Hillary Clinton hits Americans as gullible,
says they don't 'appreciate' Biden accomplishments
Fox News,
Brandon Gillespie
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
11/24/2021 7:37:01 PM
Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday praised the legislative accomplishments of President Biden while appearing to claim that everyday Americans didn't understand or "appreciate" them. During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," Clinton complained about the successful "exploiting" of social media misinformation by Republicans, blaming the lack of "gatekeepers" and "people with a historic perspective" to help Americans understand what they were seeing.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
bad-hair 11/24/2021 7:43:46 PM (No. 988030)
And her remarks regarding Mattress Back's "accomplishments were ...
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Northcross 11/24/2021 7:45:11 PM (No. 988032)
She is right about the gullible part. They believed her Russian collusion hoax for years.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
scottj 11/24/2021 7:47:39 PM (No. 988034)
What a laughable clown she is. She thinks we should be grateful for the wide open border, The massive inflation and the energy crisis, all complements of Joe Biden. None of it effects her in any way but she thinks the 'little people' need to shut up and obey Biden's dictates.
106 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 11/24/2021 7:50:31 PM (No. 988038)
Americans swallowed your Russian hoax for 4 years! So yea, we are too trusting of crooks and liars in those we expect are serving us! Hillary thinks we all serve her fat ugly self! Yuck!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Vesicant 11/24/2021 7:51:29 PM (No. 988044)
Not so gullible that we elected you in 2016, shrillary. Having said that, this is her positioning herself to replace kamala, and then Dementia Joe has a mysterious Arkanstroke and voila, President hillary.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
JunkYardDog 11/24/2021 7:52:07 PM (No. 988045)
I could listen to Hillary all day...if she was wearing an orange jumpsuit behind bars. Imagine what she would be saying then! And who she would drag down with her.
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Oh we believe it alright. We actually feel it…unlike YOU. As Reagan says, it just so much of what she says ain’t so!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
rochow 11/24/2021 7:53:04 PM (No. 988048)
The ugly dame is really ringing the bell for Biden isn't she??? Really obvious that she wants Kamel's job. They retire the doddering old vegetable so that she can finally get into the oval.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
earlybird 11/24/2021 8:07:59 PM (No. 988056)
She and Zhou, peas in a nasty pod. Both never fail to slam the American people. Losers never learn.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/24/2021 8:13:44 PM (No. 988064)
There's only one thing that the democrats can accomplish with ease and yes, Biden has done that. Spending tons of money and ending up with nothing to show for it is a real art. Obongo did it with Obongocare; the Shovel-Ready jobs program did quite well too. Those jobs are still ready and waiting. Joe is now on the record for the biggest spending program that yields nothing in American history. Nobody will be able to claim that climate change didn't work because it doesn't exist in the first place. The BBB program will produce a list of roads and bridges that need the BBB treatment and they will still be there ten years from now. He has probably made some hotels and the airlines happy by shuffling illegal aliens around the country. But somehow I don't appreciate that either.
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Exactly what the pig in a pantsuit has counted on for years, gullibility.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Birddog 11/24/2021 8:23:09 PM (No. 988078)
I wish these pollsters doing 2024 matchup polls would throw HER name into the mix, at least 5 "Big Ones",all at the same time.
The results of THOSE would hopefully shut her up once and for all.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
downnout 11/24/2021 8:28:29 PM (No. 988086)
For once in her life she’s right. Americans are gullible. Look at all the fools who voted for this female con artist and her sex addict husband.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Penney 11/24/2021 9:12:37 PM (No. 988122)
Lies com so easy for her. Healthcare is being withdrawn from Americans, not increased. Socialism destroys everything. It always has but political con artists keep trying.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
bgarrett 11/24/2021 9:28:08 PM (No. 988133)
if people would stop writing articles about her, it would be the same as if she disappeared. That would be nice
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 11/24/2021 9:45:43 PM (No. 988144)
What really bothers me about this shallow woman repeating the trite, banal talking points that mean nothing...silly leftist tropes...more “jobs, jobs, jobs” and “bringing America together”. Stupid talking points that are pointless and boring. She doesn’t mean she actually wants to help us, just spread the bulls**t that the left deals in. Power is what she wants and she will pile the bodies up to get it.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
leonardo 11/24/2021 10:02:18 PM (No. 988151)
America sure "dodged a bullet" when Satana was defeated.
