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Posts on Saturday, January 30, 2021

San Francisco Committee Changed School
Names Based on Wikipedia and Wild
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 11:09:55 PM Post Reply
The San Francisco Board of Education voted to rename 44 of the city’s schools, claiming that prominent figures from American history, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Paul Revere, were tied to racist incidents. The committee based their decisions on Wikipedia and other wildly inaccurate information to source its claims. Committee chairman Jeremiah Jeffries, along with his fellow committee members, used Wikipedia to support their claims that prominent U.S. historical figures had ties to racist incidents, and therefore warranted the renaming of scores of San Francisco schools, according to a report by Mission Local. A Google Doc showcasing the committee’s notes attempting to justify their reasons for voting to rename the
Democrats Recruiting GOP Senators for
Amnesty Deal
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 11:01:42 PM Post Reply
Democrat senators are trying to recruit Republican senators into business-backed amnesty deals, despite the public’s demand for pro-American migration policies. Their targets include Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Rick Scott (R-FL). The Hill reported Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), the leading Democrat advocate for greater migration, working with Graham to draft a bill that would provide citizenship and work approval to younger migrants who were brought into the United States by their illegal-migrant parents. If we can reach an agreement soon, very soon, we will have the base bill reintroduced and then that will be our starting point
Gov. Greg Abbott: Texas Must Fight ‘Federal
Overreach’; Biden Showing ‘Extreme Hostility’
To State
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 10:59:23 PM Post Reply
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott directed state agencies to “identify” ways to combat “federal overreach” by President Joe Biden’s administration in the energy sector on Thursday.Abbott issued a state executive order specifically targeting the White House’s approach to energy development and production, which Abbott said showed “extreme hostility toward the energy sector, and thus toward Texas.”Abbott’s order directs “every state agency to use all lawful powers and tools to challenge any federal action that threatens the continued strength, vitality and independence of the energy industry. Each state agency should work to identify potential litigation, notice-and-comment opportunities, and any other means of preventing federal overreach within the law.”
EXCLUSIVE: Large Group of Haitian
Migrants Cross Border into Texas
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 10:58:54 PM Post Reply
Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector apprehended a large group of suspected Haitian migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Texas. Although apprehensions on the border garner little attention, the size of such groups and their country of origin does tell a story. An anonymous source reported the illegal entry and apprehension of a single group of over 90 illegal aliens. Many in the group are suspected of being nationals of Haiti. According to the source, Mexican immigration officials alerted U.S. authorities along the border concerning the potential arrival of the migrants who were traveling through Mexico on charter busses.
Poll: Near Majority of Missourians Approve
of Josh Hawley’s Job as Senator
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 10:28:16 PM Post Reply
A near majority of Missourians approve of Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) job as their senator, according to a poll released recently.Forty-six percent of Missourians approve of Hawley’s job as their junior senator, according to a Missouri Scout poll. Forty percent of his constituents disapprove of his job, and 14 percent remain unsure about his job performance. Seventy-three percent of Republicans approve of his performance, while 15 percent of GOP voters disapprove of him. In contrast, 13 percent of Democrats approve of his job performance, and 73 do not like his performance as a senator for Missouri. Hawley’s net-approval in the Show Me State runs in contrast to the two other
Schumer: We Have to Address Issues Like
D.C. Statehood, Automatic Voter Registration,
We’ll Get ‘Big, Bold Change’
No Matter What’
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 9:53:10 PM Post Reply
On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that Democrats must tackle issues like “improving our democracy. Making D.C. a state, automatic voter registration,” and vowed Democrats will get “big, bold change” “no matter what.” He also commented on the possibility of abolishing the filibuster by stating, “failure is not an option. We must create change.”Schumer said, “Well, Rev., we have one goal: big, bold change in America. We would like the Republicans to join us in some of those things at least, and maybe they will. But we are going to get that change no matter what.
Pandemic has more Twin Cities
home buyers looking outward
Posted by voxpopuli 1/30/2021 9:48:23 PM Post Reply
It took just two days for a split-level house near Stacy to sell this month. Put on the market on a Friday for $284,900, it was shown 18 times and drew five offers by that Sunday, all above asking price. Realtor Hyounsoo Lathrop wasn't surprised. "With COVID, people want to be away from the cities and have some space," she said. "Out here you get top dollar." (snip) With rising crime in Minneapolis and St. Paul and many of the amenities that once drew buyers and renters to those downtowns still shuttered, a new level of uncertainty has emerged about what urban life will look like.
