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“This Will Be the Sleeper Issue of 2024”
— The Democrat Election Steal Is In
Motion: 1.7 Million Mysterious Voter Registrations
Recorded in Texas Since 2020

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 4/23/2024 9:03:18 PM

The Democrat election steal machine is in motion. While Republicans sleep Democrats are already maneuvering for another massive election steal in November 2024. Either the Republican Party is completely worthless or is in on it. They can’t possibly be this blind and ignorant. Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote released a shocking video on Monday regarding a mysterious surge in Texas voter registrations since the beginning of 2024.Texas added 1.8 million new registrations before the 2020 election.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chagrined 4/23/2024 9:10:11 PM (No. 1704873)
Yeah. No kiddin'. And what is the rino infested "Republican" Party doing about it? Little to NOTHING!
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Socio 4/23/2024 9:15:55 PM (No. 1704874)
They are either creating non-existent voters, I remember in 2020 where 100's of voters were registered at the same residence address, at vacant lots and various business addresses. Or they are illegally registering illegal immigrants.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bogasso 4/23/2024 9:42:09 PM (No. 1704897)
Rs have been giving up ground ever since GHWB got elected, I can’t imagine why they’d start resisting now. When do we, particularly those of us who are too clever not to know the fix is in, stop wasting time on forums like this? We need to create a hobby that the left won’t try to ban.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 4/23/2024 9:55:12 PM (No. 1704911)
1.7 million illegals registered ILLEGALLY in Texas. Now honest Texans have to get these records cleaned and verified.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 4/23/2024 10:32:51 PM (No. 1704934)
Too many RINOs, even in Texas. They are happy to have Trump lose due to Deep State fraud.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Trigger2 4/24/2024 1:32:25 AM (No. 1704982)
That's 1.7 million illegals. Demonrats will always lie and cheat to stay in office.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 4/24/2024 4:30:41 AM (No. 1705002)
"Sleeper Issue"?! It better be front and center if we are ever to get out from under the ruin and destruction Joe Biden and the Dems have bestowed on us. This country will not survive another Biden/Dem presidency, we are barely making it now. Republicans better get off their collective a**es and do something for the American people for a change, this go along to get along crap is more or less colluding with an enemy, which is what I see Biden and company as, enemies of the people, who lust for power and money at our expense, driving us into the poor house, making us vulnerable to illegals and terrorists, and the chaos we are seeing in the streets right now. FJB MAGA
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: privateer 4/24/2024 6:42:42 AM (No. 1705056)
I have come to the conclusion that Republicans have a 'sidekick' mentality. They want feel important, be there where the action is, and the money!...but they don't want to be in charge, take responsibility or decide things. You could say they are contented losers. In comparison, the Commiecrats are rabid wolverines.
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 4/24/2024 7:12:38 AM (No. 1705089)
The Biden Clown Show hates Texas and the feeling is mutual. If Pedo Joe "wins" in Texas it will be proof enough that there was massive cheating. Nobody is going to be allowed to do it again in 2024 without getting forcefully audited.
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Kafka2 4/24/2024 10:09:00 AM (No. 1705221)
Number 2 is spot on. And, Texas is not the only state where this is going on. During Covid, changes were made in many states that were never constitutionally approved by state legislatures to allow vote harvesting, mail out ballots that compromised ballot integrity. Every election since then has gotten worse. Biden and the Democrats have fought to keep any challenger to Biden off Democrat primary ballots and are trying to use the legal system to disqualify Trump. We will be lucky if all this effort doesn’t result in a stolen election.
1 person likes this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bighambone 4/24/2024 10:16:26 AM (No. 1705231)
With fraudulent incidents like this being freely perpetrated by the leftist and progressive Democrats, why even have costly elections on into the future, and just count all the partisan voter registrations instead?
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:18:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:12:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:11:55 AM Post Reply
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He’s Shot: Joe Biden Shakes Hands with
Air After Incoherent Speech in Tampa (Video)
13 replies
Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:04:00 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday arrived in Tampa, Florida to attack the 6-week abortion ban during remarks at Hillsborough Community College’s Dale Mabry campus. Florida is Trump country! No one cares that Joe Biden is in Tampa. He can’t even fill a small venue. (X Photos) Biden is hoping to shore up the Gen Z vote in Florida by attacking the state’s 6-week abortion ban that goes into effect May 1. After finishing his slur-filled speech, Biden turned to his right and shook hands with air. Biden shook hands with a ghost and pretended to fall over. He’s completely shot. WATCH: (Video)
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9 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:19:18 PM Post Reply
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Joe Biden in Tampa: “I Used to Drive
an 18-Wheeler” – Biden Has Never Driven
an 18-Wheeler (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:14:43 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Tampa, Florida to participate in a campaign event. After wrapping up a speech at Hillsborough Community College, Biden headed over to a campaign office in Tampa. Biden told several lies to the campaign volunteers. He falsely claimed he was involved in the civil rights movement as a kid. Then he claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler. “Besides, I used to drive an 18-wheeler,” Biden said to staffers at his campaign office in Tampa. WATCH: (Video) This is one of Joe Biden’s favorite lies.
