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'Perfectly within the duties and responsibilities':
Gen. Mark Milley defends
calls made to his Chinese counterpart
as 'routine' and says
they were done to 'reassure' America's
adversary in his first public
comments since being accused of 'treason'

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/17/2021 10:40:25 AM

General Mark Milley on Friday defended his calls to his Chinese counterpart during the final months of Donald Trump's presidency as 'perfectly within the duties and responsibilities' of his job as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Milley made his first public comments on revelations he called Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People's Liberation Army to reassure him the U.S. was not going to suddenly attack China. The general was blasted by the former president and several conservatives for his conversations, including being accused of 'treason'

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Come And Take It 9/17/2021 10:41:53 AM (No. 917448)
Uh, FU Medals. Promising to give your 'counterpart' enemy a heads up before attacking isn't routine - it's treasonous.
63 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 9/17/2021 10:43:03 AM (No. 917452)
Milley, You have brought shame and disgrace to you and your country... An honorable man would have resigned by now.
60 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 9/17/2021 10:46:52 AM (No. 917456)
When treason has become the norm in DC, Medals Milley calls treason 'perectly withing the duties and responsibilities". No matter his lies, it is still treason.
63 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Melanie 9/17/2021 10:47:51 AM (No. 917458)
No SANE person thought the US was going to attack China. Milley was either hysterical, or trying to embellish his "importance" to history...with a side helping of Slandering Trump for his political overlords.
54 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: slipstik 9/17/2021 10:51:25 AM (No. 917465)
So then why didn't the Japanese head honcho call our head honcho to tell him they were going to attack?? This putz lies like a rug. And where in the hell did that turkey platter ribbon rack come from? He earned that? Doing precisely what? Certainly not making war.
35 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Norway 9/17/2021 10:51:52 AM (No. 917466)
Milley needs a smoke and a rope. Really.
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/17/2021 10:54:25 AM (No. 917469)
Not a rope, a garrote.
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: ronbet 9/17/2021 10:55:06 AM (No. 917470)
We sure do get a lot of posts (many each day) from this leftist UK tabloid site. They are worse than the National Enquirer. Most of these posts come from one person who believes they are RIGHT, but adds a lot of leftist propaganda to the Lucianne salon. I don't believe in censoring posters, but this has become too much everyday. We know the Daily Mail well and they do slant their stories. On the plus side, they often have really good photography.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: starboard 9/17/2021 10:55:39 AM (No. 917473)
Milley is a loose cannon and should not be removed from that position. He's setting himself up for more recrimination from your buddy Joe.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Birddog 9/17/2021 11:01:30 AM (No. 917480)
IF this was "Perfectly within Duties and responsibilities" Then WHY was no one else in the command chain even informed? WHY are THEY only hearing about it now? The entire State Dept/Defense Dept/Commerce dept had continuing discussions and negotiations, vs/vs China and throughout the region and YOU withheld your personal chats from them, undermining them and the Nations strategic diplomatic goals?
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: reefdiver 9/17/2021 11:03:19 AM (No. 917482)
Another clue that this country is deliberately being destroyed so as to declare the country under total government control and "rebuild" to support the communist agenda. Everything seems to be done to divide the country into tribes to justify total government control. Why else do they allow millions of illegals in and promise them everything? Why force everyone except the millions of illegals to get vaccinated. Why else do we see voter fraud on a grand scale? Why else are the Democrats pushing to make January 6 (J6) the new 9/11? Why else do the Media push false narratives to attack conservative opinions and support ridiculous programs that may bankrupt the country and hurt working people and small business? We will soon be an annex of Communist China if things don't change.
18 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: bighambone 9/17/2021 11:11:31 AM (No. 917490)
It is not the job of four star Admirals or Generals to conduct any form of US foreign policy behind the back of the elected President of the USA.
39 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Jethro bo 9/17/2021 11:26:55 AM (No. 917512)
I bet he called his counterpart at the Taliban to inform him of our unconditional retreat. Murder and lott and pillage at will cause Uncle Joe will run away without so much as looking back.
14 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Bur Oak 9/17/2021 11:39:13 AM (No. 917523)
Gen. Milley trying to defend the indefensible. No wonder we can't win wars. He should never have been the Joint Chief of Staff and should have been gone a year ago. He should resign or be court martialed.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Californian 9/17/2021 11:41:22 AM (No. 917526)
Treason. It is now just part of the job if you're a Democrat.