HOWEVER, she may well be correct about Americans' gullibility.
Besides the obvious cheating, how else could "Sniffin Joe" have ever been elected?
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Italiano 11/24/2021 10:02:35 PM (No. 988152)
Chin up, Hillary. I'll never be President either.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 11/24/2021 10:08:37 PM (No. 988157)
Guess what, Hillary. People didn’t like you in 2016, and they still don’t like you in 2021.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
rytwng 11/24/2021 10:13:17 PM (No. 988159)
Why is anyone still listening to the Beast?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
JrSample 11/24/2021 10:23:46 PM (No. 988166)
Accomplishments to date;
1. Withdrew all troops from Afghanistan over the objections of his military advisors leaving large amounts of weapons and vehicles to the Taliban, and betraying Afghan allies.
2. Reversed policies that had the southern border under control, creating a crisis of human trafficking, drug smuggling, while flooding the country with illegal aliens. Fatal dosages from abusing illegal fentanyl have resulted in over 100,000 deaths this year.
3. Instituted policies that moved the US from energy independence and being a net exporter of energy to having shortages and high energy prices. The higher oil prices have emboldened and strengthened hostile enemies, Iran and Russia. Biden's solution; beg OPEC to increase production [they refused].
4. Despite Biden's campaign promise to ''shut down the virus'' and claiming that he had ''a plan'', COVID has killed more Americans during Biden's Presidency than before. His Presidency began with three available vaccines and improved treatments. Biden's non-solution; wear masks for 100 days and vaccine mandates.
5. Biden's economic plan of unprecedented spending financed by printing more money and paying people to not work has resulted in the highest inflation in 30 years along with supply chain disruptions and shortages of goods.
....so these are the accomplishments that the PIAPS is touting, and we are just too naive to appreciate them.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 11/24/2021 10:27:26 PM (No. 988168)
Clinton? Isn't she the dirigible that called conservatives ''deplorables'' a few years ago.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
whyyeseyec 11/24/2021 10:44:58 PM (No. 988174)
More proof that Hillary is full of **** and off her rocker.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
bobn.t 11/24/2021 10:59:56 PM (No. 988181)
Name those accomplishments.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Newtsche 11/24/2021 11:33:45 PM (No. 988193)
Ever the charmer.
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Hillary Clinton's last refuge: We were never good enough for her.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Venturer 11/25/2021 12:01:32 AM (No. 988201)
If Hillary stats to really believe she has a chance to be Vice President, Kamala better get a food tester.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
PChristopher 11/25/2021 12:01:39 AM (No. 988202)
HRC can GTH. I make it a habit not to thank someone who stabs me in the back and spits in my face.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
judy 11/25/2021 12:01:59 AM (No. 988203)
It sounds like Hillary is applying for Kamaha’s job???
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Nimby 11/25/2021 12:03:05 AM (No. 988205)
Americans don’t appreciate Bill Clinton either!
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
DVC 11/25/2021 12:11:30 AM (No. 988212)
I spit on Traitor Joe's treasonous destruction of everything that he has touched.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
web 11/25/2021 2:14:23 AM (No. 988230)
I believe that politicians actually go to school to learn how to speak such as this. They exploit media misinformation, use gatekeepers, and have no historic perspective at all. They just project and turn everything around to blame it all on their enemies. Just as they have changed their history of slavery and racism to pretend that we are the racists. We understand very well what biden and his handlers are doing, and are outrage that they are able to get away with it all because of a stolen election.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Trigger2 11/25/2021 4:38:08 AM (No. 988247)
No surprise. She's as much a communist as Joey and a China lover to boot.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
MSUDoc 11/25/2021 5:49:19 AM (No. 988268)
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Pearson365 11/25/2021 6:17:22 AM (No. 988277)
FHC? Hey, we’re not that gullible.
Poster 21, an excellent summary of Biden’s failures. Failures that will only increase in 2022. Unfortunately, Biden’s multiple failures will require more spending, more taxes, more debt. With each of his leftist policies reducing economic growth while reducing our standard of living. I hope that there is hope in 2022 and 2024’s elections.
