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Trump Surgeon General Adams Blames Unvaccinated
for Colin Powell Death — ‘Didn’t
Take the Proper Measures to Lower Spread’

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 10/19/2021 4:26:09 AM

Former Trump administration Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Monday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” that former Secretary of State Colin Powell died because some Americans were not vaccinated.Anchor Chris Cuomo said, “In terms of his passing and how he would want it understood, what do you say about the idea that Powell passing while being vaccinated is proof that the vaccination is not necessary?”Adams said, “It’s absolutely untrue. We’ve got people out there who are in the vaccine-resistant crowd. We’ve got people who have completely different agendas, agendas that have nothing to do with vaccines, and as you mentioned, want to divide us.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: dst4life 10/19/2021 4:59:33 AM (No. 950408)
Of course, CNN would trot out Adams. And Adams is showing what a boot licking weasel he is. He should be absolutely ashamed of himself for this reckless scapegoating. Message to future Republican president, if one is ever elected again--don't hire this boot licker.
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: KatieJo 10/19/2021 5:06:04 AM (No. 950409)
Seriously? This is surreal. We'll have to add another name to list of defendants at the "Nuremberg" trials when the dust settles.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Policom 10/19/2021 5:52:23 AM (No. 950429)
He was Vaccinated.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DCGIRL 10/19/2021 5:52:25 AM (No. 950430)
Sometimes Trump surrounded himself with losers. Never really cared for this clown.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Cherrybark 10/19/2021 5:57:22 AM (No. 950433)
FTA, "We’ve got people who have completely different agendas, agendas that have nothing to do with vaccines, and as you mentioned, want to divide us." "Hello Pot. It's been awhile.", your friend Kettle.
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Muguy 10/19/2021 6:05:30 AM (No. 950439)
Powell was vaccinated--two shots. How can Jerome prove that someone unvaccinated cause his death??? Powell's age and co-morbidities should be considered-- his body was compromised since he was dealing with cancer.
37 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: anniebc 10/19/2021 6:30:21 AM (No. 950451)
Colin Powell died because it was his time to die, PERIOD.
32 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 10/19/2021 6:33:30 AM (No. 950454)
The passing of one man's life is so sacred that many can't wait to dragoon the corpse into the service of their pet political cause.
22 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Bur Oak 10/19/2021 7:15:29 AM (No. 950495)
No one knows where he got the CCP virus. Could it be he got it in the hospital? He was suffering from Multiple Myeloma and Parkinson's.
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 10/19/2021 7:18:40 AM (No. 950497)
Trot out Dr. Scott Atlas, you rotten scoundrel weasels! He spoke the truth about this insanity and was instantly vaporized by the evil press.
23 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Jethro bo 10/19/2021 7:35:16 AM (No. 950518)
So that little multiple myeloma, a terminal disease, had nothing to do with it? Oh, and how did He get Covid and then die if he already had the sacred vaccine?
17 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: sw penn 10/19/2021 7:52:01 AM (No. 950530)
I have as much evidence to say Powell got WuFlu from one of the vaccinated walking dead around him, as Adams has to say he got it from an un-vaccinated who couldn't get within a mile of him.
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Blue-Z-Anna 10/19/2021 7:57:21 AM (No. 950534)
When CNN acts this way they threaten to take all the joy out of the fact that this turncoat loser is finally dead.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Lake Dweller 10/19/2021 8:01:19 AM (No. 950540)
I NEVER trusted or liked this guy. The position of Surgeon General has become a joke—and this guy fit in with a long line of window dressing appointees.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: bad-hair 10/19/2021 8:04:48 AM (No. 950543)
Between Parkinson's and cancer I doubt this had much to do with COVID or vaccines. He was old and sick.
17 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: smokincol 10/19/2021 8:04:49 AM (No. 950544)
the General had pre-existing conditions which compounded the effects of the disease which was blood cancer
14 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Califedup 10/19/2021 8:27:43 AM (No. 950572)
Unfortunately President Trump made some really bad personnel choices while he was in the White House. (He is still our legally elected President). This Swamp Rat Quack Surgeon General is an example. I really, really hope that our President has learned a hard lesson and when he is back where he legally belongs in the White House, he will fire across the board at least half of all the federal employees starting at the top of every single Agency. If he doesn't we will not win the war for our Republic.
13 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: BarryNo 10/19/2021 8:45:29 AM (No. 950592)
If Trump gets back in, he ahould avoid appoibtibg ANY Washington insider to any position.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Ragman73 10/19/2021 8:46:08 AM (No. 950594)
Odd that the doctor did not mention which group of individual have one of the lowest Tates of vaccination. Perhaps he feel that it would be racist to include that fact in his little claim. It always "circles back" to race, why not now? Oh, it wouldn't fit the narrative - I understand.
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Ragman73 10/19/2021 8:48:25 AM (No. 950596)
Sorry, posted too quickly. But you get the gist.
