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Libs gone mad: Election snowflakes rush
to NYC shrinks’ offices after Trump win

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Posted By: ConservativeYankee, 11/9/2024 9:42:30 AM

Let them cry it out. Liberals in deep-blue New York City shocked and disturbed by President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory are flooding shrinks’ inboxes looking for appointments. “It’s a perfect storm for New York therapists,” said Manhattan psychologist Chloe Carmichael, who estimated she’s received a 15% spike in inquiries from patients. “It’s a repeat of 2016, where a lot of people feel really scared and traumatized and angry.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Newtsche 11/9/2024 9:44:44 AM (No. 1830139)
What's a shrink gonna do for you? Unless he has an equal amount of TDS, you won't listen. If he's just as nuts, well....
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Urgent Fury 11/9/2024 9:55:01 AM (No. 1830151)
Anyone else find the lack of rioting to be somewhat ominous?
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: itsonlyme 11/9/2024 9:55:11 AM (No. 1830152)
Hey snowflakes, many of the shrinks in NYC probably have a very severe case of TDS. You might end up shrinking them and their dismal self-inflicted lives.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: janjan 11/9/2024 10:16:54 AM (No. 1830177)
The conservative media seem to be spending a lot of time trying to get inside the heads of the liberals who hate us. Who cares? Let them lie on their shrink’s couch and lick their wounds. We crushed them. I wish they would all just shut TF up but I know that’s too much to hope for.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: thefield 11/9/2024 10:21:43 AM (No. 1830184)
The Shrinkers should donate a percentage to the Republicans for the extra business.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: paral04 11/9/2024 10:28:18 AM (No. 1830197)
Great! That will keep them busy and broke.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Krause 11/9/2024 10:28:18 AM (No. 1830198)
They should be Pediatric shrinks.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 11/9/2024 10:30:11 AM (No. 1830200)
What a great time to hang out a fake shingle. After listening to somebody whine and cry for an hour you can tell them to suck it up and go buy a MAGA hat. The world will look so much better. After they pay you of course.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 11/9/2024 10:32:08 AM (No. 1830204)
It has always been true the liberalism is a serious mental disorder. And now they are coming unhinged from reality, fearful of an imaginary Hitler type totalitarian fantasy that their own political propagandists INVENTED, was never real, yet they are so fearful of this phony future. The idiot Reid woman says that Trump will deport legal Hispanics......based on absolutely nothing but her own insane, demented illusions. ILLEGAL and legal are very different and they will not be deported because they are Hispanic ( and huge numbers of illegal aliens now are NOT) but because they are illegal. Illegal alien from Congo or South Africa or Ireland......DEPORTED, not based on race, based on legal status.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: groover 11/9/2024 10:34:39 AM (No. 1830211)
They needed one before the election!
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Californian 11/9/2024 10:34:43 AM (No. 1830212)
Dangerously mental ill people like them should not be allowed to vote or wander the streets where they could hurt themselves or others.
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Kafka2 11/9/2024 10:40:10 AM (No. 1830223)
The only reason these people feel scare, traumatized, and angry, is because they believed all the constant stream of lies the MSM and Democrats told about Trump in the attempt to get Harris elected. Having lost an honest election, it now looks like the Democrats are resorting to guerrilla warfare.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: kono 11/9/2024 10:47:24 AM (No. 1830237)
I'll resist the temptation to mock those people, knowing I'd be close to despair if Lady Lucifer had taken the White House in 2016...
