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Gavin Newsom Slashed State Fire Budget
by OVER $100 MILLION Just Months Before
Deadly SoCal Wildfires

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Posted By: VietVet68, 1/11/2025 10:54:34 AM

Newsweek on Friday uncovered explosive evidence that just months before devastating wildfires, which have so far killed at least ten people and destroyed countless homes, Newsom approved at least $101 million worth of cuts from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs.


California leftists are totally clueless...yet somehow the legislators in California managed to come up with 25 million dollars to thwart Trump's agenda. Even as the fires burned. Recall them all.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: VietVet68 1/11/2025 10:56:05 AM (No. 1871332)
You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. They must live in an impenetrable bubble where reality never gets in.
47 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 1/11/2025 11:02:37 AM (No. 1871337)
If they had come up with the $25 million in Stop Trump funds a few weeks ago - - there wouldn't have been any fires. They're only guilty of bad timing.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 1/11/2025 11:12:30 AM (No. 1871340)
Big fires in California every year and this numb nuts cuts the money to pay for the means to prevent it.
40 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mizzmac 1/11/2025 11:16:07 AM (No. 1871342)
Governor Good Hair's career is toast. Burnt toast.
42 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: smak90 1/11/2025 11:25:57 AM (No. 1871357)
According to some accounts by firemen, it's the illegals (drug cartels) setting the fires so they can loot. So basically the city cut the budget of the one's putting out the fires and they're giving it to the one's setting the fires. I wonder if the citizens will wake up.
41 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 1/11/2025 11:35:53 AM (No. 1871376)
Newsum needs to be hammered and driven out of office.
28 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 1/11/2025 11:36:45 AM (No. 1871378)
Not clueless, just plays it that way. He is in Larry Fink's pocket.
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Spindletoptexas 1/11/2025 11:49:40 AM (No. 1871392)
If true, no federal tax dollars for them! The rest of the Country should not be made to pay 100% of all costs for 180 days. Shall we ask the victims of East Palestine, Maui Fires and victims of Hurricane Helene what they think? Let California eat cake, or better yet, give them $750 loan.
32 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: cold porridge 1/11/2025 11:52:55 AM (No. 1871393)
I read a headline that said maor Karen Bass wanted to cut another almost $50 million from her fire dept. These steps along with Newscum's are starting to look premeditated. It all looks intentional. We know the communists have wanted to destroy America for a long time and Kruschev said it to would be from inside. What more proof do we need? Most democrats call themselves socialists but socialists, communists, liberals, they are all the same and all hate America.
35 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: SycamoreHills 1/11/2025 12:43:31 PM (No. 1871442)
Remember. California is Where Disney built Fantasy land. What prescience.
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 1/11/2025 1:12:09 PM (No. 1871463)
LA owning a couple of old DC-10 water bombers would seem to be a cheap investment in safety, wouldn't it? It would cost a LOT less than $100 million. My bet is that $1 million would get you two DC-10 water bombers, but you'd have to hire ground crews and pilots. And you need to have some sort of a water reservoir to fill them up...of course. I guess not wanting your house to be burning down is some sort of white supremacy thing, right?
32 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: BassGirl88 1/11/2025 2:30:06 PM (No. 1871505)
Yet, these California liberals continue to vote these Democratic leaders (?) into office. This is beyond my comprehension. It's sinful and illegal what has been allowed to happen. Karma...
24 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: XCenturion 1/11/2025 6:25:36 PM (No. 1871619)
I wonder if that fact will be included in Newscums comprehensive investigation of the fire? I think the money would be better spent on investigating the integrity of elections in California. With mail in ballots along with ballot harvesting, we all know election fraud is occurring in California.
30 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: NeonVortex 1/11/2025 9:56:10 PM (No. 1871687)
How is the presidential campaign going so far?🤣
11 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: BaldGuy 1/12/2025 7:01:28 AM (No. 1871808)
Haven't heard anything about all the BILLIONS spent on the stupid high speed to nowhere rail project....
24 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: billa57 1/12/2025 7:09:18 AM (No. 1871809)
He needed that money to buy the illegal immigrant vote. Firefighting doesn't help the party, and he thinks the media will protect him from scrutiny. Problem is the media has lost all credibility and won't be able to save you this time. Fasten your seatbelt Newsom, the ride is about to get pretty rough.
