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Gov. Abbott issues executive order
banning 'vaccine passports'

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Posted By: GO3, 4/6/2021 8:40:13 PM

AUSTIN (WOAI/KABB) — Texas is following Florida's lead in banning "vaccine passports." Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that he's issued an Executive Order banning state agencies or political subdivision from creating a "vaccine passport" requirement for receipt of services or even requesting an individuals COVID-19 vaccination status. "Everyday, Texans are returning to normal life as more people get the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. But, as I've said all along, these vaccines are always voluntary and never forced," said Governor Abbott. "Government should not require any Texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives.


Abbott does the right thing. This will stop all of this "eligibility" nonsense that's been pounded into our heads, which I believe is a precursor to mandated vaccines, especially in schools and universities.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 4Justice 4/6/2021 9:40:50 PM (No. 746910)
Good! Now where are all the other governors?
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: SALady 4/6/2021 10:34:00 PM (No. 746934)
The legislature is in session right now. They need to pass a formal bill making this law!!! I'm proud of Gov. Abbott for doing this, but a law passed by the legislature would carry more weight against the upcoming federal mandates you know are coming!!!!!
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: TXknitter 4/6/2021 11:47:05 PM (No. 746963)
Exactly right #2 and this is where we pray for Abbott to push to make this law.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Thos Weatherby 4/7/2021 12:04:09 AM (No. 746974)
I wish Abbot would do the same for masks. Yes, he said we don't need them but every business makes you wear them. A lot are not pursuing a confrontation, such as HEB. The one I go to won't bother you if you don't wear one in their store. But Abbot needs to get rid of the businesses mandating them. Same thing for the Passport. We need leadership.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DCGIRL 4/7/2021 4:07:52 AM (No. 747045)
Let's stop the hysterical crap about this virus and get on with our lives. If the crazies want to continue to wear masks, never leave their homes, etc. then do so without me.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: franq 4/7/2021 6:02:47 AM (No. 747065)
Several on this site have pointed out that Zhoa is going to have businesses and corporations do his dirty work, by mandating masks and vaccinations. I have little doubt it's being worked on behind the scenes.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Calamity Kate 4/7/2021 6:34:24 AM (No. 747072)
All Abbott has done is outsourced mask mandates and vaxx requirements to the private sector. The government won't require them, but if you want to fly, or shop, or get medical treatment you will still be forced to comply. Empty gesture from an empty suit. He's a HUGE disappointment. Cannot wait to primary this odious man.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Rinktum 4/7/2021 7:04:43 AM (No. 747088)
#6. This is correct. Big corporations will gladly do the bidding of the O’Biden administration. It’s all about being who can be the most woke. Until Americans refuse en masse, it will continue. You can bet anyone standing up against the O’Biden cabal and it’s friends will be treated exactly like the Trump supporters who have been jailed since January 6th. You have already seen the clips on social media of law enforcement cracking down in horrific ways in order to enforce this unconstitutional mandate. They are acting like brutal thugs which is just a preview of things to come when anyone defies them.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 4/7/2021 7:39:39 AM (No. 747117)
Come on, Governor McMaster, do the same for South Carolina! As to the masks - if enough of us walk out of businesses who won’t let us in without a mask, and we tell them that we are taking our business elsewhere, they will eventually cave if they want to stay open. Especially small businesses which have barely survived the last year.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: GO3 4/7/2021 7:52:03 AM (No. 747139)
#7, I share your frustration, but as far as the private sector goes it would be interesting to see which ones have contracts with the state for goods and services. This would mean they fall under the ban for vaccine passports. And as I mentioned, this blocks schools and universities from going where Cornell has gone before. My problem is that Abbott will possibly cave to business interests and their cronies in Austin. He will get no backing from the GOP controlled legislature which has yet to pass a law limiting the governor's actions during an emergency. This leaves the AG who is more proactive than any of them. My belief is that Abbott and the AWOL legislature have been playing both sides of Covid response for the simple reason that Texas has been functioning in the red budget-wise for several years. IIRC, they rank in the top five of states carrying budget deficits right up there with blue states. The recent winter storm revealed longstanding problems with both the fragile infrastructure and poor emergency response capabilities. IMO, the "re-opening " of Texas had to be balanced as to not get on the bad side of the lefties in DC in order to get a chunk of the stimulus/infrastructure/bribery bills coming out of the swamp. It's the only way Abbott and his agency heads can salvage something from this mess.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rumblehog 4/7/2021 8:24:18 AM (No. 747179)
