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Whistleblower Transcripts Show Deep-State
Election Rigging For Biden Was Way Bigger
Than A Laptop

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Posted By: FlyRight, 6/23/2023 9:29:16 PM

All roads lead to Hunter Biden. That is, all roads paved with (alleged) extortion, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, prostitution, drug abuse, and, most importantly, election rigging. The roads traversed by Internal Revenue Service agents-turned-whistleblowers — whose disclosures to the House Ways and Means Committee were released as transcripts on Thursday — are no exception. The troubled Biden son has always been at the center of concerns about the 2020 election, in the form of the infamous “Hunter Biden laptop.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 6/23/2023 11:05:32 PM (No. 1498420)
If deliberately slow investigations eventually find that some states were cheating by millions of votes and the idiot who has been operating in the White House illegally and ruining the country as fast as he can spend every cent we have and then some, it's too late, the damage is done. The Supreme Court was wrong to ignore all of the early warnings and evidence that the fix was in. Mike Pence was wrong to certify an election that had reasonable doubt of not being honest. The FBI broke the law. The intelligence agencies broke the law. That means all three branches of government failed We the People. It's time, folks.
71 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thatsomewhereplace 6/23/2023 11:55:00 PM (No. 1498429)
What are the chances we will have a legal, open election?
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: IceQueen 6/24/2023 2:18:21 AM (No. 1498452)
B'H And, let us not forget: A startling admission of the then and current leftist strategies to win at any and all costs. The puppet masters (and I do not believe the ultimate masters are obama, soros, et. al.) have so decreed. . . Follow the money.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 6/24/2023 4:57:42 AM (No. 1498472)
Millions of Dem voters have their fingers in their ears and are shouting "La, La, La, La,..."
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Bur Oak 6/24/2023 7:11:20 AM (No. 1498498)
The transcripts show the need for a total cleansing of the management of the the DOJ (especially the FBI) and the IRS.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: fed-up 6/24/2023 8:29:59 AM (No. 1498524)
Of Course there was election interference in Multiple ways! I love how none of these articles ever tell the most egregious of them all….the machines were rigged and key battleground counties downright cheated! Evidence will come out, oh..I’d say about the middle or end of 2025. I’ve watched as Arizona has had hearing after hearing showing proof but, the key judges discount it. It never gets anywhere. The DOJ, FBI, are just part of problem. Why else was Jan 6th made to be such a big deal? Look where those people are now. The Gestapo would be proud.
27 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 6/24/2023 9:13:47 AM (No. 1498559)
And, Don’t forget Dominion! "Don't Worry About The Election, Trump's Not Gonna Win. I Made F*cking Sure Of That!" witnessed by Joe Oltman, as told to Michelle Malkin - Eric Coomer Director of Strategy and Security Dominion Voting Systems (talking on an antifa conference call)
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/24/2023 11:27:21 AM (No. 1498638)
Don't give up folks...learning to overcome a hurdle is to recognize it's size before attempting a jump t WE know where all the bodies are buried...WE must make sure that there can be no mistake on the votes...from any tabulation machine or hidden citizens....I am delighted that so many republicans are volunteering to count ballots and check all the rats sent to play games....the rats are running out of watch all the spending on Ukraine and infrastructure happen....obama has just a few more months before his third term is over....
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Bixter 6/24/2023 11:41:28 AM (No. 1498647)
#2.....I doubt if we'll ever have a legal, fair election again. Dems know how to fix elections now through fraud, and nobody will do anything to prevent it.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 6/24/2023 4:25:04 PM (No. 1498804)
#2, the chances are directly proportional to the number of poll watchers we have on duty on election day. Any refusal to allow entry or any truck out back seen delivering large boxes, immediately call the state police, or better yet, the Sheriff. He is an elected official as well. The democrats are never to be trusted again, no matter what they say.
6 people like this.

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Whistleblower Transcripts Show Deep-State
Election Rigging For Biden Was Way Bigger
Than A Laptop
10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/23/2023 9:29:16 PM Post Reply
All roads lead to Hunter Biden. That is, all roads paved with (alleged) extortion, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, prostitution, drug abuse, and, most importantly, election rigging. The roads traversed by Internal Revenue Service agents-turned-whistleblowers — whose disclosures to the House Ways and Means Committee were released as transcripts on Thursday — are no exception. The troubled Biden son has always been at the center of concerns about the 2020 election, in the form of the infamous “Hunter Biden laptop.”
