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Whistleblower: FBI Tipped Off ‘People
Very Close’ To Joe And Hunter Before
IRS Investigative Team’s ‘Day Of Action’

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Posted By: earlybird, 6/24/2023 5:48:00 PM

The night before an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) criminal investigation team began looking into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes was set to conduct key interviews and approach Hunter for a consented search of his home, FBI headquarters allegedly tipped off “people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden,” thwarting the investigation, according to a whistleblower testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee released Thursday. Starting in January 2020, IRS criminal supervisory special agent and whistleblower Gary Shapley and his team of agents began investigating Hunter Biden for tax evasion after incriminating material was found on Hunter’s infamous laptop. “I am alleging, with evidence, that DOJ provided preferential treatment, slow-walked the


Sickening. Check outPprosecutor Weiss’s #2 Lesley Wolf, who is coincidentally married to a professor a UPenn. She was largely responsible for the tipoff.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: daisey 6/24/2023 5:51:52 PM (No. 1498863)
Has there ever been a more corrupt group of people in Washington DC? No wonder Biden is so smug, he knows they’re covering his sorry rear end
38 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: judy 6/24/2023 6:05:25 PM (No. 1498870)
Biden is laughing..the US is crying!! Soooo sad our country is sooooo corrupt!
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: judy 6/24/2023 6:06:00 PM (No. 1498872)
Clean out the JD & start over!!
26 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 6/24/2023 6:11:13 PM (No. 1498877)
They are covering for Biden all right, but the reason they are covering for Biden is because they are covering for his puppeteer. A guy named Hussein.
38 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 6/24/2023 6:16:32 PM (No. 1498883)
Criminals run the FBI, clearly.
29 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: scottj 6/24/2023 7:30:03 PM (No. 1498914)
The FBI has become the Democrat's Gestapo.
26 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bpl40 6/24/2023 8:00:30 PM (No. 1498925)
As someone recently said. Committing more crimes than they are solving.
21 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: czechlist 6/24/2023 9:24:29 PM (No. 1498945)
Why aren't more FBI employees standing up to honor their oaths? I ain't buying all of the curruption is at the top. What about the agents doingvthe raids and those planning. This corruption has to been known by many many people including administrative assistants. Sorry FBI but if you know of some illegal activity in the agency but remain silent you are a faux American
20 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Encore 6/24/2023 9:38:20 PM (No. 1498949)
My God! The whole of D.C. needs to be fumigated. Call all high rolling libs in to roost and fumigate.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Richard from Norwood 6/25/2023 5:28:15 AM (No. 1499026)
It certainly is most disgusting that the so-called 'liberal' mind really, in all honesty cannot and will not even try to reason as to what is really going on within this government!!
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mifla 6/25/2023 5:56:05 AM (No. 1499032)
Was hoping that many more FBI agents would step up and confirm what the whistle blowers are stating, but I suspect that the word down by the water cooler is that snitches get stitches.
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: ARKfamily 6/25/2023 6:52:06 AM (No. 1499047)
This is very sad. We have such a beautiful country (that God created) and dirty politics can make it ugly. . .
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Strike3 6/25/2023 6:57:48 AM (No. 1499048)
Wray needs to join Comey. The FBI, Freakin' Bunch of Imbeciles, is no longer a functioning organization when the leadership is part of the Deep State and has been anti-Constitution for at least fifteen years. Thank you Barack for setting the bar so low. We realize your own bar is down there too.
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Strike3 6/25/2023 7:00:16 AM (No. 1499049)
#8, careers and pensions. It's not an excuse, I would rather be a dishwasher than a crooked fed.
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Lawsy0 6/25/2023 7:47:48 AM (No. 1499075)
Like the answer to an ancient question: Would Macy's tell Gimbel's?
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Strike3 6/25/2023 10:31:19 AM (No. 1499203)
No surprise that the IRS and the FBI do not get along very well. The question to ask the FBI is who can hurt whom the most? Seems like they should be equal now that they both have amateur armies of armed thugs in their employ but the IRS holds everybody by the short hairs.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/25/2023 11:26:20 AM (No. 1499252)
All the information WE are now enough to make Americans understand the Washington DC swamp is beyond must be dismantled from the ground up....remember this quote...."every adversity...has it's equivalent benefit"....and as WE struggle to live our lives from paycheck to paycheck....each time WE fill up our gas tanks...remember if President Trump was in the White House...WE would pay half that amount...and china wouldn't dare send anymore balloons over our country...not to mention the missiles in Cuba....
