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Jury says Donald Trump must pay an additional
$83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll in defamation case

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/26/2024 4:58:38 PM

NEW YORK — A jury has awarded an additional $83.3 million to former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, who says former President Donald Trump damaged her reputation by calling her a liar after she accused him of sexual assault. Friday’s verdict was the second time in nine months that a jury addressed Carroll’s claim that Trump assaulted her in a New York City department store in 1996. Another jury last May found Trump liable for sexual abuse and ordered him to pay $5 million. This defamation trial was over things Trump said about Carroll while he was president. Trump continues to insist he was falsely accused. The verdict was

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Califedup 1/26/2024 5:02:16 PM (No. 1645159)
Appalling, Disgusting, a travesty of Justice, and a direct threat to each and everyone of us.
138 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Phantomll 1/26/2024 5:10:06 PM (No. 1645165)
23 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: marbles 1/26/2024 5:10:55 PM (No. 1645166)
76 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 1/26/2024 5:11:50 PM (No. 1645167)
This is an egregious wrong and grotesquely demonstrates that Trump has the deck stacked against him in Blue jurisdictions with injudicious courts and judges. That said, why won't Trump learn to keep his opinions to himself? Is he trying to lose?
50 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 1/26/2024 5:12:05 PM (No. 1645168)
Fraud, garbage, and NY hate.
89 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 1/26/2024 5:16:34 PM (No. 1645169)
The woman is a liar and fruitcake. She'll never see a dime of it! A real jury would have awarded her a dollar and told her to go away.
100 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Rinktum 1/26/2024 5:19:07 PM (No. 1645170)
I would say this is a disgusting miscarriage of justice, but justice left the building in January 2021. Our country’s founding fathers must be rolling in their graves. Can you begin to imagine the crowing that is going on in the media now? The judicial branch of our government has been taken over by this illegitimate administration and is running wild. This kind of lawfare is warfare and is directed at Biden’s opposition. This is not coincidence, this is by design. When you have lost justice, you have nothing, no recourse and apparently far too many Americans are okay with this. This may be directed at President Trump but this heinous administration is pushing us to the breaking point through him. They are showing the strength of their power. No one crosses them because the consequences will be inescapable and harsh. Oh, how I long to see this ever present evil get what is coming to it.
119 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 1/26/2024 5:20:07 PM (No. 1645171)
This doozy of a "case" will set a new land speed record for fastest appeal. So, someone can accuse you of something, be unable to back it up with evidence, be proven to have made things up....and a jury awards 83MM for charges conjured up out of thin air? Oh, there was a CRIME alright, but it was committed by the Deep State.
99 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/26/2024 5:24:50 PM (No. 1645172)
A political show trial.
61 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Krause 1/26/2024 5:26:57 PM (No. 1645174)
One of the all time great railroad jobs.
62 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: janjan 1/26/2024 5:29:27 PM (No. 1645175)
The best evidence is common sense. With Trump’s money he would have never given this unattractive whack job the time of day.
58 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Mofongo 1/26/2024 5:30:42 PM (No. 1645176)
I used to say that New York is a choice, not a requirement, but I was wrong. What kind of choice!!! What a despicable place!
36 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 1/26/2024 5:36:09 PM (No. 1645177)
This is federal. It’s not slander by black letter law. The federal circuit will not permit any of this to stand, even Obama judges.
27 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Birddog 1/26/2024 5:39:16 PM (No. 1645179)
The other jury already gave her $5Million... in what UNIVERSE is she worth $ 85 Million to anyone? What career did he "Ruin" that could have possibly "Earned" her anything near that? What was her highest earning year ever? At least this is sooo egregious it will clearly be granted an appeal. What do they expect him to do..GIVE her Trump Tower? The other NYC judge already stated that Mar a Lago wasn't worth anywhere near $85 million, handing her the title to that wouldn't cover 1/4th this "Award".
32 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Birddog 1/26/2024 5:41:10 PM (No. 1645180)
"Pound of Flesh" awards are illegal.
32 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/26/2024 5:44:53 PM (No. 1645181)
Lawfare. Trump - 83 million Rudy - 148 million Fox News - 890 million This isn't law or justice. It's tyranny.
77 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: MissMann 1/26/2024 5:47:19 PM (No. 1645182)
Do you want to be in a country with people who do this? I don't. And I'm starting think we need to be more formal about the separation. This is OUTRAGEOUS!
37 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Venturer 1/26/2024 5:52:51 PM (No. 1645184)
Not a bad scam for this purveyor of untruths. I will never believe that Donald Trump was so horny that he would go in a store dressing room and have sex with this doggy looking woman.
