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Austrian Catholics fly rainbow flag after
same-sex blessing ban

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Posted By: OhioNick, 4/6/2021 1:19:43 AM

The Catholic church of the parish of Hard is one of many in Austria which decided to fly the rainbow flag in solidarity with the LGBT community after the Vatican ruled last month that the Church couldn't bless same-sex partnerships. The powerful Vatican office responsible for defending church doctrine, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), handed down a ruling that same-sex unions could not be blessed despite their "positive elements". The office wrote that while God "never ceases to bless each of His pilgrim children in this world... he does not and cannot bless sin".

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 4/6/2021 1:47:22 AM (No. 745917)
The homosexual priest infection of the Church is destroying it from within. Satan is pleased.
42 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DARling 4/6/2021 2:19:25 AM (No. 745926)
I wish all churches would follow the Bible and endorse the Christian marriage of a man and a woman. Some denominations are like Democrats and the Constitution. They ignore what is written and invent blessings and sacraments that are not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible specifically says that a man shall leave his home, cleave unto his wife and become one flesh. How any Christian church can promote homosexual behavior and conduct same-sex marriages is baffling to me.
45 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: seamusm 4/6/2021 3:22:36 AM (No. 745935)
Despite their claims, these Austrians are NOT Catholic - Biden, anyone?
34 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Condor44 4/6/2021 6:34:08 AM (No. 745972)
The name of the town is just too good!
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 4/6/2021 7:12:15 AM (No. 745993)
I suppose a Community of people who call themselves Catholics can do just about anything they like in that Community. If they go against this Vatican ruling some sort of answer should be coming from the Vatican. The day my Church does something like this is my last day to go to Mass there, and to send my money there too. Perhaps I can find a real Catholic Church to go to if not is it better to stop going to Church or still go when it is in Apostacy.?
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 4/6/2021 7:22:46 AM (No. 745998)
The Anti-Christ will come in the form of the Papacy.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 4/6/2021 7:35:16 AM (No. 746007)
Hitler was an Austrian Catholic. Just a reminder.
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Yuban 4/6/2021 8:00:45 AM (No. 746025)
#2, baffling to you? Follow the money.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 4/6/2021 8:01:54 AM (No. 746028)
#2, it’s being done to get more people into the pews and more money into the collection basket. A couple of years ago I drove through 4 states in New England while on a business trip. I had several days to kill and stayed off of the interstates to enjoy the countryside. Almost every Protestant church I passed had a rainbow flag on display on the front of the building.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MickTurn 4/6/2021 8:31:16 AM (No. 746064)
I thought Jesus Christ said to Love everyone, Not to Worship them...
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: TexaTucky 4/6/2021 8:34:33 AM (No. 746068)
#7, and Christ was killed by Jews. Your point?
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Strike3 4/6/2021 8:44:29 AM (No. 746077)
The only "positive elements" that I see in same-sex couples is that they can not procreate naturally due to plumbing issues.
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Bluefindad 4/6/2021 8:49:57 AM (No. 746087)
Western civilization has swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills and is in the process of nodding off. It's a good thing that, in America, we're importing a bunch of people who will actually reproduce and work for those of us who are not yet put down by the state!
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: philsner 4/6/2021 9:03:53 AM (No. 746102)
#11, the point is that Hitler was not Catholic, or a Christian. And anyone who says that the Gospel is "outdated" isn't a Christian either.
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: moebellini3 4/6/2021 9:25:42 AM (No. 746131)
We do not agree with this outdated position. See, the Church is outdated. To these freakin whack jobs things must change to fit their sick lifestyle. Typical sick liberals, they don't follow rules, rules change to fit their narrative. Whatever they want to do is fine, they just change the law. You see, they change religion, they change the law, they change the climate, they change voting laws and they change their freakin sex depending on what day of the week it is. All of this while they respect nothing, its all about them. Selfish and shameful.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: dovestar 4/6/2021 9:30:51 AM (No. 746144)
This is what the post Vatican II Novus Ordo Mass has wrought. I urge my fellow Catholics to find the Traditional Latin Mass to attend. Reclaim your heritage and Faith. Fatima, Akita and the vision of Leo XIII.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: hershey 4/6/2021 10:04:18 AM (No. 746198)
They finally get something right...
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: OhioNick 4/6/2021 3:41:50 PM (No. 746607)
#17 I find it amazing how some people expect Christians to embrace BOTH the sinner and the sin. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. And you can be certain that hades is full of waving rainbow flags.
2 people like this.