11 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: JimBob 11/9/2024 11:32:54 AM (No. 1830296)
Waaaaahhh! Waaaaahhhh! -(take a breath)- WHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: chance_232 11/9/2024 11:38:25 AM (No. 1830299)
My sister-in-law is one of them. She spend 4 years in depression and packed on tens of pounds "because of Trump". Never mind that she lives in SanFrancisco and hasn't been "right" for decades.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: lynngirl122 11/9/2024 11:52:46 AM (No. 1830314)
Those of us traumatized and violated in 2020 somehow we got through it.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 11/9/2024 2:27:37 PM (No. 1830417)
That's the question I have. There was an uptick in need for psychological care in 2016 and now in 2024. Was there one in 2020 when Trump lost or are we just not as maladjusted as the Left? Maybe we just have the philosophy of "Don't get 'mad', get even.". We're still working on that, as Trump plans major housekeeping and realignment of the Executive bureaucracy, which is TOTALLY under the control of the Chief Executive (that would be Trump) in accordance with the Constitution and Law. If the Left's heads haven't exploded by now, wait until they find out how LITTLE control they have left AND how little they will have going forward. They are about to find out that much of the things they believe, just are not true.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: padiva 11/9/2024 3:52:04 PM (No. 1830464)
Ain't capitalism great?
3 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/9/2024 4:44:48 PM (No. 1830494)
After Trump's victory, Gotham headshrinkers' schedules are full of devastated patients who react a whole lot differently than we who managed to endure Obama and Biden without going off our heads and needing psychotropic drugs. I find that funny. Get a life, snowflakes. Communism ain't everything.
4 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: JHHolliday 11/9/2024 8:50:32 PM (No. 1830672)
Agree with No. 13. I get angry and disappointed when my conservative candidate doesn't win but I don't need a shrink or milk and cookies. These people need to get a grip but it's good business for the shrink doctors.
1 person likes this.

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Libs gone mad: Election snowflakes rush
to NYC shrinks’ offices after Trump win
20 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/9/2024 9:42:30 AM Post Reply
Let them cry it out. Liberals in deep-blue New York City shocked and disturbed by President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory are flooding shrinks’ inboxes looking for appointments. “It’s a perfect storm for New York therapists,” said Manhattan psychologist Chloe Carmichael, who estimated she’s received a 15% spike in inquiries from patients. “It’s a repeat of 2016, where a lot of people feel really scared and traumatized and angry.”
Ella Emhoff seemingly loses her mind over
stepmom Kamala Harris losing presidency
to Trump
42 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/9/2024 9:08:25 AM Post Reply
Ella Emhoff appears to be losing her mind over her stepmother’s loss to Donald Trump in the presidential election. Emhoff, 25, was photographed sobbing on the sidelines while Vice President Harris delivered her concession speech at Howard University on Wednesday. Less than 24 hours later, the lefty activist daughter of second gentleman Doug Emhoff posted one of the unflattering images of her crying during the speech to her Instagram story, along with the caption, “Truly no words. We are all going to get through this. It just f–king hurts like a #@#$ right now and that’s ok.
Grocers ‘outraged’ after Whoopi Goldberg
calls them ‘pigs’ over food inflation
on ‘The View’
26 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/8/2024 4:07:07 PM Post Reply
Grocery store owners clapped back after Whoopi Goldberg on ABC’s “The View” called them “pigs” over food inflation — and raised concerns that the name-calling could expose store owners to further violence, The Post has learned. The comedian claimed “the folks that own the groceries are pigs” as she blamed them for rising prices at supermarkets on the Thursday show — a day after Donald Trump won the presidential election by hammering on inflation in his campaign. “Your pocketbook is bad, not because the Bidens did anything. Not because the economy is bad. Your grocery bills are what they are because the folks that own the groceries are pigs,” Goldberg said
Trump beefs up security with robot dog
seen patrolling Mar-A-Lago estate
13 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/8/2024 1:40:40 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has beefed up his security detail at Mar-a-Lago with a Secret Service robot dog — with photos showing the four-legged sentry patrolling the sprawling Florida property. The robotic hound was seen mechanically strolling on the grass among the palm trees outside the Palm Beach estate Friday morning, video shows. “DO NOT PET” reads a large warning on its side. The remote-controlled robot dog, made by Boston Dynamics, is with the United States Secret Service, the agency confirmed.
