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People who don't wear masks are
'encroaching on others' individual rights':
Fauci defends new CDC mask guidance
for the vaccinated as he warns things
are 'going to get worse'
with COVID

Original Article

Posted By: zephyrgirl, 8/1/2021 2:47:25 PM

Dr Anthony Fauci has warned of 'some pain and suffering in the future' as coronavirus cases continue to rise, but said that he does not see the need for new lockdowns. 'I don't think we're going to see lockdowns,' Fauci told Jonathan Karl of ABC's This Week on Sunday. 'I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country – not enough to crush the outbreak – but I believe enough to allow us to not get into the situation we were in last winter.' The nation's top infectious disease expert warned, however, that 'things are gonna get worse' and the number of COVID


If the vaccines are as effective as Fauci says, why are the unvaccinated a problem to anyone but themselves and other unvaccinated?

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Ribicon 8/1/2021 2:51:39 PM (No. 864497)
Wouldn't Doctor Fauci have a good laugh if bLACK people stop assaulting Asians and turn their attention to the unmasked?
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Geoman 8/1/2021 2:56:00 PM (No. 864499)
Quite a different approach than Fauci took with AIDS but I suppose AIDS couldn't help the democrats cheat too steal elections, like the COVID response did and is gearing up to do again. If the greatest political fighter of at least a generation couldn't stop being cheated out of his own election, what's to stop a 2022 or 2024 repeat, absent the normal people deciding to act vigorously to preserve their own voting rights?
28 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: snapper451 8/1/2021 2:56:53 PM (No. 864501)
Seriously, when are things going to get worse for Dr. Fauci? He has been so, so wrong, for so, so long. He should be fired and likely prosecuted in the World Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity for supporting the virus research that brought the world the China virus.
54 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 8/1/2021 2:58:23 PM (No. 864503)
He and the MSM are addicted to COVIDPORN
37 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Anti_democRAT 8/1/2021 2:58:51 PM (No. 864504)
They ought present data that masks do something rather than bloviating and shaming. Cause mask mandates in country after country did nothing to attenuate the climb of new cases based on real data. Studies that involved hundreds of millions. Follow the science.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: marbles 8/1/2021 2:59:12 PM (No. 864505)
Those that don't wear masks are encroaching on others individual rights ? How ? And, what about the right of those that do not want to breathe in their own exhaust , CO 2 by wearing a mask ?
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: danu 8/1/2021 3:05:29 PM (No. 864510)
It can now be revealed that Dr Evil, and Mini Me, are one in the same wrecknocrat. The Lab of Dr Freakenstein has indeed been busy.
16 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Highvoltage 8/1/2021 3:06:33 PM (No. 864511)
I’ve been vaccinated and wearing a mask infringes on my rights and I will not wear one. The old codger is out of bounds.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Catherine 8/1/2021 3:07:59 PM (No. 864512)
If masks work so well, those who wear them are safe. We know they don't but obviously a large segment of the population think they do. I guess bribery, lotto's didn't do the trick, so now lets turn the country against each other. How much longer do we have to deal with this reprehensible, disgusting excuse of a man.
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: XCenturion 8/1/2021 3:10:07 PM (No. 864513)
Fauci is a tool of the Marxist lefties and is a full-time DC swamp creature, so why would anyone believe this fraudster. Rather than shaming vaccinated people into wearing masks Dr. Fauci, please tell us about your involvement with funding the Wuhan lab to conduct "gain of function" research.
31 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: GoodDeal 8/1/2021 3:15:47 PM (No. 864522)
A virus is 20 nanometers in diameter. An N95 mask con only stop a particle 300 nanometers in size. Follow the science.
31 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: earlybird 8/1/2021 3:18:20 PM (No. 864527)
They don’t seem to understand that we are so on to their psych warfare, noticing when they change the message, trying to gain control. We can also smell their desperation, which is not about our health. If they cared about our health, they’d have closed the border a long time ago. Never opened it.
31 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Italiano 8/1/2021 3:19:57 PM (No. 864528)
Enough. Get a rope.
27 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: TJ54 8/1/2021 3:25:57 PM (No. 864534)
Then why hasn’t Biden closed the border?
35 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Namma 8/1/2021 3:31:02 PM (No. 864539)
And right after the election mail in ballots are copied and counted 300 times each, and the Dems have “ won” another election, masks will no longer be needed.