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Biden Picks Pro-Illegal Police Chief Who
Evicted Border Patrol to Head CBP
7 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/12/2021 5:33:43 PM Post Reply
I'm only surprised that Biden didn't pick an actual illegal alien to head CBP. That'll come a little later. Meanwhile, Biden decided to nominate Tucson, Arizona police chief Chris Magnus, to head Customs and Border Protection. [SNIP] It ought to go without saying that the head of a pro-illegal department who actually blocked the Border Patrol from doing its job has no place whatsoever heading up CBP, but Biden, like Obama, keeps appointing foxes to oversee the national henhouse.
“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!”
– Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away
from His Scanning the Ballots Work on
2020 Election Results
36 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/12/2021 2:09:44 AM Post Reply
Inventor Jovan Pulitzer was on with attorney and professor David K. Clements this past week’s “The Professor’s Record”. [SNIP] "I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this. I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take a bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me."
'Maybe a vaccine is part of God's plan'
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
tries to convince evangelicals to get
vaccinated as poll shows 30% of them
will definitely refuse
30 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/11/2021 2:20:16 PM Post Reply
Pete Buttigieg told Christians Sunday that getting vaccinated against coronavirus is 'part of God's plan' as a new poll shows 30% of white evangelicals will definitely refuse to get inoculated. 'You have been outspoken on issues of your personal faith. Otherwise, I normally wouldn't bring this up,' CNN's Jake Tapper posed to Buttigieg. 'Why do you think it is that so many of your fellow white evangelical Christians are reluctant to be vaccinated? And what's your message to them?' 'You know, sometimes, I have heard people, people I care about, saying, if I'm faithful, God's going to take care of me,' the Transportation secretary said...
Police turn up at the home of 'shaken'
California podcaster for 'threatening AOC'
after he posted a tweet criticizing her
comments on Palestine and Israel --
but she insists it WASN'T her who called
it in
17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/10/2021 3:55:59 PM Post Reply
Police visited the L.A. home of a podcaster this week a day after after he posted a tweet criticizing AOC and her comments on Israel and Palestine. Ryan Wentz runs the online show Soapbox and tweets under the handle Queelamode. On April 7, he posted a link to an interview where AOC stumbled and struggled to answer questions on how to resolve peace in the Middle East. Wentz called her answers 'incredibly underwhelming'. The next day, two California Highway Patrol officers visited him at home in L.A. to caution him for allegedly threatening a member of congress.
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13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/10/2021 3:38:27 PM Post Reply
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) declared on Thursday that mandatory vaccinations do not violate human rights and may be necessary to remedy public health concerns. “The measures could be regarded as being ‘necessary in a democratic society,'” the court judgment stated. They ruled that mandatory vaccinations administered in the Czech Republic were not illegal because the jabs were delivered in the “best interests” of children. “The objective has to be that every child is protected against serious diseases, through vaccination or by virtue of herd immunity,” the judgment added.
'Not our problem': Gov. Reynolds declines
request to house migrant children in Iowa
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/10/2021 3:35:31 PM Post Reply
Gov. Kim Reynolds said Thursday during a radio interview that she declined a request by the Department of Health and Human Services to take in immigrant children being held at the U.S. border with Mexico. [SNIP] “We will not do that,” Reynolds said during the interview with WHO Radio. “We do not have the facilities. We are not set up to do that. This is not our problem; this is the president's problem. He's the one who opened the borders. He needs to be responsible for this and he needs to stop it. So, at this point, no."
That Oil Spill That Ruined Israeli Beaches
Was No Accident: And the Israelis believe
they have the culprit
10 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/9/2021 6:50:01 PM Post Reply
We haven’t forgotten the oil spill in the Mediterranean, this past February, that led to hundreds of tons of tar (the thicker emulsion that results from the oil-and-water mix) coming ashore along almost all – 160 km. out of a total of 190 km. – of Israel’s coastline. The damage to marine life was extensive, to the beaches, horrific. Thick gobs of the tarry stuff, in places some four to five inches thick, along with many thousands of smaller blobs, covered the waters and the rocky shore, spread over the the beaches that for a very long time will be unfit for use.
Princeton is selecting fewer white students
every year: 32% of the Class of 2025 are
white -- as college takes on more
applicants of color than any other Ivy
League school
24 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/9/2021 3:34:54 AM Post Reply
Princeton is selecting fewer white students every year and now takes more non-white applicants than any other Ivy League school, new data from the university has revealed. Princeton announced on Thursday that it had sent letters out to its class of 2025. The successful applicants will learn by 7pm EST if they've got a place or not. More than 37,600 applied and 1,498 were selected. Of them, 68 percent - 1,018 - 'self-identify' as people of color. The school did not separate among that group how many are black, Hispanic, Asian or any other race, leaving 32 percent - 479 students - to 'self-identity' as white.
