More on the Male Olympic Boxer Knocking
Out First Female Opponent in Under a Minute
Hot Air,
Jazz Shaw
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
8/2/2024 7:40:06 AM
Earlier today, David looked at the results of the first boxing match at the Olympic Games in Paris where a man was allowed to fight a woman because he "identifies" as being female. This is a subject that we previewed at length here yesterday. Unfortunately, the fight was allowed to proceed and Imane Khelif was matched up against female Italian boxer Angela Carini. As predicted by many, including yours truly, the fight didn't even last one minute into the first round. The referee declared a technical knockout after 46 seconds. Kheif came out and hit Carini so hard that her headgear was dislodged by the first blow.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
downnout 8/2/2024 7:44:54 AM (No. 1771056)
Unfortunately, it will probably take the death of some poor woman before this insanity is stopped.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
msjena 8/2/2024 7:45:27 AM (No. 1771057)
Why hasn't the Olympic committee taken a stand on this? Males were not allowed in women's swimming. Why are they allowed in women's boxing?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Cherrybark 8/2/2024 7:47:42 AM (No. 1771059)
Women competitors need to refuse to complete against a biological male. Carini decided to fight a male and got her ass kicked.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
udanja99 8/2/2024 8:07:07 AM (No. 1771073)
There are a lot of “shoulds” in this article. Here’s mine - some big boxer from the Italian men’s team should take Khelif out behind the stadium and beat the snot out of him.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Newtsche 8/2/2024 8:11:45 AM (No. 1771076)
Not sure what this article means by "more".
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 8/2/2024 8:12:21 AM (No. 1771077)
Two things
1). Fakebook has people convinced this is a natural born woman with high testosterone. I tried doing a search to see what bits he was born with and got bad results which leads me to my other question.
2). I’ve been using StartPage for years, but lately it seems my search results are being scrubbed of conservative articles. Has anyone else found this to be true? And what search engine do you use? Thanks.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
smak90 8/2/2024 8:25:10 AM (No. 1771087)
All real women should withdraw from any event which has men participating in it. This nonsense would end overnight if they did this.
24 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 8/2/2024 9:03:34 AM (No. 1771108)
Carini is lucky she didn't suffer a serious brain injury after getting popped in the noggin by this tranny.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Hazymac 8/2/2024 9:10:32 AM (No. 1771111)
The demonic glee and pleasure on the face of the Algerian man as he slammed the face of the Italian woman made me angrier than I've even been watching sports. This fellow (who should never be referred to as female) was born male, went through male puberty, has XY chromosomes, and is a cheater who deserves to pay dearly for what he has done. May a male Italian heavyweight boxer mete out the punishment to the man who likes to hit women, leaving him two-dimensional and still. The IOC members who supported this travesty should be gone from all involvement in sports. And yes, if this criminal foolishness is permitted to continue, a woman will certainly die. Leftists are evil, and this is evil. It will be stopped, but when?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 8/2/2024 9:18:28 AM (No. 1771122)
Isn't it against Islam to change sexes? How can this boxer ever return to Algeria and remain alive? Uh oh, will he claim asylum in France now? Probably.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
felixcat 8/2/2024 9:19:10 AM (No. 1771124)
Gee, I don't see any women who think they are men competing in male athletic events like boxing, wrestling, etc. Hmmm....
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
SouthTxRat 8/2/2024 9:25:10 AM (No. 1771132)
The true tell is whether Vegas is taking bets on his bouts. If they are I'm betting it all on Algeria! If not, then they know its rigged with Woke BS. It also amazes me how many men actually have zero pride in themselves!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 8/2/2024 9:48:16 AM (No. 1771151)
For Khelif's next fight - - a real man should declare himself to be a woman - - and knock the living crap out of that useless coward.
18 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Namma 8/2/2024 9:55:44 AM (No. 1771160)
the IOC said that this jerks PASSPORT listed him as a female. Not the birth certificate, the passport. This is why HE was allowed to box women. STOP calling these fakes females, or she. They are not! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE GENDERS. Cannot be done.
I think that any man claiming to be a women should have to pull his drawers down and prove HE is not a MAN. on a side note, yesterday was the start of the bidenharris administration's ruling that MEN can now use a women's locker room. all the plan to erase women. next up...burkas
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
coldborezero 8/2/2024 9:58:40 AM (No. 1771162)
Re#6: It is completely, totally, utterly irrelevant "what bits he was born with". What matters (the ONLY thing that matters) is the individual's chromosomes . If XY, it is a male (not necessarily a man). If XX, it is a female (not necessarily a woman). Genitalia can be surgically altered; chromosomes cannot. In sports, athletes should be tested to determine biological SEX (not arbitrary "gender"). XX should compete with XX and XY should compete with XY. NO exceptions.