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: tsquare 8/1/2021 3:35:52 PM (No. 864542)
Because double jabbed folks are only lightly affected by the indian variant of wuhan flu, and the un jabbed have illnesses more like a flu season…the sane path forward is to encourage the unjabbed to get sick, and become naturally immune to wuhan and its future mutations. The insane to do is to take steps from prevent i-wuhan now…so that it becomes a threat in the fall.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: LanceLink1 8/1/2021 3:40:07 PM (No. 864548)
People are still listening to this no talent arse clown?
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: earlybird 8/1/2021 3:40:56 PM (No. 864551)
That is simply not true.
11 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: udanja99 8/1/2021 3:56:36 PM (No. 864565)
Fauxci, YOU are encroaching on everyone’s individual rights. Drop dead.
15 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Phantomll 8/1/2021 4:15:27 PM (No. 864581)
Hey Fauci - your worthless masks don't work! Take them and shove them!
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Bur Oak 8/1/2021 4:17:30 PM (No. 864583)
I have some old feather pillows to throw away, who's got the tar?
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 8/1/2021 4:21:57 PM (No. 864587)
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Laotzu 8/1/2021 4:45:43 PM (No. 864610)
Wow, so now he's a legal genius too and not just the primary manager of funding research to destroy America. Busy guy with a lot of talent.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Come And Take It 8/1/2021 5:02:02 PM (No. 864621)
How about my individual right for the government to get the F out of my life?
9 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 8/1/2021 5:39:27 PM (No. 864644)
Dr. Fauci's bloviations are not new. Google Dr. Fauci and HIV. Deja vu all over again.
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Strike3 8/1/2021 6:00:30 PM (No. 864655)
Somebody needs to put half a dozen masks over Fauci's little rat face and spray them with wasp spray.
3 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: dickiedeeb 8/1/2021 6:41:20 PM (No. 864678)
Remember the good old days when we would spray it not say it and walk through each others sneeze clouds... Neither do i...But i guess that must be... So wear the steamed filth trap on your face to show you care and push it down on your neck to keep it warm The bacterial and mold colonies you are incubating appreciate it
1 person likes this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: doctorfixit 8/1/2021 6:44:32 PM (No. 864681)
Ass backwards Fauci.. Mask Nazis are encroaching on my individual rights.
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: downnout 8/1/2021 8:44:18 PM (No. 864742)
I am really, really, really tired of this little Napoleon want-a-be.
4 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/1/2021 8:48:37 PM (No. 864747)
Dr. Fakie is a political HACK. He's also a Mass Murderer for helping the CHICOMS develop the Covid Virus!
5 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 8/1/2021 8:49:42 PM (No. 864749)
Shut up, Shorty. Just shut up. Tired of seeing your pinched, constipated mug from the beginning.
2 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: 4Justice 8/2/2021 1:23:06 AM (No. 864871)
FauXi's existence alone encroaches on everyone's rights!!!
1 person likes this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 8/2/2021 2:29:09 AM (No. 864898)
Dr Fraud needs a road trip to the southern border. Talk about "flip flopping" here is the master.
0 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: franq 8/2/2021 5:56:30 AM (No. 864948)
"...going to get worse." So says Dr. Faustus. Just like he predicted Trump "...will face a pandemic..." in his term. Almost leads you to believe the diminutive doctor has inside information. Either that or he is just pulling opinions out of his rear end. Believe it --- or not!
0 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: mifla 8/2/2021 6:07:28 AM (No. 864954)
Hey Doc. Go home, lock all your windows and doors, climb into bed and pull the covers over your head.
0 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Jobe 8/2/2021 7:42:53 AM (No. 865061)
How many times will the public accept Fauci's idiotic pronouncements before they start listening to REAL DOCTORS who have practiced medicine for years? If his meandering opinions were not so dangerous, we could all join together for a bid laugh. Fauci's self serving post-it notes to the rest of us have become so bizarre that I can't wait for the next one.
1 person likes this.