Hunter Biden jokes that keeping his pants
on was a 'problem' when he was taking
crack and continues to claim he doesn't
know if laptop is his despite forensic
evidence proving that it IS in light-hearted
interview with Jimmy Kimmel
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/9/2021 1:42:07 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden has joked that 'pants were the problem' while he was on crack, insisting that he does not know if the laptop was his, because he was so detached from reality. The 50-year-old son of the president appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote his new memoir, Beautiful Things. Kimmel asked Biden about his laptop - which became a source of intense interest in the run up to the election, amid claims that Joe Biden had been in business with China and was compromised.
Could sunshine help you survive Covid?
UVA rays can release skin chemical that
stops deadly virus from spreading,
scientists say
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/8/2021 11:45:53 PM Post Reply
With restrictions set to ease, hopes for a good summer were already sky high. And scientists have now said there could fewer Covid deaths due to the change in season. Experts found sunnier places had around a third fewer deaths from the virus. They believe exposure to the sun’s rays – specifically UVA – caused the skin to release a chemical which stops the virus from spreading. [SNIP] The reduction could not be explained by higher levels of vitamin D, the experts said, as the areas analysed had insufficient levels of UVB to produce enough of the vitamin in the body.
Defiant Trump supporter says he'll go
to JAIL before he takes down giant
50ft x 30ft 2020 flag he is flying 150ft
from a crane in Buffalo
5 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/8/2021 11:38:53 PM Post Reply
A defiant Trump supporter is refusing to take down a huge 2020 flag, which violates city rules, and even said he is prepared to go to jail. Jay Johnson, from Minnesota, is flying a 50ft by 30ft Trump 2020 flag over his construction business. The custom-made $1,000 flag has caused huge controversy in Buffalo and even led to his work vehicles being shot. The city has received 100 formal comments about the flag with locals divided on whether it should stay. The flag is flying from a crane 150ft over the construction site and a city ordinance claims it needs to be licensed.
Ex-MLB commissioner Fay Vincent slams
successor Rob Manfred's decision to
move the All-Star Game from Atlanta to
Denver over Georgia's voter law, saying
baseball 'can't become a weapon in the
culture wars'
8 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/7/2021 9:55:48 PM Post Reply
Former Major League Baseball commissioner Fay Vincent has slammed successor Rob Manfred over the 'mistake' of moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver in response to the new voting law in Georgia that many believe to be racist. 'Major League Baseball can't become a weapon in the culture wars, a hostage for one political party or ideology,' the 82-year-old Vincent wrote in The Wall Street Journal's opinion section. Georgia's new law limits mail-in voting and allows for more legislative control over the election process following former President Donald Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
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“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!”
– Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away
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Posted by OhioNick 4/12/2021 2:09:44 AM Post Reply
Inventor Jovan Pulitzer was on with attorney and professor David K. Clements this past week’s “The Professor’s Record”. [SNIP] "I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this. I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take a bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me."
Will Smith, Antoine Fuqua yank
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over 'regressive voting laws'
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Posted by Ribicon 4/12/2021 5:46:52 PM Post Reply
Actor Will Smith and Director Antoine Fuqua announced Monday they are yanking the production of their slave drama “Emancipation” from Georgia over its “regressive voting laws that are designed to restrict voter access.” “At this moment in time, the Nation is coming to terms with its history and is attempting to eliminate vestiges of institutional racism to achieve true racial justice,” Mr. Smith and Mr. Fuqua said in a joint statement.(Snip) “Emancipation” was scheduled to begin filming in Georgia on June 21, with Mr. Smith portraying the true story of Whipped Peter, a slave who emancipated himself from a Southern plantation
Dr. Fauci: 'It's still not OK' for
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Posted by Ribicon 4/12/2021 12:07:05 PM Post Reply
White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday said “it’s still not OK” for people to gather in public indoors even if they’re vaccinated against COVID-19. Appearing on MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” Dr. Fauci was asked whether “eating and drinking indoors in restaurants and bars” is safe now that nearly 22% of the population had been fully vaccinated. “No, it’s still not OK for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high,” Dr. Fauci responded. “Like just yesterday, there were close to 80,000 new infections, and we’ve been hanging
NCAA issues stern warning as Texas Senate
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32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/12/2021 7:37:40 PM Post Reply
Amid all the talk of boycotts and corporate criticism of election bills going through the Texas Legislature, major resistance is shaping up to another top priority of Republican state lawmakers. With the Texas Senate set to debate a bill to ban transgender girls from competing in girls’ interscholastic sports, the NCAA recently issued a warning that it is watching the legislation. NCAA policies allow transgender athletes to participate without limitation. “The NCAA continues to closely monitor state bills that impact transgender student-athlete participation,” NCAA officials said in a statement to the Houston Chronicle. “The NCAA believes in fair and respectful student-athlete participation at all levels of sport. The association’s transgender
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31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/12/2021 9:45:24 AM Post Reply
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25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/12/2021 2:46:56 PM Post Reply
A 'very senior' female police officer who shot dead a 20-year-old black man during a traffic stop in Minneapolis accidentally fired her gun instead of her taser during a struggle, the police chief says. Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon on Monday described the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright as 'an accidental discharge' after his death sparked violent protests less than 10 miles from where the trial of Derek Chauvin, the white Minneapolis police officer charged with murdering George Floyd, is taking place.(Snip) The female officer could be heard shouting 'Taser!' several times in the moments before she fired her gun.
