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Biden administration to release 1M barrels
of oil daily from US reserves

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Posted By: Grateful, 3/31/2022 11:50:31 AM

The Biden administration will release 1 million barrels of oil each day for the next six months from U.S. reserves amid high gasoline prices. The plan announced Thursday is an effort to relieve some inflation associated with rising gasoline prices and combat other supply shortages that partly stem from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "This record release will provide a historic amount of supply to serve as bridge until the end of the year when domestic production ramps up," the White House said. President Biden is expected to formally announce the move at a White House event Thursday afternoon.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 3/31/2022 11:54:28 AM (No. 1115510)
Well that’s stupid and short sighted.
54 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Grateful 3/31/2022 11:56:33 AM (No. 1115513)
Current NPR inventory is 593 million barrels. Six months at 1 million barrels per day equates to 182 million barrels removed from the NPR for a political stunt. Another looming catastrophe of the Biden regime.
53 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mc squared 3/31/2022 12:01:23 PM (No. 1115522)
6 months: about the same time I'll run out of my retirement dough. But just in time for the Mid-terms.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: marbles 3/31/2022 12:04:20 PM (No. 1115524)
On purpose to deplete reserves so that there is no back up for emergencies. Trump filled up the reserves and at that time we were also producing so much that we were able to export. Not any more More style over substance to show that joey is doing something..........all he's doing is purposely weakening us. Why not drill and refine? No, joeys owners want us on our knees , immobilized, begging the govt for help. Stock up, stay strong.
44 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 3/31/2022 12:04:39 PM (No. 1115525)
Biden is just an incredibly stupid "adam henry" to borrow commonly used police phrase. Lets go brandon!
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 3/31/2022 12:05:29 PM (No. 1115529)
Re #1, EVERYTHING that this group of idiots and traitors does is 'stupid and short sighted', they have a 100% rating for that.
29 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jimboscott 3/31/2022 12:07:55 PM (No. 1115535)
File this under 'Kicking the can down the road'. The oil reserves will just need to be built back up. This might smooth things out a tad but makes no real difference if one were to look at the next five years in total.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Nimby 3/31/2022 12:09:58 PM (No. 1115542)
This buffoon should be told that he shall nt travel to Delaware every weekend until a better policy is put in place.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: NorthernDog 3/31/2022 12:19:26 PM (No. 1115563)
What if there's a real emergency? Terror attacks, tidal waves, earthquakes, and storms can strike without warning and cause energy production interruptions. A Black Swan event could throw us back into medieval times within a few weeks.
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: udanja99 3/31/2022 12:27:33 PM (No. 1115573)
As I understand it, the top priority for our oil reserves is for military readiness. So the TaliBiden cabal wants to drain the reserve while at the same time pursuing war with Russia. Is there any doubt at all left that they are out to destroy all of us?
33 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mountain oyster 3/31/2022 12:39:41 PM (No. 1115581)
...and when it's to be replenished, will this be with the same oil the US is buying daily from Russia? Who else has a ready supply? This is such a terrible move. Are we dreaming? Oh, how about buying it from Canada? They are not shooting at our friends.
11 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Pearson365 3/31/2022 12:46:34 PM (No. 1115587)
Sad to see Fox Business parroting the same pro Biden talking points as the left wing AP, as in “ supply shortages that partly stem from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.”. If Biden takes questions today, the first reporter he’ll call on will be from the AP, with the question submitted to the WH this morning so that a cheat sheet can be prepared for Joe. If Fox’s Peter Doocey is allowed to ask a question, expect Biden to angrily lie about ever wanting to end fossil fuels.
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: dwa 3/31/2022 12:48:50 PM (No. 1115590)
"serve as bridge until the end of the year when domestic production ramps up" Who are they trying to kid, domestic production will not "ramp up" because Biden and his Admin are blocking and hindering domestic production. Had this idiot left in place Trump's energy policies we would not be in this situation, but Biden bowed to the radical Green Lobby -- at the expense of the American people.