19 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: downnout 9/17/2021 11:50:43 AM (No. 917540)
Since when is it routine to go behind the back of the CIC?
17 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: jasmine 9/17/2021 11:58:03 AM (No. 917545)
Speaking of "duties and responsibilities," I want to know if any mental health professionals were brought in (by Milley or anyone else) to quietly observe and assess Joe Biden's ability to process the advice and information he was given regarding his plan to abandon Afghanistan. Biden claims everyone agreed with his plan. He left Americans, allies and $85 billion in military equipment behind for the Taliban, and in is mind his plan was a smashing success. Milley felt a need to "reassure" the Communist Chinese he would give them a heads up if the "unstable" Trump ordered one. Yet he saw no reason to question Biden's competence??? What is wrong with this administration?
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: AlpineLace 9/17/2021 12:10:12 PM (No. 917561)
Have you seen pictures of General Eisenhower, 5 star, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WW II, his jacket did not have as much garbage as this fools does. We have not been in a declared war since 1945, what in the hell is all his bling for.
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: dwa 9/17/2021 12:10:13 PM (No. 917562)
While calls to high level military of other nations, including our enemies are probably normal, these calls were not in that normal vein. The DOD response to this is Clintonesque in it's presentation and wording. First, Milley's superiors would probably know about the call to a nation like China and would likely be pre-approved in what would be said. In this case, no such approval nor knowledge of the calls was known. Second, what was said on the call if reported accurately, is not normal, especially without the expressed approval of SecDef, SecState and the CIC. This is just more examples of the dishonest, integrity-less treasonous Chairman and his staff.
7 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: edgar 9/17/2021 12:14:03 PM (No. 917568)
What does Michael Flynn think of this? What about the FBI and DOJ that tried to bring Flynn down for much less. Just wonderin'.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Kumoan 9/17/2021 12:14:37 PM (No. 917569)
When Comrade General, Hero of the USA Milley speaks... He should further enhance his costume by getting one of those plus size hats the military in Russia wear. No doubt he has the inside track on getting one.
4 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/17/2021 12:25:12 PM (No. 917588)
Making yourself the decider on nuclear responses instead of the CIC is not exactly routine.
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: CivilServant 9/17/2021 12:35:11 PM (No. 917595)
“Including being accused of treason” Deservedly so.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/17/2021 12:35:53 PM (No. 917597)
Wonder if there is a power struggle going on among the Democrats. If prominent Democrats start calling for his dismissal, he's gone. If its just Republicans, nothing will happen.
9 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Philipsonh 9/17/2021 12:54:27 PM (No. 917619)
You do NOT give 'heads up' to an enemy State; you leave them guessing.
8 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Birddog 9/17/2021 12:55:34 PM (No. 917620)
Keep in mind...Gen.Stanly McCrystal, commander of joint forces operations in Afghanistan was recalled to DC and fired by Obama after a Buzzfeed/Rollingstone reporter ran a story that in a private conversation McCrytstal did not stop a special forces commander, in a War Zone, from saying negative things about stupid stuff Biden had said. "McChrystal dismissed the counterterrorism strategy being advocated by Vice President Joe Biden as “shortsighted,” saying it would lead to a state of “Chaos-istan.”. “Are you asking about Vice President Biden?” McChrystal says with a laugh. “Who’s that?” “Biden?” suggests a top adviser. “Did you say: Byte Me?” McCrystal had allowed the reporter to tag along in his transport vehicle when the reporters personal travel plans fell through. (The reporter mysteriously died in a single car accident, hit a tree at 80mph in a 25mph zone, at 4am)
6 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: jinx 9/17/2021 1:14:33 PM (No. 917631)
Not only that, but he told his men not to follow orders from Pres. Trump but to do what Milley told them to do. He even made them sign a pledge to him. That is also treason!
10 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: lakerman1 9/17/2021 1:27:01 PM (No. 917646)
Was it routine just for the fat boy, or to previous generals in his position?
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: rocket-j-squirrel 9/17/2021 1:45:54 PM (No. 917658)
I'm reminded of when Reagan got shot and Al Haig proclaimed that he was in charge of the country. Didn't go too well for him in the aftermath.