Insanity is the consistent denial of objective reality.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
mariboo72 8/2/2024 10:07:18 AM (No. 1771168)
If the world is going to embrace the trans "gender", it's time to have a separate category for trans"women" There's so few of them they would still be guaranteed of getting a medal and it wouldn't affect true women who have trained most of their lives to be the best in their sport.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 8/2/2024 10:11:53 AM (No. 1771174)
This MALE needs to be taught a serious lesson by having some other male or males beating him severely enough that he decides to not play this damned evil game of pretending to be a woman any more.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
SouthTxRat 8/2/2024 10:23:49 AM (No. 1771188)
Is he wearing a cup? If not then...................
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Kate318 8/2/2024 10:38:00 AM (No. 1771203)
He didn’t knock her out. She quit before he could kill her. Couldn’t agree more with #4. This guy had better take security with him wherever he goes from now on, because he has a beating waiting for him from actual men all over the world.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
seamusm 8/2/2024 11:07:35 AM (No. 1771241)
If she was born with female genitalia and has never gone through male puberty, then she is a woman. That said, she looks mannish and may have been given testosterone at some point, but there has been no evidence of such, however. No one ever accuses Shaquille O'Neill of having been given growth hormone - some people just simply have natural athletic advantages.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 8/2/2024 11:48:13 AM (No. 1771279)
Our Vice President strangely silent.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
MaxWedge 8/2/2024 12:06:44 PM (No. 1771297)
#6, I use Start Page as well, but I haven't noticed anything suspicious. I'll have to try and pay more attention. Thank you for the heads up.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
DVC 8/2/2024 1:09:25 PM (No. 1771387)
RE #2, they have taken as stand. They have said, pathetically "The passport says female." And they IGNORE their own 'sex test' which said "He is a male."
Why in heck do they even HAVE a sex check if they ignore the results? This GUY should be sent HOME and not permitted to CHEAT by pretending to be female.
3 people like this.
Too bad for East Germany that they're no longer around. Pumping their female athletes with testosterone was never a sure thing. Turns out, the secret to success in Olympic womens events is to enter male male athletes that have been pumped full of estrogen.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
JimBob 8/2/2024 2:33:06 PM (No. 1771457)
#6, the browser I use has Startpage (I don't like that the first 4 listings are always ads, and I also get the feeling that the results are biased) built in and unchangeable. I have DuckDuckGo as my first 'bookmark'. When I want to do a search, I click DDG and search from there.
-I would like to see all the lady competitors boycott any event that has a 'dude' competing as a 'fake female'. I recently read about a lady volleyball player who has permanent brain damage after a dude spiked a ball into her face so hard that it broke bones in her skull.
-If the HairSniffer and the 'RATS are successful in perverting the Title 9 law protecting female sports so that 'dudes' (a,k,a, 'Identify as females') are forcibly admitted, what is the purpose of having Title 9 at all? The Left perverts everything that it touches.
-As soon as the WNBA starts paying it's players the players money anything like they are demanding, I will be waiting for some ex-4th-rate college basketball player dudes to barge into the WNBA and drive out the "L" 's (the "L" in LGBTQ+ etc etc etc).
-Where is NOW- the National Organization for Women (who Rush used to affectionately tease as the NAGS, the 'National Association of Gals') in all this. They used to be all over the Lamestreams, but we never hear from them anymore.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
KTWO 8/2/2024 5:26:03 PM (No. 1771546)
FWIW: Today the AP has a rather detailed article about the prior life and fights of Khelif. He/she has competed for a few years and has not dominated although improvement has been steady.
I'm not a fan of AP as a source but this one is well written and has many details other sources seem to skip. Find and read it if your'e interested.
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RE: Startpage. If I understand it correctly, Startpage uses the Google search engine, but interposes itself between you and Google's user tracking. So, the problem is with Google limiting conservative hits, not Startpage. There have already been many complaints about Google's behavior in that regard.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
mifla 8/3/2024 5:33:04 AM (No. 1771715)
His next opponent should kick him in the groin. When he double overs in pain, she should tell the referee, "See? He is a man. I win."
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