[Watch] Joe Biden Is HUMILIATED By Barack
Obama’s White House Return, Ignored
By Guests And Referred To As Vice President
The Blue State Conservative,
Hailey Sanibel
Original Article
Posted By: Rush Was Right,
4/6/2022 6:46:37 AM
Barack Obama made a return to the White House last night to revive the dying Democrat brand ahead of midterm elections. It can’t be overlooked that saving Democrats might have to include aborting Brandon, because if anything was accomplished in his first official visit since welcoming Trump at the North Portico, Obama utterly shamed the sitting president.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 4/6/2022 7:00:35 AM (No. 1120695)
Embarrassing for Joe Biden!? FJB....what about us!!! The United States is a punchline to a bad joke now, all thanks to Joe Biden and a stolen election! That clip of him shuffling around on stage like somebody's lost grandfather was painful to watch...not because I care about that lying grifter that dares call itself president but because I sob for this country and its unraveling future!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 4/6/2022 7:07:58 AM (No. 1120702)
Old Joe is done and O’bama stuck a fork in him.....
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
chumley 4/6/2022 7:30:25 AM (No. 1120723)
I think I see Biden under the bus.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jinx 4/6/2022 7:36:55 AM (No. 1120731)
Not only was Biden shunned, but he was not wearing a mask. Neither was anyone else. They were hugging each other and in each other's faces; all except Biden of course. They shunned him big time. I just wish he had been more cognizant of what was going on. It was if they were all shouting, "Let's go Brandon!"
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 4/6/2022 7:40:28 AM (No. 1120736)
Jill, has your husband been humiliated enough for you yet? To me, obama came off arrogant as usual - all about him. He had no empathy nor respect for biden. It was very sad to see. I have a bit of sympathy for biden but would have had more if he wasn't out to destroy America.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 4/6/2022 7:40:34 AM (No. 1120738)
FJB looked like Charlie McCarthy without Edgar Bergen. The dummy without the ventriloquist. Disposable Joe is his new moniker. Stick a fork in him, he's gone. Will it be Heels Up as President? The Hildebeast has been auditioning. Stacy Abrams? What will the Dems do? The passage of time is upon us.
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We all know who the puppet string puller is. (Note: can't say puppet master anymore.)
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
JrSample 4/6/2022 7:55:16 AM (No. 1120753)
Nobody wearing masks.
Travelers on airlines still have to wear them by federal mandate.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
hershey 4/6/2022 8:45:03 AM (No. 1120787)
Sad video to watch...I don't really care for Biteme and his policy driven by unknowns, but I kind of felt sorry for him...he definitely was shunned and ignored...sad
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 4/6/2022 8:49:19 AM (No. 1120794)
Benny Hill music. Need Benny Hill music.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
The Remnants 4/6/2022 8:50:58 AM (No. 1120797)
I think it is called "dissing" someone. Such disrespect shown to the President of the United States. When is his family going to get him out of there?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
ProudEagle 4/6/2022 8:52:16 AM (No. 1120800)
I actually felt a sliver of pity for this pathetic old man for a moment there. Until my contempt for the perpetually annoying Obummer crept in. What a complete tool Barry once again proved himself to be during this disgusting display of who is REALLY in charge at the White House...and has been since the coup took place.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Sanchin 4/6/2022 9:01:51 AM (No. 1120808)
This merely supports the image the world has of America. This is not going to end well.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
rytwng 4/6/2022 9:22:45 AM (No. 1120838)
Why did he invite that arrogant pos obama in the first place?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
janjan 4/6/2022 10:03:43 AM (No. 1120865)
Biden is a hot mess and he embarrasses the entire country daily. However. He is for now the POTUS. Obama’s disrespect of the Office and his narcissistic behavior at that event is despicable. How does he think that looks to the rest of the world. I have despised that man from day one and even more so now.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
SkeezerMcGee 4/6/2022 10:16:35 AM (No. 1120872)