Barack Obama and his Connecticut social
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Posted by FlyRight 6/23/2023 6:09:06 AM Post Reply
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Republicans United to Bank Your Vote 2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/23/2023 6:05:03 AM Post Reply
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money for a 5-star hotel stay to attend
an anti-poverty gala in NYC
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Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 9:29:31 PM Post Reply
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There Is No Short Path Back to Institutional Credibility 12 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 2:47:54 PM Post Reply
Institutional trust is built over the course of years. Decades. Centuries. Dishonesty takes just a moment to destroy institutional trust. This week, Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and professor of molecular virology at Baylor College of Medicine, got into a spat with podcaster Joe Rogan and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Hotez has a long-standing feud over vaccine efficacy and safety with RFK Jr., who has long been a proponent of the scientifically unverified theory that childhood vaccines cause autism; RFK Jr., appearing on Rogan's podcast, tore into Hotez. Hotez responded by accusing Rogan of spreading "misinformation"
John Kennedy Sums up the Senate Pride
Hearing Perfectly
7 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 2:44:12 PM Post Reply
U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) joined Martha MacCallum on Fox News Channel Wednesday afternoon to react to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that took place earlier in the day focused on "Pride" as the Democrat-controlled upper chamber looks to continue signaling its virtue to the "jokesters," as Kennedy likes to call them. The good senator said the hearing titled "Protecting Pride: Defending the Civil Rights of LGBTQ+ Americans" was filled with "a sort of Alice in Wonderland weirdness" that included testimony from a Democrat's witness claiming the existence of "three biological sexes and an infinite number of genders." "I've heard better answers on 'The Dating Game,'" Kennedy quipped.
JK Rowling weighs in on Twitter debate
after Elon Musk's cisgender comments:
'Cis is ideological language'
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 2:40:38 PM Post Reply
Famed Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling caused a stir on Twitter after Elon Musk announced that the terms "cis" and "cisgender" would be considered slurs on the platform. In Twitter post, Rowling — who has sparked controversy and even boycotts for her comments on sexual orientation in the past — said that "cis" is an "ideological language" and "the rest of us have a right to disagree." "'Cis' is ideological language, signifying belief in the unfalsifiable concept of gender identity," Rowling wrote Wednesday, June 21. She added: "You have a perfect right to believe in unprovable essences that may or may not match the sexed body,
America Wake Up to Woke 9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 2:33:22 PM Post Reply
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Putin sticks it to Joe Biden in detained
WSJ reporter case
4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/22/2023 2:23:45 PM Post Reply
As if no one in the Biden administration could ever suspect such a thing, Vlad Putin is going hardball on them. According to the New York Post: A Moscow court rejected detained US journalist Evan Gershkovich's appeal for release on Thursday and ordered the Wall Street Journal reporter to remain in custody on espionage charges through late August. Gershkovich, 31 — who was arrested during a reporting trip to Yekaterinburg, Russia in late March — looked tense in a black T-shirt and blue jeans during the run-up to the proceedings at Moscow City Court. The Bowdoin College graduate paced and chatted with his parents while waiting for the hearing to begin.
Here Goes Your Taxes: Pentagon Discloses
“Accounting Error” Resulting in $6.2
Billion Surplus for Ukraine (VIDEO)
29 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/21/2023 8:26:05 AM Post Reply
The Pentagon revealed on Tuesday that an overestimation in the value of weapons sent to Ukraine over the past two years has resulted in an extra $6.2 billion of U.S. taxpayers’ money earmarked for the Eastern European country. This figure is approximately double what was originally estimated and allegedly will be utilized for future security packages. Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh provided clarification on the nature of the error, explaining that the military services had used the replacement cost rather than the book value of equipment pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine.
