Biden’s determined to stick around
American Thinker,
Mark Landsbaum
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
7/7/2024 6:51:34 AM
As I have asked for almost four years, who’s gonna tell the president of the United States he’s done?
“Guess what: they’re trying to push me out of the race. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race,” Biden said, reading from a teleprompter. “I don’t think anybody’s more qualified to be president or win this race than me,” Biden said. “If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race. The Lord Almighty’s not coming down.”
Don’t ya wonder what he might have said without the teleprompter?
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Venturer 7/7/2024 7:32:30 AM (No. 1751449)
Dr. Jill is Bidens lord almighty..
15 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
homefry 7/7/2024 7:41:50 AM (No. 1751458)
He may just really believe that he beat Trump fairly last time.
I dont know what he said, I dont think he does either.
13 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
mobyclik 7/7/2024 7:42:35 AM (No. 1751461)
This whole thing is a gigantic, disgusting mess........for the Rats. I'm really enjoying it. And now, on with the show.....
19 people like this.
Hi Joe. It's me, "Lord Almighty...It's time to go". Hi Joe. It's me Hillary. Don't end up like Seth Rich. It's time to go.
Hi Joe. It's me Obama. Don't end up like Tafari Campbell. It's time to go.
Hi Joe. It's me, your good friend Kamala. It's is time to go and let me be the real president instead of the acting president.
Don't be like the " I see dead people guy" unless you want to be one of them. It's time to go.
14 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
udanja99 7/7/2024 8:11:11 AM (No. 1751487)
Oh, he’ll go. It’s just a matter of when. They have enough dirt on him and his family to force him out. And no one deserves it more.
Like #3, I’m really enjoying this too - it’s the biggest example of karma to ever hit this country. And I imagine that Clarence Thomas is getting a lot of satisfaction from Pedo Joe’s crash and burn too.
19 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
padiva 7/7/2024 8:23:31 AM (No. 1751495)
To paraphrase Rush:
Folks, you just can't make this stuff up.
22 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
marlon 7/7/2024 8:26:53 AM (No. 1751498)
Just have the person running the teleprompter input I've decided to step down. And just like that ...
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 7/7/2024 8:31:15 AM (No. 1751500)
The author clearly states the issues of A25. It begins with the vp, who always has skin in the game. The vp has to be supported by half of the cabinet…based on observations. And the temp removal could be overcome.
There is another pathway, engrained in the constitution. Congress has the power to remove the pres and/or the vp. The bar is set high, and rightly so. In this case. It would be the far right and far left v centrists.
The soft path for removal is a most likely outcome. Donors dry up. DNC monies are diverted down ballot. Media portrayals become even more critical.
Removal may and should be difficult. But do we really want a pres with a neurodegenerstive cognitive disorder near « the button »?
13 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Sully 7/7/2024 8:43:28 AM (No. 1751505)
If they admit Biden is incompetent to serve, then who has been serving in his place and deploying the disastrous policies?
Who authorized billions to corrupt Ukraine?
Who Authorized debt bailouts for the white collar elitists?
Who shutdown oil and gas exploration on fed lands?
Whoever did these things usurped the power of a mentally compromised POTUS and must be impeached.
Once Biden is found to be incompetent these people must be prosecuted "to save democracy!"
18 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 7/7/2024 8:43:48 AM (No. 1751506)
Could it be that Biden’s determination to stick around means he'll be sorta, kinda like a voodoo doll? Won't that just push "church and state" closer together?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
PChristopher 7/7/2024 9:19:44 AM (No. 1751515)
His arrogant ego and Her greed for perks and power will not let them stand least not easily.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 7/7/2024 11:40:49 AM (No. 1751574)
IMO, the leftists that will vote for Biden are very well aware that he has dementia...but will vote for him anyway, because:
1. they place higher value on their favorite policy perversions (e.g., abortion, gay rights, reverse racism, election fraud) than they do on national sovereignty, democracy, security, and economic prosperity
2. they have TDS, and hate DJT
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 7/7/2024 11:48:34 AM (No. 1751577)
Of all the one-term Presidents in my lifetime, only Bush earned and deserved a second term.
I didn't say Trump because I believe Trump and his voters were robbed by a coordinated state and county level operation. A man who fills 40,000 seat venues doesn't lose to a guy who draws dozens of people to a campaign event. With a third of those being reporters and cameramen.
So I hope Miserable Joe clings bitterly to this race. Either right up to his concession speech, or until his campaign cash dries up and the Obama and Clinton factions drag him out of that office kicking and screaming.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
jalo1951 7/7/2024 12:02:39 PM (No. 1751585)
And the ace up their sleeve is their ability to CHEAT.
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Next week just tell him the election is over and he lost, pack him up and send him back to Scranton, let Kommiela be the first black woman president for a few months, and be done with them all in January
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 7/7/2024 12:34:52 PM (No. 1751605)
I don't much care either way because whatever happens is going to be a Schiff show. If Biteme stays in the game, they've got a problem, if they nominate Camel Toe, they've got a problem, if they pass over Camel Toe, they've got a problem and if they throw open the convention, every little faction within the party will have their candidate - Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, AOC, Camel Toe, a Muslim member of the squad, Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker. It just goes on and on without a clear resolution.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
mamabear 7/7/2024 12:55:35 PM (No. 1751621)
Why shouldn't he stay in the race? The "coordinated state and county level operation" mentioned previously, has not been dismantled. The "shadow campaign" Molly Ball said "saved the 2020 election" ( hasn't been addressed either. He "beat Trump in 2020" and very well could "beat him again." Ballots count more than votes. His party is registering their newcomers and have a virtually unlimited supply of Biden ballots.
And speaking of God Almighty we need His wisdom, intervention and plan of action more than ever. Biden just said Trump is "about to be challenged." For those who believe in the power of prayer, Please pray. The word of God has a treasure trove of His exceeding great and precious promises.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 7/7/2024 1:06:42 PM (No. 1751631)
The dimwit diversity pick for VP, rigging the primaries and money handling came back and bit them. If Joetato steps down (which i seriously doubt) and they replace Kamalaladingdong, with anyone else, imagine the screeching that'll happen.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
kreeger 7/7/2024 1:16:23 PM (No. 1751637)
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 7/7/2024 1:22:30 PM (No. 1751638)
#12 has it right. The Dems know that they are behind the eight ball with whoever they end up leading the ticket. Look for massive vote fraud this time even worse than 2020. Illegals voting, thousands of fake mail-in or drop box ballots and wall to wall media gaslighting (lying). It may be Kamala, and she will be hailed as Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, the second coming of Abraham Lincoln and smarter than Albert Einstein.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
mc squared 7/7/2024 1:41:37 PM (No. 1751650)
Joe is a placeholder for the Democrat's replacement. Joe getes the attention and takes the heat, but when he drops out at the convention there will be no time to vet his replacement. No debaters, no 'talking tours', Nothing.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Kafka2 7/7/2024 1:47:04 PM (No. 1751656)
Biden has every right to not withdraw from race for president after winning all those democrat primaries. After all, if they throw out the results os all those democratic primaries they will be destroying Democracy as well.
The only justification the Democrats have for throwing out the primary results is without all the lies and deception Biden would not have won the primaries. That would require the Democrats to admit the lies lies and deception they used to rig the primaries in Biden’s favor.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
mifla 7/8/2024 7:19:54 AM (No. 1752132)
I hope he does try and there is a messy, public fight over it.
I want the country to see how the Dems worship power over the good of the country.
That being said, Jill and Hunter are no match for the Dem power brokers. They will be steamrolled over.
With luck, Joe will forget to pardon Hunter.
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