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At this point an interviewer might as well put the microphone in front of a box of chardonay.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 11/25/2021 6:29:00 AM (No. 988285)
Coming from a person that starts her day with a bottle of booze. What do you expect? She does not live in the real world.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 11/25/2021 6:46:47 AM (No. 988296)
She soooo wants to be his VP.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
ragu 11/25/2021 7:07:33 AM (No. 988307)
What of his supposed accomplishments have helped the American people? Remember, Hil, I didn't say illegal aliens, I said American people.
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Reply 40 - Posted by:
Jebediah 11/25/2021 7:13:32 AM (No. 988311)
And as long as the MSM and newspapers say nothing about the Clinton connection to Russian hoax she may think she has a chance.
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
Smoolie 11/25/2021 7:30:22 AM (No. 988326)
"Notice Me!...Notice Me!" is all I hear when she sticks her head up again.
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
Adam 11/25/2021 7:42:45 AM (No. 988336)
I’ve known she despises us since the loathsome remarks about staying home and baking cookies. 30 years of insults. That’s what we’ve gotten from her.
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
Lazyman 11/25/2021 7:45:33 AM (No. 988340)
Half of America are critical thinkers and know how to seek truth. The other half buy into this congenital liar.
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
mifla 11/25/2021 7:56:15 AM (No. 988358)
I appreciate that you will never be President.
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
janjan 11/25/2021 8:25:04 AM (No. 988402)
So Hillary slithers out from under her rock periodically to take a few more insulting shots at the masses of people who despise her. She picked a nice, safe place with Rachel Maddow, who could be counted on to bobble head her agreement like a fellow loon should. All around a very boring and unattractive sight.
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Reply 46 - Posted by:
lajasso 11/25/2021 8:47:17 AM (No. 988432)
My sister suspects that, rather than Obama pulling Biden's strings, it's really her. I can't see O allowing her to orchestrate things, but if she is as least partially in control, she is punishing us for not electing her.
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
mizzmac 11/25/2021 9:03:43 AM (No. 988451)
Why is she still talking?
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Reply 48 - Posted by:
stablemoney 11/25/2021 9:18:13 AM (No. 988466)
Wrecking and ruining the country is not an accomplishment.
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Reply 49 - Posted by:
msjena 11/25/2021 9:34:49 AM (No. 988483)
I think Hillary wants to be appointed VP after Harris is ousted and then become President after Joe resigns for "health" reasons.
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Reply 50 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 11/25/2021 9:36:53 AM (No. 988487)
Billary, no, Kamalie isn't interested in having you take her place.
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Reply 51 - Posted by:
Zigrid 11/25/2021 9:49:41 AM (No. 988506)
Crooked Hillary's words to her masses..."shut up and do as your told"....she really thinks WE give a rat's patootie what she says...she bullied and intimidated and in some cases took out people who challenged her...and now she wants US to just accept bad policy and an overthrow of our country by commies...I think not!!...WE are MAGA!!
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Reply 52 - Posted by:
FLCracker 11/25/2021 10:22:43 AM (No. 988557)
Well, Hil, not as gullible as you thought we were - Miz Not-President.
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Reply 53 - Posted by:
ASU86PE 11/25/2021 10:34:29 AM (No. 988580)
Thank you for being sooooooo repugnant that the State Electors voted against your presidency, 1994 Republican House & Senate, & LOSING OUR HUSBAND'S LOVE & AFFECTION to a 21YO!
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Reply 54 - Posted by:
Italiano 11/25/2021 10:41:17 AM (No. 988593)
The most pathetic figure in American political history. All that stolen money to live on and she's still miserable and unfulfilled.
Makes me smile.
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Reply 55 - Posted by:
MickTurn 11/25/2021 10:48:42 AM (No. 988616)
As usual Hitlery is lying...taking her talking points straight from the DNC Gestapo!
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Reply 56 - Posted by:
pmcclure 11/25/2021 11:17:43 AM (No. 988659)
Jezebel speaks...