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People who don't wear masks are
'encroaching on others' individual rights':
Fauci defends new CDC mask guidance
for the vaccinated as he warns things
are 'going to get worse'
with COVID
36 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 8/1/2021 2:47:25 PM Post Reply
Dr Anthony Fauci has warned of 'some pain and suffering in the future' as coronavirus cases continue to rise, but said that he does not see the need for new lockdowns. 'I don't think we're going to see lockdowns,' Fauci told Jonathan Karl of ABC's This Week on Sunday. 'I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country – not enough to crush the outbreak – but I believe enough to allow us to not get into the situation we were in last winter.' The nation's top infectious disease expert warned, however, that 'things are gonna get worse' and the number of COVID
Aurora family preparing for eviction
after moratorium expires
26 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 8/1/2021 11:37:32 AM Post Reply
AURORA, Colo.  — Last October, Samantha Pate and Andrew Martinez took a photo to mark the day they got their new apartment. On Saturday, one day before the nationwide eviction moratorium ends, their family of four, could be giving those keys back and out in the elements. “We might be evicted,” the couple said. “We might be evicted,” the couple said. They say they’re struggling to keep up with rent. “Eight months, about $8000,” they said.  CORRECTION*
Doubling down on stupid is lethal 5 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 7/30/2021 5:36:43 PM Post Reply
"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." —Will Rogers The ventriloquist who speaks through Biden is about to dictate that all government employees must be vaccinated for COVID. This despite dire warnings about the vaccines, most of which warnings have, of course, been censored and disregarded. Here in California, we're re-entering the mask-up phase, including the declaration that all the kids need to wear one full-time in school in the fall.
Louisiana father, 34, is shot dead
by teenage boy, 17, who climbed
through his 14-year-old daughter's
bedroom window
7 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 7/22/2021 1:05:11 PM Post Reply
A Louisiana father was shot dead in a gun battle with a 17-year-old boy after he confronted a teen sneaking into his 14-year-old daughter's bedroom window. Dezmon Hamilton, 34, died of multiple gunshot wounds in his home in Zachary, north of Baton Rouge, on Sunday morning. The teen, identified by police as Nicholas Mcquirter, also was shot but is recovering in the hospital.
'The last thing the young do before
they're intubated is beg me for the vaccine.
But it's too late': Alabama
doctor warns of 'impending doom'
as Delta variant spreads while 65
percent of state residents REFUSE
the shot
29 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 7/21/2021 8:23:00 PM Post Reply
Young, unvaccinated people dying from COVID-19 say they wish they had received the coronavirus jab, one Alabama doctor claims. Dr. Brytney Cobia, who works at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, made the assertion in a devastating Facebook post published on Sunday and shared more than 700 times. 'I'm admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections.
The Panic Pandemic 4 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 7/19/2021 5:30:37 PM Post Reply
The United States suffered through two lethal waves of contagion in the past year and a half. The first was a viral pandemic that killed about one in 500 Americans—typically, a person over 75 suffering from other serious conditions. The second, and far more catastrophic, was a moral panic that swept the nation’s guiding institutions. Instead of keeping calm and carrying on, the American elite flouted the norms of governance, journalism, academic freedom—and, worst of all, science. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk that it posed.
‘You are not doing your societal duty’:
Local doctors send strong message
to unvaccinated Coloradans
22 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/28/2021 10:22:34 AM Post Reply
DENVER  — As the delta variant continues to spread throughout the country, the World Health Organization is asking vaccinated people to still wear masks to stop the spread of COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, however have not changed, allowing fully vaccinated people to go without a mask. In Denver-area hospitals, doctors tell FOX31 at least half of the unvaccinated COVID-19 patients are sick with the delta variant. The variant is significantly more contagious, and the symptoms patients feel are worse than from the original COVID-19 virus. Doctors continue to stress the message, that it’s the vaccines that will ultimately stop the spread. CORRECTION*
Laurel Hubbard is the beginning
of the end of Women's sports
18 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/27/2021 2:56:18 PM Post Reply
When women’s professional soccer was deemed good enough for our TV screens a couple of years ago, I was watching with a friend and her four-year-old son. He was enthralled by the game, and asked his mother, ‘Are boys allowed to play football as well as girls, mummy?’ This little boy’s comment clearly highlighted the insidious sexism prevalent in all aspects of competitive sport. When it comes to soccer, rugby, weightlifting, darts, you name it, commentating, sports writing, sports photography and so many other operational aspects of competitive sports are dominated by men.
We don't have hard evidence to know
if Colorado's vaccine sweepstakes worked
2 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/26/2021 12:44:31 PM Post Reply
DENVER — He is a Colorado Rockies fan, so here is a baseball analogy. Gov. Jared Polis (D) is 4-for-4. All four of the winners of the $1 million vaccination incentive contest received their vaccines prior to the contest, which was meant to encourage unvaccinated Coloradans to get vaccinated. "The vast majority got vaccinated because they wanted to be protected, they wanted to be safe. I wouldn't be shocked if all of the winners aren't from that broader category. This is designed to get a few percent more," said Polis. "You know to be at 70 [percent] on July 4 instead of 67 percent."