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2023 12:21:44 AM Post Reply
Barack Obama never came across an event that he couldn’t politicize; the recent implosion of the submersible Titan on a dive to explore the wreck of the Titanic—which left five people presumed dead—is no exception. As my colleague Mike Miller reported, the former president appeared on a CNN special titled “Obama & Amanpour” Thursday to blame “right-wing” media for making Americans “fearful of each other.” But he wasn’t done; he also decided to blame the media for excessive coverage of the sub accident while not devoting equal time to another tragedy, the story of a “migrant boat” that sank off the coast of Greece last week. An unknown
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2023 4:24:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 6/24/2023 3:30:07 PM Post Reply
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More evidence the media got the signal
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17 replies
Posted by Magnante 6/24/2023 4:47:13 AM Post Reply
Yesterday, I noted the fascinating media response to the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee (snip) the New York Times, Washington Post and other pilot fish media that signal the news agenda to lesser outlets went with the story (snip) My sense that an inflection point had been reached, that the powers-that-be have decided that Joe’s corruption no longer can be successfully buried, was reinforced when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was hounded by the assembled reporters. [video] Now watch as NBC commentators -- usually found in the lickspittle faction -- pile on (snip) Joe’s time is up.
The Roof Is Collapsing On Biden 17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2023 12:09:34 AM Post Reply
Pretty much everyone now understands that for years, Joe Biden has been taking bribes from foreign countries and interests. Whatever influence he had in the Senate and as vice president has been peddled around the globe, often by his son Hunter. Biden’s repeated claims that he knew nothing about his son’s business dealings is absurd, given that the only business Hunter was involved in was selling Joe’s influence. The most recent blow is the WhatsApp message that Scott wrote about here. In keeping with the Democrats’ determination to force Biden off the 2024 ticket, the embargo on news about his corruption is lifting.
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Posted by Beardo 6/24/2023 4:02:19 PM Post Reply
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but what has he been offered?
16 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2023 3:06:53 PM Post Reply
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has confirmed he has ordered his mercenaries to halt their march on Moscow and retreat to their field camps in Ukraine to avoid shedding Russian blood. 'We are turning back our columns and leave in the opposite direction to the field camps according to the plan,' an audio message on his Telegram feed said after a meeting between Prigozhin and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko. Prigozhin announced that while his men were just 200 kilometers (120 miles) from Moscow, he decided to turn them back to avoid 'shedding Russian blood.'
Watch: Chris Christie Booed After Trashing
Trump At Evangelical Conference
16 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2023 8:42:30 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was booed after trashing former President Donald Trump at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference on Friday. Christie claimed that Trump is “unwilling to take responsibility” and was swiftly met with audible disapproval from the audience. “I’m running because he has let us down,” Christie said over loud boos from the crowd. “Because he is unwilling, he is unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes he has made. Any of the faults that he has, any of the things that he’s done and that is not leadership everybody, that’s a failure of leadership.”
Biden WH Changes Story: From ‘Never
Discussed’ to ‘Not in Business’
with Hunter
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/24/2023 4:15:58 PM Post Reply
The White House appeared Friday to have changed its story on President Joe Biden’s role in his family’s business affairs, claiming that Biden was “not in business” with his son, Hunter. Previously, on the campaign trail in 2019-20, Joe Biden said: “I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period.” But that story appeared to change on Friday. When reporters began asking the White House to respond to accusations by an IRS whistleblower that Joe and Hunter Biden were together when the latter pressured a Chinese contact to send money, the response changed:
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Posted by Hazymac 6/24/2023 3:51:10 PM Post Reply
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John Kirby Walks Out of Press Briefing
After Question About Hunter Biden Message
to China That Undermines All Prior White
House Denials
12 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 11:20:51 AM Post Reply
White House Coordinator for National Security Council Strategic Communications, John Kirby, walks out of the press briefing room after being asked about Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp messages with China implicating President Biden THE MESSAGE: “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made was not fulfilled. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. (snip) I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.” John Kirby uncomfortably said he would not comment on the text message and refused to answer any questions. WATCH:
The Biden family’s long history of skirting
the law, sweetheart deals
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s slap-on-the-wrist plea deal after failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income, and a felony gun charge he won’t be prosecuted for, follows a long history of Biden family members running afoul of the law — and skating.“The Biden family are beginning to make the Medicis look like small-time operators,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. “That fact that it took over five years to even secure a plea on a couple of small misdemeanors is a testament to a family that has leveraged Joe Biden public positions into a fortune of foreign influence peddling.”
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