Border Patrol agent killed Uvalde shooter,
but special unit has recent history of
excessive force
MySanantonio (San Antonio, TX),
Steven Santana
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
5/25/2022 2:02:23 PM
Multiple outlets are reporting that a Border Patrol agent part of a special unit rushed in to Robb Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, to shoot and kill the 18-year-old shooter that killed 19 children and two teachers. That same special unit has recently been accused of using violent tactics and committing human rights violations.
The Border Patrol agent reportedly entered the school without waiting for backup and shot and killed the gunman, Salvador Ramos, AP reported, and he was injured in the process. U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz confirmed that agents in the area responded to the shooting on Twitter.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Dreadnought 5/25/2022 2:02:47 PM (No. 1165996)
Per the Wall Street Journal the classroom was of cinder block construction with a steel door. The killer was shooting at them through the wall and door. The Border Patrol Tactical Team (BORTAC) had to breech the door using the principal's master key, and entered the room under fire. One agent took a round to his shield, one was wounded by shrapnel, and the third agent shot the killer dead. Inside the room they found children dead in piles. Yet this is how the Hearst Corporation's digital arm of the San Antonio Express-News treats the responding agents.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
anniebc 5/25/2022 2:04:18 PM (No. 1165997)
Excessive force is sometimes necessary, right? The world has gone bat-poop mad. Unbelievable!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
mizzmac 5/25/2022 2:13:13 PM (No. 1165998)
You can't be serious.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Daisymay 5/25/2022 2:15:56 PM (No. 1166003)
Maybe they should have cowered like the Deputies did at the Florida School Shooting. They didn't go in guns blazing. They hid until it was over! Shame on the News Outlets who are reporting that this Unit has used "violent tactics". THAT'S exactly what it takes to clean up the mess that the WOKE Nuts in this country have put in place! Makes me sick to see this Unit disparaged like this even after THEY were the ones that saved a lot more kids from being killed. Where do these News Outlets get off doing something nasty like that! Shame on them and Kudos to the BRAVE Border Patrol for acting like MEN. We need more like them!
67 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
voxpopuli 5/25/2022 2:36:42 PM (No. 1166019)
the communist Boy Mayor Frey of Murderapolis would have
probably called a social worker or "violence interuptor"..
21 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
blueline 5/25/2022 2:38:29 PM (No. 1166022)
6, 21
What a despicable piece of trash this Mr. Santana is, along with the entire operation that published it.
A thousand of you would not begin to approach the worth of the heroes that went in under fire to stop this massacre.
46 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Birddog 5/25/2022 2:42:42 PM (No. 1166024)
The school was armored, bullet proof glass, steel doors, regular defensive training....but the back door was left open. Looks like maybe it was the kitchen door, or staff entrance. Shooter walked right in.
The shooter DID however look much like the violent rioters from Portland/Seattle and various other "Floyd Riots"
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 5/25/2022 2:43:06 PM (No. 1166025)
Typical liberal sympathizing with a perp! This gets my blood boiling? My thinking is that if they could have, would have been to “tenderize the meat a bit”, before eating it.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rinktum 5/25/2022 2:44:01 PM (No. 1166026)
God bless these men who would charge an active shooter. This world has gone absolutely mad. This author disgusts me. After the rhetoric that has been spewed by the left after this tragedy, I have no confidence that the divide between the right and left in this country can ever be repaired. In fact, I’m not sure I want it to be. What communion does darkness have with light?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Newtsche 5/25/2022 2:46:30 PM (No. 1166030)
Simply yikes...
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
faceincrowd 5/25/2022 2:51:02 PM (No. 1166035)
Well, if they had waited and the gunman had killed 42 instead of 21, ya'll would have been blaming them for not going in and shooting the SOB. Two faced, ungrateful POC.
23 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/25/2022 2:51:56 PM (No. 1166036)
The force was not excessive at Uvalde.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Rich323 5/25/2022 3:02:34 PM (No. 1166042)
The excessive force was a coward named Salavador Ramos killing defenseless children. I hope they emptied every round of ammo they had into his useless body until it smoked!
24 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
sw penn 5/25/2022 3:09:01 PM (No. 1166045)
Excessive force is in the eye of the beholder, too!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
HonestDon 5/25/2022 3:28:02 PM (No. 1166056)
To Mr. Steven Santana: Do the initials F O mean anything to you?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 5/25/2022 3:32:45 PM (No. 1166060)
It's never excessive use of force when lives are at stake. Libs expect you to hold hands, share warm thoughts and sing Cumbaya in an active shooter situation. The BP saved Texas a bunch of money. Don't mess with Texas!
17 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
john56 5/25/2022 3:34:25 PM (No. 1166061)
Uvalde was fortunate due to their location to have the Border Patrol available for this tragedy. I've been to Uvalde. It's at least 20 miles to any nearby community, all much smaller than Uvalde. San Antonio is 70 or 80 miles east, Del Rio (about 50,000) about 70 miles to the west. Any assistance from those localities are at least an hour or two away, even with flashing lights and to heck with the speed limit.
The other day, I had an interesting chat with a friend. We were talking about the communities where we live -- one city about 90,000 and another about 25,000. My friend mentioned he was talking with the chief of police of one of those cities and the chief asked how my friend how many of each city's police force were "out on the streets" during a typical day. My friend thought about 30 in the larger city, and 10-15 in the smaller one. The chief said, too high. Maybe 8 in the larger city and 5 in the smaller one. Yeah, there are cops in the main station, or involved in other duties "on the clock," but actually out as first responders to calls is very, very few.
