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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to undergo
procedure at Walter Reed, will transfer
power to deputy

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Posted By: FlyRight, 5/24/2024 7:27:11 PM

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will undergo a medical procedure at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Friday evening and will transfer power temporarily to his deputy, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said in a statement. Austin is continuing to deal with bladder issues that arose in December following his treatment for prostate cancer, Ryder said. The procedure is elective and minimally invasive, “is not related to his cancer diagnosis and has had no effect on his exrcellent cancer prognosis,” the press secretary said.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 5/24/2024 7:45:37 PM (No. 1724193)
Maybe he won't get it back
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 5/24/2024 7:50:00 PM (No. 1724196)
I'm surprised they are not appointing Rachel Levine to fill in for Austin. ''She'' would satisfy the DEI crowd.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 5/24/2024 8:01:03 PM (No. 1724203)
Maybe Austin should pull the plug and resign due to his health issues.
27 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: rikkitikki 5/24/2024 8:06:12 PM (No. 1724207)
This is the lame-brain who oversaw America's gift of $100bn of its most advanced armaments to the Taliban, and, most recently, gave its $100mm base in Niger to the Russians. As long as he's in the hospital, I suggest they also implant a pig brain into Austin's couldn't hurt, and, hey, maybe his IQ will even go up...
29 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: downnout 5/24/2024 8:21:28 PM (No. 1724213)
Well, be sure the Assistant Defense Secretary is told this time.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: red1066 5/24/2024 8:37:37 PM (No. 1724222)
Why bother transferring power. There isn't a single person in this administration with any intelligence to do the job they were given.
34 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/24/2024 11:07:33 PM (No. 1724285)
Hopefully the Dr. in charge is a DEI selectee.
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Trigger2 5/25/2024 4:51:25 AM (No. 1724353)
If he's so sick, why doesn't he just retire? It would leave the millitary a whole lot better off.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: TCloud 5/25/2024 6:28:15 AM (No. 1724384)
He and his cadres are on course to walk us all into a nuclear war. Well, when this happens, that will be the end for Mankind...such idiots!
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: bpl40 5/25/2024 7:06:11 AM (No. 1724406)
In the greater scheme of things, does it make any difference??
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Strike3 5/25/2024 7:19:12 AM (No. 1724419)
Are they going to sew something on him that he is lacking?
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Bur Oak 5/25/2024 7:19:22 AM (No. 1724420)
"The procedure is elective and minimally invasive," For some reason I don't believe this.
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lawsy0 5/25/2024 7:39:37 AM (No. 1724432)
Defend this!
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Strike3 5/25/2024 7:53:57 AM (No. 1724440)
As usual, the press secretary tells the public that everything about this government is beautiful, perfectly fine, rosy and the best it's ever been, not at all like the suffering we endured during the Trump presidency.
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Rumblehog 5/25/2024 9:03:58 AM (No. 1724486)
A brain transplant by chance?
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 5/25/2024 9:12:52 AM (No. 1724496)
I wish him well.....
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: edgar 5/25/2024 9:20:11 AM (No. 1724503)
Does the Deputy know this? Just asking.
2 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: RussZilla 5/25/2024 9:58:05 AM (No. 1724553)
Rectal encephalectomy? It’s too late to do any good.
4 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: dbdiva 5/25/2024 10:14:49 AM (No. 1724569)
I'm with #8. What will this be ~ the 3rd time he'll be taking care of "whatever"?? Seems that "whatever" may be more serious than they're letting on. IMO, he should retire and deal with this issue once and for all. In a perfect world, he'd be replaced by someone who has the best interests of this country at heart but considering that we have a feckless fraud at the helm that wouldn't be the case.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: NotaBene 5/25/2024 11:17:41 AM (No. 1724642)
No problem. General Charlie Brown is in charge and he is also DEI.
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Strike3 5/25/2024 12:38:22 PM (No. 1724701)
Is anybody in this government healthy in mind and body? I'm beginning to think they all belong in some sort of asylum.
4 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 5/25/2024 2:26:39 PM (No. 1724779)
Is the deputy a DEI appointee, too?
4 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: berthabutt 5/25/2024 9:18:44 PM (No. 1724936)
My guess it's for colonoscopy. Knock out juice would mean that he's not to make 'important' decisions for 24 hrs. He probably won't be any sharper after it wears off than when goes under!
1 person likes this.

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5 things to know about Memorial Day, including
its evolution and controversies
0 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/27/2024 7:55:13 AM Post Reply
Memorial Day is supposed to be about mourning the nation’s fallen service members, but it’s come to anchor the unofficial start of summer and a long weekend of discounts on anything from mattresses to lawn mowers. But for people such as Manuel Castañeda Jr., the day is very personal. He lost his father, a U.S. Marine who served in Vietnam, in an accident in 1966 in California while his father was training other Marines. “It isn’t just the specials. It isn’t just the barbecue,” Castañeda told The Associated Press in a discussion about Memorial Day last year.
Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn't
Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict
Trump of Guilt
3 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/27/2024 7:52:14 AM Post Reply
At this point in time finding Donald Trump guilty of anything, any crime at all, is just a matter of Judge Juan Merchan following through on expectations. The entire world is watching what happens in New York City through the prism of ridiculous lawfare and politics. No intellectually honest observers believe this is a trial about substance, guilt, criminal activity or innocence therein. The illusion of a nonprejudicial justice system has long past and everyone can see the extreme politicization taking place in Judge Merchan’s courtroom. Finding President Trump guilty of a crime is seemingly a foregone conclusion.
Turkey's Government Enables Terrorists 0 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/27/2024 7:47:25 AM Post Reply
Turks earning the minimum wage cannot afford their rents, and have difficulty paying utility bills. Many people cannot even afford to buy food, while Erdogan's government has chosen to spend its resources on aggressive wars and cooperation with terrorist groups and regimes in the region such as Hamas, Islamic State (ISIS), the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Syria, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2012, the Turkish government reportedly donated $300 million to Hamas as the group set up shop in Turkey. A Turkish nongovernmental organization with ties to the government, the Foundation for Human Rights (IHH) [which also organized the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla],
EU-Israel relations take a nosedive as
Spain, Ireland set to formally recognize
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1 reply
Posted by FlyRight 5/27/2024 7:44:50 AM Post Reply
Relations between the European Union and Israel took a nosedive on the eve of the diplomatic recognition of a Palestinian state by EU members Ireland and Spain, with Madrid suggesting sanctions should be considered against Israel for its continued attacks in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Spain that its consulate in Jerusalem will not be allowed to help Palestinians. At the same time, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, a Spaniard, threw his full weight to support the International Criminal Court, whose prosecutor is seeking an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, including the leaders of Hamas.
10 IDF Combat Soldiers Did Something
Unprecedented In History
9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/25/2024 4:45:47 PM Post Reply
How unbelievable is this? Did you ever expect that IDF combat soldiers would make history in such a way? This is pretty cool, to say the least. And what message does it send to our enemies? That the Jewish people continue to live and build families. We continue to bring more good in this world and spread joy despite all that our enemies try to do to us and take away from us. They try to destroy us, and we create more life. They try to break us, and we build more. Hamas and the rest of the Jewish people’s enemies represent death, and the Jewish people represent life.
Jack Smith asks judge
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Posted by FlyRight 5/25/2024 2:07:34 PM Post Reply
Special Counsel Jack Smith asked a federal judge Friday to bar former President Donald Trump from characterizing the FBI's 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago as a threat to him and his family, arguing that the claims put law enforcement agents in danger. In the motion filed to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over the classified documents case in Florida, Smith requested Trump be prohibited from making statements that "pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case."
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1 reply
Posted by FlyRight 5/25/2024 1:19:56 PM Post Reply
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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to undergo
procedure at Walter Reed, will transfer
power to deputy
23 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/24/2024 7:27:11 PM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will undergo a medical procedure at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Friday evening and will transfer power temporarily to his deputy, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said in a statement. Austin is continuing to deal with bladder issues that arose in December following his treatment for prostate cancer, Ryder said. The procedure is elective and minimally invasive, “is not related to his cancer diagnosis and has had no effect on his exrcellent cancer prognosis,” the press secretary said.
The Secret Reason Hamas's Friends - Ireland,
Norway, Spain (and Germany) - Are Helping
the Palestinians
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/24/2024 7:21:53 AM Post Reply
Ireland, Norway and Spain should have advised the Palestinians that if they wanted anything from Israel, they should sit down and negotiate with the Israelis, and not try to impose any solution on them with the help of the international community. They also should have told them that there will be no peace negotiations with Israel unless the Palestinians repudiate and renounce terrorism and recognize Israel's right to exist. Apparently, Ireland, Norway and Spain do not even realize that they just strengthened the terrorists in their own countries. When Muslims demonstrated in Hamburg last month and demanded that shariah law and a Caliphate replace democracy in Germany,
IDF troops raid Hamas compound, seize
weapons cache from hidden tunnel in Rafah
4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/21/2024 8:52:32 PM Post Reply
Israeli forces conducted a raid against a Hamas compound in Gaza on Tuesday, uncovering a tunnel and a significant cache of weapons and explosives. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released footage and images from the operation, which targeted a building Israel says Hamas troops used to fire on their forces. IDF soldiers eliminated "dozens" of Hamas terrorists during the operation, the military said. "Soldiers searched a building and located many weapons including protective equipment, explosives, weapons, anti-tank missiles, equipment and tools intended for breaching fences," the IDF said in a statement.
