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US moves to protect wolverines as climate
change melts their mountain refuges, threatens extinction

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Posted By: Imright, 11/29/2023 10:04:20 PM

Billings, Mont.—The North American wolverine will receive long-delayed threatened species protections under a Biden administration proposal released Wednesday in response to scientists’ warnings that climate change will likely melt away the rare species’ snowy mountain refuges and push them toward extinction. Across most of the U.S., wolverines were wiped out by the early 1900s from unregulated trapping and poisoning campaigns. About 300 surviving animals in the contiguous U.S. live in fragmented, isolated groups at high elevations in the northern Rocky Mountains. Wolverines join a growing number of animals, plants and insects — from polar bears in Alaska to crocodiles in southern Florida — that officials say are at growing risk

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Reply 1 - Posted by: voxpopuli 11/29/2023 10:28:05 PM (No. 1607421)
makes sense.. now the EU/sorosites will confiscate any land within 3000 miles of one of these vicious creatures.. should be just about the entire US
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 11/29/2023 10:37:52 PM (No. 1607422)
Trail cameras are taking pictures of wolverines all the time. They are not rare or endangered - they just prefer to avoid US census takers.
24 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Northcross 11/29/2023 10:50:51 PM (No. 1607427)
According to an Al Gore prediction, polar bears should already be extinct. Instead their numbers are increasing. Expect the same with wolverines.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Proud Texan 11/29/2023 11:56:39 PM (No. 1607442)
Wolverines, lizards, polar bears are all doing fine before the Feds start "protecting" them. Now the danger starts for them.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LadyHen 11/30/2023 12:56:56 AM (No. 1607458)
What??? Wolverines are incredibly adaptable predators. I highly doubt a couple of degrees of temp change even is going to bother them. They will just expand their range and give us humans a big middle finger.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Timber Queen 11/30/2023 1:54:49 AM (No. 1607465)
I declare American citizens are an endangered species due to the Climate Change hoax!
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mifla 11/30/2023 4:52:40 AM (No. 1607491)
I hope they survive. We will need them if the Russians ever invade Colorado.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: varkdriver 11/30/2023 6:14:07 AM (No. 1607528)
Was the dateline of this story Columbus, Ohio, by any chance? They only WISH the Wolverines were endangered! Hail To The Victors...
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Sully 11/30/2023 6:23:27 AM (No. 1607531)
The wolverines should move to Buffalo. It seems to be exempt from climate change.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kono 11/30/2023 9:27:46 AM (No. 1607665)
Bet ya some passionate Buckeye fans were absolutely fit to be tied at hearing this headline.
1 person likes this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/30/2023 9:46:57 AM (No. 1607689)
When I saw the headline, I thought, that must be the Associated Press. Of course it was, although I was disappointed not to see Seth Borenstein's name in the byline. It appears that AP's climate and nature reporters are all Gorons. Not shocking. But disgusting all the same. Believing what they write requires too much suspension of disbelief; thus, my default position must be to doubt them. Liars should be doubted. Political liars are among the world's most toxic people, and AP employs them. May AP go O.B. (out of business). Their reporting is unreliable.
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JackBurton 11/30/2023 11:24:04 AM (No. 1607772)
1 person likes this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: JimBob 11/30/2023 1:36:58 PM (No. 1607856)
More trash from the American Pravda.
1 person likes this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 11/30/2023 3:34:22 PM (No. 1607906)
Total hogwash. There is no human impact on the global climate Lying more often and more loudly doesn't make the lies into truths.
2 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 1:32:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:25:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:16:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 9:12:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 8:11:46 AM Post Reply
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“Do You Support Outlawing Fried Foods?”
– Senator John Kennedy TORCHES Anti-Gun
Yale Doctor During Hearing and Causes
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6 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 7:27:53 AM Post Reply
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The Unhinged Among Us 6 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 7:02:35 AM Post Reply
October 7 should have been an open-and-shut case of moral condemnation. During peace and holiday, invading Hamas, gunmen murdered, tortured, mass raped, decapitated, and mutilated some 1,200 Israelis. The vast majority were unarmed women, children, infants, and the elderly.The cowardly murderers proudly filmed their atrocities and then fled back to Gaza -- to cheers from the Gaza street. Before Israel even retaliated, the mass murder of Jews earned praise from the Middle East, the international hard left, and especially the faculty and students of elite Western campuses.
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striking the Earth'
4 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 6:58:53 AM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson on Thursday laughed off speculation that Donald Trump could choose him as his running mate for 2024, saying he was 'flattered' by the idea but considered it as likely as an 'asteroid striking the Earth.' Carlson, 54, famously declared in a text message that he could not wait for Trump to leave the White House, saying: 'I hate him passionately.' But the pair have since mended their relationship - and Carlson, who was fired by Fox News in April this year, said he always backed Trump's policies, and became 'an active Trump supporter when they raided Mar-a-Lago last summer'.
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 6:51:35 AM Post Reply
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8 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 1:07:50 AM Post Reply