San Francisco to strip Abraham Lincoln,
Dianne Feinstein and others from public
school names
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 9:46:56 PM Post Reply
SAN FRANCISCO — The names of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and other prominent figures including California Sen. Dianne Feinstein will be removed from 44 San Francisco public schools, a move that stirred debate Wednesday on whether the famously liberal city has taken the national reckoning on America’s racist past too far.The decision by the San Francisco Board of Education in a 6-1 vote Tuesday night affects one-third of the city’s schools and came nearly three years after the board started considering the idea. The approved resolution calls for removing names that honored historical figures with direct or broad ties to slavery, oppression, racism or the “subjugation” of human beings
Poll: Romney Scores 84% Approval
Rating With Utah DEMOCRATS
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 9:36:35 PM Post Reply
Failed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is finally getting the love that he believes that he deserves as a new poll shows that he’s crushing it with Utah Democrats. Romney has been the leader of the establishment GOP anti-Trump lynch mob on Capitol Hill and came out early in favor of the unprecedented second impeachment of former President Trump. The man who gagged away a winnable election to Barack Obama in 2012 is now viewed with overwhelming approval by Democrats in his home state. According to a poll by the Salt Lake City-based Deseret News, Romney has double the support from Beehive State Dems than of Republicans,
Exclusive: Large Group of Haitian
Migrants Cross Border into Texas
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 9:33:07 PM Post Reply
Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector apprehended a large group of suspected Haitian migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Texas. Although apprehensions on the border garner little attention, the size of such groups and their country of origin does tell a story. An anonymous source reported the illegal entry and apprehension of a single group of over 90 illegal aliens. Many in the group are suspected of being nationals of Haiti. According to the source, Mexican immigration officials alerted U.S. authorities along the border concerning the potential arrival of the migrants who were traveling through Mexico on charter busses.
QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals
she had a 'GREAT call' with Donald Trump
who 'supports' her as she vows to 'never
apologize' after being slammed for calling
Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 8:55:18 PM Post Reply
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene announced on Saturday that she had a 'great call' with former President Donald Trump, who gave her his support despite the recent backlash against the controversial Georgia lawmaker.In a long statement posted to Twitter, Greene claimed that the American people are 'absolutely 100% loyal' to 'all-time favorite POTUS' Trump and that she 'won't back down' as she battles against the 'enemy within'.Greene, the first person to serve in Congress and openly support the QAnon conspiracy theory, continued to blast Democrats over the coronavirus shutdowns and Black Lives Matter protests as she claimed they had failed to protect the American people.
Retired NFL Player Calls For Separate
Transgender Category Of Sports After
Biden Executive Order
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 8:48:08 PM Post Reply
Retired NFL defensive end Marcellus Wiley suggested a separate category for transgender athletes after President Joe Biden recently issued an executive order allowing males who identify as female to participate in women’s sports.“As a father of 3 daughters & the husband to a former collegiate athlete, this hits home in a special way,” Wiley tweeted Friday. “It’s time to create a separate transgender category in competition! Also think it’s time for me to start a podcast bcuz some things need to be discussed in detail! #respect.”(Tweet)
NY Young Republicans plan ‘Re-Occupy
Wall Street’ after GameStop debacle
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 8:42:51 PM Post Reply
They’re young, they’re Republican — and they’re mad as hell at Wall Street. Members of the New York Young Republicans are planning to storm Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan Sunday for a “Re-Occupy Wall Street” demonstration to protest actions by hedge funds and other financial institutions to undermine Reddit-fueled populist purchases of GameStop stock this week. “What we saw the last few days was absolutely despicable. It’s pi**ed off a lot of people,” group president Gavin Wax told The Post. “We have the elites and the substrata of everyone else who doesn’t get to sit at the big-boy table and make the big-boy money.”GameStop, a dusty mall retailer of video games
Tucker: Dems ‘seem that much more afraid
now that Donald Trump has left office.’
But why?