Major in the dog house again! Biden's
German Shepherd is removed from White
House for 'additional training' after he bit
two government staffers
25 replies
Posted by Imright 4/12/2021 2:46:14 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's rescue pup Major will be removed from the White House to undergo additional training after a second biting incident raised more questions about the dog's behavior. The White House argues the three-year-old German Shepherd is still adjusting to his new life at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And, to help him, he'll have a few weeks of training in the Washington D.C. area. 'Major, the Bidens' younger dog, will undergo some additional training to help him adjust to life in the White House,' Michael LaRosa, a spokesperson for first lady Jill Biden, told 'The off-site, private training will take place in the Washington, D.C. area,
Is Joe Biden setting up Kamala Harris to fail? 25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/12/2021 11:01:59 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden handed Kamala Harris the job of "point person" for the border crisis on March 24, and for three weeks now, she's been AWOL. She's an embarrassment to the Biden administration at this point, as New York Post columnist Miranda Devine notes, pointing to the growing severity of the crisis. Joe, in fact, actually created the crisis, first by incentivizing child migration with a vow that no illegal child migrant, even one brimming with COVID, could ever be sent back, and bringing back catch-and-release for everyone else. Biden's also suspended construction of the border wall, which has turned into a gift to the human smuggling rackets. He's rescinded
Are You Ready For Biden’s
Ban On Gas-Powered Cars?
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 4/12/2021 7:08:58 AM Post Reply
In the next couple of months, the Environmental Protection Agency will issue new fuel economy standards that could be impossible for carmakers to meet – without going electric. That, at least, is what President Joe Biden’s EPA Administrator Michael Regan is indicating. In an interview with Bloomberg last week, Regan talked about imposing rules that meet “the urgency of the climate crisis,” and “did not rule out future emissions requirements that create a de facto ban on new conventional, gasoline-powered automobiles, like an explicit phase-out ordered by California Gov. Gavin Newsom.” Regan could, for example, require automakers to sell cars that
Harry returns to UK without pregnant
Meghan: Prince arrives at Heathrow on BA
flight from Los Angeles before going into
quarantine for Prince Philip's funeral
24 replies
Posted by Imright 4/12/2021 9:18:10 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry has flown into London's Heathrow Airport without his heavily-pregnant wife Meghan Markle ahead of Prince Philip's funeral on his first visit to Britain since quitting royal duties and the couple's bombshell Oprah interview, it was revealed today.The Duke of Sussex was reportedly seen leaving his £11million California mansion on Saturday night in a black Cadillac Escalade to board an early-hours flight from LA, and disembarking a BA plane in chinos, a jacket and black face mask at the west London airport around 10 hours later at 1.15pm GMT yesterday. Harry was met by security off the plane and put into a black Range Rover,
Biden releases sudden statement defending
Kamala Harris as the 'last voice in the room'
who 'never fails to speak the truth' amid
criticism over her failure to visit the border
in three weeks
22 replies
Posted by Imright 4/12/2021 2:37:53 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden released a sudden tweet on Monday defending Kamala Harris amid mounting criticism over her failure to visit the border and after GOP Senator John Cornyn questioned who was in charge in the White House.'When I served as Vice President, I asked to be the last person with the President before big decisions were made — and @VP is providing the same counsel to me,' Biden wrote. 'She’s the last voice in the room and never fails to speak the truth as we work to build our nation back better.'He included a picture of the pair in discussion inside the Oval Office.
Report: Biden Is About to Nominate
Cindy McCain for a Coveted Position
21 replies
Posted by Imright 4/12/2021 3:19:50 PM Post Reply
Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain of Arizona, is in line for an ambassador position in the Biden administration, according to a new report.McCain and her husband were staunch opponents of former President Donald Trump despite being Republicans. She supported President Joe Biden in the presidential election, and he ended up winning Arizona.According to Politico, McCain will now be named U.S. ambassador to the United Nations World Food Programme. The agency is based in Rome. McCain, 66, previously worked to fight world hunger and human trafficking
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