5 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/17/2021 1:59:55 PM (No. 917670)
It seems everyone is focused on the China Treason... What about PeeLousy and HackJob Milley colluding to usurp the Constitution when Milley told his Staff and lower Generals that everything had to go through HIM. Obviously he was intent on obstructing the Presidents Authority. This Milley Clown needs to Be Hanged at Dawn, No appeal, No reprieve, Nothing!
7 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/17/2021 2:06:26 PM (No. 917676)
#18, The Bling (medals) are 75% 'being there medals', 20% Knee Pad Earned (BJ's for Sr. Officers/Politicians), and 5% (Which FEW have real earned ones) Combat Medals earned in Combat...Bronze Star, Silver Star, Purple Heart and Congressional Medal of Honor...and a limited few others. Things like 'Done That Well' medals are a part of the 75% above...
1 person likes this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: KatieJo 9/17/2021 2:13:01 PM (No. 917693)
Reassure our enemy? Treason right there.
2 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: rochow 9/17/2021 2:14:24 PM (No. 917697)
Woa, is this guy full of hot air or what????
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Namma 9/17/2021 2:14:42 PM (No. 917699)
So, by that admission, Gen Flynn is innocent BTW. This piece of azzwipe could have started a horrible reaction. What if the Chinese had decided to just play it their way and send a nuke to our country just to get the first shot. And where is the proof that PRESIDENT Trump ever said anything about starting a war with China. PRESIDENT Trump was more into economy then war
3 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: red1066 9/17/2021 2:22:29 PM (No. 917713)
Warning your enemy when your going to attack is NOT routine. Imagine if Hitler had been warned of were and when the allies were going to land on D-day.
2 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 9/17/2021 2:33:06 PM (No. 917728)
Hang this pig!
2 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: JHHolliday 9/17/2021 2:39:29 PM (No. 917738)
This guy calls Trump unstable? He is the unstable one. Trump would never order an attack on them for no reason. He was tough with them on trade and their one-sided raping of our manufacturing base but attack a sovereign country out of the blue? The general is delusional and a mortal danger to our country.
5 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: rocket-j-squirrel 9/17/2021 3:12:14 PM (No. 917767)
This fat tick needs to straddle a nuke out of a bombay door on a visit to General Li headed for Wuhan Chinkville.
2 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: bpl40 9/17/2021 3:31:47 PM (No. 917793)
Within "duties and responsibilities" of Benedict Arnold perhaps.
2 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: smokincol 9/17/2021 4:38:03 PM (No. 917893)
the authorities can say all they want about his phone calls to China and that might be OK but ... it was the content and not the number of phone calls that separates a phone call from a "phone call" - no leader of any country would ever be stupid enough to call the enemy and tell them the missiles are on the way - reminds me of the movie "Dr. Strangelove" when the president calls the Soviets to tell them the B-52's are on the way but it was all a mistake and they are being re-called. the absurdity of the situation could, I thought, only would happen in a movie, but I guess not - and milley wears Special Forces and Ranger tabs? what kind of leader is he ... and ... a CIB with Star? not my kind of leader!!
1 person likes this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: jinx 9/17/2021 4:47:30 PM (No. 917911)
He can say that with a straight face while taking orders from Dementia Joe who can hardly read a sentence correctly much less make a national security decision. Look what happened when Traitor Joe decided to leave Afghanistan against the advice of his intelligence team. Blood is on Milley's hands and he should be tried for treason.
0 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: Faithfully 9/17/2021 4:58:20 PM (No. 917924)
Poor old, loyal to the homeland, Benedict Arnold thought he was doing the right thing too.
0 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 9/17/2021 5:19:57 PM (No. 917952)
Milley admits he "was in charge" not the CiC. Court martial the creep!
1 person likes this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: Folsomguy 9/17/2021 8:18:52 PM (No. 918123)
This piece of human debris needs to be executed.
2 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: doctorfixit 9/18/2021 2:25:48 AM (No. 918302)
Treason is perfectly routine among Obama's Pentagon zombies. Millie needs a blindfold and a last cigarette.
0 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: mifla 9/18/2021 5:47:45 AM (No. 918368)
General, it is clear that Biden is senile. How many calls have you made to our enemies about him?
