Furious China issues bone-chilling warning
subs deal could 'make Australia
a potential target for a NUCLEAR strike'
Daily Mail [Australia],
Levi Parsons
Charlie Moore
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
9/17/2021 2:48:38 AM
Chinese state media has warned Australia will become a 'potential target for a nuclear strike' after it acquires nuclear-powered submarines.As part of a new three-way alliance with the UK and US, Australia will be given the technology to build at least eight nuclear-powered - but not nuclear armed - submarines as the West counters China's growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the 'AUKUS' alliance 'seriously damages regional peace and stability, intensifies the arms race, and undermines the Treaty
Reply 1 - Posted by:
mifla 9/17/2021 3:21:51 AM (No. 917141)
China feeling free to throw their weight around.
48 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/17/2021 3:31:19 AM (No. 917146)
Sending nuclear technology to Australia is not the way to handle this. Who would be the clown in charge of it? General Milley? I would not trust our military leaders with a cap pistol. Biden is so unstable, he might launch something that only he sees.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
PChristopher 9/17/2021 4:20:25 AM (No. 917165)
As if Oz wasn't a target already.
51 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/17/2021 5:09:03 AM (No. 917172)
All the more reason to stick with the new sub deal.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
motorcycleboy 9/17/2021 5:11:31 AM (No. 917174)
It's not so much the "nuclear" part as it is the fact that these subs are ultra-quiet, with the most advanced (non-nuclear) weapons systems, and are sophisticated in many other ways than just propulsion.
All ahead full.
53 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/17/2021 5:35:51 AM (No. 917182)
Elections have consequences. Let’s see if Biden honors the deal after he finds out China is so upset.
Can you even imagine the discussions in the White House concerning these critical issues? Is Biden even there and if he is, can he speak coherently to offer any thoughts? This entire administration is not only a fraud, it is a danger to the entire world. However, the power mad democrats care nothing except for their insatiable lust for complete control and power even if it means tragic circumstances are a result. They are mental lightweights when it comes to responsible governance but are geniuses when it comes to corruption. It is their superpower. They have abandoned common sense and reason for their chance to totally transform this country into a totalitarian nightmare. So determined to succeed, they are willing to put the entire world in peril. If someone laid out the exact scenario we are experiencing, I honestly would think it was a plot for a new James Bond movie. It is that outrageous. Sadly, democrats have made the United States the evil villain.
The worst part? We have no recourse. We have to just sit here and watch it unfold knowing no one is going to stop this illegitimate dangerous regime. God help us.
50 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
planetgeo 9/17/2021 5:58:02 AM (No. 917196)
Is this even "news"? China has made it clear that any country not named China is already a potential target for a nuclear strike. But hey, maybe General Milley Vanilli will get a friendly advance warning call from his BFF General Li.
45 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
chance_232 9/17/2021 6:04:15 AM (No. 917200)
We are going to build nuclear submarines for them. NOT nuclear weapons.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
watashiyo 9/17/2021 6:37:18 AM (No. 917222)
Japan should have one too.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/17/2021 7:36:30 AM (No. 917255)
Put that in a fortune cookie, I dare ya.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 9/17/2021 7:38:10 AM (No. 917256)
China want Australia's coal but doesn't want to pay for it.
23 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Georgia Peach 9/17/2021 8:20:30 AM (No. 917308)
If China invaded Australia for the minerals they now pay for, who would stop them?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/17/2021 8:23:04 AM (No. 917312)
Hardly bone-chilling, we have been listening to nuclear threats since the fifties. Schools don't even practice the "hide under your desk" drill any more. Every country that has the bomb knows very well that it would be suicide to drop one anywhere in the world. But yes, we now have leaders crazy enough to do it.
20 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 9/17/2021 8:33:48 AM (No. 917320)
Grown-up countries don't throw around nuclear threats like that. Child-like ones throwing a tantrum and infected with a sad inferiority complex do.
22 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Sanchin 9/17/2021 8:38:03 AM (No. 917324)
A silly headline. Of course, they will be a target. Submarines are where a navy's strength lies. Aircraft carriers have become obsolete in actual combat with the development of the supersonic missiles because a carrier group is unlikely to successfully defend against an onslaught of these missiles in actual battle. Carriers still work, however, in the projection of strength but it is awfully expensive to maintain. Regardless of who has what militarily, the rhetoric will continue to heat up because this administration and career diplomats are mentally incapable of diplomacy and negotiation.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 9/17/2021 8:42:07 AM (No. 917328)
#12 What would stop them is their inability to transport that many soldiers and equipment, that distance, undetected, and then subdue a member of the Commonwealth without provoking a hideous international outrage.
You know, the world doesn't have to trade with China, or allow it to bank in other countries, or allow its people to travel to other countries.
That is why China is resorting to this stupid Cold War style bluster.