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 10/19/2021 8:53:29 AM (No. 950604)
He should be sued for medical malpractice and have his license revoked. The nerve. If there is blame to lay it is in the dead hearts and souls of the Chinese Communist Party. They unleashed this on the world with generous funding from American totalitarian, Dr. Mengele Fauci.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: SweetPea3 10/19/2021 8:54:56 AM (No. 950609)
Does this clown realize how idiotic he sounds?
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: edgar 10/19/2021 9:10:46 AM (No. 950623)
"...Without Evidence" is missing from the headline.
5 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Marzipan4 10/19/2021 9:13:02 AM (No. 950627)
I am not a medical professional but own enough personal mileage to be deeply saddened by these puppet medical figures on parade. Sans autopsy NO ONE knows the true cause of Colin’s death. Fighting any cancer is tough on octogenarians and from what I read he seemed to be in quite a battle. No one has published data proving or disproving mRNA effects on compromised immune systems however some forensic pathologists are finding an alarming amount of anomalies bringing question to this new Technologie. But still they rail and wring hands vowing to end virus’s with one shot if the whole world submits to this open vaccine trial. I’ll take the virus thankyou and raise them my natural immunity to study. They seem to be scared of believing the human body capable in this fight.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: philsner 10/19/2021 9:19:48 AM (No. 950636)
It's likely that I have never even been in the same state as Powell and yet, since I haven't been "vaccinated", his passing is my fault.
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: paral04 10/19/2021 9:20:41 AM (No. 950637)
That is pure horses**t. His vaccination didn't work and actually made things worse. That guy needs to go back and take a few advanced Biology courses.
7 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: bigfatslob 10/19/2021 9:26:56 AM (No. 950644)
Adams appeared on CNN what did you expect to hear from this loser chump? So old Colin would still be alive today if I was vaccinated how stupid sounding is that. I will wear a mask and be vaccinated to make someone else feel good what a bunch of Nazis. Colin was old with other health issues, he was vaccinated so he should have been fine, correct me if I'm wrong.
5 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: athina 10/19/2021 9:34:42 AM (No. 950652)
It’s shocking the number of people thst Trump selected and relied upon for their expertise who turned out to be part of the opposition. He had such s reputation of a hard boss — turns out that in DC at least, he was a pussycat. He was deceived by those who purported to choose the best people for his administration, and he failed to replace them when they showed their weakness. Too trusting and giving too many chances.
4 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: red1066 10/19/2021 9:42:53 AM (No. 950659)
Colon Powell was 84, overweight, and had secondary health issues. If he had gotten the flu, he might have died. Just because they say he died of Covid, doesn't mean he died of Covid. Did they ever change the cause of death for the person who died in a motorcycle accident in Colorado a while back? That person's death was listed as dying of Covid.
6 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: AltaD 10/19/2021 9:55:17 AM (No. 950668)
I would say he caught covid from a vaccinated person at his doctor's office. I have no proof of this but then again, Adams has no proof to back up his GUESS either.
6 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: PCMM 10/19/2021 10:07:32 AM (No. 950678)
If your physician’s first name is “Jerome,” you might want to find a different healthcare provider. The Trump Administration was the largest group of clowns, fools, idiots and traitors ever assembled. Biden saw it and said, “Hold my sippy cup.”
4 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: MDConservative 10/19/2021 10:47:53 AM (No. 950715)
This is the THIRD story I've seen now with this blaming the unvaxxed for the death of Powell, denying him a ring of safety, etc. That's today's meme.
2 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: privateer 10/19/2021 11:23:47 AM (No. 950748)
Now we know why it was so 'convenient' that CP died just now. Their hopes came through and the clot shot took him, letting him serve as a cautionary tale....and sparing the need of a Bye Pillow.
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: DVC 10/19/2021 11:55:38 AM (No. 950793)
Being "vaccinated" does NOT prevent a person from spreading this virus. That is well established.
4 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Starboard_side 10/19/2021 11:56:37 AM (No. 950795)
Seriously doubt Adams knows if Colin Powell contracted the virus from an non-vaccinated person, so he's likely just making that up, which seems on-par for the Clown News Network. Understand from news reports Colin Powell had Parkinson's disease, and had other health issues. I doubt he died FROM covid-19, but he died with it as part of his other symptoms with it being a possible contributing factor.
2 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: earlybird 10/19/2021 12:36:11 PM (No. 950853)
I don’t even remember this guy. And he’s wrong. The vaxxes to not protect a person against contracting the disease, nor do they keep that person from transmitting the infection. Their sole intent was to lessen the symptoms in the vaxxed person if and when they contracted Covid. He can get this info from CDC head Rochelle Wallensky, who announced it publicly.