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 8:36:05 PM Post Reply
The Democrats’ post-Trump hyperbole, panic and authoritarianism proves that what truly frightens them is America’s growing populism, not former President Donald Trump’s alleged “fascism,” according to Fox News host Tucker Carlson.In a lengthy monologue Friday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the host wondered why Democrats are continuing to behave erratically — sometimes even more-so than before — despite their “fascistic” bogeyman finally being ousted from office.“The single biggest mystery …. is why Democrats became so vicious after they won. Joe Biden got the White House, his party took Congress, you’d think they would be thrilled, you’d think they will be celebrating, but no,” his monologue began.
Palm Beach Conducting Legal Review
of Trump’s Residency at Mar-a-Lago
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 8:31:32 PM Post Reply
The harassment of Trump never ends.The city of Palm Beach, Florida is conducting a legal review of Donald Trump’s residency at Mar-a-Lago. Trump, a lifelong New Yorker, officially declared himself a resident of Florida in October of 2019 because of the way that he was being treated by the Communist leaders of New York. Donald Trump moved into his South Florida club on January 20 after leaving the White House.Now the town of Palm Beach is reviewing whether Trump is allowed to permanently reside at his beach club.
Biden’s climate executive orders devastated
these US workers in a day
Posted by Judy W. 1/30/2021 6:32:44 PM Post Reply
On the morning of Jan. 20, every room of the two-story Stroppel Hotel in Midland, SD, was filled with men and women who work on the Keystone XL pipeline. Most of these union laborers, welders and pipefitters started their day over a cup of coffee in the hotel’s common room before heading out to their jobs. By 4 p.m., the entire place was cleared out, leaving the historic hotel silent for the first time since owners Laurie and Wally Cox took it over six months ago. “Our whole world turned upside down with the stroke of a pen,” Laurie said. She is speaking of President Biden’s executive order,
America’s 2020 Election and the
‘China Way’
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 6:02:35 PM Post Reply
For non-Americans who, during the years of Donald J. Trump’s presidency, took heart for their own freedom and democracy that was under duress from the encroaching globalist agenda tied to Chinese communism, watching the oath-taking ceremony of Joe Biden as America’s 46th president, (Snip) became an exercise in distinguishing between what’s real and what’s fake. America’s Capitol was turned into a caged arena of fences, barbed wire, and armed soldiers(Snip)There are trillions of dollars involved for the elites in America and China, and adopting the “China way” in America with Biden as president assures the communist rulers in Beijing and Washington insiders that their partnership so deftly crafted will not be
Trump Taught Teachers Conspiracy Theories.
Now They’re Teaching Them To Students.
Posted by rubberneck 1/30/2021 5:25:53 PM Post Reply
As he spoke to his students during a Zoom lesson earlier this month, the northern Virginia middle school social studies teacher called the attempted coup at the Capitol on Jan. 6 “a setup.” He would know, he said. He was there. (snip) Plummer defended the mob that marched to the Capitol as “incredibly peaceful” and “Christians,” and instead told his young class at the diverse Fred M. Lynn Middle School that the summer’s Black Lives Matter protesters were to blame for “destroying cities.”
Poland Approves New Restrictions on
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 4:42:48 PM Post Reply
Poland’s government put into effect on Wednesday a constitutional court decision banning terminations of pregnancies with fetal defects, three months after the court ruled that the abortion of congenitally damaged fetuses is unconstitutional. The constitutional court of Poland, a deeply Catholic country, issued on Wednesday a justification of a controversial October ruling that bans abortions in cases of fetuses with congenital defects, even ones so severe that there is no chance of survival upon birth. The government then published the court’s ruling in a government journal of laws. Those steps were the formal prerequisites required for the new law to enter into force.
‘I have receipts’: Rep. Greene posts video
proving who REALLY started shouting match
with Rep. Cori Bush
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 4:35:02 PM Post Reply
It appears newly elected Democrat Rep. Cori Bush, who’s been accused of being a radical and liar, has no compunction about smearing her Republican colleagues. Newly elected Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has the receipts to prove it.In a tweet posted early Friday afternoon, Bush, a Black Lives Matter activist, accused a “maskless’ Greene of having harassed her in a hallway. In response, over 400,000 Americans, including a large number of blue checkmark elitists, blindly accepted her claim and rushed to her defense. Look:(Tweets) Responding to the smear, the newly elected Georgia Republican posted a video recording of the incident showing what she claims really happened.
