Abandonment of Democracy? Who Says?
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
11/30/2024 2:06:28 AM
The Washington Examiner quotes Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard’s Kennedy School Institute of Politics and a loyal Democrat, on what the Democrats need to do to try to regain power. Much of what Volpe says is sensible, but I want to focus on just one point: his identification of the Democratic Party with democracy.
You see it all the time. Loss of faith in the Democratic Party equals loss of faith in democracy, attacks on the Democratic Party equal attacks on democracy, and so on. Volpe writes:
Millions of Americans aren’t shifting right — they’re walking away.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 11/30/2024 2:27:39 AM (No. 1845472)
Democracy is chaos, and is NOT our form of government. If you read our founding fathers, they despised and rejected democracy and instead created a representative republic....NOT a democracy.
So, yes, abandoning democratic chaos and corruption and going back to a representative republic....PERFECT.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Namma 11/30/2024 3:02:53 AM (No. 1845476)
Identification of the Democratic Party and democracy! This guy can’t identify the fact that we are a Representative Republic government and it’s not the Democratic Party. It’s the democrat party. There is nothing democratic about the democrats!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/30/2024 5:54:55 AM (No. 1845490)
A corrupt dictatorship by any other name...
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
billa57 11/30/2024 7:12:23 AM (No. 1845538)
Sounds like you are saying that not voting for the Socialist/ dictatorship/ bogus election/ racial division/ slandering/ Globalist, so called 'Democratic' party, is a loss of Democracy. Better check the dictionary.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 11/30/2024 7:56:05 AM (No. 1845599)
You see, the problem is the Americans, not the huge leftward movement of the Democrat Party toward Marxism.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bpl40 11/30/2024 8:31:17 AM (No. 1845637)
Identifying what the Democrats have done for the last sixteen years (since the Kenyan took office) with the Democratic Process, is the basic delusion. It's strictly downhill from there.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
mobyclik 11/30/2024 8:33:11 AM (No. 1845639)
Why can't these people just face the facts, their candidate was a complete buffoon and their policies truly sucked.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
JrSample 11/30/2024 10:04:29 AM (No. 1845721)
Democracy? That word they keep using doesn't mean what they think it means.
When they attempt to advance an unpopular agenda by unconstitutional executive orders or rule-making by unelected bureaucrats in Federal agencies that is not ''democracy''.
Their recent presidential candidate did not win a primary, but was hand-picked by party apparatchiks, big-mouth celebrities, and oligarch mega-donors. That's not ''democracy''.
...and besides, our form of government is a Representative Republic.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
paral04 11/30/2024 10:59:20 AM (No. 1845782)
When was the Democrat Party or liberty in the past 100 years? They are happy to control everyone's behavior. All you need to do is look at ow they handled COVID.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
RubiconDan 11/30/2024 11:29:24 AM (No. 1845803)
It irritates me whenever I read an author writing the "Democratic" party instead of the Democrat party. I know it is small potatoes, but I can't help it. Nothing the Democrat party does is democratic. I wish people would stop conflating democrat with democratic. Democratic is an adjective. The Democrat party is not a democratic political party. Ok, I will stop because I know it will not end. It is like wishing people would stop writing loose when the mean lose and writing "our democracy" when what they actually mean is "our bureaucracy".
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 11/30/2024 12:13:10 PM (No. 1845849)
Why would anybody listen to anything that anyone from the Kennedy School at Harvard says?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 11/30/2024 12:32:59 PM (No. 1845862)
And of course there is the inconvenient TRUTH that NO AMERICANS voted for Kamala in a primary. Americans were not GIVEN that choice by their democratic PARTY masters. Neither did Congress take any action to approve Kamala's selection. Democracy is expressed through the collective will of all the voters, or their elected representatives in Congress, operating WITHIN the Constitutional and legal framework. No democracy was expressed by Kamala's selection.
Whenever you take a hard look at the things going on in government, it is the democratic PARTY that has bypassed the will of the people. An example is all the agencies that were not legally created through law, i.e. an act of Congress approved by the President. The democratic PARTY just decided to make them up.
Even legitimately created agencies can ONLY act within the boundaries specified in the legal act that created them. If the law doesn't specify the specific approved actions of an agency and it's budget, there is no legal validity to the things it does or the money it wants to spend.
Yet, the dem Party has run roughshod over the American People by using these agencies and distancing themselves from their negative effects by claims that the agency did it.
There is no democracy in any of this because the People and the Congress have NOT created much of the power being applied against them and it is all sanctioned by the dems, and unfortunately by some Republicans.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
JimBob 11/30/2024 10:57:54 PM (No. 1846210)
To make sense of what all these 'Rats are saying, one must come to the realization that I came to several years ago.
When the 'Rats say "Our Democracy", they are NOT talking about the form of government -a Republic as it says in the Pledge of Allegiance- as laid out in the Constitution, and by which America has been governed these last couple of hundred years.
The "Our Democracy" that the 'Rats refer to is a One Party Totalitarian State, ruled -not governed, but RULED- by those in the Democrat Party, not the puppets in office, but the Powers That Be, hidden -like the 'Great and Terrible' Wizard of Oz- safely behind the Green Curtain.
THAT is what the Democ'RATS want, and are continually working toward.
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