Kamala ignored Joe and snugged up to Obama for maximum photo ops.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
red1066 4/6/2022 10:21:51 AM (No. 1120880)
Those videos made the rounds in every country on the planet. Only the demosluts could make Biteme look worse. It's almost like Obozo and the people there did this on purpose. Which they might have done. If anyone doubts Obozo isn't running the show, and this is actually his third term, that was dismissed after yesterday. No other president in history, has ever had a video of this happening to them, and Biteme's pathetic attempt to get Obozo's attention even placing his hand on Obozo's shoulder and still being ignored, is a signal that this country is done to our enemies anywhere on the planet.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 4/6/2022 10:40:57 AM (No. 1120895)
If you even feel a bit of sadness for fraud Biden save it just think of the times he's hurt the American people, citizens, and looked happy or showed anger toward all of us. I celebrate fraud Bidens misery. Biden's wife should have been there, the sad character doesn't have a friend in the room he looks like a demented homeless man on a city street. No, not a bit of sympathy from me I've despised him for forty plus years this is well deserved for this old racist fool. FJB
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 4/6/2022 10:48:44 AM (No. 1120901)
Mr. Mom Jeans humiliated Mr. Ice Cream exactly as he'd planned to do. Like in Alinsky's book, just damn him with faint praise and pretend to have forgotten his name or title. Either way, macht für mich keinen Unterschied. The shaming of the USA was done 2 months before January 20, 2021.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/6/2022 11:51:22 AM (No. 1120983)
Obie was rude. Lapping it up and enjoying every moment. Zhou was lost. Wandering around, wondering what was happening.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Italiano 4/6/2022 12:03:00 PM (No. 1120997)
God has a sense of humor. If this isn't His justice being administered to that very bad, corrupt man, I don't know what is.
Obama will get his as well.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 4/6/2022 12:16:47 PM (No. 1121022)
I have said it repeatedly. Joe decides NOTHING beyond his ice cream flavors. NOTHING.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
moebellini3 4/6/2022 12:41:50 PM (No. 1121068)
Absolutely pathetic. Biden looked like a lost old fool, totally ignored. And Obama knew exactly what he was doing in humiliating him. Fact is, the only people who love Obama are the fools who shined his shoes for eight years. World leaders and every conservative saw him as the hypocrite he really was. Wake up..
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 4/6/2022 12:51:52 PM (No. 1121083)
Guess the fake White House at the sound stage was unavailable, and they were actually in the real White House.
No wonder Joe was confused.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
3XALADY 4/6/2022 12:55:29 PM (No. 1121089)
I think I know why Pudding Joe was roaming around looking lost. He is used to being in the fake Oval Office and has forgotten all he knows about the White House. I will enjoy seeing him under the bus. Kamalie sure was enjoying it and thinking, 'now this is what I'm supposed to be doing.'
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Highvoltage 4/6/2022 12:59:59 PM (No. 1121090)
The flies were swarming around the black guy on stage like blow flies on fresh meat as the old man wandered aimlessly alone not sure what to do. At last he reaches a hand to help another like minded on stage who immediately joined the swarm leaving the old man alone again.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Buckrog 4/6/2022 1:06:39 PM (No. 1121094)
Look how 'presidential' Obie looked compared to Biden....well he can't run again, but set the stage for Moochelle.
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I've got my own take on the Jill Biden adult abuse theory. Can you imagine living with an abusive pedophile, crooked, angry, jerkwad like Jo Jo for all those years, putting up with his obnoxious ego and crack-addled family? This is her payback to the family...unfortunately, we're also caught up in her revenge.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Nexus-1 4/7/2022 2:42:56 AM (No. 1121649)
The idiot Biden tossed asunder, trampled under foot, hosed and figuratively buggered by jug eared Obama - like a farm animal at a Muslim Brotherhood convention.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
LaVallette 4/7/2022 8:44:09 AM (No. 1121875)
A more pitiable example of elderly abuse, I have yet to see!!!!
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