'The View' host Whoopi Goldberg claims
Holocaust wasn’t about race: ‘These
are two White groups’
Fox News,
Brian Flood
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
1/31/2022 4:01:07 PM
ABC’s "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg declared the Holocaust was "not about race" despite the systematic killing of an estimated six million Jews, leading to sharp criticism of the outspoken liberal. The daytime gabfest was in the midst of a conversation about a Tennessee school district voting to remove a Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel about the Holocaust from its curriculum due to "inappropriate language" and an illustration of a nude woman. "Maus" by Art Spiegelman tells the story of his Jewish parents living in 1940s Poland and depicts him interviewing his father about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Echohawk 1/31/2022 4:09:17 PM (No. 1057057)
I'd like to tell Whoopie that the Nazis certainly saw the Jews as a different race.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 1/31/2022 4:11:01 PM (No. 1057062)
Actually, the Nacis, I mean Nazis, viewed Jews as a different species. So in a weird way, Whoopies be right and stuff.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
chance_232 1/31/2022 4:13:53 PM (No. 1057066)
Depends on who your talking too. The nazis considered it to be about race, or at least racial purity. And prior to sometime in the recent past, there were only three races. When I was in school in the 60's and 70's, Semitic and hispanic peoples were considered Caucasian.
So......my education informs me that she is correct. Whoopee is 6 years older than me, so I imagine her education was similar to mine.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
FormerDem 1/31/2022 4:16:25 PM (No. 1057070)
The big advantage of focusing on race and her own definition is being able to never pay any attention to anybody else's history or sufferings. No curiosity, just a bubble of getting Ph.D.'s and accreditions on meditating on her very own navel where nobody else's views need concern her and she can never never be wrong. What an effing bore.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 1/31/2022 4:18:35 PM (No. 1057071)
Whoopi Goldberg? Goldberg? Isn't Goldberg a Jewish surname?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 1/31/2022 4:22:42 PM (No. 1057074)
To the Nazi's the Jews weren't even human so... Shut up, Magilla.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
marbles 1/31/2022 4:22:56 PM (No. 1057075)
# 5 Her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 1/31/2022 4:24:25 PM (No. 1057079)
Nazis believed the various ethnic groups were actually different races. Germans and Austrians were at the top of the heap. Nordic races were a close second, with Brits and a few others 'not too bad' in Hitler's mind. Most others, especially Jews, Poles, and various Slavic groups were viewed to be subhuman. Spiegelman has a history of being provocative so I wouldn't be surprised if his book has some disagreeable sections.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
mean Gene 1/31/2022 4:25:24 PM (No. 1057081)
Poor stupid Whoopie.
Europeans had been finding minute differences between one another for hundreds of years.
Just like African tribes were finding differences between one another for thousands of years.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Felixed 1/31/2022 4:26:21 PM (No. 1057082)
Skin color is only, wait for it... skin deep.
While Whoopi's talent for showcasing ignorance goes all the way to her bones.
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I can't believe anyone could be as stupid as Whoopi, so that leave evil.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
JackBurton 1/31/2022 4:35:32 PM (No. 1057088)
I got a copy of one of the volumes of his Maus (graphic.... that is Cartoon) novels.
It's good. And sad. And painful. Describing personal experiences of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis and some people who sympathized or were cowed into submission.
Like Huck Finn by Mark Twain... it's powerful and educational and a must and, of course, it 'triggers' some people for completely tangential reasons.
The Nazis were racists. And like racists, they saw things that weren't there and acted accordingly. No one can say "Well, the Jews or Slavs or Poles were white just like the Nazis. How is that racist?" What I can tell you is saying something like that is Stupid.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Daisymay 1/31/2022 4:36:25 PM (No. 1057089)
Nobody would ever mistakenly take Whoopie for a Smart Person! She proves, day after day, how absolutely Dim she is! Hard to believe she is paid to show that to the World!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
leonardo 1/31/2022 4:44:09 PM (No. 1057092)
A mind is a terrible thing to waste … when there IS NO MIND, it’s even worse.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
BarryNo 1/31/2022 4:45:41 PM (No. 1057093)
Whoopi is a jew-hating witch.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
jalo1951 1/31/2022 4:51:19 PM (No. 1057099)
Then can I assume that the slave trade had nothing to do with being black?
