American Greatness,
Debra Heine
Original Article
Posted by
2/11/2022 1:33:06 AM
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Joe Biden has tapped an LGBTQ+ activist, drag queen “pup” fetishist to be the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Energy Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy.
The Politico reported the news on Thursday: (snip) Sam Brinton, according to his profile on an LGBTQ website, has “a dual Master’s degree in engineering systems and nuclear science and engineering from MIT.”
In his spare time, Brinton also enjoys roleplaying as a “pup handler,” and talking about having sex with animals. His drag queen alter ego is “Sister Ray Dee O’Active,” The National Pulse reported. Brinton is reportedly the son of Southern Baptist missionaries
Daily Mail (UK),
Keith Griffith
Harriet Alexander
Original Article
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2/11/2022 3:21:31 PM
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that 'everything is on the table' to end the Freedom Convoy demonstrations blockading key border crossings to the US, after speaking directly with President Joe Biden. 'President Biden and I both agreed that for the security of people and the economy, these blockades cannot continue,' Trudeau said at a press briefing. 'Make no mistake, the border cannot and will not remain closed.' 'Everything is on the table because this unlawful activity has to end, and it will end,' Trudeau said, declining to offer specifics on a police action at the Ambassador Bridge, which is now widely expected after the provincial premier of Ontario
Daily Mail (UK) & Reuters,
Geoff Earle
Original Article
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2/11/2022 1:10:35 AM
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The Biden administration is putting out new details on its effort to create 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations–with new efforts to push out funds to have them line interstates at 50-mile intervals. The administration is awarding $5 billion over five years to states to have them build thousands of electric vehicle charging stations. Another $2.5 billion will go out in grants to be decided later. It all comes from the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan that was enacted late last year and that the administration continues to sell, amid the collapse of Biden's Build Back Better plan. The charging stations would work with all electric vehicles
Daily Mail (UK),
Emily Goodin
Geoff Earle
Original Article
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2/10/2022 1:47:14 PM
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House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has conceded that January 6th was a 'violent insurrection,' saying he agreed with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's description of that day. 'No one would disagree with that,' McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.His clarification comes after McCarthy was mocked by Democrats for walking away from an ABC News reporter who was asking him about the Republican National Committee censure of Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney for serving on the committee investigating the insurrection.
New York Post,
Carl Campanile
Original Article
Posted by
2/10/2022 10:20:37 AM
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A majority of New York City residents say they agree with COVID-19 vaccine mandates–and they’re angry with the minority who refuse to get jabbed, a survey released Thursday shows. Residents polled by the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health said the coronavirus vaccine should be required for people who work in service industries and schools, and should be a mandate for indoor activities and airplane travel. More than half of New York respondents—54 percent—said they are angry with the small percentage of residents who have refused to get vaxxed.(Snip)“The mask lifting heightens the need to get vaccinated,” said Dr. Aymen El-Mohandes, dean of
Washington Free Beacon,
Collin Anderson
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2/10/2022 9:07:38 AM
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A new Toyota commercial featuring Colin Kaepernick claims the former NFL quarterback's controversial national anthem protest was a "sign of respect to the military." The ad, which aired Friday morning on Howard University's radio station, says Kaepernick's decision to go "on one knee" during the national anthem "came as a sign of respect to the military" and "changed the world." The commercial also calls Kaepernick a "two-time Super Bowl quarterback," which is false. Kaepernick appeared in one Super Bowl, a 34-31 loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
Original Article
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2/11/2022 5:22:55 AM
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With COVID deaths now topping 910,000, the Biden administration and the rest of the Democratic left are deciding to ease up on their mandate regime. We need to learn to live with COVID, they say – repeating advice President Donald Trump issued back in October 2020.
We’re all for ditching the left’s COVID police state, even if Democrats’ reason is political, as we pointed out in this space yesterday.
But that leaves us with a question: Was any of it worth it? Did any of the guidelines, mandates, orders, shutdowns, cancelations, lockdowns do anything to alter the course of the disease, or
Fox News,
Brandon Gillespie
Original Article
Posted by
2/11/2022 11:38:59 AM
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CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem hastily backtracked her Thursday call for Canadian truckers participating in the protests against the Liberal government's coronavirus policies to have their tires slashed."Earlier today, I tweeted something that has been used by others to suggest I was promoting vigilantism. I was not. People have the freedom to protest. Governments have the responsibility to protect public safety. That was what I intended to say," Kayyem tweeted late Thursday evening. (Tweet) Earlier in the day, Kayyem railed against the truckers, declaring their protest an "economic and security issue," and calling for them to be stopped.
Daily Mail (UK),
Rob Crilly
Original Article
Posted by
2/10/2022 9:55:40 PM
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Justice Sonia Sotomayor warned on Wednesday that the hyper-partisan state of politics has taken the country to the brink of crisis when it comes to nominating justices to the Supreme Court. She laid out her fears during a virtual event with New York University, amid calls to reform the nation's highest court and as the confirmation battle to fill Justice Stephen Breyer's seat looms.'I have concerns that we might be in crisis as norms in the nomination process are broken,' she said, according to CNN.'As norms of the nomination process are broken, as more senators, congressional representatives, governors, mayors, local politicians and the media question the legitimacy of the court,
PJ Media,
Matt Margolis
Original Article
Posted by
2/11/2022 1:21:47 AM
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Earlier this week, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger released a statement in response to a complaint from Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who says the USCP illegally entered his office, took photos, and later interrogated his staff. According to Manger, “The weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our vigilant officers spotted the Congressman’s door was wide open.” As such, Manger said it is the responsibility of the USCP to document the incident and secure the office.
There’s just one problem with this explanation: (snip) This is the exact door @CapitolPolice claims their officer found “wide open” on that Saturday.
The door automatically closes. See for yourself.
How could this door be found wide open?
Dylan Gwinn
Original Article
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Black Conservative Voice
2/10/2022 5:48:39 AM
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After shunning her native country and choosing to compete for China, many have questioned US-born Olympic freeskier Eileen Gu’s true allegiances. However, there is one group that Gu proudly associates with, Black Lives Matter.
In March of last year, the California native gave an interview to the South China Morning Post, in which she called herself an “ally” of Black Lives Matter. In the article, Gu lamented the rash of anti-Asian hate crimes occurring across the country. Gu said that she and her grandmother had fallen victim to such an attack.
Daily Mail (UK),
Harriet Alexander
Lauren Lewis
Original Article
Posted by
2/11/2022 10:46:10 AM
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President Joe Biden's administration has urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government to use its federal powers to end the Freedom Convoy demonstrations blockading key border crossings to protest Canada's COVID-19 restrictions.On Friday the blockade halting traffic at the Ambassador Bridge crossing connecting Windsor, Ontario to Detroit entered its fifth day, disrupting the flow products between the two countries and threatening to shut down production at several US auto plants.
The bridge, which connects Windsor, Ontario with Detroit, Michigan, is North America's busiest international land border and usually carriesaccommodating 27 percent of the approximately $400 billion in annual trade
Our Changing Culture presents an enormous litany of negatives from top to bottom, from vastly strained taxpayer resources that the treasury cannot possibly cover, to increased street violence and wholesale destruction of what once was a peacefully homogeneous and unified American culture, with no hyphens necessary. The globalists created social balkanization and pushed the native population to the back of the bus while paying the fares of the rest of the world streaming in; this is a plus, they say.