Manager of Army Navy Surplus shares
detailed account of Olde Town shooting,
Good Samaritan’s heroic actions
4 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/23/2021 4:21:10 PM Post Reply
ARVADA, Colo. (KDVR) — The manager of the Army Navy Surplus shared a detailed account Wednesday of the Olde Town Arvada shooting from earlier this week in an open letter posted on Facebook. Stephen Cohen posted the letter on Wednesday afternoon, sharing his version of what happened Monday. “However, the story I wanted to tell is of John Hurley from Golden. Currently he is identified as the Samaritan or citizen that died in the Olde Town shooting. I wanted to let people and his family know what a hero he was.
Inflation’s Here, Getting Worse, And
Could Last Longer Than COVID-19
6 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/14/2021 1:26:33 PM Post Reply
Both the out-of-touch Biden administration and our betters at the Federal Reserve Board continue to assert that inflation’s no big thing. They’re right. It’s not, unless you work for a living. Then it’s a very big thing indeed. We were told by all the best “experts” that inflation is ephemeral, a mere blip. The Fed keeps telling us the recent jump in prices is “transient.” Democrats and many of their media friends continue to insist it’s not an issue. Just keep spending, they say. Stimulus!
REVEALED: The one-percenter salaries of NYC's
elite private school principals who push woke
weaning Critical Race Theory on their students
3 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 6/13/2021 8:52:18 AM Post Reply
Headteachers at elite NYC private schools where parents are up in arms about critical race theory lessons are earning salaries in excess of $1 million a year. School tax filings, obtained by the New York Post, reveal that seven school heads took home more than $1 million each in total compensation in the year ending June 30 2020. Another three broke the $900,000 benchmark, putting them all in the nation's top one percent of earners.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Obama defies CDC guidance by inviting 500
people to his celebrity-studded 60th birthday
party at his $12m mansion on Martha's
Vineyard: Pearl Jam will perform and guests
including Steven Spielberg will be served by
200 staff
67 replies
Posted by Imright 8/2/2021 4:38:20 AM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama has come under fire for his plans to host nearly 500 people at his Martha's Vineyard mansion for his 60th birthday, despite a nationwide rise in COVID cases.The former president is set to turn 60 on August 4, and is said to be planning a large soiree at his 7,000-square-foot mansion in the Edgarton section of Martha's Vineyard next weekend.An official familiar with the plans told Axios that there are now 475 confirmed guests for the party - including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg - with more than 200 staff members.
USWNT loses in Olympic semifinal 1-0 to Canada 65 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/2/2021 7:28:51 AM Post Reply
The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team quest for Olympic gold ended Monday when it lost 1-0 to Canada in the semifinal. Canada's Jessie Fleming scored a penalty kick in the 75th minutes to reach the country's first Olympic soccer final, guaranteeing at least a silver medal. The U.S. will have to settle for the chance to win bronze in a third-place play-off on Thursday. [snip] "Not our best game, not our best tournament," star midfielder Megan Rapinoe said after the game. "It's a bitter one to swallow, obviously we don't want to lose to Canada.
CDC Director: ‘We Can Stop This
In Its Tracks’ if Everyone Wears
Masks Until More Are Vaccinated
45 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 8/2/2021 6:14:04 AM Post Reply
Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said in an interview with Healthline published Friday that the country can stop the Chinese coronavirus “in its tracks” if everyone wears a mask until more are vaccinated. Healthline asked the CDC director if she agrees with former CDC director Tom Frieden’s estimation that “we could get to 200,000 new cases a day.”
CBS Slaps Down Fauci, CDC Claim Vaccinated
Are Spreading COVID in Large Numbers
45 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/2/2021 12:47:02 AM Post Reply
Over the weekend, the American public finally learned that the vaccinated were being forced to wear masks again because of a massive outlier in Massachusetts where vaccinated people at a beach gathering had a high viral load in their nasal pharynx. And when press on the data during an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed that viral load meant the vaccinated were spreading it at the same rate as the unvaccinated. But Fauci would be later proven wrong by a high-ranking Israeli public health official and a former FDA commissioner. CBS moderator John Dickerson began by asking Fauci what new understanding
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky
Says We Just Need Two Weeks to
Stop the Delta Variant
45 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/1/2021 10:45:01 AM Post Reply
Perhaps CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has no sense of irony. We recently passed the 500th day to slow the spread, which, as we all know, started with 15 days to slow the spread in March of 2020. Now, Walensky is saying that if we all put on a face diaper and get the jab, we can defeat the Delta variant in a few weeks: “We can halt the chain of transmission,” Walensky told “CBS This Morning” on Wednesday. “We can do something if we unify together, if we get people vaccinated who are not yet vaccinated, if we mask in the interim, we can
Remorseful, now they want vaccine 39 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/1/2021 11:17:18 AM Post Reply
Provo, Utah–As Mindy Greene spent another day in the COVID intensive care unit, listening to the whirring machines that now breathed for her 42-year-old husband, Russ, she opened her phone and tapped out a message. "We did not get the vaccine," she wrote on Facebook. "I read all kinds of things about the vaccine and it scared me. So I made the decision and prayed about it and got the impression that we would be ok." They were not. Her husband, the father to their four children, was now hovering between life and death, tentacles of tubes spilling from his body.