Martha My Dear replies
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 4:34:56 PM Post Reply
GSTAAD—Martha Gellhorn was a long-legged blond American writer and journalist who became Papa Hemingway’s third and penultimate wife. She got her start when H.G. Wells, then 70 years old, fell for her rather badly, advised her on her writing, and paid her a small retainer to keep him up to date on American trends. She was 27 at the time. Wells had met Martha at the White House during the Franklin Roosevelt years before the war, Eleanor having been friends with Martha’s mother, who was known around St. Louis for having a mad crush on the First Lady. (Snip)The masterpiece was called “Justice at Night,”and it was an account of a
Defiant Redditors buy Times Square
billboard as GameStop stock saga rages
Posted by Ribicon 1/30/2021 4:31:55 PM Post Reply
Defiant amateur investors on Reddit say they are not backing down on their investments in GameStop—and even took out billboards in Times Square and across the country urging the faithful to continue holding the line. “$GME GO BRRR,” blared a digital ad on the corner of 54th and Broadway in Manhattan. The ad ran for an hour on Friday and was a creation of digital billboard maker Matei Psatta. The line refers to a popular internet meme that uses “Brrr” to signify the sound a money-printing machine makes. GME is the stock’s ticker symbol on the NY Stock Exchange.
1776 Commission Director: Abolishing
the Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 4:18:22 PM Post Reply
Dr. Matthew Spalding, a professor of constitutional government and Dean of the Van Andel Graduate School of Government at Hillsdale College was interviewed by The Epoch Times’ program American Thought Leaders. He was the executive director of the 1776 Commission, created by executive order by former President Donald Trump. (Snip) The new Biden administration has abolished the 1776 commission, a history-centered, patriotic education program that calls for remembrance of and upholding the nation’s founding principles. Spalding spoke about the clashing points that juxtapose the New York Times’ controversial “1619 Project” and the United States’ founding history, along with the ideological and theological ramifications. (Snip) current popular educational trends are unfair to students because
Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff’s First
Official Outing in D.C. Spotlights ‘Food
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 4:13:59 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband, Douglas Emhoff, made his first official appearance as second gentleman in northeast Washington, DC, on Thursday to put a spotlight on “food insecurity,” a phenomenon taking place just miles away from the couple’s luxurious vice presidential residence.Emhoff visited Kelly Miller Middle School, which has a garden used to feed people in the neighborhood.But while the visit focused on food insecurity, the message is part of broader messaging from the Biden administration and Democrats that fixing problems is directly connected to racial justice.“Food security is a racial justice issue,”
Three Trump-era Homeland Security
Officials Join Conservative Think Tank to
Help Counter China Threat
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 4:08:03 PM Post Reply
Three former homeland security officials who served in the Trump administration are set to join the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, where their focus will include countering the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of homeland security, Ken Cuccinelli, former deputy secretary of homeland security, and Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, will join the Heritage Foundation as fellows in the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, starting Feb. 1. “(Snip)Heritage has assembled an all-star team with significant policy expertise on issues related to homeland security, immigration, and China,”
Migrant Camps at Border Growing.
So Does Hope For Biden Amnesty
Posted by PageTurner 1/30/2021 3:49:00 PM Post Reply
In Mexico and in camps along the U.S.-Mexico border, migrants and refugees are gathering, awaiting the day when the new president tells them they can come on in. A humanitarian crisis is building on our border, forcing Joe Biden to scale back his immediate plans to radically change immigration policies. He has delayed the formation of a committee to reunite families who were separated when the parents were caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally with their children. A federal judge ordered a halt to his 100-day moratorium on deportations. And Republicans in the Senate are dragging their feet on confirming Biden’s Homeland Security secretary.