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Joe Biden must stand up to China after
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Posted by Imright 10/10/2021 6:39:15 AM Post Reply
China is sending record numbers of military aircraft to threaten Taiwan, warning “war may be triggered at any time” and asking the island democracy’s allies if they want to “become cannon fodder.”Team Biden’s response: Happy talk of how China’s president-for-life promised a month ago to keep the peace and having the Pentagon shift from Trump-era “great power competition” to “strategic competition” that “does not, and should not, preclude working with China.”Ouch. Talk of “peace in our time” is exactly the wrong answer to China’s “We’re ready to rumble” message. Washington needs to act, and now, to get Beijing to back down.
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/10/2021 12:58:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2021 9:42:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2021 12:55:39 AM Post Reply
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British Airways tells pilots and cabin
crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies
and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral
terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 10/10/2021 12:06:52 AM Post Reply
British Airways has instructed pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in an effort to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'. Britain's flagship carrier has abandoned the greeting in favour of more gender-neutral terms, reportedly to respect wider social norms and make children feel included. Other major airlines, including Lufthansa, easyJet and Air Canada, have already adopted gender-neutral language.
Woman Gets Jail Time For Too-Close Grizzly
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27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 10/9/2021 12:45:19 PM Post Reply
A “foolish” Illinois tourist who bucked Yellowstone National Park rules and approached a massive mama grizzly bear to snap a photo will spend four days in jail. Samantha R. Dehring, 25, of Carol Springs, was lucky to leave Roaring Mountain in Yellowstone without serious injury during the frightening May 10 encounter with the large wild animal, who was protecting her three cubs. In addition to four days in federal custody, Dehring — who pleaded guilty Wednesday to willfully remaining, approaching, and photographing wildlife within 100 yards — was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and make a $1,000 donation to a Yellowstone wildlife protection fund.
Biden Marks Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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26 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 10/10/2021 12:51:01 PM Post Reply
President Biden issued a proclamation this week to mark Indigenous Peoples’ Day — the first time a US president had commemorated the holiday. “On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, our Nation celebrates the invaluable contributions and resilience of Indigenous peoples, recognizes their inherent sovereignty, and commits to honoring the Federal Government’s trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations,” Biden wrote in the proclamation made Friday. “Today, we recognize Indigenous peoples’ resilience and strength as well as the immeasurable positive impact that they have made on every aspect of American society.”
Pro-choice Nancy Pelosi, 81, greets the
Pope ,84, at the Vatican following US
appeal courts decision to REINSTATE Texas'
ban on abortions after six weeks
26 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2021 5:52:20 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis has met with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic who has come under criticism from some bishops in the United States for her support for abortion rights.Their meeting took place in Vatican City on Saturday, several weeks before Joe Biden is expected to meet the Pope when the the president is in Rome for talks between leaders of the Group of 20 major economies.The Vatican announced Pelosi's audience with the Pope in its daily bulletin but gave no details. Biden, the second Catholic U.S. president, has said he is personally opposed to abortion but, as a politician, cannot impose his views.
Rebranding Fail, Kamala Harris’ Handlers
Create Extreme Cringe Video, Wait Til
You See the Name of The Production Company
She Used
26 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/9/2021 11:42:32 AM Post Reply
They are trying way too hard. Warning, you’ll never get these four minutes of major cringe back….(Video)On the positive side, the Rebel Alliance meme makers and agitprop audio snarkists are going to have a lot of fun with this footage. Last point, and no I’m not kidding, this official White House video production; presented to improve the public image of Kamala Harris; was created by a production company called “Sinking Ship Entertainment“. [link] I’m serious, you cannot make this stuff up.
Watch: This Clip Of Kamala Harris Might
Be The Most Cringeworthy Thing You’ve
Ever Seen
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/10/2021 10:57:58 AM Post Reply
We have finally gotten a glimpse of the new YouTube series starring Kamala Harris, and it’s just as cringeworthy as you could imagine. In fact, it might be the most cringeworthy thing she’s ever done (and that’s saying a lot).Harris is famously disingenuous , and this video does nothing to help that reputation. In the clip below, you see Kamala awkwardly using some sort of “Narrators voice” as she’s talking to the kids about space exploration.“I just love the idea of exploring the unknown,” Harris says in an awkward tone of voice. “And then, there’s other things that we just haven’t figured out or discovered yet.
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