California Study Advocates Injecting Men
With Female Hormones To Treat Covid.
National Pulse,
Original Article
Posted By: ConservativeYogini,
3/20/2021 12:15:42 PM
A new study from a Los Angeles hospital pushes for injecting men with the female sex hormone progesterone to treat COVID-19.
The trial, carried out by pulmonologist Sara Ghandehari of the Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, recruited 40 male patients hospitalized with COVID-19. “As an ICU doctor, I was struck by the gender disparity among COVID-19 patients who were very sick, remained in the hospital, and needed ventilators,” she emphasized. “One group acted as a control sample, for comparison, and received only the standard medical care given at that time for the disease. The experimental group, meanwhile, also received 100-milligram injections of progesterone twice daily for five days
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DARling 3/20/2021 12:19:08 PM (No. 729765)
Accompanied by a soy shake.
20 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/20/2021 12:24:51 PM (No. 729769)
They do his so control prostate cancer that has metastasized to the bones. Once you get past the fear of feminization (something which is really up to a healthy man himself - I’ve never known one who was concerned about it). you consider the medical reason. This is something they have tried on those who are very ill. Everything I’ve heard about Covid is that when the patient is very ill, as some become, anything is worth a try.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/20/2021 12:25:25 PM (No. 729770)
PS. Has anyone read the article?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Venturer 3/20/2021 12:31:34 PM (No. 729773)
I aint no Doctor, and some people probably call me stupid.
But if Female (a word we aren't supposed to use any longer) Hormones can cure Covid, why do women ( can we still say Women?) get Covid and some die from it.?
Are we allowed to say Quack now, or is that offensive to ducks.
25 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Gageaa 3/20/2021 12:32:26 PM (No. 729774)
The article gives no results.
9 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
bobn.t 3/20/2021 12:43:38 PM (No. 729788)
Only in Californica,
Coming to the rest of the country soon.
8 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
The Remnants 3/20/2021 12:45:06 PM (No. 729790)
You begin to believe that there is something satanic going on.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
SnowQueen 3/20/2021 12:50:16 PM (No. 729801)
Now they're just messing with us. This is a joke, right?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
BarryNo 3/20/2021 12:50:33 PM (No. 729802)
California has always been a hot-bed for Voo-Doo treatments and wacky, often dangerous religious cults. Sounds like more of the same. Surprised they haven't recommended women get testosterone shots.
6 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
MDConservative 3/20/2021 12:56:24 PM (No. 729809)
I'd have taken bleach first.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
sjredwood 3/20/2021 1:22:35 PM (No. 729840)
I'll take bleach, thank you.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 3/20/2021 1:27:00 PM (No. 729844)
Throw enough feces at the wall, some of it is bound to stick.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
ThreeBadCats3 3/20/2021 2:25:25 PM (No. 729892)
And they ridiculed President Trump for suggesting hydroxychloroquine as treatment, based on good evidence. It remains the best early treatment, and many thousands probably died as a result of Trump hatred. We are being fooled and screwed so badly and openly by this covid nearly entirely farce.
9 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LadyHen 3/20/2021 2:55:29 PM (No. 729912)
Not estrogen but progesterone is being used folks. That is interesting. And any man that has been put on testosterone replacement therapy should know that having low progesterone in comparison to estrogen is yet another component when dealing with men's health issues.
Just fyi: what does progesterone do? Seems many men (and women) don't know that men already it in their bodies and they should be thankful.
Progesterone is a precursor to testosterone.
Progesterone polices estrogen which if you have a beer gut, you are swimming in as fat produces estrogen, hence why being obese effects fertility (in both men and women) and causes ED.
Progesterone in men keeps your reproductive tissues from being harmed by the estrogen your body naturally produces and keeps you fertile.
In short, progesterone helps men preserve their masculinity.
7 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/20/2021 2:58:48 PM (No. 729922)
Do read the whole article. It is really short. In this case it shows when you don’t.
2 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
LadyHen 3/20/2021 3:05:00 PM (No. 729926)
Here is a better, more complete article.
"On the seventh day, each patient was ranked on a standard seven-point scale of clinical status, which ranged from 7 ('not hospitalized, no limitations on activities') though to 1 ('death'). The researchers found that, compared with the control group, patients who received the progesterone treatments scored a median of 1.5 points higher on the scale. The experimental group also had fewer days of hospitalisation overall and a lower need for supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation, although the team said the differences between the groups in these areas was not statistically significant. No serious adverse effects were observed as a result of the progesterone injections."
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
paral04 3/20/2021 3:54:13 PM (No. 729957)
Why not take it one step further and bleach people of color since they have a higher susceptibility also. Maybe we can hope that California secedes from the union or drop off the continent. They are dangerous.
1 person likes this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Vesicant 3/20/2021 3:57:01 PM (No. 729960)
What, and become a minivan-screaming Karen? No thanks.
3 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Safari Man 3/20/2021 4:21:48 PM (No. 729969)
I get it: This way men won't go outside and spread covid because they are too pre-occupied with their own breasts.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
DVC 3/20/2021 4:38:19 PM (No. 729990)
Only in Crazyfornia does this insanity seem to be reasonable to the insane leftists who run the place.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/20/2021 5:05:39 PM (No. 730012)
I heard that republicans in congress were included in the first group of volunteer test subjects.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/20/2021 5:12:39 PM (No. 730015)
Reading the article exposes a serious error. They drew their conclusions from only 40 test subjects. Very inaccurate and unscientific but yes, enlightening regarding the quality of their work.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
ControlFreak 3/20/2021 5:34:17 PM (No. 730024)
It’s our own prerogative if we choose to read the article or not. It’s very annoying to be chastised about it.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/20/2021 5:34:37 PM (No. 730025)
What the men could do is take the progesterone for Covid. Then, take an erectile dysfunction drug for everything else. It won't solve the climate change problem, however.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/20/2021 5:48:29 PM (No. 730036)
So can they then compete in the women's weightlifting competition Wrasslin maybe ?
1 person likes this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
smokincol 3/20/2021 6:56:14 PM (No. 730096)
now this makes perfect sense and where else to begin such boondoggery logic? why California, of course.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
DVC 3/20/2021 7:04:03 PM (No. 730107)
Yes, I read the article....I still don't like the idea of taking female hormones. #14's comment is very interesting....but I don't really know about this female hormones in guys stuff, frankly I have always taken hormones as something that you have from your body, and don't want any injected from outside of any kind. I guess if I was extremely sick....maybe I'd agree.
Otherwise, this particular guy doesn't want an female hormones injected, ever.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
or gate 3/20/2021 8:10:54 PM (No. 730148)
Sure Then you could be a genuine cali fruit cake.
1 person likes this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
Faithfully 3/20/2021 10:31:12 PM (No. 730185)
Coming in the third or fourth follow up injection. You will take it or NO SOUP FOR YOU.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
LadyHen 3/21/2021 12:25:45 AM (No. 730237)
Folks, progesterone is NOT just a female only hormone. It's already in your body. I swear, men know so little about their own health and well being it is no shock they die younger than us gals. This isn't a liberal vs conservative thing. It's just a science and medicine thing. I am so glad my man, the daddy of my babies, researched his health, got a good man friendly, man centric doc, and feels 100% better now that his hormone are in balance. Men need to know their hormone levels and they need to know how those hormone effect their bodies just as us gals do. Men's health matters!
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
4Justice 3/21/2021 2:04:34 AM (No. 730262)
Don't worry...only Democrat men will volunteer.
2 people like this.
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So is this a way to speed up the feminization of men?