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Nashman 1/31/2022 4:55:44 PM (No. 1057101)
Two things here… Whoopi is an idiot. The German Nazis would be the first to tell you the Jews were a race. In fact, a race they saw fit to separate the rest of their people from and exterminate. Not unlike the left here and their irrational hate for the “unvaxxed”. Although not a race hatred, for the same kinds of political reasons. Second… my heart aches a little. Maus is a masterpiece. I’m so sorry people are so triggered and shortsighted and see the need to censor what “offends” them. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. I wonder if this is a school district that promotes “Heather Has Two Mommies” and bans a classic like Maus.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Newtsche 1/31/2022 5:01:54 PM (No. 1057104)
Not just an ignorant cow, a confident ignorant cow, the worst kind.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
TLCary 1/31/2022 5:08:03 PM (No. 1057111)
Whoopi, a lot of Aryan Jews? If there were any, they would get a Get-Out-Of-Auschwitz-Free card. Why would anyone ever take seriously a woman who named herself "Whoopi"?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 1/31/2022 5:15:56 PM (No. 1057116)
Its official - she is unattractive on the inside too.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Smart11344 1/31/2022 5:23:33 PM (No. 1057124)
Stuff a yamakah (sp) in your pie hole.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
garyhope 1/31/2022 5:24:42 PM (No. 1057128)
She should change her name to "Loopy". Or Fruitcake. Or just plain Obnoxious Stupid.
She used to be funny,.....now she's just plain weird and out of touch with reality.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Kutchk 1/31/2022 5:38:52 PM (No. 1057137)
The black-haired Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end, satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. (Book 1 Chap 11)
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Sounds racial to me ……
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
DVC 1/31/2022 5:48:00 PM (No. 1057152)
The Holocaust was about HATE. Nazi hate, just exactly like BLM hate, and Whoopi hate, and all the other racist haters.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 1/31/2022 5:55:26 PM (No. 1057163)
Stupid, ugly, and nasty all in one package.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
qr4j 1/31/2022 5:59:26 PM (No. 1057166)
If gender is a social construct so that I can decide whatever gender I want to be, why then isn't race? And why limit it to what I decide what I want to be? Why not let the state decide what my gender and race are? That is essentially what the Nazis did with Jews. That's what Whoopi is doing. She is deciding what races are. She is making a thing out of race. The Nazis did too. Not something good people should be about!
"Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!"
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Luandir 1/31/2022 6:05:07 PM (No. 1057173)
This is the same woman who in 2008 asked John McCain, "Are you going to make me a slave?"
You can't fix stupid.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/31/2022 7:05:57 PM (No. 1057229)
Well, Whoopi, had Germany had a large black population back in the 1930s what do you suppose Hitler would have done with them? What do you suppose he would have done with you?
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Kumoan 1/31/2022 7:07:33 PM (No. 1057230)
Poor thing. Every morning she looks in the mirror...no wonder she has a crappy attitude all day.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
PCMM 1/31/2022 7:36:16 PM (No. 1057250)
They died because they were communists. The job wasn’t done and the survivors are currently attempting a global reset. I see a pattern developing.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Californian 1/31/2022 8:21:53 PM (No. 1057279)
I get it now. This is why people like her don't care about off the charts black on black crime in places like Chicago.
Same color crimes just don't matter. It's an internal issue to that skin color. The ultimate in segregated racism.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
broken01 2/1/2022 1:33:34 PM (No. 1057977)
Caryn Johnson (an actual Karen) aka Whoopi Goldberg is a racist anti-Semitic ingrate who is one of the huge reasons why The View is the stupidest show on TV to date.
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