7 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: law428 6/25/2023 12:44:53 PM (No. 1499323)
When President Trump told us "the Swamp is deep and wide," we had no idea of the magnitude! It's sad, indeed, to see corrupt people sell their souls for earthly gain when they are so close to the end of life as they know it. None of their ill gotten wealth; houses, lands, possessions, or bank accounts will follow them into eternity. We must all be ready for God's Judgement! It's coming...ready or not!
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/25/2023 2:43:40 PM (No. 1499395)
Can everyone spell 'Obstruction of JUSTICE'?
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: rikkitikki 6/25/2023 6:24:40 PM (No. 1499530)
Every agent who participated in such nonsense has proven he violated his oath of office, and should be: 1. immediately fired; 2. stripped of all benefits; 3. prosecuted to the full extent of the law. No exceptions, no mercy. Anything less, and America is already a bannana republic.
1 person likes this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 6/25/2023 8:33:52 PM (No. 1499581)
Here is my question: where did Kaiser Klaus get all of his dinero? Yuval Dorkus Harari the same question. Are they on the Biden Biz Bag Bucks Benefit roster?
1 person likes this.

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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 5:49:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 5:39:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 4:57:16 PM Post Reply
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Get Out of My Class and Leave America 6 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 4:39:33 PM Post Reply
Editor's Note: The following is a republication of a column by the late Mike Adams, a longtime Townhall columnist. (snip)Author’s Note: The following column is comprised of excerpts taken from my first lectures on the first day of classes this semester at UNC-Wilmington.(snipWelcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended.
The Word is Out – Corporate Media Start
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 3:10:14 PM Post Reply
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After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference,
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 1:48:11 PM Post Reply
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Elton John Singles Out Anti-Grooming Laws
as Why He’s Done Performing in the US
40 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 11:41:06 AM Post Reply
As his farewell tour wraps up, pop singer Elton John said he has no plans to perform again in the United States due to the country’s “growing swell of anger and homophobia.” That’s according to what the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” musician said in an interview he gave Radio Times, where he noted what he described as a growing number of anti-grooming laws being passed in states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, North Dakota, and South Dakota. He specifically singled out Florida’s laws, calling them “disgraceful.”
The Biden family’s long history of skirting
the law, sweetheart deals
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s slap-on-the-wrist plea deal after failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income, and a felony gun charge he won’t be prosecuted for, follows a long history of Biden family members running afoul of the law — and skating.“The Biden family are beginning to make the Medicis look like small-time operators,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. “That fact that it took over five years to even secure a plea on a couple of small misdemeanors is a testament to a family that has leveraged Joe Biden public positions into a fortune of foreign influence peddling.”
Whistleblower: FBI Tipped Off ‘People
Very Close’ To Joe And Hunter Before
IRS Investigative Team’s ‘Day Of Action’
21 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 5:48:00 PM Post Reply
The night before an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) criminal investigation team began looking into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes was set to conduct key interviews and approach Hunter for a consented search of his home, FBI headquarters allegedly tipped off “people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden,” thwarting the investigation, according to a whistleblower testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee released Thursday. Starting in January 2020, IRS criminal supervisory special agent and whistleblower Gary Shapley and his team of agents began investigating Hunter Biden for tax evasion after incriminating material was found on Hunter’s infamous laptop. “I am alleging, with evidence, that DOJ provided preferential treatment, slow-walked the
A New Russian Redline 7 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 5:03:38 PM Post Reply
I did a search and didn’t come up with an English version of this announcement. It is obviously a Russian response to the Storm Shadow attack on a bridge in Crimea. Doctorow is generally very reliable, so I assume that his wording reflects the Russian original. So, what I would draw attention to is the specification of ““the decision making centers” of the Kiev regime. We all know that those decision making centers are not necessarily located within the geographical boundaries of Ukraine. Does this mean that Russia will target US/UK decision making centers in Poland and Romania?
