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LIVE: Trump Keynotes the Black Conservative
Federation Gala in S.C. – 2/23/24

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Posted By: earlybird, 2/23/2024 8:47:16 PM

The Black Conservative Federation (BCF) is holding its annual gala to honor multiple individuals who have made contributions to the movement, and former President Donald Trump will serve as the keynote speaker. The event is scheduled to happen at 6 p.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 23, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center where President Trump will deliver the keynote speech. Tonight’s honorees include: Dr. Ben Carson with the lifetime achievement award, Mary Millben with the BCF President’s Award and C.J. Pearson BCF Champion Award.



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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 2/23/2024 8:54:22 PM (No. 1664043)
Speeches earlier today and yesterday:
3 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thefield 2/23/2024 9:07:04 PM (No. 1664049)
WhT I saw of it Trump was having a blast.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 2/24/2024 4:18:48 AM (No. 1664125)
One has to have enormous respect for these folks. They must have to survive constant harassment from the entire Democrat-media plantation system, and yet they succeed.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 2/24/2024 8:14:35 AM (No. 1664240)
This must have been a severe gut punch to the Plantation owners. I would bet that Trump did not tell them, "You ain't Black!"
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: privateer 2/24/2024 9:22:23 AM (No. 1664309)
Courtesy of a CTH poster, Battleship Wisconsin: 'Millions of liberal white woman are one of Joe Biden’s principal sources of voter support, one which can put him close enough to victory in November so that massive in-your-face election fraud can close the gap and put Biden over the top.' I suggest that we STOP! calling them 'Karens'. The two Karens I know are some of the most gracious and intelligent patriots out there. I propose instead 'Carin' Carin was the Swedish first wife of Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering. These gals pretend to be carin' but they are really just Carin. Apologies to any Swedish women, but there are a heck of a lot more Karens.
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Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 9:36:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 11:58:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 11:47:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 11:39:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 11:13:32 AM Post Reply
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LIVE: Trump Keynotes the Black Conservative
Federation Gala in S.C. – 2/23/24
5 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 8:47:16 PM Post Reply
The Black Conservative Federation (BCF) is holding its annual gala to honor multiple individuals who have made contributions to the movement, and former President Donald Trump will serve as the keynote speaker. The event is scheduled to happen at 6 p.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 23, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center where President Trump will deliver the keynote speech. Tonight’s honorees include: Dr. Ben Carson with the lifetime achievement award, Mary Millben with the BCF President’s Award and C.J. Pearson BCF Champion Award.
Disposable Democrats 6 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 7:42:54 PM Post Reply
In a totalitarian government, everyone is a Kleenex. Once you serve your purpose, you are disposable. Oh, the ruler may keep you around for a while, but sooner or later, everyone gets thrown away. Democrats are showing their supporters just how disposable they are. In recent weeks, Biden has betrayed black people, women and others. Let’s start with black people who provide one-fourth of the votes Democrats receive. That’s a lot of votes and a lot of clout. For decades, Democrats took them for granted but about 20 years ago, Democrats adopted a DEI strategy that has led to a surge of black mayors across the country and of course, Barack Obama.
Trump Private Investigator: New Phone
Data Casts Serious Doubt on Fani Willis Relationship
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 1:03:39 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s Georgia attorneys hired a private investigator to obtain calls between the Fulton County district attorney and her special counsel, finding they allegedly made more than 2,000 calls and 12,000 texts many months before their relationship started, according to a court filing. Trump attorneys Steve Sadow and Jennifer Little on Friday filed a court affidavit from a private investigator to provide a text and voice call history for the special counsel, Nathan Wade. Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade have been accused of engaging in an improper and secretive relationship in which Ms. Willis financially benefitted from public funds/
Biden’s New Border ‘Plan’ Shows
Democrats Lied About Needing More Laws
From Congress
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/22/2024 4:44:39 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has vehemently denied any blame for the years-long U.S. southern border invasion with claims that Congress, not the president, must act to defend the nation. “I’ve done all I can do,” Biden said last month on the White House lawn. “Just give me the power.”(snip)But now Politico is reporting that the president does, in fact, recognize the authority at his disposal to address the border crisis.