China is asking the WHO to allow them to institute a global "Vaccine Passport" program. Amazing... they create and release the virus, then sell us defective masks to make a profit, then institute a global face scanning, biometric ID Card to watch all the people on earth, including their own. Who dares call it a crazy conspiracy theory?
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 4/7/2021 9:04:53 AM (No. 747234)
Not so fast in Colorado however. Our governor Polis and his husband are still hiding in their comfy home in the People's Republic of Boulder and Polis is not about to stick his neck out and issue an EO like this. But, Polis has a problem on his hands. Even if he were to issue such an EO, he has barely survived two separate recall petitions to approve a recall vote. The second one was just shy of having enough signatures to get a recall vote on the ballot. Polis has the sense to know that a third attempt to recall him would be successful if he were to ban covid passports. The lefties in Boulder and Denver would see to it. In the eyes on the lefties, it doesn't matter that covid passports violate HIPPA requirements.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: planetgeo 4/7/2021 9:21:37 AM (No. 747262)
Interesting. In Woke World, asking for IDs to vote is evil, but asking for IDs (passports) to travel is a moral necessity.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: janjan 4/7/2021 9:26:29 AM (No. 747271)
The red state Governors have found their voices and are no doubt collaborating. If they ever manage to cut the apron strings to federal money we could have a real revolution. But I’m not hopeful.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 4/7/2021 9:38:32 AM (No. 747291)
I live in Louisiana, but if I have to move to Texas or Florida...I will do that!!!!
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 4/7/2021 10:37:24 AM (No. 747356)
God bless Texas... it's my favorite visiting spot....the men are men and the women love that I'm boycotting airlines... I won't be flying there soon... but perhaps a rode trip would be fun...I got plenty of time...
9 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: TXLakeRat 4/7/2021 9:52:32 PM (No. 747941)
Good for Gov Abbott. But he was way too late in removing the restrictions, way too quick to impose then reimpose them and way to harsh when he did, IMO.
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Gov. Abbott issues executive order
banning 'vaccine passports'
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Posted by GO3 4/6/2021 8:40:13 PM Post Reply
AUSTIN (WOAI/KABB) — Texas is following Florida's lead in banning "vaccine passports." Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that he's issued an Executive Order banning state agencies or political subdivision from creating a "vaccine passport" requirement for receipt of services or even requesting an individuals COVID-19 vaccination status. "Everyday, Texans are returning to normal life as more people get the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. But, as I've said all along, these vaccines are always voluntary and never forced," said Governor Abbott. "Government should not require any Texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives.
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Posted by GO3 7/22/2020 3:51:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by GO3 7/4/2020 8:21:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by GO3 6/25/2020 10:16:03 AM Post Reply

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Posted by GO3 4/7/2020 1:24:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by GO3 3/14/2020 3:47:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by GO3 1/26/2020 1:25:41 PM Post Reply
Baghdad: A volley of rockets landed near the US embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad Sunday night, two security sources told AFP, in the latest unclaimed attack on American installations in the country. Five rockets hit near US embassy in Baghdad. AFP reporters heard loud thuds emanating from the western bank of the Tigris, where most foreign embassies are located. One security source said three Katyusha rockets hit near the high-security compound while another said as many as five struck the area. There was no immediate word on casualties.
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Posted by GO3 1/1/2020 11:44:46 AM Post Reply
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis apologized Wednesday for his widely-viewed slap of a woman who had grabbed his hand as he greeted Catholic faithful on New Year’s Eve. The image of Francis slapping his way free from the clutches of the admirer was an instant hit on social media. A personal apology followed. “We lose patience many times,” Francis confessed. “It happens to me too. I apologize for the bad example given yesterday,” the head of the Catholic church said before celebrating Mass at the Vatican.
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Posted by GO3 11/11/2019 8:44:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by GO3 9/1/2019 10:25:17 AM Post Reply
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