Americans Aren’t Buying EVs: Electric
Vehicle Adoption Continues to Stall Out
Lucas Nolan
Original Article
Posted By: mc squared,
7/8/2024 8:35:04 AM
The electric vehicle revolution is encountering significant hurdles as consumers grapple with high costs, infrastructure challenges, and geopolitical tensions, potentially slowing the transition from traditional gas-powered cars, according to a report by Fast Company.
Fast Company reports the automotive industry has undergone a significant transformation with the push towards electric vehicles in recent years. However, the road to widespread EV adoption is proving to be bumpy, with several obstacles threatening to stall progress. One of the primary concerns for potential EV buyers is the cost.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
BarryNo 7/8/2024 8:40:55 AM (No. 1752202)
I will NEVER willingly buy an EV.
At least not any of the models currently offered. Until they solve the (infrastructure, environmental cost, grid-loading, material scarcity, human exploitation) problems, I want nothing to do with it.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
seamusm 7/8/2024 8:53:44 AM (No. 1752208)
I think it was my dad who warned me not to buy a first-model-year new car. I'd have to put new tech in the same category. Decades ago I bought one of the first personal computers. It was a TI (Texas Instruments) Pro. I learned to program as well as the ins and outs of hardware though the TI Pro was a marketing failure losing out to IBM and Apple. EV's are in the same boat. Our government and elites convinced some to take the federal handouts but way more the rest of us see EV's as not ready for prime time tech. EV's are elitist as is believing in man-made climate change, and so many other leftist gospels. I'm sure newer batteries will allow more rapid charging but that won't solve the problems inherent to generating power unless we return to nuclear.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Quigley 7/8/2024 8:56:06 AM (No. 1752210)
The underlying, but as yet not established, presumption is that EVs are good for GAIA and are good for you but if they're not good for you do it for GAIA. Otherwise, OBEY!
15 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Dipi 7/8/2024 9:02:40 AM (No. 1752216)
As I have mentioned many times in this forum; until the auto makers come up with a different source of energy, electric vehicles is not the way to go.
15 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 7/8/2024 9:07:13 AM (No. 1752220)
The history of the auto industry is loaded with cars that sold well at first, then plummeted. Anyone remember the 1980 Chevy Citation? They were overhyped and sold like gangbusters the first model year, then dropped sharply each succeeding year. Within 5 years they were discontinued due to abysmal sales.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
VietVet68 7/8/2024 9:08:29 AM (No. 1752222)
If the EV craze is starting to collapse now just imagine what would happen without government subsidies. I'll never buy an EV but I have to say I resent the fact that the government uses my tax dollars to give a break to people who buy 70,000 dollar cars.
27 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rama41 7/8/2024 9:09:34 AM (No. 1752223)
I'd sooner buy a golf cart than an EV. And I don't play golf.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 7/8/2024 9:58:17 AM (No. 1752266)
I have battery empty paranoia. I keep my phone and computer plugged in all the time. I dread thinking what I'd do with a car and how long it would take to charge up.
9 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
snakeoil 7/8/2024 9:59:02 AM (No. 1752268)
Pardon me. Unlike AOC I don't have a degree in economics. Can someone explain in plain, garden variety, vernacular English what "there is rough price parity between EVs and gas-powered cars on a macro level" means? Many thanks.
15 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 7/8/2024 10:12:08 AM (No. 1752278)
So a Soviet style Central Planning project intended to benefit the State isn't catching on with the knuckle dragging masses. Guess nobody has seen this since Stalin and the Soviet Unions multiple massive Central Planning disasters. At least this time mass starvation and death wasn't an immediate result.
11 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 7/8/2024 11:07:57 AM (No. 1752334)
EVs remind me of the old joke about the new dog food that won't sell because the $@#% dogs don't like it...
8 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 7/8/2024 11:14:18 AM (No. 1752341)
You have to be wealthy and stupid to get an EV. They are running short on that class. Most of the folks who want one already have one, and apparently 40% of them will replace it with a normal car and not buy another EV.
The car of the future....for 130 years and counting.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bpl40 7/8/2024 11:51:53 AM (No. 1752384)
Fails to mention the elephant in the room. EV batteries last 10 years. That will not change unless you can change the laws of physics.At that time the rest of the car is worth less than a replacement battery. Therefore, no resale market. Couple that with sky high initial price and you got a Dodo.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Daisymay 7/8/2024 12:46:55 PM (No. 1752410)
We have a couple in our Neighborhood who are dyed in the Wool Democrats (the Nasty kind)! Of course, when EV's came out he had to have the First (and only) One in the neighborhood. He was so proud of it that he bought one for His Wife. It had been about 4 months since the Second one had been going by my House when I saw a Hauler come by and stop at their House. The Hauler picked up HER car and took it away! I laughed! I only wished it had been HIS Car and not hers. So far Her Car has not been replaced!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 7/8/2024 1:55:48 PM (No. 1752433)
Re #9, oh, that is very simple.....they are LYING.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
kono 7/8/2024 5:24:06 PM (No. 1752526)
Similar to this, the USA was quite uninterested in soccer when the globalists tried to foist it on us in the '70s. About every decade, the same groups tried a major drive to get it to catch on, meeting with about the same lack of success. After 50+ years, soccer seems to be getting a toe hold here.
They're trying to make non-acceptance of EVs so prohibitively inconvenient or costly that they might as well be outlawing it like Gruesome Newsom has done in Commie-California (he decreed that gas powered cars will be illegal after 2030), to accelerate their adoption here. While they tell us force-feeding geese is cruel, they're more than happy force-feeding us an inferior, unsustainable way of life to become more like Europe.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
kono 7/8/2024 5:26:56 PM (No. 1752527)
Oh, and for #9, I think AOC is trying to say the overall cost of ownership is roughly equivalent, if we add up purchase, licensing, fueling, operating, and maintaining.
And I think she's roughly as full of bs with that as she is with just about every remark she makes (about nearly every topic). Maybe that helps explain why she alternates between S-eating grins and apoplexy much of the time.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
mifla 7/9/2024 6:32:53 AM (No. 1752801)
Market forces always have the final word.
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Not much new here. Anyone know that FJB has "dramatically increased the tax rate on imported EVs from 27.5 percent to 102.5 percent this year"?
As far as fire prevention goes, that's a winner, but I thought we were to be all electric before the earth catches fire.