Biden Rubs Americans’ Noses In The Fact
That He’s Done Nothing On The Border Crisis
Daily Wire,
Virginia Kruta
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
4/24/2024 4:12:15 PM
President Joe Biden signed the $95 billion foreign aid bill on Wednesday — and then immediately took time out to remind Americans of one thing that did not make it into the final product: border security.
Biden complained about the bipartisan border security bill that was negotiated earlier in the year, saying that it should have been included in the foreign aid package. It was ultimately rejected by Republicans over concerns that it would simply provide amnesty for illegals already in the country while doing little to stem the flow across the southern border.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 4/24/2024 5:30:37 PM (No. 1705439)
It is very important that Jill seeks photo-ops and "softball" magazine interviews. The Demented Fuhrer is probably packing the suitcase heading for the beaches of Delaware.
No bicycle.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
danu 4/24/2024 5:44:35 PM (No. 1705451)
johnson is doing the same thing-and-sneaking in loads more dollars for ngo's pushing open borders
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Geoman 4/24/2024 6:07:31 PM (No. 1705462)
FTA: "...just this year, I proposed and negotiated and agreed to the strongest border security bill this country has ever, ever, ever seen. It was bipartisan." Every utterance from the brain damaged hater-in chief must be seen as a bald face lie, unless proven otherwise. Bipartisan does not mean that a piece of progressive legislation where the usual RINO suspects are rounded up to kiss the Biden ring is supported by the conservative half of the country. The part about the Biden's border security bill being the strongest this country has ever, ever, ever seen is a most sickening lie. The strongest border security in the history of the United States was provided courtesy of the taxpayers of Texas in the form of a relatively small number of Texas Rangers. Then, as now, the Rangers got involved due to the violent thieves and murderers coming across the border, doing their dirty deeds, then crossing back over into Mexico. The Rangers weren't a woke outfit, often pursuing thieves, murderers, and assorted bandits across the border into Mexico, more often than not, killing them in the gun battles that followed. It was a "border security bill," creating the Border Patrol, by Congress that ended the Ranger's effective border security activities. Today, the Customs and Border Protection (CPB) branch's website admits on their Border Patrol history page that "Texas Rangers were also sporadically assigned to patrol duties by the state, and their efforts were noted as "singularly effective." Since the inception of the U.S. Border Patrol in 1924, no other entity has been singularly effective in deterring unlawful entry into the US, and they were wholly ineffective in addressing the violence from criminal aliens and their organized gangs. Pancho Villa led one such early "cartel," but our government actually sent Gen. Blackjack Pershing to the border with Army troops in attempt to quell the cross-border violence, with poor results. Biden, the most cravenly weak president in our history will never support "strong border security," likely because Biden has never been anything in his life but an anti-American political grifter. Our patriotic Americans and our elected representatives have been asleep at the switch, and as a result, Biden may have imported enough foreign born socialists, communists, and anarchists that his party's unconstitutional Mau Mauing of our national election processes, ostensibly in response to the strategic release of the democrat/Chinese CCP-made virus, may result in Biden being illegitimately elected to another term. If 50% or more of our actual citizens are disenfranchised once again by another democrat election caper, which could include the extra-judicial jailing Donald Trump, 'business as usual' in this country should come to a screeching halt. To stave off another J-6 outcome, those willing and able to 'peacefully protest' need only don Hamas do-rags to become untouchable by federal law enforcement and the Blue city governments in our large cities and urban areas, exploiting Biden's double standards. Of course avoiding another nationwide protest rally in Washington, DC - the belly of the beast - should go without saying.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
dgw1949 4/24/2024 10:05:43 PM (No. 1705531)
DONE NOTHING! He has done plenty on the border!
He totally opened it up on day one.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
mifla 4/25/2024 5:33:14 AM (No. 1705613)
And what will you say when the next 9/11 happens on your watch because the bad guys waltzed over our open border?
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