18 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Birddog 3/31/2022 12:50:06 PM (No. 1115592)
At the same time we are buying 600,000bbl/d from Russia. How much from Iran? Venezuela? Keystone would be providing 3million bbls/d by now if not blocked by Biden..AND it would be paying Taxes rather than TAKING from taxpayers.
13 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: gramma b 3/31/2022 12:55:14 PM (No. 1115597)
Thus further weakening us strategically. Which is, of course, part of the plan.
18 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: TLCary 3/31/2022 1:01:57 PM (No. 1115600)
#7 Just got to get to the midterms, even Stalin's five year plans never made it five years. They would empty every last drop and leave us completely vulnerable if it will help save them the Senate.
10 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: a man way over thirty 3/31/2022 1:05:01 PM (No. 1115601)
Democrat morons are trying to buy votes by emptying our strategic oil supply. That supply is for EMERGENCIES. And their little stunt won't affect gas prices much. Democrats getting trounced in the 2022 mid-terms is not an emergency. It should be a welcome relief.
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DE01A13 3/31/2022 1:06:39 PM (No. 1115603)
And when that runs out, what then? Oh yeah, electric cars.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Lawsy0 3/31/2022 1:10:17 PM (No. 1115608)
Writers keep saying the words ''Biden Administration'' as if saying it often enough will make it true.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: moebellini3 3/31/2022 1:13:02 PM (No. 1115612)
1 million barrels of oil each day for the next six months from U.S. reserves amid high gasoline prices. Think about it. That's oil from our reserve, oil that should be used during an emergency. With the world as dangerous as it is today, with a mentally challenged man running our country, this is the last thing you want to do. Got it..
15 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: red1066 3/31/2022 1:15:07 PM (No. 1115615)
So, this idiot is going to release oil that cost for the most part less than $50 a barrel when gas prices were less than $2.50 a gallon, to make gas that costs anywhere from $4 to $6 a gallon and then we'll have to replace that oil with oil that costs over $100 a barrel in future. This is the kind of head up your arse thinking we have in government. The thought of drilling and reducing regulations to lower the price isn't part of their thinking.
20 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: triggerberg 3/31/2022 1:39:41 PM (No. 1115628)
The only analogy that comes to mind is a farmer eating his seed corn even though it’s planting season, the weather is good and the soil is ready.
10 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: bighambone 3/31/2022 2:44:28 PM (No. 1115678)
If the Biden ordered releases of oil from the so-called strategic reserve continue, and something really bad happens, like a big war, the USA will not have any reserve of oil.
5 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Rich323 3/31/2022 2:56:43 PM (No. 1115685)
President Trump filled the reserves to the top when oil was super cheap. He saved billions on building the reserves. Now Bidet is dumping it on the market as a cheap political vote buying trick for the fall elections. The Clinton’s did the same crap and maybe Carter too. The democrats only have one tree so the apples are all the same..rotten!
5 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: snapper451 3/31/2022 3:17:21 PM (No. 1115697)
It takes a genius to deplete the strategic oil reserves when we are on the cusp of WWIII. Applesauce brains is clearly intent on destroying America. Someone do something, please! He did not get legally elected - fraud in so many swing stages occurred and has been documented. Plus, the idiot is as corrupt as the day is long.
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: raspberry 3/31/2022 3:18:03 PM (No. 1115699)
These phony environmentalists want us to believe that crude pumped from the petroleum reserve is cleaner than crude pumped from oil wells.
4 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Thos Weatherby 3/31/2022 3:19:25 PM (No. 1115703)
1M barrels sound like a lot but it's LESS than 4 or 5% of our total daily usage. Meanwhile, prices are going up.
2 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Anti_democRAT 3/31/2022 3:31:23 PM (No. 1115710)
At least trump filled it at a low price and FJB is releasing it at a high price. Hope it isnt going to the chinese. Trump is still making profits for us
1 person likes this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: MDConservative 3/31/2022 3:34:40 PM (No. 1115713)
Is this oil being given away or sold? At what price to whom?