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American workers - are YOU happy to pay
$1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of
the privileged elite who'll earn $52,000
a year? Because BRAD POLUMBO reveals that's
your bill for desperate Joe's naked bribe
for votes
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:54:58 AM Post Reply
'Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Now will you vote for me?' That's what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to 'forgive' some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe. 'Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,' read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.
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Posted by Hazymac 11/30/2023 6:04:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/30/2023 6:43:15 AM Post Reply
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MSNBC’s Reid: ‘Trump Is a Thug’
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 6:51:35 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the reinstated gag order in the New York business fraud case was needed because President Donald Trump is a “thug” leading a violent cult. Reid said, “Donald Trump is a thug. I mean, that is just clear. He’s been a thug from the time he ran for office, getting his crowds to attack protesters inside of the actual, you know, events. He’s now unleashed these attacks on people who aren’t even connected to the case, just married at someone he’s mad at.”She continued, “His initial Truth Social post that prompted the gag order resulted in hundreds of threatening and harassing
George Santos EXPELLED from Congress:
The Long Island Liar loses his job after
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out of Capitol Hill
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 1:32:55 PM Post Reply
Republican fabulist George Santos has been expelled from Congress in an extraordinary vote after his long history of lying was exposed and he was hit with multiple criminal charges. The Long Island congressman, who stole donor funds to spend on OnlyFans and Botox, fled Capitol Hill as he became just the sixth House member in history to be kicked out. (Snip) Santos stormed off the House floor minutes before the vote sealing his fate concluded. He warned reporters immediately after that the House 'set a new dangerous precedent for themselves' adding, 'to hell with this place.'
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/1/2023 11:46:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 11/30/2023 11:43:22 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/1/2023 7:07:13 AM Post Reply
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American workers - are YOU happy to pay
$1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of
the privileged elite who'll earn $52,000
a year? Because BRAD POLUMBO reveals that's
your bill for desperate Joe's naked bribe
for votes
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:54:58 AM Post Reply
'Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Now will you vote for me?' That's what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to 'forgive' some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe. 'Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,' read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.
Millennial parents claim boomer generation
has ABANDONED them over childcare and
are 'too busy traveling' to help out -
as grandparents hit back and say 'we didn't
have a damn nanny'
20 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/30/2023 9:27:38 PM Post Reply
Boomers are spending far more money on travelling than their parents did - leaving their own millennial kids without childcare as they jet off on vacations. Psychologist and millennial mother Leslie Dobson, 40, said she wishes her dad Ted Dobson, 71, was around to spend more time with her sisters and his grandchildren. But Dobson's dad is busy enjoying retirement on his boat in Mexico, he said 'I haven't spent a nickel less on my kids. I just spent some on me.'
BREAKING: Senate Democrats Throw Out the
Rules to Launch Unprecedented Attack on
the Supreme Court
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/30/2023 2:05:16 PM Post Reply
Senate Democrats threw out the rules of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday in order to launch an unprecedented attack on the United States Supreme Court. More specifically, on conservative justices and their friends. For months Chairman Dick Durbin and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse have been trying to issue subpoenas to longtime conservative activists Leonard Leo and billionaire Harlon Crow. Leo and Crow, both private individuals, are also friends to Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Earlier this month, Durbin briefly backed off his conquest to subpoena Leo and Crow. Today, he blatantly disregarded Senate process and voted to do just that.
Keith Olbermann Quits Twitter in a Rage
– Comes Back Less Than 24 Hours Later
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/30/2023 8:08:13 AM Post Reply
Former MSNBC host and current deranged podcaster Keith Olbermann rage-quit Twitter this week and lasted less than 24 hours before coming back. This happens frequently on the left. Progressives can’t stand the fact that they no longer control Twitter, yet they can’t live without it. When Olbermann returned, he even insisted that he never quit. The Daily caller reports: "The Dark Lord Returns: Olbermann Back On Twitter 24 Hours After He Quit ‘Antisemitic’ Platform He’s back. In an incredible, wildly unpredictable event (kidding, I predicted it just this morning), Keith Olbermann has returned to Twitter after making a grand proclamation that he’d stop posting on the platform.
FBI special agent carjacked in Washington, D.C. 16 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/30/2023 2:18:38 PM Post Reply
An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., Wednesday afternoon, according to multiple law enforcement sources. The incident occurred near the 1200 block of Constitution Ave., NE. The agent was driving a blue Chevy Malibu, which contained the agent’s body armor and radio when it was stolen, sources said. The agent was not harmed, sources told ABC News. The car was recovered a short time later, sources said. The DC Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the matter. The FBI Washington Field Office and the Metropolitan Police Department Carjacking Task Force are also investigating, according to an FBI
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