41 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Historybuff 1/26/2024 5:55:38 PM (No. 1645186)
Let's hope all that money helps her remember what year this "traumatic" event happened to her. The dress she claims she was wearing wasn't made yet.
37 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/26/2024 6:04:16 PM (No. 1645189)
Just shows the utter bias and lack of any reasoning to set aside such biases to render a fair verdict. Excessive jury awards are regularly appealed and later mitigated.
29 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Scribelus 1/26/2024 6:07:23 PM (No. 1645191)
I have ignored this recent fabrication, and ask for help. What objective evidence exists that this alleged attack actually occurred?
28 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: daisey 1/26/2024 6:07:34 PM (No. 1645192)
This woman is a disgusting piece of trash. If you’ve ever listened to her, you know she’s crazy as a loon. Disgusting and vile teash
33 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Heraclitus 1/26/2024 6:15:12 PM (No. 1645194)
I daresay that Carroll has defamed Donald Trump by way of false testimony and a stupid book. And to add to the clown show, the entire NYC court system has been exposed as a farce. Today I saw a brief interview with Peter Navarro, and all I could think of was Eric Holder and Lois Lerner having thumbed their noses at Congress, in contempt and contemptible. They walked away in their arrogance, one who had the awesome responsibility of seeing to it that the Law is upheld, and Lerner who served her lefty handlers to make sure the TEA Partiers were neutralized by using the powers of the IRS. Guilty of contempt, but there were no consequences. She lives in a multimillion-dollar home on Nantucket (I think, or the Vinyard). We ought to be holding all the courts, judges, prosecutors and lawyers to the standard of our being a Nation of Laws, not Men. I suspect many are DEI hires. I am disgusted by the relentless "lawfare" and persecution of Trump... and that the stacked courts (stacked by Dems), stacked with ideologues who are apparently ignorant of The Law. Maybe not ignorant, but of depraved heart. Wouldn't it be nice if a Dem finally grew a conscience and said, "Enough is enough. We must return to the Rule of Law."
31 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: MickTurn 1/26/2024 6:24:39 PM (No. 1645200)
This will all be tossed out on Appeal, and the "Judge" should be Thrown out and Disbarred...and SHOULD be put in PRISON for his behavior during the trial!
28 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Quigley 1/26/2024 6:31:39 PM (No. 1645212)
There are several things I don't get about this case. Here are two of them. 1. The statute of limitations for her claim expired sometime around year 2000. At some point in time - 2021? maybe- The New York legislature reopened the statute of limitation for that type of claim and said anybody that had a claim with an expired statute of limitation could file their claim within 1 year of the date of the legislation and it would not be barred by the statute of limitations. To me, taking away a statutory protection retroactively is unconstitutional. Trump's rights under that statute of limitations had accrued and NY stripped him of those accrued protections. Imagine if they gave a 1 year grace period for every person with a claim for debt that was barred by the statute of limitations? You borrowed money from me in 1982 and never paid it back. The statute of limitations ran in 1992. Now NY says I can sue for the debt if I want to. I think it would be unconstitutional. Imagine the bedlam it would cause. Or for personal injury. I fell on you front porch in 1982 and now I'm suing you for it. I wonder how many lawsuits like hers were filed in that 1 year period. Just Trump's? It might be a sort of Bill of Attainder. 2. Is the judge saying that if a court signs a judgment saying that you did in fact do a wrongful act, but you afterwards say you didn't do it, you are guilty of defamation? That would be implicitly calling the person who accused you of doing it a liar. Or do you have to explicitly call them a liar to be guilty of defamation? If you denied that she had won a jury verdict would you be guilty of defamation? (That would be a lie since there was a jury verdict against you- NOT what Trump is accused of doing).
19 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 1/26/2024 7:00:37 PM (No. 1645228)
Did I ever mention how much I hate juries, judges and lawyers in general? If Trump was an illegal alien who snuck in over the border and actually raped her, he'd be released without bail and been permitted to rape again and again.
27 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: udanja99 1/26/2024 7:00:45 PM (No. 1645229)
PDT needs to counter-sue her for defamation for falsely announcing to the world that he is a rapist. That’s far more defaming than calling someone a liar.
30 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: smokincol 1/26/2024 7:01:18 PM (No. 1645230)
to say this was / is a travesty of justice would be an understatement but the Plaintiffs lawyers love it
14 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: cireskul 1/26/2024 7:47:03 PM (No. 1645252)
Well, send EJ Carroll the bill for Ukraine, she can afford it.