4 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Rich323 3/31/2022 3:48:43 PM (No. 1115720)
Now he's going to use the Defense Production Act to protect components for electric vehicles? He's turning Ukraine into a national emergency crisis replacing Covid.
1 person likes this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Starboard_side 3/31/2022 3:49:27 PM (No. 1115721)
This should be the perfect opening for Republicans to pounce on the silly idea, and emphatically state we should be opening up the production here in the United States which will employ many in high-paying jobs without reducing the NPR's. They are admitting that we need that oil, and will continue to need it for decades, even if we transition to cleaner energy options which does not seem to be a concern for those in the Middle East, China, Russia, India, and many other parts of the world. What do they know that we aren't being told by the "green" special interest movements? My take, it's always been about pollution, or they would have tried to input a more vigorous Paris Accord, instead of having a goal to meet in the year 2100 (78 years from now).
1 person likes this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: davew 3/31/2022 3:58:20 PM (No. 1115726)
OPEC was showing signs that they wanted to increase their output while still softening the price hit. Now they have no incentive to do so until they see how the market absorbs the SPR dump. Thanks Joe. Maybe someone should tell him that the SPR has never been able to distribute anything close to 1M barrels per day.
0 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: RuckusTom 3/31/2022 4:45:37 PM (No. 1115746)
Golly, doesn't everyone have a SS account the government is managing for them? They won't raid the oil reserve - supposed to be used for war - would they?
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: smokincol 3/31/2022 6:59:31 PM (No. 1115862)
diapers is taking intentional and grievous actions to destroy our country but will do whatever he can to strengthen our enemies - what kind of president is that?
1 person likes this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 3/31/2022 9:01:44 PM (No. 1115993)
This is a Band-Aid. Open the Keystone pipeline, Vegetable!
1 person likes this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Penney 3/31/2022 11:11:51 PM (No. 1116047)
The looting continues.
1 person likes this.

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Biden administration to release 1M barrels
of oil daily from US reserves
36 replies
Posted by Grateful 3/31/2022 11:50:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration will release 1 million barrels of oil each day for the next six months from U.S. reserves amid high gasoline prices. The plan announced Thursday is an effort to relieve some inflation associated with rising gasoline prices and combat other supply shortages that partly stem from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "This record release will provide a historic amount of supply to serve as bridge until the end of the year when domestic production ramps up," the White House said. President Biden is expected to formally announce the move at a White House event Thursday afternoon.
Gang Members Accused Of Murdering LAPD
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Refusal To Charge Enhancements
1 reply
Posted by Grateful 1/16/2022 3:59:05 PM Post Reply
The four suspects charged in connection with the murder of Los Angeles Police Officer Fernando Arroyos are all affiliated with the Florencia 13 (F13) Latino street gang, police revealed Thursday. Officer Arroyos, 27, was fatally shot during an armed robbery as he was house-hunting with his girlfriend on Jan. 10. Police said the suspects targeted him because of the two silver necklaces he was wearing, KABC reported. Two women and three men were detained by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) detectives for questioning in connection with Officer Arroyos’ death, LASD Homicide Bureau Captain Joe Mendoza revealed Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Nationally-Ranked Weightlifter Takes Down
Robber Who Attacked Her Mom
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Posted by Grateful 1/6/2022 3:39:50 PM Post Reply
New Orleans, LA – A career criminal who attacked a tourist in the Big Easy last week clearly had no idea he had picked the wrong mother from whom to snatch a purse. The incident occurred on Dec. 28 shortly after Masina Tupea and her family arrived in New Orleans on vacation, HNN reported. Tupea is a graduate of the Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii and a nationally-ranked weightlifter. She set a national record with her 320-pound deadlift, according to HNN. Tupea said her family was walking to dinner on the sidewalk when a man suddenly attacked her mother.
