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These 11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use
Undermine Push for More Gun Control

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Posted By: jdyson1788, 3/11/2021 12:27:56 PM

March is Women’s History Month, yet Congress appears ready to celebrate in the worst way possible by creating more barriers for women who seek to exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. While COVID-19-related bills have taken up much of the national spotlight, several gun control bills are primed for passage this week in the House. This is hardly surprising, given that just last month, President Joe Biden called on Congress to enact a plethora of new federal gun legislation. CORRECTION*


There are plenty more than just 11 instances to help argue against gun control.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: hershey 3/11/2021 12:36:38 PM (No. 720769)
The damned libs/democraps never liked anything about guns...time is coming when they are going to like them even less...
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Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 3/11/2021 12:59:41 PM (No. 720794)
The radical Anti-America leftists, many of them members of Congress, have tried to destroy the 1st Amendment. They're next step is to shred the 2nd Amendment. Be prepared God fearing and law abiding citizens, the kettle is forming small boiling bubbles at the bottom and ready to rise. The time is coming. He/she who hesitates is lost. The response should be obvious.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 3/11/2021 1:03:21 PM (No. 720798)
Indeed, OP. Nothing new to readers of "The Armed Citizen" page of American Rifleman every month. Pure, feel-good stuff. "Studies indicate that firearms are used more than 2 million times a year for personal protection..."
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 3/11/2021 1:19:27 PM (No. 720819)
Guns are used by average persons to stop crime, often violent physical attacks, from 500,000 to 3 million times PER YEAR in the USA. There has been a lot of serious criminological research by college professors of criminology, over decades that proves that this is true. It has been attacked and called "fake" by many, but all serious researchers who have attempted to debunk it with legitimate research have discovered that they get the same results when asking large numbers of people about their experiences. It is very real, although apparently a huge number involve a threat of violence, or move to attack, then met by the muzzle of a gun, and the attack never is completed, the attacker runs away, and no police report is made. Solid data indicates that around 90% of effective self-defense use of a gun involves NO shots fired, merely the threat of use of the firearm. But, some criminals will not be deterred except by bullet holes in their body.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 3/11/2021 1:23:55 PM (No. 720829)
Why would liberal 'Rats want law abiding people to be defenseless? Because the 'Rats are really bad guys and they're afraid of gun owners,
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Clinger 3/11/2021 3:26:12 PM (No. 720932)
I'm turned off by a handful of anecdotal accounts. If I'm going to ask people to look at the data on police involved shootings along racial lines instead of changing everything about policing because of George Floyd, I'm not going to resort to the same thing when it supports my position. The data is clear and it's on our side.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 3/11/2021 4:18:05 PM (No. 720985)
Last year, I had to draw my firearm to prevent a road rager from attacking my wife. Here in Georgia, most people carry, and woe be on you who attempt to commit a crime...
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These 11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use
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Posted by jdyson1788 3/11/2021 12:27:56 PM Post Reply
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