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Reply 37 - Posted by: earlybird 10/19/2021 12:39:56 PM (No. 950863)
This man has a racialist agenda. He is black; Powell, black. They just can’t help themselves. He also seems to have missed the memo that told the rest of us that Powell was suffering from Parkinson’s and multiple myeloma, the latter a cancer of the blood that seriously affects the immune system. His being vaxxed may have been ill-advised.
2 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: earlybird 10/19/2021 12:42:34 PM (No. 950872)
One more PS: Adams’s credentials include Coast Guard admiral. I recently found out that that is a rank conferred on the person appointed Surgeon General of the United States. It is not an earned rank nor any sign that the person was ever a member of the Coast Guard. It goes with being Surgeon General. History.
2 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/19/2021 12:51:26 PM (No. 950882)
I'm still waiting for the REAL Scientific explanation on how UnVax'ed individuals are giving Covid to the Vaxed. I'm still waiting.........................................................................
0 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: rochow 10/19/2021 8:17:46 PM (No. 951338)
This jerk is talking garbage. Recall, if you are vaxxed you cannot get covid'!!! So, Doctor, how do you explain that you silly fools!?
1 person likes this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: Come And Take It 10/19/2021 8:23:34 PM (No. 951342)
Jerome Adams. Affirmative Action hire.
0 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: mifla 10/20/2021 6:23:59 AM (No. 951600)
So you are saying that the vaccine does not work, correct?
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2021 1:44:47 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/22/2021 12:02:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/21/2021 1:06:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/21/2021 4:27:39 PM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 10/21/2021 9:15:08 AM Post Reply
A new sub-lineage of the highly contagious Delta variant that is spreading throughout the UK has been detected in the United States, health officials said Wednesday. AY.4.2 is being closely monitored in the UK after British health officials revealed that the new variant — reported to be 10 to 15 percent more transmissible that Delta — had been linked to a growing number of COVID-19 infections there. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, confirmed during a COVID-19 briefing Wednesday that AY.4.2 has been found in the US.
Is Trump's influence waning in Texas?
Election audit bill ignored during special session
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2021 12:53:57 AM Post Reply
The third special session of the Texas Legislature ended Tuesday night. A bill promoted by former President Trump was not added to the special session’s agenda by Governor Abbott and the Texas House of Representatives did not bring it up for a vote. The Texas Senate voted on it and passed the bill that allows party officials to request election audits of their county’s 2020 election results and set up a process for future audits. Is Trump’s influence in Texas, where he won in 2020 by six points, showing signs of waning? Maybe. Texans don’t like to be told how to manage their business by outsiders,
Watch: Biden Accidentally Says He Was
Vice President For 36 Years
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2021 1:44:47 AM Post Reply
During a rambling speech in Scranton on Wednesday, Joe Biden accidentally said he was Vice President for 36 years. Not 8 years, but 36 years.“I’d ride every day, I commuted every day for 36 years as Vice President,” Biden said without noticing his error. Watch: (Tweet/Video) During the same speech, Biden also told a debunked story about an Amtrak worker, which he has repeated 4 different times during his presidency. Biden says the conversation took place “7 years into” his vice presidency, which would be 2015.The Amtrak worker retired in 1993 and passed away in 2014.Watch:
Mark Zuckerberg hasn't yet decided on
Facebook's new name despite a 'metaverse'
rebrand looming, a report says
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2021 3:05:55 PM Post Reply
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg still hasn't settled on a new name for the company even though a rumored rebrand could arrive in a matter of days, tech newsletter Platformer reported. Citing two unnamed sources, journalist Casey Newton reported that the Facebook rebrand had been in the works for at least two months. A potential announcement could come as soon as Monday to coincide with Facebook's company earnings call, sources told Newton. The Verge reported Tuesday that Facebook was planning to change its name as part of its future plan to become a "metaverse" company. The main Facebook app will reportedly retain its name,
Pain at the pump: Biden admits ‘I don’t
have a near-term answer’ for high gas prices
21 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/21/2021 11:46:18 PM Post Reply
President Biden admitted during a CNN town hall Thursday night that he has no immediate solution to the problem of spiking gas prices and suggested that Americans would not start seeing relief at the pump until next year. “My guess is, you’ll start to see gas prices come down as we get by and going into the winter–I mean, excuse me, into next year, 2022,” the president told moderator Anderson Cooper at the Baltimore event. “I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices. “I must tell you, I don’t have a near-term answer,” Biden added before musing
Garland Once Again Proves He Is the Sleaziest
of the Sleazy on Team Biden
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2021 4:29:23 PM Post Reply
As I begin this article, I find myself in the unique position of not only being repulsed by the Merrick Garland topic I’m about to write about but also by Biden’s Attorney General live — he is spewing his faux dramatic crap on the TV right next to me as I write. Bottom line: Merrick Garland has to look up at sleazy.Garland is testifying at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday — again, as I write — dedicated to the oversight of the Justice Department at a time when the agency is in the middle of several high-profile cases and controversies, which is somewhat unique in the following respect:
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