Chicago Bus Driver Brutally Beaten By
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Posted by Grateful 12/7/2021 11:54:40 AM Post Reply
A bus driver was badly beaten by a group of teenagers on Saturday night and the entire attack was captured on cell phone video. Chicago police said the incident occurred at about 9 p.m. on Dec. 4 in the 100-block of North Michigan Avenue, WMAQ reported. The driver told police that he heard a loud noise and stopped to investigate. But police said that when the driver got out of the bus, he was attacked by two people, WMAQ reported. Officials said that two individuals repeatedly punched the bus driver in the head.
Home Intruder Found Mauled To Death By
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Posted by Grateful 10/6/2021 2:05:20 PM Post Reply
Coweta County, GA – An alleged home intruder wanted on multiple warrants was found dead on the front porch of a residence after he broke into a house and was mauled to death by two dogs, according to police. Coweta County sheriff’s deputies were called to a residence on Walt Sanders Road off of North Highway 29 at approximately 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 24 after the homeowner returned to his house and found a man dead on his porch, The Newnan Times-Herald reported. The deceased man was later identified as 21-year-old Alex Binyam Abraha, an Atlanta resident who was wanted on multiple warrants out of Fulton County, according to WTVT.
2 DC Cops Charged For Death Of Man Who
Ran Moped Into SUV While Fleeing Police
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Posted by Grateful 10/1/2021 12:12:30 PM Post Reply
Washington, DC – Two DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers were indicted on Sept. 23 in connection with the death of a man fleeing police who rode his moped into the side of an SUV. The incident occurred at about 10:10 p.m. on Oct. 23 after MPD Officer Terence Sutton, 37, and MPD Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky saw 20-year-old Karon Hylton-Brown driving a Revel electric moped down the sidewalk in the 500-block of Kennedy Street, NW, The Washington Post reported.
Verizon Endorses Anti-Police Speakers,
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Training: Report
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Posted by Grateful 8/30/2021 11:25:09 AM Post Reply
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Cuomo’s Replacement Chooses Anti-Cop,
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17 replies
Posted by Grateful 8/26/2021 10:26:32 AM Post Reply
Albany, NY – Newly-sworn New York Governor Kathy Hochul chose an avowed supporter of the defund-the-police movement to be her lieutenant governor on Wednesday. Hochul, who had pledged to diversify her administration, chose New York State Senator Brian Benjamin, a black Democrat from Harlem, to be her No. 2, the Times Union reported. Benjamin, who was running for state comptroller when he was chosen by Hochul, has described himself as progressive and has loudly and publicly supported efforts to defund the New York Police Department (NYPD).
Chicago Mayor Blames Medical Examiner
For Canceling Of Murdered Cop’s
Tribute, ME Disagrees
16 replies
Posted by Grateful 8/13/2021 1:13:43 PM Post Reply
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot added insult to injury on Wednesday when she claimed fallen Chicago Police Officer Ella French’s bagpipe tribute had been skipped because of the medical examiner’s pandemic protocols. Chicago Police Department (CPD) officers are furious with their agency’s second-in-command after he ignored a sacred ritual on Saturday night and refused to wait for the Emerald Society to play the bagpipes as a final send-off for the slain hero. “We don’t have 20 minutes for this s—t!” CPD First Deputy Police Superintendent Eric Carter declared.
Sheriff Orders Employees To Work
From Home Due To Dangers
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Camp Next Door
18 replies
Posted by Grateful 8/4/2021 3:35:58 PM Post Reply
Seattle, WA – Violence caused by the sprawling homeless encampment near the King County Courthouse has become so extreme that the county sheriff has ordered much of her staff to work entirely from home. The King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) operates out of the courthouse building, which is located directly next to City Hall Park, KTTH reported. The park is the site of a massive homeless encampment that has essentially taken over the area. Community activists have complained that sweeps are inhumane, so the City of Seattle has thus far refused to disband the tent city, KTTV reported.