Watch: Bill Maher Worries That Trump Has
Been So Quiet; “Like The Shark In Jaws”
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 3:47:41 PM Post Reply
Liberals will never be happy when it comes to former President Donald J. Trump.First, they wanted him silenced and now they’re complaining that he is being too quiet.After four years of demanding that Trump be banned from Twitter and Facebook, the left rejoiced when all major Silicon Valley platforms pulled the plug on him three weeks ago but the celebration has quickly been replaced with a gnawing sense of dread.Now that the nation’s 45th president has retreated from public life after leaving the swamp for the balmy climates of South Florida
Tim Tebow At March For Life: ‘I Now
Get To Share My Story’ Because ‘My
Mom Gave Me A Chance’
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 3:38:44 PM Post Reply
Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow shared a story Friday at the annual March for Life about his mom giving birth to him after doctors told her she should have an abortion.Tebow, the youngest of five children, said that back in 1986, God put in his father’s heart and mind the idea of having a fifth child, who would become a preacher. Although his mom was initially skeptical about having a fifth child, said Tebow, his mom eventually agreed with his dad, and the family prayed for another child.But when his mother finally became pregnant, doctors believed that she had a tumor. “Then they realized that she was pregnant,
Britain's Covid cases plunge for another
day - down 31% in a week to 23,275 - as
scientists say vaccine drive IS working
and UK records another 1,200 deaths
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 3:21:06 PM Post Reply
The UK's Covid cases have plunged yet again after 23,275 people tested positive today - down 30.6 per cent on last Saturday. In a positive sign that England's third national lockdown is working, 10,000 fewer people tested positive today compared to the 33,552 cases recorded on this day last week. Today's week-on-week drop in figures is larger than last Saturdays, which saw an 18 per cent dip in daily cases compared to one week prior. Today's daily death toll has plummeted as well, as official figures showed 1,200 people have died after testing positive - an 11 per cent drop on last Saturday's 1,348 fatalities.
WH Dodges on Whether Janet Yellen
Should Recuse Herself from GameStop-
Robinhood Controversy
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 2:36:57 PM Post Reply
The White House dodged a question Thursday about whether Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should recuse herself on issues surrounding the investing app Robinhood. (Snip) “It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone she was paid to give her perspective and advice before she came into office,” Psaki said. Yellen earned more than $800,000 speaking to Citadel, a prominent Wall Street hedge fund company that is a key figure in the ongoing scandal after Robinhood blocked trades of GameStop stock on Thursday. Citadel helped bail out Melvin Capital after the hedge fund lost millions by betting against GameStop
West Virginia newspaper publisher files
antitrust lawsuit against Google and
Facebook for 'monopolizing the digital
advertising market' and 'threatening the
extinction of local newspapers'
Posted by OhioNick 1/30/2021 2:30:07 PM Post Reply
A West Virginia news publisher has filed an antitrust suit against Google and Facebook, who together receive roughly half of all digital ad dollars in the U.S. and are facing antitrust charges from federal and state authorities. The company, HD Media, owns several papers in the state, including the Herald-Dispatch in Huntington and the Charleston Gazette-Mail. HD Media claims Google has so monopolized the online ad market that 'it threatens the extinction of local newspapers across the country.' The suit also alleges that Google and Facebook conspired to further their dominance with a secret agreement, referring to a suit filed by 10 Republican attorneys general in December.
Historians slam woke teacher responsible
for renaming 44 San Francisco schools
after it emerges that incorrect research
used to denounce Paul Revere and other
American figures came from Wikipedia
and he ridiculed idea of consulting scholars
Posted by OhioNick 1/30/2021 2:24:41 PM Post Reply
Acclaimed historians are hitting out at a chairman in charge of renaming 44 San Francisco schools after it was revealed that he refused to consult with them during the decision-making process and his research was based on information he found on Wikipedia. Earlier this week, the San Francisco Board of Education voted 6-1 to strip 44 public schools of their current monikers because they honor 'racist' figures from American history. Schools named after politicians including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln are now set to be rebranded in the coming months.
Macron Disses the AstraZeneca 'Vaccine' replies
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 2:11:59 PM Post Reply
French President Macron is dissing the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine: "It Just Doesn't Work As Expected". Specifically: The French president added that "everything suggests that it is almost ineffective for those over 65, and some say over 60." For the record--How the Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Works: The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is based on the virus’ genetic instructions for building the spike protein. But unlike the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which store the instructions in single-stranded RNA, the Oxford vaccine uses double-stranded DNA.This simply calls to mind the warnings of non-compromised experts that vaccines aren't easy--which is why there's never been a coronavirus vaccine before.
