Exclusive – Lt. Col. Daniel Davis Warns
of Nuclear War: U.S. Has ‘No Plan’
in Ukraine, This Is Not a ‘Video Game’
Joshua Klein
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
1/30/2023 8:10:29 AM
Providing new tanks to Ukraine won’t change the reality on the ground of the current conflict with Russia, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, who claimed the United States has “no plan” or strategy and warned of the real-world danger of invoking NATO’s “mutual defense” clause, which would trigger a nuclear war.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Thursday, Davis discussed the situation on the ground in Ukraine.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Clinger 1/30/2023 8:28:54 AM (No. 1390382)
I don't agree with sending our tanks or other treasure and especially our blood. But tanks can be highly useful for reclaiming land from an invader and occupying force, a perfectly legitimate defense.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 1/30/2023 8:44:57 AM (No. 1390394)
Ukraine has so much stuff on the Biden family, Joe/Hunter have no other choice. I say cut off all funds to Ukraine and force that commie leader there to the table with Russia.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
czechlist 1/30/2023 9:04:00 AM (No. 1390409)
There will be no negotiations until one side decides defeat is inevitable and tries to save as much as it can. I don't believe Russia has begun to apply its full military power; Putin is engaged in limited warfare in order to preserve the infrastructure he wants in Eastern Ukraine. Our continued support of Ukraine encourages them to engage in a war they cannot win prolonging their death and suffering while draining US of treasure and weaapons.
I agree with #2. We have no national strategic interest there. Europe has but they aren't fully engaged. This Indicates a cover up of Western malfeasance and corruption.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
red1066 1/30/2023 9:08:21 AM (No. 1390413)
I went through this nuke war threat once before and I'm not in the mood to go through it again. Especially for some POS president and his son.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 1/30/2023 9:23:25 AM (No. 1390428)
Even if the US had a 'plan' for war in Ukraine, any plan for war is quite literally a death wish.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Quigley 1/30/2023 9:29:35 AM (No. 1390435)
Before going further in this with the Cluster F Administration, let's have a full disclosure of bidet family looting from Ukraine and points east.
Then, schmoe, can you give a major speech about what we are doing and what the future holds with ukraine and what we are going to do and why there won't be nuclear war. Come on, get a big injection and read it. Spare us the faux anger.
And I don't forget that ukrainian born pilsbury dough boy who was the star witness in impeaching our president. I'd like a report on his finances- although likely he's just an insane leftist schmuck.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 1/30/2023 9:53:23 AM (No. 1390447)
I think Democrats, Republicans, and the big money types that rule America are all on the same page regarding Russia. They have a plan, and that plan is to continue to weaken Russia. We made sure Russia lost in Afghanistan. They might have lost in Syria except Trump went against ISIS instead of Assad, and that may have been the only thing that saved them. Not once did Russia resort to nukes while losing. In a way, the US has lost its fear of Russia. Now the US is poking Russia in Ukraine. One thing for certain, there will never be a Russia/Ukraine alliance anytime soon. Why is the US supporting Z regardless of corruption? Because he is better than a Russian puppet. Just like Obama protecting ISIS in Syria in hopes of toppling Assad.
Russia still has dreams of expansion. The US has been fighting that for decades, and that hasn't changed. Pray to God that the US hasn't misjudged this. The proverbial ball is in Russia's court.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bpl40 1/30/2023 10:01:37 AM (No. 1390454)
What is the end game? To make the country that possesses the largest nuclear stockpile in the world, stand down, admit defeat and give up what it views as vital for its strategic safety? You gotta be kidding. Better advice. Listen to PDT. Let him handle it.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Sanchin 1/30/2023 10:08:50 AM (No. 1390461)
This has nothing to do with "America's Interest". This has to do with a Neocon cabal that is in power and influencing a stupid president with their own goals and objectives. Nuland and Blinken have strong Ukrainian family history and fantasy about the destruction of Russia. Elected officials are seeing the donations from the MIC and are happy to continue sending weapons into the black hole of Ukraine. Americans and Europeans are going to be sacrificed just like the Ukrainians that are being pressed into military service to needlessly die. The question is for what? The answer is America's financial empire and role as world leader is crumbling. The nations of BRICs will no longer submit to America and the Petro-dollar has now been destroyed with Saudi saying they are open to accepting payment in other currencies,.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
felixcat 1/30/2023 10:29:07 AM (No. 1390476)
And the too many Rs in Congress who are all rah rah Ukraine are obviously being bought and paid for, if not by Ukraine, then by the military industrial complex.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 1/30/2023 10:29:27 AM (No. 1390477)
How long before "advisors" are operating these armored vehicles?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
valinva 1/30/2023 10:32:11 AM (No. 1390478)
This explains that the Biden Administration is saying that it will be months before any tanks get shipped to Ukraine. We will first need to bring the thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to either Germany or the US to train them in the operation of the 33 tanks that we are going to send. Beside tank crews we will need to train mechanics and other maintenance crews. If you are thinking of these tanks in terms of Humphrey Bogart in a tank in the Sahara. This again. The M1 tanks are completely computer controlled with highly sophisticated electronics (that explains the price tag of 19 million each). Look for American Troops to be put into Ukraine to take care of these tanks.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
chumley 1/30/2023 10:43:11 AM (No. 1390486)
One thing is certain. Its is not about what they are making us talk about. The real reason for all this remains hidden. Nothing they have cited would justify the costs, risks and escalation.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
pigop 1/30/2023 11:19:59 AM (No. 1390525)
I have not heard this Whitehouse articulate the end game and how to achieve that. Ukraine will be totally destroyed because the west chose to support the corrupt government in Kyiv, for what?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 1/30/2023 12:47:53 PM (No. 1390585)
Some random light colonel is now THE expert? His opinion is no different than 100s of other opinions.
Nuclear weapons WILL NOT be used. This is the ONE certain thing. Russia and the USA have been having proxy wars essentially continuously since the end of WW2. The list is long, and at no time did either side seriously contemplate using nukes. And there is nothing about this thuggish invasion by Russia that is any different than any of the other wars like Korea, Vietnam and many more.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
stablemoney 1/30/2023 12:55:36 PM (No. 1390596)
Nobody is winning this war, and the U.S. government is as guilty as Russia of getting into this mess. Only a Joe Biden, McConnell, or Lindsey Graham could get us into a war with Russia.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Marzon 1/30/2023 1:00:47 PM (No. 1390599)
The author asks: "What are our objectives?". To appease Zelensky and thereby keep the Biden family's corruption from coming to light
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Enoch Powell 1/30/2023 3:34:49 PM (No. 1390692)
I understand Zelensky is planning on wearing plaid flannel pajama bottoms for his next foray onto the floor of Congress.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
clipped wings 1/30/2023 8:57:34 PM (No. 1390850)
Yes,OP. Stop bleeding our military supplies.
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It's foolish to deliver tanks to Ukraine. Tanks are an offensive weapon, I thought we were there for the defense of the Ukrainian people, not the destruction of the people of Russia. Are they not just forcing Russia to turn to nukes?