14 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/12/2025 8:23:02 AM (No. 1871850)
Recall the bum. But an immediate resignation would be fit for purpose.
12 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: franq 1/12/2025 8:39:01 AM (No. 1871861)
Well, we have the arson factor to consider too. California is broke. Has been for some time. Yesterday my wife told me this scenario: apparently CA has some regulation that property tax bases can be preserved in the case of total loss, up to two years. Given the current red tape out there (permits, codes, materials availability) the chances of rebuilding in that time frame are minimal. So if/when the structure IS restored, the property tax is at current value, multiple times what it had been. Things that make you go HMMMM...
9 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Krause 1/12/2025 9:27:44 AM (No. 1871893)
They y take away money that reserved for good causes, like putting out wildfires, and use it for unnecessary uses, like having to care for illegal aliens. Stupid is as stupid does.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Zigrid 1/12/2025 9:38:57 AM (No. 1871899)
I think the expression..."robbing Peter to pay Paul" applies here...Newscum needed to stop President Trump and used 25 he probably got it from the funds he cut the fire and water resources in California...he's looking very foolish when he's on camera...and his dreams of being president have gone away...he's nervous Nancy's I guess he figured he would kiss her ring and be heading to the White House...wrongo buckaroo....Cuomo is a better choice....but JDVance will win after President Trump...
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Strike3 1/12/2025 10:02:32 AM (No. 1871916)
I hope that the big insurance companies involved, like State Farm, lose their shirts over this disaster. They should have been insisting all along that California had adequate fire protection and management to prevent wildfires. But no, they collected premiums for years and finally decided to pull out when they could not raise their prices again. It only hurts when the wallet is affected.
6 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: mifla 1/12/2025 10:07:46 AM (No. 1871920)
This CA insanity will only stop when the houses of the elites burn down.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Lawsy0 1/12/2025 10:16:56 AM (No. 1871925)
Newscum opined, "Yeah, but doesn't my hair look nice!?"
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: The Remnants 1/12/2025 11:27:59 AM (No. 1871956)
I'm sure someone has made a listing of all the actions or inactions recently made by those in charge in the state that would have resulted in a much different outcome for this disaster. Natalie Winters called it "intentional incompetence" on War Room, and that about says it all.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: cor-vet 1/12/2025 12:10:26 PM (No. 1871981)
My liberal, do nothing daughter, sitting on her behind, getting fat while watching the idiot box, told my wife yesterday that "Trump is responsible for the Kalifornia fires and also, that there's climate change to think about." She's a dreaded cat lady, she keeps 5 of them and she lives on disability/welfare. Thinks she's the smartest woman in the world, and she'll tell you that. I'd disown her, but the wife of 57 years won't allow it. Just mentioning all this to illustrate that there are these crazies out there, and they vote.
11 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: ebgchatham 1/12/2025 12:47:20 PM (No. 1871991)
Newsom needs to go to prison. This is beyond gross negligence. He is the poster child for a sleazy mob pol.
4 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Strike3 1/12/2025 1:15:26 PM (No. 1872006)
California is desperate for money for pet projects and has already borrowed all it could get. An individual homeowner in the same situation would cut from his budget what he thinks he can get away with, like car maintenance, painting and other upkeep, new roof, etc. This is exactly what Newsom and Bass did and they got burned, literally.
3 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: NotaBene 1/12/2025 1:29:10 PM (No. 1872015)
Ther will never be enough money if they paid the 4 lesbian Firechiefs LAFD that much.
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Reply 29 - Posted by: danu 1/12/2025 2:38:28 PM (No. 1872048)
decades ago there was a clever group looking into how money was being gained and spent- especially by dr fraudci. back then, they received words like ''pet projects'' ''repairs''. much later, 2 more words accidentally came in to view, though there was no name on the door, no ppl inside this mystery office: 'slush fund'. almost 30 years later, 2 more words appeared, as if out of nowhere: wu han.
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Reply 30 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 1/12/2025 6:02:47 PM (No. 1872125)
@#13 - Election fraud is legal in CA. Ballot harvesting and mail-in voting is law, and nobody who has the know how has challenged either. Until it's ruled on either way, or the laws are changed, fraud will continue and CA will forever remain a one-party ruled state.
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