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Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:08:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 9:24:51 PM Post Reply
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“This Will Be the Sleeper Issue of 2024”
— The Democrat Election Steal Is In
Motion: 1.7 Million Mysterious Voter Registrations
Recorded in Texas Since 2020
11 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 9:03:18 PM Post Reply
The Democrat election steal machine is in motion. While Republicans sleep Democrats are already maneuvering for another massive election steal in November 2024. Either the Republican Party is completely worthless or is in on it. They can’t possibly be this blind and ignorant. Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote released a shocking video on Monday regarding a mysterious surge in Texas voter registrations since the beginning of 2024.Texas added 1.8 million new registrations before the 2020 election.
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Posted by Beardo 4/23/2024 2:39:37 PM Post Reply
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George Conway: I’m Donating $929,600
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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:11:55 AM Post Reply
Attorney George Conway said Tuesday on CNN’s “Out Front” that he was donating $929,600 to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign because former President Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Erin Burnett said, “You are giving Biden the maximum amount, but somebody can give Joe Biden, $929,600 that you have earned over your life to a person running for president so how in the world did you get there?” Conway said, “Yeah, no, that’s that’s just an amazing story to me. If you told me that I would do something like that and support a Democrat and tomorrow an item we headlining a fundraiser in Washington asking Democrats
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Posted by ladydawgfan 4/23/2024 9:15:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 4/23/2024 2:18:28 PM Post Reply
Are you aware that there have been two near-catastrophes at major American airports (DC Reagan and NY JFK) where airplanes were cleared to cross runways as another airplane was taking off? (snip) The first incident took place last Thursday, April 18, at Reagan National Airport when the tower controller ordered a Southwest jet to cross a runway as a Jet Blue plane was taking off. (snip) A mere 3 days later, at JFK Airport, a Swiss Airlines jumbo jet was at the end of the runway cleared for takeoff when multiple airliners, including a Delta jumbo jet were cleared to cross the runway.
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23 replies
Posted by DW626 4/24/2024 7:32:34 AM Post Reply
Okay, I stand corrected on one thing: Columbia University’s terror camp is coming down. I was skeptical, given that President Minouche Shafik has said terrorism is another form of protest. New York’s finest can’t move until the front office gives the green light—Columbia is private property. It seems the university has come to its senses: they’ve given a midnight deadline to set the terms for the dismantling of this tent city of Hamas propaganda and antisemitism:
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Posted by JoElla Bee 4/24/2024 11:57:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 4/24/2024 8:27:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 4/23/2024 9:01:49 PM Post Reply
A transgender student told New Hampshire lawmakers that forcing him to play on the boys’ team at school gives him “mental anguish” and that he should be allowed to play on the team that matches his gender identity. Male-born track & field athlete Maelle Jacques appeared before the House Education Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives Monday to speak against SB375, which would ban transgender girls from playing on any state-sponsored school girls’ sports team. “Joining a male team wouldn’t even be a choice for me” because of the “mental anguish I’d go through being forced to be someone I’m not,” he said during his prepared statement. [Tweet, video]
Joe Biden in Tampa: “I Used to Drive
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an 18-Wheeler (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:14:43 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Tampa, Florida to participate in a campaign event. After wrapping up a speech at Hillsborough Community College, Biden headed over to a campaign office in Tampa. Biden told several lies to the campaign volunteers. He falsely claimed he was involved in the civil rights movement as a kid. Then he claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler. “Besides, I used to drive an 18-wheeler,” Biden said to staffers at his campaign office in Tampa. WATCH: (Video) This is one of Joe Biden’s favorite lies.
Pope Francis on Earth Day: Planet Is ‘Falling
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18 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/23/2024 12:19:29 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis commemorated Earth Day on Monday by warning that the planet is “falling into ruin” thanks to humanity’s failure to protect it. “Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet and we are not safeguarding peace,” the pontiff chided on X (former Twitter). “We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth which is ‘falling into ruin,’” he declared, followed by “#EarthDay.” For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020, Pope Francis issued a similar indictment of humanity’s failure to care for the planet, blaming human selfishness for the ruin of the earth.
Princeton Students Prepare to Set Up Anti-Israel
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17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/24/2024 1:49:44 PM Post Reply
Princeton University students are preparing to establish an anti-Israel protest encampment, according to documents obtained by National Review. The students claim to have pro bono legal support and trained security. A draft of a press release titled “Princeton Gaza Solidarity Encampment Demands” states that the “goal” is to “put pressure on the Princeton University administration to divest and disassociate from Israel, and to call attention to the University’s active contribution to ongoing genocide and human rights catastrophe.” The group is demanding that 1) Princeton call for an immediate cease-fire and “condemn Israel’s genocidal campaign,” 2) commit to full transparency in its investments 3) dissociate and divest
BREAKING: New Jersey Congressman Donald
Payne Jr. Dead at 65
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/24/2024 1:52:47 PM Post Reply
Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J.) has passed away from complications after suffering a heart attack on April 6. Payne never regained consciousness after the cardiac arrest and was kept alive on a ventilator in the intensive care unit at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. He was 65 years old. Advertisement "Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of our friend, and a steadfast champion for the people of New Jersey, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.," wrote New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy in a statement released just after noon ET on Wednesday. [Tweet] Payne's office originally attempted to depict the heart attack as non-life-threatening.
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