Judge Questions Credibility of Fani Willis’s
Father During Testimony
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/21/2024 10:57:38 AM Post Reply
A Georgia judge suggested that the credibility of a key witness in the case against Fulton County Fani Willis could be tainted because he appeared to violate sequestration rules before testifying at a hearing last week. John Floyd, the father of Ms. Willis, was called in as a state’s witness to testify in favor of the embattled district attorney (snip)Ashleigh Merchant, a lawyer for the co-defendant who brought the motion against the district attorney, attempted to strike Mr. Floyd’s testimony after he said he was aware of Ms. Willis’s testimony from the previous day because the case is everywhere in the media and that he reads newspapers every day.
Trump learns 6 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/20/2024 11:10:06 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 without needing to dig up dirt on Hillary because the FBI already did that with the email scandal. But he failed to dig up dirt on Biden in 2020. The open secret in DC was Biden was easily bought. Everyone knew — except Trump. Now as he faces lawfare — the act of tying a man up in court to bleed him dry from legal fees — Trump apparently has learned to dig up dirt on at least one of his persecutors: Fani Willis the George Soros district attorney in Atlanta who threw her weight and indicted President Trump and associates,
It's George Washington's Birthday 12 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/19/2024 8:54:29 PM Post Reply
“First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen. He was second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life; pious, just, humane, temperate and sincere; uniform, dignified and commanding, his example was as edifying to all around him, as were the effects of that example lasting. “To his equals he was condescending; to his inferiors kind; and to the dear object of his affections exemplarily tender: Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence, and virtue always felt his fostering hand; the purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues.”
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Wayne LaPierre, NRA Found Liable in Civil
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/24/2024 12:32:59 AM Post Reply
A jury found Wayne LaPierre and the National Rifle Association liable in a New York state civil corruption trial Friday, ruling that LaPierre misappropriated millions of dollars when he was NRA chief executive officer to finance a lavish lifestyle while the gun-rights organization neglected proper financial management. After five days of deliberations, the jury held that LaPierre cost the NRA $5.4 million, even accounting for the $1 million he had previously repaid. The trial in the lawsuit brought by New York attorney general Letitia James in 2020 came after a three-year investigation into the NRA, which is registered as a nonprofit organization in New York.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki
Haley for helping Democrats make the case
against Trump: ‘One of our better surrogates’
26 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:09:05 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has become one of the “better surrogates” for Democrats in 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday. Haley, who is Donald Trump’s last remaining GOP primary rival, has attacked the former president throughout the race, arguing that the 77-year-old is too old to serve another term White House and warning that his “chaos” will hurt Republican chances at the ballot boxes in November. “I think she’s one of our better surrogates, so I hope she stays in [the GOP primary race],” Newsom, 56, told CNN host Jake Tapper, arguing that her criticisms of the former president are “spot on.”
ICE: Georgia Nursing Student Murdered
by Biden Admin-Released Venezuelan Migrant
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Posted by mc squared 2/24/2024 12:36:11 PM Post Reply
BORDER TOWN USA: A Venezuelan migrant who illegally crossed the Mexican border into Texas in 2022 is charged in the murder of a Georgia nursing student. The Biden administration released the Venezuelan national in El Paso where he listed an NGO in New York City as his destination. A source within U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) told Breitbart Texas that its officers in the Atlanta field office arrested 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra where he is now charged with the alleged murder of University of Georgia – Athens (UGA) nursing student, 22-year-old Laken Hope Riley. The source, not authorized to speak with the media,
Nikki Haley’s popularity has plummeted
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:05:02 AM Post Reply
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News this week that she sees herself as Republican voters’ alternative to frontrunner Donald Trump — if the former president’s legal challenges and GOP voters turn against him. Her one problem: Republican primary voters no longer see her that way. According to January’s national NBC News poll, 34% of Republican primary voters view Haley in a positive light, versus 36% who have a negative opinion of her (a -2 net rating).