FBI brass ‘stunned’ and ‘shell-shocked’
over Trump reelection
20 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/8/2024 12:37:04 PM Post Reply
The brass on the seventh floor at FBI headquarters in Washington are walking around in a daze and wary of a housecleaning since President-elect Donald Trump won his reelection on Tuesday, according to inside sources. The Washington Times learned through several anonymous bureau sources that senior executives who run the agency were “stunned” and “shell-shocked” by Mr. Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. “You know the fit test? How they let the standards slack on the fit test?” the first FBI source said, referring to the agency’s physical fitness requirements. “Everyone’s going to have a real problem when they’re running for the door.”
Democrat Strategist James Carville: Trump
Win Is ‘Sickening’ and ‘Depressing’
38 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/7/2024 3:21:37 PM Post Reply
Longtime Democrat strategist James Carville had a meltdown over former President Donald Trump becoming the president-elect, telling his podcast listeners that his win is “depressing” and “sickening." I just have to get over the fact that I’m 80 years old and I live in a country that has put a felonious bigot, who has no idea of what the world is like, is the most parochial, secular person that you could imagine…,” Carville said before pondering where it went wrong for the Democrats.
Joe Scarborough visibly shocked after
finding out what the price of butter is:
‘Is it wrapped in gold?’
27 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/7/2024 12:00:22 PM Post Reply
Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough was visibly shocked when his wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski revealed how high the cost of butter has gotten in the last four years. “A few weeks ago… somebody who was going to be voting for Kamala Harris came up to me and said ‘oh my God, Trump’s going to win… I go to the grocery store butter is over $3” the former Florida congressman said. visibly shocked after finding out what the price of butter is: ‘Is it wrapped in gold?’
Donald Trump's granddaughter Kai, 17,
announces college golf commitment - and
reveals former president's role
4 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 8/19/2024 12:27:36 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's eldest granddaughter Kai revealed she has already committed to play golf at collegiate level. Kai, the daughter of Donald Trump Jr. and his ex-wife Vanessa, is set to enter her junior year at the Benjamin School, a prestigious $37,000-per-year high school, but the scratch golfer already has her next steps mapped out. The 17-year-old, an avid golfer, took to Instagram Sunday to announce that she has verbally committed to the University of Miami. It is not clear if she will attend on an athletic scholarship.
Illegal Jordanian migrants who ‘tried
to breach’ Quantico base allowed to
walk free after posting bail
13 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 8/1/2024 9:40:16 AM Post Reply
The two illegal Jordanian migrants who are charged with trying to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in May posted thousands of dollars in bail and were allowed to leave federal custody, The Post can exclusively reveal. Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 28, were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention despite their immigration status — Hamdan had crossed into the country illegally in April and Dabous had overstayed his student visa and is subject to removal proceedings, law enforcement sources told The Post. They were arrested on May 3 for trespassing onto the military installation and handed over to ICE officers because of their immigration statuses.
Lou Dobbs, iconic conservative pundit,
dead at 78
5 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/18/2024 6:48:17 PM Post Reply
Conservative journalist and political talk show host Lou Dobbs died at the age of 78 on Thursday. “It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of ‘The Great Lou Dobbs,'” his social media account announced. “Lou was a fighter till the very end — fighting for what mattered to him the most, God, his family and the country. “Lou’s legacy will forever live on as a Patriot and a great American,” the post continued. “We ask for your prayers for Lou’s wonderful wife Debi, children and grandchildren.”
Huma Abedin and billionaire Alex Soros
are engaged
27 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/10/2024 3:38:40 PM Post Reply
Huma Abedin and Alex Soros are engaged, Page Six has exclusively learned. Sources tell us Soros popped the question six weeks ago, and the couple were spotted recently celebrating the happy news in Italy. “The best way I can describe the relationship is effortless,” a friend of Abedin’s for over 15 years tells Page Six. “After a lot of tumultuous years for Huma, she’s relaxed and happy and in love,” the insider added.
