 4/27/2024 10:23:54 PM (No. 1707432)
Now that is just plain stupid to say that....mebbe she's not VP material after all....
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Venturer 4/27/2024 10:43:42 PM (No. 1707447)
I had a dog I paid good money for. The dog was aggressive, and nasty I tried breeding her because she had papers and I wanted a good puppy from her, she ate the puppies, then she bit a neighbor. I got rid of the dog with prejudice.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DanvilleBill 4/27/2024 11:11:56 PM (No. 1707460)
Speaking of dogs.
Wasn't Kristi romantically involved with Corey Lewandowski a while back?
Or was that a myth?
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
NYbob 4/28/2024 1:12:16 AM (No. 1707497)
Wait until the city and suburb folks find out about what happens to chickens, pigs and cows on a farm. If you run for political office as someone who opposes the Deep State, and don't understand that the media works 24/7 to destroy you, you really aren't ready for the battle. Don't ever give them anything, and be ready for the lies and slander they will make up to throw at you.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
judy 4/28/2024 2:44:49 AM (No. 1707504)
News flash AP loves Biden….
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
mifla 4/28/2024 5:16:42 AM (No. 1707530)
And if she had killed her baby, the AP wouldn't have cared enough to write the story.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
homefry 4/28/2024 8:23:02 AM (No. 1707585)
Old timers used to kill dogs all the time if they didnt do right. I would today if my dog killed someone else's livestock of any type, chicken to cow.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
JackBurton 4/28/2024 9:57:55 AM (No. 1707654)
OK, let's say she killed a dog. What of it?
She didn't lock down the State the way other governors did (I'm looking at you, Wretchen Gritmer). Who knows how many suicides and overdoses that avoided?
Last time I looked, no recognized saints were potential candidates and, if they were, a lot of times we martyr those saints.
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hit piece by the AssPress.. probably fearful this noble governor would go after them..