Brother of UGA murder suspect charged
with green card fraud
20 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 2/24/2024 8:15:26 AM Post Reply
An undocumented Venezuelan man living in Athens, Georgia — who is the brother of a suspect accused of killing on the University of Georgia campus —— was charged Friday night with possessing a fraudulent green card, according to officials. Diego Ibarra, 29, was charged by a federal criminal complaint and is being held in state custody, the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Georgia said in a press release. Ibarra could face as many as ten years in prison if convicted.
Gallup: Boy O Boy Is Brandon in Trouble 19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/24/2024 12:43:04 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden may be trying to revive his presidency by bringing out his inner "Dark Brandon," but according to all the polls the American people aren't buying it one little bit. It's just any poll. It's every poll. Including the granddaddy of them all, Gallup, which just released its new numbers on Biden's ratings with the voters, and the news is simply devastating. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans’ approval of President Joe Biden’s job performance has edged down three percentage points to 38%, just one point shy of his all-time low and well below the 50% threshold that has typically led to reelection for incumbents. In addition, Biden registers subpar approval ratings
Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Released
on San Diego Streets After Funding Runs Out
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/24/2024 11:58:48 AM Post Reply
The U.S. Border Patrol began releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants onto the streets of San Diego on Feb. 23, a day after a nonprofit group that was contracted to provide transportation, food, and other basic services for the immigrants ran out of funding and shut down operations. More than 550 were released Friday morning, a Border Patrol source who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation told The Epoch Times. (snip) San Diego County has paid $6 million to South Bay Community Services (SBCS) since October to operate a “migrant welcome center” at a closed school in San Diego.
House Judiciary Committee launches probe
into CBS firing, seizing files of veteran
reporter covering Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:10:52 AM Post Reply
The House Judiciary Committee is calling CBS on the carpet over the firing of veteran reporter Catherine Herridge, who was probing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the subsequent seizure of her personal records, The Post has learned. In a scathing letter sent to CBS News President Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews on Friday — obtained exclusively by The Post — Rep. Jim Jordan, who chairs the committee, demanded the network reveal who at CBS or parent-company Paramount Global “made the decision to terminate” Herridge. The committee said it also wants to know why her confidential files were “seized” as part of the termination.
Republican Larry Hogan soars to double-digit
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15 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 2/24/2024 10:48:44 AM Post Reply
Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is holding a commanding lead over the top Democratic candidate for Senate, according to a new poll. In a potential race between the Republican and Congressman David Trone, Hogan leads 49%-33%. The Ragnar Research Partners poll surveyed 600 likely voters, pitting Hogan against top Democrats running for the soon-to-be vacant Senate seat held by Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin. He plans to retire. The former governor fared even better when Hogan was matched against Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks 52%-29%. Hogan threw his hat into the ring earlier this month after early speculation that he
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13 replies
Posted by Mushroom 2/24/2024 12:06:36 PM Post Reply
The massive outage that knocked out cellphone service for tens of thousands of AT&T users for hours Thursday was likely caused by a glitch in a software update — as viral photos show helpless AT&T store workers being harassed by angry customers.
The Problem With Pride 12 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/24/2024 4:47:01 PM Post Reply
LGBT Pride Month isn’t until June, but planning is well underway. (snip) It’s been suggested that Christian Pride become a counter-weight to LGBT Pride. (snip) Nothing good ever comes from pride. “Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind,” wrote Oxford scholar and Cambridge Professor C.S. Lewis in his book Mere Christianity. If you think that’s a harsh assessment of pride, Reformed Christian theologian, R.C. Sproul, Jr. took the issue back to its biblical core. “Pride is what brought the devil down in the first place. It is then the root sin of sin, both for him and for us.”
“More plastic generated globally, now
more than ever.” A bill in the legislature
aims to change how Minnesota disposes
of its waste
12 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 2/24/2024 4:16:27 PM Post Reply
At North Mississippi Regional Park, you’ll find the riverfront littered with packaging waste: plastic and glass bottles, food wrappers, foam containers, and even plastic wrapped around a tree. “There’s more plastic generated globally, now more than ever,” explains Mary Kosuth, an environmental health scientist at the University of Minnesota. (snip) “It makes me feel like we can do a lot better,” Kosuth says.
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