Biden tells Dem governors he needs more
sleep, no events after 8 p.m.: report
31 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/4/2024 3:16:30 PM Post Reply
President Biden told a gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours — and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. — despite indications he can only handle the rigors of the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Biden’s acknowledgment was reported by the New York Times, citing two people who took part in the high-stakes meeting and others who were briefed on the comment.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
FEMA ‘horrified’ after confirming
workers directed to ‘avoid homes’
with Trump signs in hurricane-ravaged
Florida community
47 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/9/2024 2:19:01 AM Post Reply
A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supervisor told disaster relief workers in Florida to “avoid homes” with signs supporting President-elect Donald Trump, the agency confirmed Friday. The FEMA official — Marn’i Washington — conveyed her edict both verbally and in a Microsoft Teams chat used by relief workers canvassing Lake Placid homes ravaged by Hurricane Milton last month, according to the Daily Wire. “Avoid homes advertising Trump,” Washington wrote in a “best practices” memo to employees. The order was the second bullet point in a list instructing workers to not go “anywhere alone,” practice “de-escalation,” stay hydrated and to “follow the rules.”
Ella Emhoff seemingly loses her mind over
stepmom Kamala Harris losing presidency
to Trump
42 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 11/9/2024 9:08:25 AM Post Reply
Ella Emhoff appears to be losing her mind over her stepmother’s loss to Donald Trump in the presidential election. Emhoff, 25, was photographed sobbing on the sidelines while Vice President Harris delivered her concession speech at Howard University on Wednesday. Less than 24 hours later, the lefty activist daughter of second gentleman Doug Emhoff posted one of the unflattering images of her crying during the speech to her Instagram story, along with the caption, “Truly no words. We are all going to get through this. It just f–king hurts like a #@#$ right now and that’s ok.
Ella Emhoff opens up about her 'whole
life' of mental health woes in response
to 'hospital breakdown' rumors
32 replies
Posted by Imright 11/10/2024 2:03:38 AM Post Reply
Ella Emhoff has opened up about her mental health woes in a vulnerable post to Instagram. The activist and fashion designer, 25, had appeared distraught on Wednesday after her stepmother Kamala Harris' presidential bid came to a heartbreaking end. Ella shared an image of herself looking devastated as she openly cried alongside campaign staffers and family members.On Saturday she published a curse-laden post on Instagram. The outburst seems to have been prompted by a widely circulated post on X which spread cruel rumors suggesting she had checked into an in-patient mental health facility. The rumor has since been debunked as fake news with Ella setting the record straight for herself.
Report: Kamala Harris Blew $20 Millionon
Election-Eve Concerts with Lady Gaga,Katy
Perry in Swing States WhereTrump Beat Her
30 replies
Posted by ScarletPimpernel 11/9/2024 8:24:30 AM Post Reply
Amid the stunning revelation that Kamala Harris’ unsuccessful presidential campaign ended up $20 million in the red, despite raising $1 billion from donors, a new report has found that the rock concerts that her campaign staged on the night before the election — featuring Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and others — collectively cost around that same amount, up to $20 million. Now vendors and others who worked on those concerts, which were meant to persuade “low-propensity voters” to turn out for Harris, are reportedly facing the prospect of unpaid invoices.
Time to Reinstate Bible Reading and Prayer
in Our Schools
28 replies
Posted by Imright 11/10/2024 6:29:39 AM Post Reply
In the late 1940s, Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, in the case of Everson v. United States, took a quote from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson out of context and insisted that the wall of separation between church and state “should be high and impregnable.” Despite some variability, this position became the basis for the Court’s interpretation of the separation of church and state which led to the banning of prayer and Bible reading in the public schools at the beginning of the 1960s. Separation of church and state means (1) that taxes should not be used to support an official national church (denomination) of Christianity,
MSNBC’s Reid: Trump Will Deport Legal
Immigrants, ‘If You’re Brown, You
Might Not Stick Around’
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/9/2024 12:38:08 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Friday on her show “The ReidOut” that President-elect Donald Trump will deport legal immigrants if they are “brown.” Reid said, “They have now gotten people of color to fight each other and not pay attention to each other and create a hate among groups of color so that when they do start hurting people and taking people out and putting people in camps. Now we have a Hutu Tutsi world where people don’t care. When they start hurting undocumented people, the other people in the country including other people of color won’t care.”