People who don't wear masks are
'encroaching on others' individual rights':
Fauci defends new CDC mask guidance
for the vaccinated as he warns things
are 'going to get worse'
with COVID
36 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 8/1/2021 2:47:25 PM Post Reply
Dr Anthony Fauci has warned of 'some pain and suffering in the future' as coronavirus cases continue to rise, but said that he does not see the need for new lockdowns. 'I don't think we're going to see lockdowns,' Fauci told Jonathan Karl of ABC's This Week on Sunday. 'I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country – not enough to crush the outbreak – but I believe enough to allow us to not get into the situation we were in last winter.' The nation's top infectious disease expert warned, however, that 'things are gonna get worse' and the number of COVID
'The X is the intersection where all
people who are oppressed meet': US silver
medalist shot putter Raven Saunders
crosses arms above her head in most high-
profile protest yet at Tokyo Olympics
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/1/2021 11:09:20 PM Post Reply
Shot putter Raven Saunders raised her arms above her head on the podium and formed an 'X' with her wrists on Sunday night as she claimed her silver medal, in the highest-profile protest yet at the Tokyo Olympics. The 25-year-old American explained the crossing of her wrists as 'the intersection of where all people who are oppressed meet'.(Snip) 'People tried to tell me not to do tattoos and piercings and all that. 'But look at me now, and I'm poppin'.' The athlete maintains an active Instagram account, posting photos of her in training and reveling in the nickname 'The Hulk'.
Rep. McCarthy facing calls to resign
after reportedly joking about hitting Pelosi
with gavel
34 replies
Posted by Moritz55 8/1/2021 3:56:05 PM Post Reply
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., is facing calls to resign after he reportedly joked about hitting Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., with a giant gavel he was gifted at a dinner in Nashville Saturday evening. According to reports, McCarthy was given an oversized gavel emblazoned with the words, "Fire Pelosi," by members of Tennessee's Republican congressional delegation during a dinner that also included speakers Gov. Bill Lee, and Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty.
Kathy Griffin reveals she has lung cancer,
will have surgery to have part of lung removed
33 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 8/2/2021 10:00:09 AM Post Reply
Kathy Griffin is revealing that she has lung cancer. The comedian, 60, took to social media to share the news Monday, adding that she has never smoked. “I’ve got to tell you guys something. I have cancer. I’m about to go into surgery to have half of my left lung removed,” Griffin wrote. “Yes, I have lung cancer even though I’ve never smoked!” She added that her cancer, which is "contained to my left lung," is in Stage 1 and her doctors are "very optimistic." "Hopefully no chemo or radiation after this and I should have normal function with my
GOP Senator Says He’s Grateful for Ashli Babbitt’s
Killer – Insists ‘Criminal” Babbitt Was Warned
before She Was Shot Dead in Cold Blood
33 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/1/2021 2:18:21 AM Post Reply
Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Jay Thomas on “The Jay Thomas Show” on Tuesday and took questions from local callers. During their conversation Senator Cramer was asked by a caller about Ashli Babbitt and her killer Lt. Mike Byrd. Senator Cramer refused to identify the killer but said he was grateful for the officer’s action. Senator Cramer then lied and said Ashli Babbitt was warned by police before she was shot in an ambush. This is a bald-faced lie. The officer hid in the shadows, did not utter a word, and then shot Ashli Babbitt in the neck as she climbed through a window. She was unarmed and was not a threat.
Laurel Hubbard, transgender weightlifter,
exits Olympic competition early
after failing on all three attempts
32 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/2/2021 10:26:50 AM Post Reply
TOKYO — Laurel Hubbard, a transgender weightlifter from New Zealand, was knocked out of the women’s 87+ kilogram competition early after failing on all three of her attempts. Hubbard failed on her first attempt to get 120kg above her head, bailing out early. On her second attempt at 125kg, she was able to get the weight up and pumped her fist after in satisfaction, however judges ruled it a “no lift.” She returned quickly for another attempt at 125kg only to fail to stand up with the weight above her head. Hubbard was the only one of the 13 finalists to not complete at least one lift.
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