North Carolina judges strike down state's
voter ID law after blasting Republican-backed
plan as racist attempt
to keep black voters away
from polls: GOP vows to appeal
Associated Press,
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
9/18/2021 12:07:39 PM
North Carolina judges struck down the state´s latest photo voter identification law on Friday, agreeing with minority voters that Republicans rammed through rules tainted by racial bias as a way to remain in power. Two of the three trial judges at Wake County Superior Court in Raleigh declared the December 2018 law is unconstitutional, even though it was designed to implement a photo voter ID mandate added to the North Carolina Constitution in a referendum just weeks earlier. They said the law was rushed and intentionally discriminates against black voters, violating their equal protections. The law 'was motivated at least in part by an unconstitutional intent to target
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Moritz55 9/18/2021 12:10:59 PM (No. 918779)
Obama judges?
17 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Californian 9/18/2021 12:20:13 PM (No. 918791)
Racist judge says blacks are too stupid to pick up a free picture ID to vote.
Yet we can have covid passports fully computerized to identify exactly who got how many of which jab and when.
44 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 9/18/2021 12:20:19 PM (No. 918792)
They are elite judges and want to remain in power.
16 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Hugh Akston 9/18/2021 12:20:19 PM (No. 918793)
The black 'voter' in the grocery store had to show ID to get a freakin' grocery rewards card. I think she can show it at the polls without any ill feelings.
29 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
marbles 9/18/2021 12:21:02 PM (No. 918796)
You need an ID to buy a phone, buy car, rent an apartment, get welfare. North Carolina is saying that black people are too stupid to get an ID ? They have have phones so what is North Carolina really saying?
31 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
formerNYer 9/18/2021 12:26:49 PM (No. 918803)
First, the AssPress is very bias in their reporting of this using words like rammed and unconstitutional...
Second, let me fix the headline - NC judges says the democRAts Can't cheat with the new voter photo ID law.
There fixed it.
30 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
hershey 9/18/2021 12:43:16 PM (No. 918820)
Time to kick that stupid judge out from behind the bench...has to be an Øbammie judge....
15 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Krause 9/18/2021 12:48:31 PM (No. 918828)
Why do blacks have such a hard time getting a voter ID? I know they have no problem getting welfare benefits. Couldn't the people who help them fill out a ballot and tell them who to vote for help them get a voter ID?
20 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Birddog 9/18/2021 1:10:09 PM (No. 918848)
IF they spent even 1% of the time and money they spend trying to STOP ID rules on getting IDs for the people they claim cannot get them? Everyone in the Nation would have 2 or three Id's. WIC/Welfare/Medicaid/Medicare/Foodstamps would ALL have photos on them..all of the recipients are BY LAW required to meet with and be "Helped" by govt. workers annually if not monthly already, all of whom can have a cellphone/pad device for onsite photos to be taken at the time IF they are shown proper confirmation(the reason these same lefties do not want Govt benefit card to have pictures is because they KNOW it will curtail & Catch abusers of those systems, and it might make minorities 'look bad")
The photo of the lead lawyer, and her gaggle of activist supporters is interesting in that all but ONE are wealthy looking white women, who "Paternalisticly" promote the concept that 'poor black folks" are hopelessly helpless...without them.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Digiconver 9/18/2021 1:13:04 PM (No. 918852)
More like it's an attempt to keep dead voters away from the polls
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Rob_NC 9/18/2021 1:14:23 PM (No. 918854)
Wake county is really all you need to know.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 9/18/2021 1:17:59 PM (No. 918860)
What a racist!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
reefdiver 9/18/2021 1:21:11 PM (No. 918864)
If you don't need ID to vote, you don't need ID for anything. Just walk on to any plane, withdraw money from any bank or buy a firearm from any sporting goods store, no ID should be required right?
19 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/18/2021 1:27:20 PM (No. 918870)
I am tired of the racist nonsense. It is ok to be racist, so go and enjoy your life, free from racism.
8 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
MDConservative 9/18/2021 1:47:41 PM (No. 918886)
Race conflict is another gold mine for politicians (including judges) and those directly in the industry (associations, foundations, etc.). It's always something. Blacks are always claiming some bar to their civic participation. It's nonsense, but there is this high dose of white paternalism and "community" thinking clouding any rational conversation. Why should The Community abandon an argument that has prove itself effective for the past three-quarters century or so?
7 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
bad-hair 9/18/2021 2:15:13 PM (No. 918912)
This is what keeps Democrats awake nights sweating. We Republicans WANT Black voters at the polls. The ones who actually get off their butts and VOTE.
8 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 9/18/2021 2:20:39 PM (No. 918919)
Voter ID inhibits vote fraud.
Dems HATE anything that inhibits vote fraud.
15 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
cor-vet 9/18/2021 2:52:18 PM (No. 918951)
I'm waiting for someone to be asked for a photo ID for something other than voting, being denied and then suing because asking is racist. Maybe someone can try entering one of these judges courtrooms without ID.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/18/2021 3:18:41 PM (No. 918975)
Blacks also too stupid to take the death shot.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Muguy 9/18/2021 3:22:58 PM (No. 918982)
Looks like the Media-driven "racist voter ID" side show left Texas and is not centered in North Carolina.
The SCOTUS approved the Voter ID law in Ohio many years ago-- this has been the standard basis for other states to create their laws to meet the SAME standard as approved by the SCOTUS.
Everything seems to be ONLY against blacks....
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Kafka2 9/18/2021 4:12:45 PM (No. 919018)
These same judges will not allow anybody to enter their court room unless they produce a picture ID. These judges have identified themselves as deplorable racists. Heaven help anybody coming before them expecting justice.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
red1066 9/18/2021 4:32:18 PM (No. 919032)
Judges don't have a final say. The duly elected legislature does.
4 people like this.
Babylon Bee recently posted a funny video on this subject: "White Liberal Shocked as Black Man Gets ID" (3:03)
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
dickiedeeb 9/18/2021 6:37:27 PM (No. 919102)
Well obviously to present ID to buy a pack of newports and a 40 is totally racist and it happens every day! Its an outrage!
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
nhveritas 9/18/2021 6:49:43 PM (No. 919110)
Showing a photo ID is a basic pre-requisite for obtaining a loan, flying, or obtaining a credit card or rental unit. When it comes to voting, requiring any photo identification is racist. But the election is honest, say those promoting this lunacy.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 9/18/2021 7:16:13 PM (No. 919128)
Voter ID discriminates - against Dominion, dead Democrats, multiple voting Democrats, ghost Democrats, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, motor-voter, midnight truck dumps. .
Blacks allow themselves to be used as the vehicle for Vote Fraud, That is the real racism in the election process, and it is racism against European-Americans - the only systemic racism in the US.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Ebenezer 9/19/2021 9:08:04 AM (No. 919492)
commenters 1 and 7, these are state judges, not federal judges, so they weren't appointed by a president.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/19/2021 9:44:10 AM (No. 919550)
Thanks for your Biased STUPID opinion...let us know when the Supreme Court agrees, until then POUND SAND!
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Confirming that people are who they claim to be, and that they are eligible to vote, is racist against bLACKS. The ID requirement even included college IDs, and ID cards were also made available for free, but somehow all of this discriminates against African Americans, the most delicate and vulnerable population the world has ever known.