Tucker: Inside the Democrats' $3 trillion
coronavirus relief bill
Tucker Carlson
Original Article
Posted By: Muguy,
5/13/2020 7:08:42 AM
Carlson details the "HERO" act that is being put forth as a Corona Virus bill and they are going for broke to slip in legalization of illegal aliens, giving up the Nation and Americian's rights to create a permanent socialists America. Check in about three and a half minutes to heard the outrage for yourself!
Reply 1 - Posted by:
voxpop 5/13/2020 8:29:06 AM (No. 409675)
Tucker does a fantastic job of reporting news and keeping an eye our "betters".
"Obey" .
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Venturer 5/13/2020 8:33:09 AM (No. 409687)
With the country in serious thoughts of opening up and putting people back to work it is insane to give thought to increasing the National debt by printing another 3 trillion dollars of debt and using the bill to further destroy America with Pelosi's crazed and demented fillers that she has added.
Sometimes I ask myself hos she comes up with this garbage, Who write these schemes?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
BillW. 5/13/2020 8:39:17 AM (No. 409693)
The Dems are making America a welfare state, with all that entails. --Vets for Trump
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
janjan 5/13/2020 8:45:04 AM (No. 409700)
I debated myself on whether to even watch this. I knew I would be enraged. I was right.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
cThree 5/13/2020 8:45:28 AM (No. 409704)
Tucker did a better job opening this Pandora's Box than any media report I read last night. No one except Tucker mentioned the payments to illegal aliens, or the amnesty for all, or the open door to foreign medical personnel to compete with our laid-off citizens.
Tucker is right, this is a bold bid for outright, total power. This is the Democrats offering us the rope with which to hang ourselves.
o use a different metaphor, our liberties and Constitutional rights are like a sweet nectar, already very watered down; this concoction from Pelosi and the Democrats is a barrel of sludge.
It won't be passed whole, but my worry is that the Republicans, as they seem always to do, will "negotiate," and let Nancy pour only about half of her hemlock into our goblet.
These are perilous times for our Republic.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 5/13/2020 8:46:14 AM (No. 409706)
0% interest on $24T in debt is a lot different than 30%, which we'll get with inflation, on $27T in debt. Say goodbye to the military, s security, medicare, medicaid, etc.
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Oh, well, a little nip here, a little tuck there, something excised that gets people all wound up...and the bill gets passed. PDT will sign it. All will proclaim how it is necessary for the American economy and all that. And another pile of imaginary dough will be excavated from the US Treasury's imaginary pile of money.
And with elections coming, expect at least one more multi-TRILLION dollar package, just to show bi-partisan care. And all that stuff the Dems want...they'll get what they want. Eventually...
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
jacksin5 5/13/2020 9:18:49 AM (No. 409750)
Pelosi is running an extortion racket. Repeatedly keeping the House out of session so the relief workers and small business owners need is denied by delay. Then she flies into town with her insane demands, with the underlying threat to the American People that it's "All or Nothng" .
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
starboard 5/13/2020 9:53:47 AM (No. 409796)
Tucker is fearless and unafraid and always prepared. He brings interesting guests to his show and let's them talk. You can see that he listens to every word and never interrupts them. When the time is right, he aggressively moves in for the kill. I'm always amazed how he does it. Tucker and Maria B are the best on Fox News.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
kono 5/13/2020 11:00:28 AM (No. 409891)
For the Left, every problem has the same 'solution': Needs More Government...
Enough already. Get out of the people's way and let them be free to work, earn, and live again.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
cor-vet 5/13/2020 11:08:09 AM (No. 409904)
The Trump economy was doing fine before this manufactured pandemic, and it will again, if government just gets out of the way. We don't need any more trillion dollar 'stimulus' spending packages, that are just dem wants.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
tsrtexas 5/13/2020 12:03:17 PM (No. 409973)
These liberal whack jobs are like kids in a candy store. Then again, most politicians are when it comes to spending our money frivolously! The difference though is the libtards of today act like they are on drugs with their wish list of candy sweets! America doesn't need another stimulus package. Open up and let the economy right itself to the success it was prior to this Coronavirus pandemic. That is a program for success and one the little socialist democrats DO NOT want to happen!
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Pelosi's insane.
Today's Democrat Party is insane.
Why not just give the keys to America to China and skip all the in-between?
And somebody should catch hold of Pelosi's eyebrows before they slip up under her scalp.
Pelosi is beyond despicable.
I'll bet this ridiculous $3,000,000,000,000 bill is her way of trying to make that awful clip of Nancy Antoinette purring about her chocolate ice cream collection go away.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Smart11344 5/13/2020 1:49:34 PM (No. 410078)
I was stunned when I heard Tucker reveal Evil Nancy's hidden spending. This must fail.
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