Democrats propose ban on officials receiving
payments from foreign governments after
Trump probe
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/21/2024 8:39:36 PM Post Reply
Democrats introduced legislation Tuesday that would prohibit U.S. officials from accepting money, payments or gifts from foreign governments without congressional consent, their response to a yearslong probe into former President Donald Trump’s overseas business dealings. The proposal led by Rep. Jamie Raskin and Sen. Richard Blumenthal would enforce the Constitution’s ban on emoluments, which prohibits the president from accepting foreign gifts and money without Congress’ permission. Democrats say Trump brazenly ignored the clause as president as foreign government officials flocked to his hotels and properties.
Palestinians Threaten to Attack US Troops 13 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/20/2024 7:43:22 AM Post Reply
The Palestinians] seem confident that if the Biden administration is rewarding them for malign behavior, it is clearly working, so why not keep it up? The Palestinians are hoping to scare the Americans and prevent them from cooperating with Israel on the future of the Gaza Strip after the war. The Biden administration did not, it seems, even demand that, in return for the humanitarian aid, the hostages be released or that the terrorists stop launching rockets into Israel. Apparently, the Biden administration did not even request assurances that the aid would not be seized and diverted by the terrorists.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2024 1:50:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/26/2024 3:43:44 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2024 10:44:13 AM Post Reply
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Posted by plomke 5/26/2024 5:54:12 PM Post Reply
Email New York Post Search Politics Facebook Twitter Flipboard WhatsApp Email Copy Buttigieg blames climate change for increase in severe flight turbulence By Social Links for Ryan King Published May 26, 2024, 2:01 p.m. ET Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg faulted climate change for the increase in severe turbulence on commercial airline flights while citing estimates that it has shot up by double digits over recent decades.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2024 10:55:05 PM Post Reply
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Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t
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Trump of Guilt
22 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/26/2024 7:38:11 PM Post Reply
At this point in time finding Donald Trump guilty of anything, any crime at all, is just a matter of Judge Juan Merchan following through on expectations. The entire world is watching what happens in New York City through the prism of ridiculous lawfare and politics. No intellectually honest observers believe this is a trial about substance, guilt, criminal activity or innocence therein. The illusion of a nonprejudicial justice system has long past and everyone can see the extreme politicization taking place in Judge Merchan’s courtroom. Finding President Trump guilty of a crime is seemingly a foregone conclusion. Even the White House is saying Joe Biden will deliver remarks
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Posted by Trapper 5/26/2024 11:42:32 AM Post Reply
Indiana Fever coach Christie Sides has never had a winning record and finished dead last year in the WNBA. Now, her goal is to not only bring down Caitlin Clark and her team – that’s not enough. Christie Sides is going to single-handedly destroy the WNBA’s one chance to become a profitable sports league. And it only took seven games.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/26/2024 1:53:11 AM Post Reply
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Déjà Vu? $75M Set Aside for Security
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19 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/26/2024 12:44:37 PM Post Reply
Are we soon to witness 1968 all over again, where violence wracked the Chicago Democratic National Convention in the lead-up to the November presidential vote? Many pundits have predicted exactly that, taking into account the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020 and the ongoing pro-Hamas demonstrations roiling campuses across the nation. RedState’s Andrew Malcolm and Ward Clark have both delved into the issue before: But let’s examine some numbers to get a better sense of the chances of chaos overtaking the Second City when Democrats meet there in late August to formally certify the decrepit incumbent President Joe Biden as their standard-bearer for the ’24 election.
Insiders predict this 'powerhouse' Republican
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19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/26/2024 10:47:00 AM Post Reply
A potential name on former President Trump's running mate shortlist is being described by political insiders as a "powerhouse" that could bring a major boost to his chances at retaking the White House. The horse race among those hoping to be named Trump's running mate continued this week with the names widely believed to be on the shortlist making the rounds on various media outlets and at public events to praise the former president, including House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik of New York, who some say has a certain "attractiveness" for the role.
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 5/26/2024 9:44:40 PM Post Reply
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) would be “extremely honored” to be President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, she said this weekend. Ernst was interviewed on the Breitbart News Memorial Day Weekend special on SiriusXM Patriot 125. She offered a tribute, as a U.S. Army veteran, to those American servicemen and servicewomen who had made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.“I think there are a lot of really wonderful people who are being considered,” Ernst said, after being asked if she would accept the job of being Trump’s running mate if it were offered to her.
Libertarian Party Chooses Openly Gay Former
Democrat Chase Oliver as Its Nominee,
Uses Victory Speech to Rail Against ‘Genocide
in Gaza’
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/27/2024 4:04:59 AM Post Reply
The Libertarian Party has chosen 38-year-old Chase Oliver as its 2024 presidential nominee. An openly gay former Democrat who once supported Barack Obama, Oliver used his victory speech to rail against the U.S. “war machine” and demand an end to the “genocide in Gaza,” according to the Washington Examiner. After author Michael Rectenwald was eliminated from the race during Sunday night’s voting, the final vote was between Oliver and “none of the above,” in which he ultimately prevailed with around 60 percent support. He announced economist Mike ter Maat as his running mate.
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