Olympics ads portray blacks
as America's good and dominant race
The Aspen Beat,
Glenn Beaton
Original Article
Posted By: Big Bopper,
7/28/2021 11:56:37 AM
My TV has been broken for over a year (OK, maybe I don’t know how to work the remote) but I watched a little of the Olympics at a friend’s house this week.
I learned something from the advertisements. I learned that most people in this country are black, and all of the good ones are.
Blacks, who comprise about 13% of the U.S. population, comprise most of the actors in the advertisements. Aliens in faraway worlds receiving television signals from earth are apt to conclude that the most powerful culture on Earth is run by good black people.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 7/28/2021 12:02:22 PM (No. 860105)
Here’s some simple math
73% of them are illegitimate births
Shouldn’t have been immorally procreated
That’s 3 out of 4!
Which if the blacks who do this weren’t feral but were ethical ...they’d only be 3.5% of us
Portraying them on television as 50-100% is so damn unethical and illegitimate
Just like them
3.5%...think about it
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 7/28/2021 12:05:14 PM (No. 860106)
In an earlier era, Democrats portrayed black people as contented agricultural workers.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bpl40 7/28/2021 12:13:25 PM (No. 860117)
Even Coppertan is using black models. The pandering is cringeworthy.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Catherine 7/28/2021 12:17:17 PM (No. 860122)
Same thing with commercials. But at least they get paid and pay taxes. Bet it's the first time for many of them.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Zeek Wolfe 7/28/2021 12:24:48 PM (No. 860132)
I no longer watch American television because of the commercials. I love sports, football and baseball especially, but I'm tired of seeing only Black people in commercials. My daughter counted 18 consecutive advertisements with Blacks either the 'star' or the best friend of the star. Even hand models, you know...holding a piece of pizza or putting on a pair of shoes etc...are becoming black. Thirteen percent of the population, ninety percent of the TV commercials. I don't understand the economics of this. I have something called "Brit Box' which shows Bitish TV with almost no Blacks. On YouTube I watch reruns of New Scandanavian Cooking. This programs features gorgeous blond, blue eyed white people speaking grammatical English. I do not root for most American Olympic athletes because of their anti-American attitudes. I do not watch the Olympic Games on NBC.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mc squared 7/28/2021 12:28:36 PM (No. 860137)
Even the ice cream we buy now has pictures of black kids on the wrapper. Sports TV? No whites at all.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/28/2021 12:35:53 PM (No. 860156)
Okay, let's try that Zimbabwe experiment and see if their theory proves out, shall we? We will, however, keep our guns, thank you. We will have to reverse it when it all turns to schiff.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
MrDeplorable 7/28/2021 12:47:29 PM (No. 860172)
I hope Mr Beaton's insurance is paid up and he has a good Kevlar vest.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 7/28/2021 12:49:57 PM (No. 860176)
I don’t mind the blacks do much. Typically, they look like someone you would want to know (the black guy singing with his hood ornament). And I must say, the overall depictions of black FAMILIES is refreshing.
What is troublesome are the LGBTQXYZ ads, particularly with infants/children. My heart breaks for the kids.
And now we have the Hanes porno ad.
TV is becoming scarcer in my house.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
coldoc 7/28/2021 12:56:12 PM (No. 860181)
History and observation paints a way different picture. Please show me a black run country that's "successful"'. Show me a video of feral whites robbing their own neighborhood stores.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Newtsche 7/28/2021 12:57:40 PM (No. 860183)
Infantilizing is not progressive.
Well, at least in theory.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 7/28/2021 1:07:50 PM (No. 860201)
I hope more and more blacks are waking up to the fact that they have been used by the liberals for years. I wonder if they now see they are being played by all of the fawning over their “superiority “ and how the criminal element can do no wrong.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Son of Grady 7/28/2021 1:21:13 PM (No. 860213)
Side note, opinion.
I think we have been lied to about the true % of the Black population.
How is it possible that 1 segment of people never fluctuate. Is always 13%.
I think the true number is more in line with 30%.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
raspberry 7/28/2021 1:22:09 PM (No. 860214)
I have asked for a year why 12% of the population is in 99% of the ads. Do they think that non whites are 100% stupid? I watch very little tv now and O adds. Thank God for the mute button.
The comical thing about some of the ads is that they have black actors acting white. I have lived all my life in a mostly non white major urban center and I never see blacks acting white.
Since advertisers are pushing race on me I will never again buy what is advertised by blacks and probably watch 0 tv.