Understanding the Institutional Protection
Racket Via Congress, Main Justice DOJ,
FBI and FISA Court
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 2:01:40 PM Post Reply
Many people are now becoming aware of the severity of self-serving corruption in/around the institutions that frame our government. Considering that Sundance has a target on his back; and considering that it is only a matter of time before that targeting gets ugly; let me remind everyone of just how severe the issues are confronting our nation.Having met with many of the top-level key DC players (including Durham inc) in the “Spygate” investigation/review or (__fill in_ the blank_(Snip)), here’s the ugly truth. The staff of the legislative bodies have/had no intent to actually facilitate any sunlight upon the FISA, DOJ-FBI corruption that took place over three years.
Liberty’s Layshia Clarendon has
breasts removed: ‘freedom at last’
Posted by Ribicon 1/30/2021 1:43:38 PM Post Reply
Layshia Clarendon is living their truth. Clarendon, the Liberty’s veteran-most player last season, announced they underwent top surgery on Friday over social media. Clarendon said the procedure occurred in the middle of January. “It’s hard to put into words the feeling of seeing my chest for the first time free of breasts,” Clarendon wrote on Instagram, showing pictures of their chest post surgery, “seeing my chest the way I’ve always seen it, and feeling a sense of gender euphoria as opposed to gender ⁣dysphoria.(Snip) Clarendon, 29, who is trans and non-binary, has been a big advocate for others in the LGBTQIA+ community,
Lawyer Lin Wood Asked to Undergo Mental Health
Evaluation by State Bar
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/30/2021 12:51:35 PM Post Reply
Attorney Lin Wood, a lawyer who filed third-party lawsuits on behalf of former President Donald Trump’s election challenges, said he would not undergo a mental health evaluation requested by an attorney licensing organization. The move to refuse the evaluation would potentially put his law license at risk. Wood wrote on Telegram on Thursday that the State Bar of Georgia informed him that he would have to submit an evaluation to keep his license to practice law. “I have done nothing wrong. I have only exercised my right of free speech,” Wood wrote in his post. “I will not allow the State Bar to persecute me for doing so
Vaccinated Congressman Tests Positive for
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/30/2021 12:45:02 PM Post Reply
A member of Congress who received a COVID-19 vaccine has tested positive for the disease. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine. “Congressman Lynch had received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and subsequently received a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending President [Joe] Biden’s inauguration,” a spokeswoman told news outlets. The inauguration was nine days before Lynch tested positive. Pfizer has said its vaccine is 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 in those without prior infection 7 days or more after the second dose. In an email, the company told The Epoch Times it does not know the specific details of Lynch’s case.
China Gene Firm Providing Worldwide
COVID Tests Worked With Chinese Military
Posted by earlybird 1/30/2021 11:32:01 AM Post Reply
BGI Group, the world’s largest genomics company, has worked with China’s military on research that ranges from mass testing for respiratory pathogens to brain science, a Reuters review of research, patent filings and other documents has found. The review, of more than 40 publicly available documents and research papers in Chinese and English, shows BGI’s links to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) include research with China’s top military supercomputing experts. The extent of those links has not previously been reported. BGI has sold millions of COVID-19 test kits outside China since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic, including to Europe, Australia and the United States. Shares of BGI Genomics Co, the
Biden Inc: White House struggles to rein
in potential family business conflicts
Posted by Imright 1/30/2021 10:54:22 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration only took over the White House last week, but it's already had to grapple with a web of ethical dilemmas created by the complicated business dealings of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris's families.Biden's campaign was dogged by allegations that his youngest son, lobbyist-investor Hunter, profited from the Biden name, specifically in China and Ukraine. His lucrative role with oligarch-linked Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, for instance, was central to former President Donald Trump's first impeachment.And during the transition, it was revealed Hunter was under a federal tax investigation dating back to 2018 into his foreign associations and accusations of money laundering.
CDC Orders Sweeping U.S. Transportation
Mask Mandate as COVID-19 Rages
Posted by NorthernDog 1/30/2021 9:25:43 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a sweeping order late Friday requiring the use of face masks on nearly all forms of public transportation Monday as the country continues to report thousands of daily COVID-19 deaths. The order, which takes effect at 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday (0459 GMT Tuesday), requires face masks to be worn by all travelers on airplanes, ships, trains, subways, buses, taxis, and ride-shares and at transportation hubs like airports, bus or ferry terminals, train and subway stations and seaports. President Joe Biden on Jan. 21 ordered government agencies to
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Takes On The Progressives replies
Posted by thekidsmom66 1/30/2021 8:10:16 AM Post Reply
If there is one thing that 2020 has taught me, it is that the real political and cultural divide in our country is not between Republicans and Democrats, or even conservatives and liberals, but between traditionalists and progressives. At the core of progressivism is not the optimistic American belief that things are improving and that our children can live better lives than we did, but the belief that man is a perfectible product of evolutionary forces. Rather than being made in God’s image and then fallen, progressives believe we must throw off the shackles and prejudices of the past in order to move forward to build utopia.
Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Deceptions replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/30/2021 7:18:04 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden contends there is “nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,” which is the exact opposite of what presidential candidate Joe Biden promised voters during the 2020 campaign. And by “exact opposite,” I mean the president’s alleged plan to beat the coronavirus literally said that “the trajectory of COVID-19 in America is headed in the wrong direction” and only he could fix it. The Biden “plan” amounted to a slew of nebulous promises that would be implemented to correct the “Trump fiasco,” such as accelerating the development of a vaccine, producing more masks, and pressuring governors to sign mask mandates.
Canada concerned as Hong Kong
starts to force dual citizens to choose
Posted by John C 1/30/2021 6:53:08 AM Post Reply
Canada expressed concern as Hong Kong authorities step up enforcement of a decades-old law that denies dual citizenship to residents of the former British colony, a population that includes 300,000 individuals with Canadian passports. Ottawa learned that an imprisoned Hong Kong resident with a Canadian passport was earlier this month asked to declare whether they were Chinese or Canadian, (Snip) Individuals who declare themselves Canadian could now lose their residency rights to live in Hong Kong.
Russia has been cultivating Trump as
an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says
Posted by 4Justice 1/30/2021 5:03:09 AM Post Reply
The KGB cultivated Donald Trump as an asset for 40 years, and he proved a highly valuable asset in repeating anti-Western Russian propaganda in the United States, a former KGB operative told The Guardian. Yuri Shvets is a key source in "American Kompromat," a new book detailing the decades-long relationship between Trump and Russia by the journalist Craig Unger.
Kamala Harris TV appearance in West Virginia surprises Manchin: 'That's not working together' replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/30/2021 4:18:22 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris promoted the Biden administration’s "critical" coronavirus "American Rescue Plan" this week in a pair of interviews with local TV stations in West Virginia and Arizona. But U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he was surprised by the Harris interview in his state, claiming no one from the administration had called him to discuss the appearance, WSAZ-TV of Huntington, W.Va., reported. The communication gap was a departure from the national "unity" theme that Harris and President Biden have promoted, he suggested.
STUNNING HYPOCRISY: Democrats Furious When Anti-Trump Maxine Waters Quote Is Turned On Them replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/30/2021 4:03:07 AM Post Reply
Do you remember back in 2018 when Rep. Maxine Waters famously urged her supporters to confront members of the Trump administration in public places? Democrats don’t. It’s different when they do it. Someone Edited A Maxine Waters Quote About Trump Staffers So That It Applied To Cuomo Staffers, And NY Dems Are Outraged A parody account on Twitter used the exact same quote but changed it to members of the Andrew Cuomo administration and Democrats were outraged.
87% of Bureau of Land Management
Staffers Quit When Trump Told Them to
Move to Colorado
Posted by OhioNick 1/30/2021 3:16:11 AM Post Reply
This is a template for what could have been accomplished. It hopefully will be restarted under the next Republican administration. The Bureau of Land Management rules the lives of people out west, yet its bureaucrats operate out of D.C. When the Trump administration began relocating BLM offices to Colorado to be close to where the people and land they control actually live, the hacks headed for the exit. Good. Anyone who wants to run the lives of people in Colorado, but doesn't want to live there should quit.
Harbinger Author, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan
Cahn Reissues George Washington's Prophetic
Warning for Biden and America
Posted by Harlowe 1/30/2021 2:34:10 AM Post Reply
Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of the bestselling prophetic books The Harbinger series including last year's The Harbinger II: The Return, says America is standing at its most critical moment, and he's calling out President Biden in the process.(Snip)Cahn begins by citing George Washington's prophetic warning to America that he gave during the very first presidential address to the nation. "The propitious smiles of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself has ordained," Washington said 232 years ago. Cahn explains, "In other words, if America followed the ways of God,
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