American Thinker,
Olivia Murray
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Posted by
12/5/2023 6:02:05 AM
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Too bad for Disney, “The Dirty Dozen” was already taken, so the company settled on “The Naughty Nine” and got to work—but “The Naughty Nine” isn’t a movie with themes of hardened masculinity, sacrifice, courage, redemption, and killing German Nazis, it’s the latest “Christmas” feature depicting a group of children on a heist job at the North Pole… with queer “dads” and a prepubescent gay boy using the term “hottie” to describe his crush. Naturally, the homosexual agitprop overwhelms the story line.
Daily Caller,
James Lynch
Original Article
Posted by
12/4/2023 10:45:58 PM
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Disney took advantage of a special tax district to effectively govern itself by hand-picking board members who received exclusive benefits and perks from the company, a new financial audit shows.
Disney showered board members and employees of the Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID) with perks and benefits over the district’s lifespan, according to a financial audit carried out by the new governing body installed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in spring 2023. “What is now evident is that Disney not just controlled the Reedy Creek Improvement District, but did so by effectively purchasing loyalty,” read a new report on the RCID’s past practices
Daily Caller,
Brandon Poulter
Original Article
Posted by
12/4/2023 10:37:38 PM
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A new California law slated to go into effect on January 1, 2024, will mandate stores that sell children’s items to have a gender neutral section, according to a state government website.
The law applies to stores that sell “childcare items” or toys and employs a minimum of 500 employees across store locations, and it requires that they offer a section where “a reasonable selection of the items and toys for children that it sells shall be displayed, regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to its text.
Just the News,
Casey Harper
Original Article
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12/4/2023 1:11:42 PM
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A new Biden administration rule forces schools to comply with progressive ideology on gender and sexuality or risk losing the federal aid for free and reduced-price school lunches. (snip) Practically, that could lead to schools being forced to allow transgender girls use facilities reserved for biological girls or to toe the line on preferred pronoun usage, among other things.
Senate Republicans tried and failed 47-50 to overturn the USDA reinterpretation via the Congressional Review Act.
“Don’t be fooled here, the Biden Administration is the only player in this policy fight that is taking away lunches from children,” U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kans., said after the effort failed.
PJ Media,
Chris Queen
Original Article
Posted by
12/4/2023 10:21:20 AM
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I’ve been a Disney fan my whole life. (snip) A newly released report (which I've embedded at the end of this column) of the first comprehensive audit of Disney and RCID shows the scope of Disney’s power and influence and how the company used RCID to benefit itself with little to no concern for the region as a whole.
The report clocks in at a whopping 72 pages, along with a table of contents. I’ve read it all, and the following is my summary of Disney’s shocking power and how it used that level of control to line its pockets and avoid accountability.
Bloomberg Law,
Justin Wise
Original Article
Posted by
12/4/2023 9:51:59 AM
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Foley & Lardner rescinded an employment offer for an incoming associate over public comments she made following the Hamas attack on Israel, the law firm said Thursday.
The Milwaukee-founded firm pulled the offer for Jinan Chehade, a 2023 Georgetown Law School graduate, just before her intended October start date, a Foley spokesperson said, citing “public statements that were inconsistent with our core values.” Following “a discussion with Ms. Chehade, we made the decision to rescind her offer of employment,” the firm spokesperson said. (snip) The decision has prompted legal action from Chehade, who on Nov. 13 filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Just the News,
Kenneth Schrupp
Original Article
Posted by
12/3/2023 12:04:13 AM
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The California Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates the state will have a $26 billion revenue shortfall for the 2022-2023 fiscal year and announced the state entered into a recession in March 2023.
The news comes the day after Gov. Gavin Newsom defended Democrats' economic record in a nationally televised debate. State Republicans blame Newsom and California Democrats for nearly doubling the state’s budget over the last six years and called for reductions in government programs to protect critical government functions from severe budget cuts.
Simon Kent
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Posted by
12/2/2023 11:14:41 AM
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Scared yet? President Joe Biden bragged Wednesday of his ability to “blow up the world” through a special code his staff possess. The revelation came in Colorado as he made light of nuclear weapons during a visit to the world’s largest windmill factory.
The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor “Congressman Trump” in an awkward appearance that saw him stumble from one verbal mishap to the next. (snip)
Biden retorted: “Now look, my, my marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn’t, this is not….nuclear weapons is it….alright, ok…you think I’m kidding.”
AWR Hawkins
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Posted by
12/2/2023 10:55:21 AM
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Renowned American shotgun maker Remington Arms is closing its facility in Ilion, New York, nearly 100 years after it opened. CNY Central reported that the closure will be completed by early March 2024. (snip) The company has faced struggles with New York Democrats’ passage of gun control upon gun control. (snip) Remington, the largest employer in Ilion, will continue to make shotguns at its Huntsville, Alabama, location.
Thomas D. Williams
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Posted by
12/2/2023 10:35:33 AM
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Pope Francis sent a message Saturday to the COP28 United Nations climate summit decrying the “unbridled exploitation” of the environment by first world nations. (snip) In his address, the pope blamed capitalist greed for the failure to act more decisively to prevent climate change. (snip) Along with capitalist greed, the culprits behind climate change also include nationalists who refuse to get with the globalist program, Francis suggested.
“What is the way out of this? It is the one that you are pursuing in these days: the way of togetherness, multilateralism,” he stated.
Washington Examiner,
Steve Levy
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Posted by
12/2/2023 9:27:04 AM
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The liberal crazies, from actor Rob Reiner to the once conservative but now ideologue-for-sale Joe Scarborough, have their knickers in a knot over the potential that America may drift into “fascism” upon the possible election of former President Donald Trump in 2024.
How deliciously ironic that these leftists express concern over phantom fascism in the future as they look the other way while their Grand Poobah, President Joe Biden , is laying out a clinic on fascist tactics.
This is the same Biden administration that has actually brought criminal charges against its political enemies. Trump never did so, even though he had ample opportunity and justification against Hillary Clinton.
Washington Examiner,
Misty Severi
Original Article
Posted by
12/1/2023 11:13:21 PM
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The 1st U.S. District Court of Appeals upheld Florida’s congressional map on Friday, reversing a prior court's ruling over concerns that the map violated racial representation requirements as outlined in Florida law.
The previous ruling claimed that the congressional map reduces the ability of black voters to pick a representative in northern Florida. However, the appeals court determined the ruling had placed a “racial segregation mandate” into the Florida Constitution that did not exist. “The constitution cannot demand that all voters are treated equally without regard to race and at the same time demand that voters are treated differently based on race,” the ruling said.
This is why Newsome cannot replace Biden, that is, Newsome cannot run away from all of this crazy California legislation. There is a ton of it.