OK, after all this you can color me racist.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 7/28/2021 1:22:19 PM (No. 860215)
There are a few white women in ads. Just blacks and mainly women. I guess there are no long men in the Olympics. No wonder so many men claim to be women since there are not men's sports in the Olympics anymore.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
moebellini3 7/28/2021 1:29:58 PM (No. 860222)
Olympics ads portray blacks as America's good and dominant race. Let them go to Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, Newark, NYC, New Orleans, Atlanta and any other large city with a black community and then see how they portray them. Total communist propaganda. Thats why I never watch commercials. I DVR everything and skip past the bullshit ads.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
czechlist 7/28/2021 1:57:22 PM (No. 860258)
I recall the 1960s PSAs "I'm Afro - American. I'm black and beautiful!" They were aimed at children and were ridiculed by the children I knew. The left is forever dreaming up new slogans to advance their agenda but deride any slogan used by conservatives (which i am glad are rare). The left also relies on sing song rhyme schemes and chants to inbed their narrative which I always find purile. The left's tactics often are meant for lower intelligence and, unfortunately, half the country fit that category. When you think how dumb the "average" American is you must realize that, statistically, half the country is dumber. Sadly, my extended family can be used as examples.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
TurtleDove 7/28/2021 2:00:34 PM (No. 860264)
Commercials now are ALL interracial/gay couples/families. Can you spell
I N D O C T R I N A TI O N ???
If you happen to land on OWN or Aspire, BET, or any "black" channel there are almost NO people of ANY other color - save for the occasional Peurto Rican. Now there is a streaming service called "ALLBLK" tv, I guess from its name it's ALL black.
Just wondering, isn't this all discriminatory?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
red1066 7/28/2021 2:20:10 PM (No. 860286)
That's why almost 60% of crime in this country is done by blacks. They're good people. As for dominant. They sure are in TV commercials.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
usmc0302 7/28/2021 2:46:06 PM (No. 860315)
I had to suffer watching British TV for three months and counted one white guy in the commercials. All the rest were Indians and blacks not to mention countless interracial marriages. No wonder the white male feels marginalized.
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This is no different from commercial TV. Most of the commercials feature blacks and nearly all interracial couples are black man-white woman. That is why I tape programs and scroll thru the commercials.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 7/28/2021 2:59:57 PM (No. 860333)
Haha, in Tokyo blacks are "revered" as a cut above apes.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
earlybird 7/28/2021 3:09:58 PM (No. 860345)
I do hope that at least a few are reading Beaton’s excellent essay. There are now so many things we won’t be able to buy because we are the wrong color, our budget should be easy to balance….
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I agree with the sentiment of all the commenters and its very unusual to see an add with no blacks in it. But like you no. 10, I do like the add with the black guy singing with his hood ornament. I like them both, but like the hood ornament the best.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Laotzu 7/28/2021 3:50:29 PM (No. 860380)
The Right seems to have an immensely difficult time advocating for the Constitutional color blind standard:
- As an American, you have the Constitutional right to be judged on your individual conduct and actions.
- Pre-judging people based on race is racism and anti-Constitutional, consequently, there is no such thing as good racism.
- Systemic remediation is punishing people who did nothing wrong for bad acts committed against people now dead, and rewarding people who experienced no wrong. It it unconstitutional, with the rare exception of a US District Court remediating an actual act of discrimination. The executive branch has no such authority.
- The Country's entire constitutional framework is based on individual merit. Deal with it, deadbeats.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
DVC 7/28/2021 5:24:30 PM (No. 860493)
Sick of all the folks on all the TV commercials being black. Not reality, just leftist 'systemic racism'.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Luke21 7/28/2021 5:28:04 PM (No. 860501)
They are our betters. You don't dare offend them, but they can do as they please.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
bighambone 7/28/2021 5:57:42 PM (No. 860542)
All the pandering on TV and elsewhere is part of a phony defense by corporations to keep the leftist and socialist Democrats off their backs and in the end, when reality comes into play, is not going to help most of the Black population, especially the underclass that resides in the big Democrat cities. If the majority of Black people are really smart they would be fighting head over heals for a quality education for their children and would greatly oppose mass immigration, both illegal and legal, by which the Democrats and thEIR corporate oligarch supporters are now allowing and bringing by the millions into the USA. Who anyway you look at it are massive numbers of cheap foreign labor, who will compete against Black Americans for jobs on into the future, and keep wages depressed in any industry that hires them and are bound to jump ahead of the Black population financially and socially. That’s just common sense.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
local500 7/28/2021 10:19:29 PM (No. 860774)
It not just the Olympic ads.
Watch any commercial on TV.
I rarely watch TV, but when I did, it was every type of actors except for white males. Even the white females were the crazy type.
I see the same in the ads run in ad supported mobile apps.
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