Group Beats Disabled Woman With
Cookpot, Steals Purse And Walker
15 replies
Posted by Grateful 8/2/2021 3:11:10 PM Post Reply
New York, NY – Authorities are looking for three women and a man who brutally beat a handicapped 61-year-old woman with a cookpot on a Harlem sidewalk on July 20 (video below). The attack occurred after some sort of verbal disagreement at about 8 p.m. on July 20 at the corner of Eighth Avenue and West 151st Street, WNBC reported. The attack was captured by nearby surveillance videos and showed a 61-year-old woman using a walker who appeared to be arguing with a woman in a yellow shirt. The video showed the younger woman suddenly pushed the older woman up against a construction railing
Prisoners Got More Than $780 Million
Payday Through American Rescue Plan
12 replies
Posted by Grateful 7/31/2021 12:23:39 PM Post Reply
Prisoners – including mass killers like the Boston Marathon bomber and the white supremacist who attacked a black Charleston church – got a payday to the tune of $783.5 million in stimulus money from the American Rescue Plan. Conservative group American Crossroads filed a public records request for the information about how much money had gone to incarcerated individuals under President Biden’s initiative, FOX News reported. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records showed that stimulus money was given to 560,000 Americans who were incarcerated for all 12 months of 2020.
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Pardon for Hunter Biden
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 12:15:05 AM Post Reply
The White House refused to rule out President Joe Biden issuing a presidential pardon for his son Hunter Biden or for his brother James Biden as federal investigations continue over their foreign business dealings. “That’s not a hypothetical I’m going to entertain,” White House communications director Kate Bedingfield said during the daily press briefing when asked about a potential pardon “I don’t have anything to add from this podium. Bedingfield was reluctant to address any aspect of the Hunter Biden story, after CNN, The Washington Post, and the New York Times recently published stories about the federal tax probe
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Department to Prosecute Trump
33 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2022 7:23:57 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is telling staffers that he wants the Justice Department to prosecute former President Trump and other political opponents.In an article about Attorney General Merrick Garland ‘facing pressure as the January 6 investigation widens,’ The New York Times claimed Biden wants Garland to prosecute Trump.The New York Times reported: “As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments.”
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fear fallout from new school law
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 7:39:24 PM Post Reply
Last month, a group of parents in Orlando, Florida, demanded “consequences” against sixth grade science teacher Robert Thollander. His crime? Thollander acknowledged his marriage at school. “He married a man. This alone is not an issue. Sharing the details … with all his 6th grade students is the issue,” the parents wrote in a letter sent to their children’s school board, which was shared with NBC News. “It was not appropriate. Many of these students felt very uncomfortable with the conversations and shared this with their families.” Had Thollander just “said he will be out for a few days because he was getting married, no problem,” the letter continued
Ketanji Brown Jackson chose leniency even
in baby sex torture cases
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Posted by Ribicon 4/2/2022 10:45:39 AM Post Reply
In the eight child-porn cases that came before her court, former D.C. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson heard horrifying details of “sadomasochistic” torture of young kids—including “infants and toddlers”—yet challenged the disturbing evidence presented by prosecutors and disregarded their prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case, according to transcripts of sentencing hearings obtained by the Post. In some cases, she even apologized to some of the kiddie-porn perverts for having to follow the statutes, which she called “substantially flawed.” Over and over, the records reveal, Jackson made excuses for the sex fiends’ criminal behavior and cut them slack in defiance of investigators
Putin 'bathes in ANTLER blood' as part
of alternative treatment that 'boosts
male potency' - amid claims he may have
thyroid cancer and is followed everywhere
by a doctor
23 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2022 11:51:55 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin bathes in antler blood extracted by painfully hacking off a deer's horns and is 'constantly' accompanied by a doctor specialising in thyroid cancer, reports claim.The Russian president was introduced to the unusual remedy by now-defence minister Sergei Shoigu, and apparently enjoyed a soak in a 'bathtub containing an odorant extract from blood-filled deer antlers' in the mid-2000s.While there is no concrete proof that the antlers of Altai red deer, native to Siberia, help with body rejuvenation, Putin is said to be a fan
Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles? 22 replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/2/2022 6:30:03 AM Post Reply
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent the LBGT community and the woke corporations into a frenzy when he championed (and signed into law) an anti-groomer bill that prevents school teachers from grooming 5 year old children about deviant sex practices. (Snip--video) The Disney Company believes that grooming your kids is the hill that it wants to die on — which should tell you everything you need to know about the people running Disney these days. No sane corporation would put out a statement such as this one unless it wanted to be recognized as a pro-pedophile organization.
