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The Vanishing Anglo-Saxon

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Posted By: CarpenterJS, 4/26/2021 10:00:48 AM

Recently, two Republican members of Congress, Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, floated a plan to launch the “America First Caucus.” A memo about the caucus’ goals cited the importance of America’s “Anglo-Saxon political traditions,” and warned that mass immigration threatens the “unique identity” of the United States. Liberals and conservatives denounced in unison the supposed bigotry of Green and Gosar’s plans.


Hating white Americans, denying them the same sense of identity—and thus dignity—that is afforded to every other group is the point. Why are our leaders facilitating the self-destruction of America and the racialization of everything?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jimboscott 4/26/2021 10:06:05 AM (No. 767395)
We are reverting to tribalism under the false pretense of inclusiveness. Ie., in order to PROVE 'inclusion', we are being labeled and stratified into tribes for accounting purposes. I know Dr. Suess got canceled... but if you have never read 'The Sneetches' it is a story that perfectly impugns the left and their racialism.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: TLCary 4/26/2021 10:33:45 AM (No. 767442)
#1 I always read "I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew" to our children. The last sentence of the book: "But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" That Anglo-Saxon could teach the GOP something. (No wonder he got cancelled)
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Reply 3 - Posted by: belwhatter 4/26/2021 10:38:01 AM (No. 767444)
I take issue with the author's statement ' liberals snd conservatives alike'. Be honest man, only a pitiful minority of those exist in Congress, Call thrm what they are, socialists and do nothings. Marjorie is a gale of clean air in the stultifying atmosphere of DC.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 4/26/2021 10:58:59 AM (No. 767470)
Supporting whites is bigotry, full on government racism in favor of blacks is considered good. There's your "systemic racism" right there, in full display. They are right, there is systemic racism in this country.....practiced in a dozen ways from affirmative action racism to quota racism, to TV show racism. Anyone else notice that 80% of all actors in commercials are now not white? I have. That's more systemic racism. It's everywhere. Hate Whitey....that's the systemic racism.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: lftrn97 4/26/2021 10:59:17 AM (No. 767471)
I'm in. Where to donate and get it going?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Citoyen 4/26/2021 12:57:03 PM (No. 767594)
Representatives Greene and Gosar erred in using the term “Anglo-Saxon political traditions” rather than the more accurate “English” or “British.” Anglo-Saxon traditions were thoroughly crushed nearly one thousand years ago when the French-Normans conquered England. What resulted after centuries was what became England. Anglo-Saxon has become a racial term which is like waving a red cloak before a charging bull.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 4/26/2021 3:01:16 PM (No. 767752)
Note that the author doesn't seem to be an Anglo Saxon....judging by name.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 4/27/2021 3:55:29 AM (No. 768193)
Pat Buchanon warned you years ago and he was blasted. Remember: Numbers don't lie. Neither does birthrate. Keep saving the planet by not having children.
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The Vanishing Anglo-Saxon 8 replies
Posted by CarpenterJS 4/26/2021 10:00:48 AM Post Reply
Recently, two Republican members of Congress, Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, floated a plan to launch the “America First Caucus.” A memo about the caucus’ goals cited the importance of America’s “Anglo-Saxon political traditions,” and warned that mass immigration threatens the “unique identity” of the United States. Liberals and conservatives denounced in unison the supposed bigotry of Green and Gosar’s plans.
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