14 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: bighambone 1/26/2024 7:49:05 PM (No. 1645255)
Chances are this case will finally be decided by the US Supreme Court long after the 2024 General Election.
11 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/26/2024 8:01:30 PM (No. 1645260)
#7 and #16, don't forget what the left has also done to Roger Stone. Remember him? Since the 29 fbi thugs stormed his house at 6am on January 25, 2019, and took him away in handcuffs and leg irons (the fbi's russkie collusion scam), he has had to sell his house and relinquish all of his financial wealth to pay his legal fees. And he still has eleven court cases that are pending. He and his wife have been driven to financial ruin. Stone's crime? He was an ardent Trump supporter. They only have God now to offer them His love. This what the left has had in mind for Trump and Melania from the very beginning. To bankrupt them, if they can. Why do we permit the left to be in charge of anything? Just a matter of time before they come after us.
19 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: franq 1/26/2024 8:02:15 PM (No. 1645261)
Excellent points, #25, but the media is out to whip up lofo bloodlust and is succeeding mightily. e. coli Carroll best enjoy her 15 minutes of fame, as the landing will be harsh.
10 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: southcarolina 1/26/2024 9:55:30 PM (No. 1645290)
As I remember Trump did not shake hands-- because he had a fear of germs. He had to overcome this problem when he decided to run for president. So this man who lived his life staying away from germs would hanky- pank with this old hag?. She was not young way back. This does not add up. Do I remember this correctly?
15 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Trigger2 1/27/2024 1:41:16 AM (No. 1645348)
Thus proving that she's a Class A grifter, only in it for the money.
3 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 1/27/2024 7:25:47 AM (No. 1645426)
She doesn't look at all feminine to me. He said "not my type". There could be a twist in this soap opera.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:34:25 AM Post Reply
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Huge: Border Patrol Turns on Joe Biden,
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 9:49:27 PM Post Reply
Is there going to be a major confrontation on the border following Joe Biden's ultimatum that Texas National Guard forces be removed from Shelby Park and other "disputed" areas? Not if the rank-and-file of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have anything to say about it. According to a new post put out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense. The Biden administration had initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday to relinquish control of Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock,
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 6:41:09 PM Post Reply
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Jury says Donald Trump must pay an additional
$83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll in defamation case
35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 4:58:38 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK — A jury has awarded an additional $83.3 million to former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, who says former President Donald Trump damaged her reputation by calling her a liar after she accused him of sexual assault. Friday’s verdict was the second time in nine months that a jury addressed Carroll’s claim that Trump assaulted her in a New York City department store in 1996. Another jury last May found Trump liable for sexual abuse and ordered him to pay $5 million. This defamation trial was over things Trump said about Carroll while he was president. Trump continues to insist he was falsely accused. The verdict was
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NYC Museum of Natural History to close
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24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 4:13:54 PM Post Reply
Two major exhibition halls and several other display cabinets at the American Museum of Natural History were empty and covered up on Friday morning as the museum shuttered all Native American-related displays to comply with new federal regulations, shocking new photos showed. The glass cabinets in the museum’s halls dedicated to the Eastern Woodlands and the Great Plains looked eerily abandoned, just hours after museum director Sean Decatur announced the changes in a letter to staff Friday morning. “The halls we are closing are artifacts of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Indigenous peoples,”
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Posted by Beardo 1/26/2024 12:38:45 PM Post Reply
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Jury says Donald Trump must pay an additional
$83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll in defamation case
35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 4:58:38 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK — A jury has awarded an additional $83.3 million to former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, who says former President Donald Trump damaged her reputation by calling her a liar after she accused him of sexual assault. Friday’s verdict was the second time in nine months that a jury addressed Carroll’s claim that Trump assaulted her in a New York City department store in 1996. Another jury last May found Trump liable for sexual abuse and ordered him to pay $5 million. This defamation trial was over things Trump said about Carroll while he was president. Trump continues to insist he was falsely accused. The verdict was
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 9:49:27 PM Post Reply
Is there going to be a major confrontation on the border following Joe Biden's ultimatum that Texas National Guard forces be removed from Shelby Park and other "disputed" areas? Not if the rank-and-file of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have anything to say about it. According to a new post put out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense. The Biden administration had initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday to relinquish control of Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock,
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Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:51:56 AM Post Reply
Jill Biden is in South Carolina on Friday for her first campaign event in the state as Republicans turn their eye to their own competition there and Democrats prepare for their first primary. As Nikki Haley and Donald Trump fight it out to win the Republican primary, the first lady will tout President Joe Biden's re-election effort at an event with educators. South Carolina saved Joe Biden's quest for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 when it gave him his first primary victory, setting him up to be the nominee. In return, Biden pushed to have its primary the first for Democrats this year.