Washington State Looks to Ban New Gas Cars 21 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/2/2022 9:54:43 AM Post Reply
The Democrats’ war on the internal combustion engine isn’t just solely an obsession with the radical Left and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). It’s being exported to the state legislatures now. It’s also not shocking that most left-wing states are adopting such measures that are Green New Deal-influenced. In Washington, there could be a ban on new gas cars. Yes, they’re taking the Oregon Trail game to its most extreme limits. It's back to the methods of travel not seen since the Donner Party san cannibalism (via Daily Wire): Washington state is preparing to ban most new gasoline-powered vehicles within the next eight years.
Donald Trump says US will be 'deluged
by illegal immigration' after Biden drops
Title 42 border restrictions: Claims '10
to 12 million people' would flood the country
20 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2022 8:43:17 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump blasted President Joe Biden's repeal of a pandemic-era border restriction at a rally Saturday night - claiming the decision will result in a 'deluge of illegal immigration.' The former president claimed at his Save America rally Saturday night that he had the 'most secure border in the history of our nation,' but warned that with Biden's '‘foolhardy’ repeal of Title 42, ‘We will be deluged by illegal immigration.' ‘We’re being invaded by millions and millions of people,' the former president added, claiming Democrats want there to be a 'sanctuary for dangerous illegal immigrants.'
DeSantis' Nuclear Option: What Would Happen
If Florida Revoked Disney's Special Governing Arrangement?
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/2/2022 7:52:22 PM Post Reply
The passing of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill and Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing of it into law have escalated into a tense war between the increasingly solid red state and The Walt Disney Corporation, which continues to double down on its heavily pro-LGBT stance. Disney has vowed to fight for the repeal of the law despite the fact that it reflects the values of parents throughout the state — as well as many of the company’s cast members (which is what Disney calls its employees). But, just as we’ve expected from Florida’s governor, DeSantis isn’t simply rolling over — he’s fighting back.
Joe Biden Managed to Fall Asleep Standing
Up, Mix Himself Up with Michelle Obama
All at One Event
16 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2022 11:55:11 PM Post Reply
It's getting increasingly anxiety-inducing to watch President Joe Biden give these public addresses. This Saturday, the president and first lady spoke at the commissioning commemoration ceremony of the USS Delaware.The remarks weren't exactly memorable because either of them said something groundbreaking. The president, however, did mix himself up with former First Lady Michelle Obama, with "Michelle Obama" trending on Twitter for Saturday night. (Tweets/Video) As a result, the White House transcript had to go in and save him, as they've had to do before with this administration. "And I’m deeply proud of the work she is doing as First Lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when
Joe Biden to Open the Border on May 23 16 replies
Posted by mc squared 4/2/2022 10:33:11 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s deputies have announced they will lift the Title 42 barrier at the southern border on May 23, allowing a vast wave of wage-cutting, rent-spiking migrants into America’s job and housing markets. “We are increasing our capacity to process new arrivals, evaluate asylum requests,” said a statement from Alejandro Mayorkas, who heads Biden’s Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress. The formal announcement implies that the president will not block the border-opening plan by his deputies.
Black support for Biden plummets to seriously
shocking low levels
16 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2022 9:27:22 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s approval numbers are not only plummeting with the country as a whole but a shocking new poll shows that the deeply unpopular leader is also hemorrhaging support with the one demographic that is absolutely critical to Democrats.According to a new Marquette University Law School poll, Biden’s approval rating among black voters has steadily dropped over the past nine months, a sign that all of the racial pandering from the president and his administration isn’t enough to offset very real problems including staggering crime rates, much of it affecting black communities and skyrocketing inflation,
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