16 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
NamVet70 9/17/2021 8:54:12 AM (No. 917341)
Does anyone else feel a chill? Yawn
11 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
udanja99 9/17/2021 8:54:48 AM (No. 917342)
China has already invaded Australia. That country is overrun with Chinese just like we are with Latinos.
19 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/17/2021 9:13:47 AM (No. 917366)
Now that biden the cheater's Afghanistan disaster is out of the news cycle, Xi has nothing to worry about. He should save his breath and just prepare for the Taiwan invasion.
13 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Speedypetey 9/17/2021 9:18:43 AM (No. 917373)
So the bioweapon release was not scary enough? Why are "global economy" corporate MBA's still sole sourcing the Chicom? A high school degree could figure this out and they would gladly accept the multi million dollar salary and tens of millions in stock options. Automotive with no electronic chips are the first to be replaced by common sense educations.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/17/2021 9:27:25 AM (No. 917383)
This should be the response, "screw you China". They fear one nuclear submarine could wipe out all of their 'Chinese junks' before they knew it. At the moment the Chinese are pretty embolden since the surrender by the American military in Afghanistan. The entire world is shifting and reorganizing China just wants to see smooth sailing and this upsets their plan.
Who will bling first the Chinese or AUKUS?
11 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Zigrid 9/17/2021 9:28:14 AM (No. 917384)
Yeah...yeah...WE know you're a tough guy...this falls into the photo/op file...you really think china didn't give biden their permission....now they can beat their chests and threaten Australia...ooooo... I'm so scared...I'm sure milk toast milley is working on a response....all kabuki theater....just as china's virus was meant to "control the masses" with fear...social media has worked against conservatives...but it seems now...it's making information more available to WE the people...thank you Frankspeech.com
7 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/17/2021 9:40:00 AM (No. 917393)
A second post after reading one comment it struck me that the face of the administration is Jan Paski that is about how their foreign policy acts. You might as well have Paski in charge of negotiation in a crisis that's how dumb all of them are. Have you seen Pelosi in action lately she's as bad as Joe Biden now.
For China to make this statement they are afraid of rejection by the world because they believe they control the economy those 'Made in China' labels aren't everything to everyone, they fear that.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
red1066 9/17/2021 10:32:07 AM (No. 917441)
Like it wasn't before?
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Which, if Amerika had a real leader, would draw a retaliatory strike on them. Since we don't, they can rattle the saber with impunity.
China is deeply scared of US nuclear sub technology, with good reason. Our boomers and fast attacks are a hole in the ocean. The Aussie subs will not be armed with nuclear warheads, but they will be used for long-range cruise missile attacks which would be very effective against China and especially their shipping.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Robert Jones 9/17/2021 11:09:15 AM (No. 917486)
The only risk is from red China. so, we need their permission? Sounds like extortion to me. Are they setting up a protection racket?
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Rabbiter 9/17/2021 11:27:44 AM (No. 917514)
But, but, but didn't Milley and Blinken both tell us that China is not our enemy??
I guess it depends on what their definition of "enemy" is.
(Hint: Trump supporters..)
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/17/2021 11:38:12 AM (No. 917521)
They were already a target. Might as well be able to fight back.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
DVC 9/17/2021 12:37:19 PM (No. 917600)
The ChiComs are EVERYONE's enemy. Everyone should stop trading with China. ZERO out your trade budget with China, and they become much less of a problem.
6 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
leonardo 9/17/2021 2:47:27 PM (No. 917751)
Hey COMMIES, either Make Your Move or shut up and crawl back under your genocidal rock.
Enough outraged threats. Put up, or shut up.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Lazyman 9/17/2021 4:10:30 PM (No. 917839)
I wonder if any Chinese Generals will call with a heads up about a pending attack.
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Time for the world to unite against the Chinese threat. India, Australia, Japan and the USA.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
swarfer 9/17/2021 6:28:59 PM (No. 918017)
Australia simply does not have the resources to develop the nuclear propulsion technology from scratch. Our Naval reactor designs are not going to be copied by the Chinese or the Russians since they already have their own different technology and are bound by their industrial capabilities and financial resources. The real technology issues are stealth, sonar and weapons system not the reactor systems or hull designs which we have been building since the late 50's.
Fortunately we still have Naval leadership that hasn't been corrupted and realizes the consequences of an uncontained China. The Biden administration is overjoyed they can shift defense expenditures elsewhere in order to finance their real agenda of destroying traditional America. Likely the Australians will only build a half dozen nuclear subs due to the cost, but they do have a sizable supply of uranium to barter. Even so, basing subs in the far Pacific changes the game so much so that the Chinese felt necessary to issue threats.
The Australians have been down this road in WWII and did not have a sufficient force to deter aggression. Even thought they have been a non-nuclear nation, they apparently realize they have to act.
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Gosh, this alliance seems to have struck a nerve. Maybe it hit the target?
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