Thune, Cornyn or Scott? 27 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/10/2024 10:16:10 AM Post Reply
REPOST BY REQUEST: I say gently, don’t look for President Trump to expend valuable political capital on this. Senator John Thune has been groomed by Mitch McConnell to be his replacement for decades. Thune’s ascension to the role of Senate Majority Leader was, maybe is, essentially a foregone conclusion. Senator Thune will carry the full support of roughly 15-to-20 senate DeceptiCons (deceptive conservatives), and perhaps a dozen more squishy ones in the middle who want great committee positions. The important dynamic that comes into play is Senate Committee Chairman “leverage” for Donald Trump’s nominees.
Former Harris staffer calls on Biden to
resign, install Harris as first female president
26 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/10/2024 7:42:26 PM Post Reply
Former communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris, Jamal Simmons, surprised a CNN panel Sunday by suggesting President Biden step down to allow Harris to serve as the first female president. Joe Biden’s been a phenomenal president, he’s lived up to so many of the promises he’s made. There’s one promise left that he could fulfill, being a transitional figure," Simmons said on CNN’s "State of the Union." "He could resign the presidency in the next 30 days, make Kamala Harris President of the United States—"
Exclusive: George Clooney taking step
back from politics after being made a
'scapegoat' for Kamala Harris' loss
26 replies
Posted by Imright 11/9/2024 7:57:47 PM Post Reply
George Clooney feels he is being used as a ‘scapegoat’ in the furious blame game over who could have cost Kamala Harris the election – and will now take a step back from politics. The Hollywood star, 63, threw his support behind Harris after penning a blistering op-ed on why Joe Biden would cost the Democrats the win if he didn’t abandon his campaign, but it still wasn’t enough to prevent an historic victory for Donald Trump. Clooney has since been criticized by Democrats for his influence during the election, with some claiming Harris' loss was his fault.
Wicked FEMA Supervisor Who Ordered Staff
to Avoid Homes with Trump Flags Is Relieved
of Duty – FEMA Needs to Explain How
This Was Allowed to Happen!
26 replies
Posted by Imright 11/9/2024 12:46:46 PM Post Reply
FEMA official Marn’i Washington ordered her staff to avoid assisting homes with Trump flags in their yards following the aftermath of a recent hurricane in Florida. Marn’i wanted them to suffer for their support for Donald Trump. A whistleblower came forward with text messages revealing FEMA official Marn’i Washington ordered relief workers to purposely skip over homes in Florida displaying Trump signs in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton. According to internal messages obtained by The Daily Wire, FEMA discriminated against Trump supporters in need of help in the aftermath of the most recent hurricanes
Arizona Senate Race Finally Decided 24 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 11/10/2024 9:10:05 AM Post Reply
Four days after Election Day 2024, a winner has finally been projected in the Arizona senate race. Democrat Ruben Gallego narrowly defeated Republican Kari Lake, according to Decision Desk HQ, and will fill the seat currently held by Independent Kyrsten Sinema. The race was tight. As of 10:35 p.m. on Saturday night, with 88% of precincts reporting, Gallego had 49.7% of the vote, compared to Lake's 48.2%. Independent Eduardo Quintana, who is a member of the Green Party, earned 2.1%.
FEMA official who allegedly told workers
to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs fired
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/9/2024 6:52:57 PM Post Reply
The Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor accused of ordering her subordinates to skip Florida homes with Trump campaign signs has been fired. Marn’i Washington was sacked for telling disaster relief workers in Lake Placid, Fla., to “not go to homes with yard signs supporting President-elect Trump,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said Saturday. “This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values and principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation,” she said, adding, “This employee has been terminated and we have referred the matter to the Office of Special Counsel. “I will continue to do everything I can to make sure this never happens again.
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