And again, in the case of Uvalde, perhaps you have the local cops, sheriff's office, maybe a couple of DPS troopers, and the Border Patrol for immediate response. Any other help is going to take at least an hour or two to make it there.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
bighambone 5/25/2022 3:49:04 PM (No. 1166066)
Give us a break, the Border Patrol Agents followed the exact path that law enforcement is mandated to take in any school shooting situation, locate, confront, engage and kill the shooter before he can murder any other innocent children or adults. Common sense will tell you if the Border Patrol Agents had hung around outside the school waiting for substantial law enforcement back up to arrive, that there could have been 39 or more murdered adults and children beyond the 19 children and the 2 adults who were murdered.
Ask the people of Uvalde if they believe the Border Patrol Agents used excessive force and you can be sure they will tell you that they are gratified and proud of those Border Patrol Agents and the actions that they took to bring that active shooter situation to a quick close.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
DVC 5/25/2022 3:52:57 PM (No. 1166068)
It's always time to pile on some hate against the police by some folks.
What the leftist anarchist supports call excessive force, I call a good move.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Highvoltage 5/25/2022 4:02:27 PM (No. 1166071)
Looks to as though this rag of a newspaper is critical of the agents taking out the perpetrator. In my opinion the paper may be against law enforcement.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
BarryNo 5/25/2022 4:13:47 PM (No. 1166080)
Frankly sir, we didn't get to toture him to death.
Darn it!!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
vesparado1 5/25/2022 4:21:17 PM (No. 1166084)
The incidents cited by Santana don't sound to me like excessive force. All the rioters had to do was disperse as they had been lawfully ordered to do.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
NorCalXplnt 5/25/2022 4:58:23 PM (No. 1166103)
This is the kind of sick twisted anti-law enforcement agitprop that I would expect from this rag.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
FLCracker 5/25/2022 5:25:39 PM (No. 1166128)
Wasn't "waiting for backup" was what that coward in the Florida shooting did?
Hey Santana, how many more Spanish-surnamed kids could have been killed while they waited for backup?
And "The Border Patrol Tactical Team (BORTAC) had to breech the door using the principal's master key."
First, you mean they "breached", that is, made "a gap in and break through a wall, barrier, or defense", by unlocking the door and turning the knob?
Second, the word is "breach". "Breech" is usually not a noun unless you are putting pants on something.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DVC 5/25/2022 6:01:04 PM (No. 1166157)
Thanks, #7, if that is correct.....WHO left the door open? That person bears a lot of responsibility for negating the entire effort made to protect the school.
Probably some low level employee, unconcerned about security, maybe out taking a smoke and didn't want to be inconvenienced.
This should be looked into. The person who left the door open should be known publicly.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
snakeoil 5/25/2022 6:14:49 PM (No. 1166167)
If demoncraps were running Texas they'd have sent in Social Workers to ask the murderer if he was having a nice day. Too bad they couldn't have gotten there sooner sent him straight to Hades.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 5/25/2022 6:29:38 PM (No. 1166187)
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." Attribution unconfirmed (Orwell or Churchill).
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I knew this would happen. Special unit Agents being accused of violent tactics and human rights violation. Thank God for these agents. Saved lives. Ended a horrible murdering of children and teachers. Thank God for these agents. Steven Santana, My San Antonio, leave town on the next Greyhound.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
rochow 5/25/2022 6:44:30 PM (No. 1166203)
Thank God this shooter rat is dead, and this rag has the nerve to bad mouth the border patrol agents? Someone tell me, am I still living in the United States???
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
DanTejas 5/25/2022 6:49:41 PM (No. 1166212)
San Antonio media is a reflection of the commie MSM. Pox on them all !
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Mike22 5/25/2022 7:10:29 PM (No. 1166230)
Not sure there is anything low enough to compare this "reporter" to. Slime, garbage, feces - comparing him to them is an insult t0 the slime, garbage and feces.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
Italiano 5/25/2022 7:37:12 PM (No. 1166245)
I'll decide what "excessive force" entails, thank you.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
DVC 5/25/2022 7:44:02 PM (No. 1166254)
Steve Santana is an idiot. Sometimes a LOT of force is exactly the right amount.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
LadyVet 5/25/2022 8:46:45 PM (No. 1166271)
If Santana wants to talk about excessive force, he should interview some of the EMT and hospital staff who worked to save the victims. My friend and I both have offspring on staff in San Antonio hospitals. The report is that they saw children "riddled" with bullets. These doctors, nurses, snd surgery specialists are having a tough time dealing with what they saw. Pray for them as well as the families.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
downnout 5/25/2022 8:57:56 PM (No. 1166274)
Up yours with a saguaro cactus, MySanAntonio. Shame on you!
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Geoman 5/25/2022 10:05:29 PM (No. 1166308)
In the decades before there even was a federal Border Patrol, the Texas Rangers were very effective in managing the Texas-Mexico border. They were also accused by the progressives and media of that era for using excessive force, mainly against the murderers and thieves who preyed on the ranches and small towns of Texas. I'm reminded of what an old Ranger told me after a particularly violent incident that occurred when I was a rookie cop in the early-mid '80s: "Son, sometimes the administration of justice just isn't pretty."
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