Biden’s new tribal consent laws force
NYC Museum of Natural History to close
Native American exhibits
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/26/2024 4:13:54 PM Post Reply
Two major exhibition halls and several other display cabinets at the American Museum of Natural History were empty and covered up on Friday morning as the museum shuttered all Native American-related displays to comply with new federal regulations, shocking new photos showed. The glass cabinets in the museum’s halls dedicated to the Eastern Woodlands and the Great Plains looked eerily abandoned, just hours after museum director Sean Decatur announced the changes in a letter to staff Friday morning. “The halls we are closing are artifacts of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Indigenous peoples,”
Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger Back Nikki
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24 replies
Posted by Imright 1/26/2024 9:18:37 AM Post Reply
Former Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, hardcore anti-Trumpers and the only two Republicans to serve on the January 6 committee, have both thrown their weight behind Nikki Haley for president. Kinzinger announced on X that he donated $250 to Haley’s campaign even after she lost to former President Trump in the New Hampshire primary.“I just donated $250 to [Haley], I want to make sure I am never invited to that cheap and awful S-hole club called Mar-A-Lago. I don’t want to catch weak victimitis. I’m Thankful that sweaty Don gave us a way to ban ourselves,” said Kinzinger.
'This is a violation of the justice system':
Trump's attorney Alina Habba tears into
$83.3 million E. Jean Carroll verdict
and says she is PROUD to defend ex-president
21 replies
Posted by Imright 1/26/2024 10:48:19 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's attorney Alina Habba said she was 'proud' to defend the former president and tore into New York and the justice system following the $83.3million E. Jean Carroll verdict. The lawyer who Judge Lewis Kaplan threatened to 'lock up' for her outbursts during closing arguments on Friday said her client is being targeted because he is leading in the polls. She spoke to reporters after the jury awarded Carroll the staggering sum in damages, after deliberating for less than three hours, for Trump's defamatory public statements he made about her in 2019.
Joy Reid Sez: If You Don’t Support Open
Borders, You’re a Racist
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 1:44:38 PM Post Reply
Falsely accusing people of racism never gets old for folks on the hard left – especially for MSNBC commentator Joy Reid, who gets paid big bucks to call people bigots for not being progressives. In the latest episode of “Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is a Racist,” Reid hit out at people who oppose open borders immigration policy during a conversation with Paola Ramos, a former advisor to Hillary Clinton. Reid was especially fixated on Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), who has been vocal in his criticism of the Biden administration for its failure to handle the border crisis.
Exclusive — ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet
the Radical Left Network that Hijacked
Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:39:33 AM Post Reply
A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned. But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy unmasked a decade ago into now being the dominating force on the left determined to stop Trump at all costs. What’s more, these leftists clearly control what top Democrats are saying, forcing their leaders to adopt their narrative.
Fani stands by her man: Atlanta DA cites
‘confidentiality,’ won’t give records
on Trump case
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/27/2024 5:56:30 AM Post Reply
The Georgia district attorney accused of having an affair with an attorney she hired to prosecute former President Donald Trump responded to Congress on behalf of her alleged lover Friday — saying “confidentiality interests” mean he can’t hand over any documents. Fulton County DA Fani Willis, who is facing calls even from allies to step off the Trump case due to the allegations of improper self-dealing, fired off the defiant response after House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) reached out to her alleged paramour, Nathan Wade.
Biden Roasted for Wearing Hardhat Backwards
While Meeting with Union Workers
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/27/2024 2:30:31 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was roasted online after Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) posted a photo on social media that showed Biden wearing a hardhat backwards while meeting with her and union workers in Superior, Wisconsin, on Thursday. (snip) The photo showed Klobuchar and two union workers holding beers at a local brewery, with Biden with his arms around two union workers, wearing a hardhat backwards. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joked that a Biden aide would be fired after the blunder.
Our First Gun 18 replies
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:48:25 AM Post Reply
It’s a .38 Special revolver. Up until one month ago, I had scant idea what such a gun looked like or could do. My husband eventually made the decision to get a gun, which surprised me a little as he is a very peaceable man. Yet, he is a lover of the U.S. Constitution: peaceable, but no fool. This week is our 30th anniversary. For our anniversary present, we bought the gun together. We have talked about buying a gun over the past few years. We live in the South in a semi-rural area bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Traditionally, gun ownership is considered mostly normal here.
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