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Reply 57 - Posted by:
AIRFORCE1 11/25/2021 11:18:49 AM (No. 988660)
Can someone tell Hillary what accomplishments Afghanistan, Inflation, Energy shortage and more Covid cases since he has been in office than under Trump also add the Supply Chain problem. Another idiot liberal.
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“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life!”…Dean Wormer
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Reply 59 - Posted by:
jacksin5 11/25/2021 12:05:23 PM (No. 988732)
If the only soapbox Hillary! could find to stand on was at MSNBC, it just proves her days as a force in the Dem Party are over.
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Reply 60 - Posted by:
NessunDorma 11/25/2021 12:43:12 PM (No. 988770)
Who ya gonna believe, the Democrats or you're lyin' eyes?
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Reply 61 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 11/25/2021 12:48:38 PM (No. 988783)
Hauling out PIAPS, PMSNBC is really scraping the bottom of the septic tank, though she does fit right in with the rest of the screeching banshees on that network.
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Reply 62 - Posted by:
Donna M 11/25/2021 12:50:07 PM (No. 988784)
They video the Beast from waist up since lower down she resembles Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. Her outside now mirrors the evil inside.
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Reply 63 - Posted by:
udanja99 11/25/2021 1:06:33 PM (No. 988804)
She will never replace Commie-la - it would require confirmation by congress and she would never get enough votes.
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Reply 64 - Posted by:
starboard 11/25/2021 1:17:15 PM (No. 988812)
#8 You got it.
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Reply 65 - Posted by:
dbdiva 11/25/2021 1:25:06 PM (No. 988818)
HRC is an evil, demonic individual whose arrogance and elitism knows no bounds. IMHO her life will not end well. But in the meantime we should always preface her name with the phrase "FAILED Democratic presidential candidate". Those 4 words are almost guaranteed to send her over the edge every time she hears them; at the same time it will also be a financial windfall for her local liquor stores.
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Reply 66 - Posted by:
Foghorn 11/25/2021 1:38:06 PM (No. 988830)
Hillary is proud of the accomplishments Biden has made. They are the same points that Hillary would have done if she had won the election. She is another socialist or communist. Letting millions into the country and dishing out welfare and medical is a burden on the nation. When Obama was in there was a claim there were 30 million illegal aliens in the country and it was costing every American 9 billion every year. Now the claim is there is only about 12 million in the country. Follow the money, we spent 90 billion under Obama's regime. Now what is the bill? I am intrested in how many people are illegal aliens are crowding the hospitals with COVID and other diseases.
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Reply 67 - Posted by:
GirlwithaCurl 11/25/2021 4:31:17 PM (No. 988918)
Wouldn't she and Bill have to have been gullible when they married one another?
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Reply 68 - Posted by:
garyhope 11/25/2021 8:12:37 PM (No. 989012)
Bi-DUMB's "accomplishments,.....?"
Name 10?
8, 7,
Any? One?
Dream on. LOL,...ROFL. Life in the time of total absurdity. Fantasy.
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Reply 69 - Posted by:
garyhope 11/25/2021 8:38:54 PM (No. 989019)
Yes,...Millions of idiots voted for her one time.
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Reply 70 - Posted by:
web 11/25/2021 9:29:46 PM (No. 989043)
The witch is right. I don't understand or appreciate his achievements, because the only thing he has achieved is inflation, no energy, and more debt. Once again, she turns everything around 180 degrees from reality. They exploit social media, with gatekeepers denying any information that is not part of their narrative. They have no historical perspective at all, viewing everything through their modern and progressive values.
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Reply 71 - Posted by:
garyhope 11/26/2021 2:57:54 PM (No. 989653)
Bi-DUMB's "accomplishments"? What would those be? I'm not aware of any of his "accomplishments". Are you? Quick,....Name 2. OK,....just one. Times up ,...you lose.
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Reply 72 - Posted by:
anonymous 11/26/2021 11:38:28 PM (No. 989983)
If she's complaining about the lack of gatekeepers on social media, perhaps the implication is that she would love to be the sole gatekeeper?
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What she’s saying is that we need a Ministry of Truth. “Ignorance is Strengthen,” “The Left is Right,” “Philandering is a Vast Tight Wing Conspiracy.”