Scott Ritter: Prigozhin Is A Tool Of SBU/MI6/CIA 8 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 1:08:42 PM Post Reply
First some tweets by a usually perceptive observer. He makes some points that are similar to those made by Valtersson, but goes beyond that toward the position Scott Ritter takes in a conversation with Judge Napolitano:(snip) argues that Prigozhin is repeating Ukrainian and British talking points—he believes this identifies him as an actual agent of the West. Ritter sketches out a SBU/MI6/CIA plan in which Prigozhin is persuaded to advance toward Moscow under cover of a patriotic crusade to save Russia from incompetent and corrupt officials (snip)Ukrainian sabotage cells will spread alarm and confusion leading the populace to welcome Prigozhin as a Deliverer (Problem: The FSB rounded up some
John Kirby Walks Out of Press Briefing
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to China That Undermines All Prior White
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13 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 11:20:51 AM Post Reply
White House Coordinator for National Security Council Strategic Communications, John Kirby, walks out of the press briefing room after being asked about Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp messages with China implicating President Biden THE MESSAGE: “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made was not fulfilled. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. (snip) I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.” John Kirby uncomfortably said he would not comment on the text message and refused to answer any questions. WATCH:
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Elton John Singles Out Anti-Grooming Laws
as Why He’s Done Performing in the US
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2023 11:41:06 AM Post Reply
As his farewell tour wraps up, pop singer Elton John said he has no plans to perform again in the United States due to the country’s “growing swell of anger and homophobia.” That’s according to what the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” musician said in an interview he gave Radio Times, where he noted what he described as a growing number of anti-grooming laws being passed in states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, North Dakota, and South Dakota. He specifically singled out Florida’s laws, calling them “disgraceful.”
Watch: Defiant LGBTQ Marchers Chant: 'We're
Here, We're Queer, We're Coming for Your Children'
30 replies
Posted by Imright 6/25/2023 9:02:46 AM Post Reply
Despite the insincere blather about “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), the left wants nothing of the kind, and it never did. What leftists do want — including LGBTQ activists and Joe Biden’s Democrat Party — is to shove their radical ideology down the throats of the rest of us. The more we resist, the harder they push.If there was ever any doubt that they also want your children, that notion was blown to pieces in New York City on Friday as in-your-face LGBTQ activists marched and defiantly chanted: We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children
Trump faces new trial date in Mar-a-Lago
classified documents case as Special Counsel
Jack Smith calls for four month delay
so former president's lawyers can get
'the requisite security clearances'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2023 8:01:34 AM Post Reply
Prosecutors have asked for a December trial for Donald Trump over the Mar-a-Lago classified documents, saying the new date would give the former president's legal team time to obtain the necessary security clearance to view the documents. The judge overseeing the case, Aileen Cannon, on Tuesday provisionally set an August date for the trial. She said at the time that she was open to requests for it to change.On Friday, the office of Jack Smith, the special counsel leading the investigation, requested a December 11 start. They said it would allow Trump's legal team sufficient time to obtain the necessary security clearances to view the classified documents.
Miami Mayor Explains Why He Voted for
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Posted by DW626 6/24/2023 3:30:07 PM Post Reply
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R) was asked by Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany on Thursday why he decided to vote for Democrat Andrew Gillum over Ron DeSantis during the gubernatorial race in 2018. Suarez, who has joined the 2024 presidential race, explained he only voted for Gillum, not endorse him. Suarez added he donated to money to DeSantis during the primary but he did not get a phone call back from the future governor. "Well, I voted for him. I didn’t support him. I didn’t endorse him. I actually supported and gave money to Ron DeSantis
New York City explodes in a rainbow of
colors as partygoers including Eric Adams
and Chuck Schumer descend on closed off
avenues for biggest Pride march in the
US (but get the drinks in quick before
rain and storms sweep in)
24 replies
Posted by Imright 6/25/2023 3:55:10 PM Post Reply
New York politicians were out in full force for Pride Sunday - after the NYPD said it was beefing up security in anticipation of the event. Spotted among the amalgam of drag queens and activists marching down Fifth Avenue were figures like Eric Adams, Kathy Hochul, and Chuck Schumer - three of roughly 100,000 participants taking part in the parade's main procession. This year's march - the 53rd in the city's history - is expected to draw roughly a million spectators, while featuring some 60 floats that speak to the LGBTQ situation not only in New York, but across the country.
Former Divider in Chief Obama Tries to
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23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2023 12:21:44 AM Post Reply
Barack Obama never came across an event that he couldn’t politicize; the recent implosion of the submersible Titan on a dive to explore the wreck of the Titanic—which left five people presumed dead—is no exception. As my colleague Mike Miller reported, the former president appeared on a CNN special titled “Obama & Amanpour” Thursday to blame “right-wing” media for making Americans “fearful of each other.” But he wasn’t done; he also decided to blame the media for excessive coverage of the sub accident while not devoting equal time to another tragedy, the story of a “migrant boat” that sank off the coast of Greece last week. An unknown
NHL Teams Will No Longer Wear LGBTQ Pride-Themed Jerseys 22 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/24/2023 4:02:19 PM Post Reply
National Hockey League (NHL) teams will no longer wear rainbow-colored LGBTQ-themed jerseys during pregame warmups for Pride nights. NHL Pride Nights became a hot topic of conversation earlier this year when Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to participate in his team’s Pride Night due to his orthodox Christian faith, sparking outrage from leftists who proceeded to accuse him of bigotry and homophobia. However, the Philadelphia Flyers kept him in the lineup, and the team even went on to win the game against the Anaheim Ducks.
Whistleblower: FBI Tipped Off ‘People
Very Close’ To Joe And Hunter Before
IRS Investigative Team’s ‘Day Of Action’
21 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 5:48:00 PM Post Reply
The night before an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) criminal investigation team began looking into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes was set to conduct key interviews and approach Hunter for a consented search of his home, FBI headquarters allegedly tipped off “people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden,” thwarting the investigation, according to a whistleblower testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee released Thursday. Starting in January 2020, IRS criminal supervisory special agent and whistleblower Gary Shapley and his team of agents began investigating Hunter Biden for tax evasion after incriminating material was found on Hunter’s infamous laptop. “I am alleging, with evidence, that DOJ provided preferential treatment, slow-walked the
Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was
an inside job
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/25/2023 12:31:29 PM Post Reply
Score half a point for Donald Trump. It turns out he was on to something with his claim the 2020 election was rigged, though not in the way he thinks. The dirty deed didn’t happen in offices in Arizona or Georgia, where Republicans supposedly were banished while Democrats counted duffel bags full of late-arriving votes. Nor did Trump lose because computers were wired to rob him of victory. Instead, the cheating that likely denied Trump a second term was very close to home. In fact, it was an inside job.
The Biden family’s long history of skirting
the law, sweetheart deals
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/24/2023 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s slap-on-the-wrist plea deal after failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income, and a felony gun charge he won’t be prosecuted for, follows a long history of Biden family members running afoul of the law — and skating.“The Biden family are beginning to make the Medicis look like small-time operators,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. “That fact that it took over five years to even secure a plea on a couple of small misdemeanors is a testament to a family that has leveraged Joe Biden public positions into a fortune of foreign influence peddling.”
Russia mutiny: Rebel Wagner leader 'to
move to Belarus' after halting mercenary
convoy to avoid 'bloodshed'
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2023 4:24:31 PM Post Reply
Russian mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin will move to Belarus and have criminal charges against him dropped, the Kremlin has said, after he pulled his fighters back from advancing on Moscow. Prigozhin had earlier told his troops heading towards the Russian capital to turn back, saying he wants to avoid shedding Russian blood. In an audio message, Prigozhin said his fighters - part of the private mercenary Wagner Group - would return to their bases. He said that while his men were just 120 miles from Moscow, he decided to turn them back to avoid "shedding Russian blood".
When a German Lutheran Pastor Preaches
that ‘God Is Queer’
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/25/2023 7:05:46 AM Post Reply
“Now is the time to say . . . ‘God is queer.’” Who spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context of the statement? The words were spoken by Quinton Caesar, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of the nation’s Protestant (meaning Lutheran) pastors. The conference theme was “Now it the time,” and this was the immediate context of Casear’s words (who himself is black, originally from South Africa): “Now is the time to say: ‘Black lives always matter.’ Now is the time to say: ‘God is queer.’Now is the time to say: ‘We leave no one to die.’
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